The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1282: Playback of the game (2)

"The President of the Confederate States, Roosevelt Mokas, announced that May 21 will be defined by the human race as Gu Zheng's Heroes' Memorial Day."

   "Every day, all mankind will cherish the memory of the same ethnic hero, Gu Zheng."

   "At this time, please extend our highest condolences to our human heroes!"

   As the voice fell, the most famous sorrow of China rang out on the radio, but after a short period of time, the FM message was revolved, but another very cheerful tune was played.

   "This is the message provided by Gu Zheng's friends before his death. This great hero has always been a representative of optimists."

   "When he talked with his friends, he once said that if they have experienced his funeral, please write a song for their friendship at his funeral... and write a song that ends with no sorrow."

   "Please enjoy the songs that Gu Zheng loved during his lifetime."

   As soon as the female voice of the nice radio host fell, there was a burst of live singing from the speaker...Ghost crying wolf howling sounded extremely sad.

   The crying on the radio, combined with the unbearable sniffing sound, made people feel sad, but because of the lyrics and tunes they sang, they turned into the final dumbfounding.

   because they sing a very old historical ballad.

   Probably hundreds of years ago, when the earth was still using mobile phones to transmit information, a nondescript song that used to be popular.

   The name of the song is very straightforward, it’s called

   The playfulness of the lyrics is simply unexpected, and it is a type that people like Gu Zheng can like.

   This is really a contradictory hero, but because of his closeness to the ground, more people like Gu Zheng.

   Very good, hero, I hope you in another world will get what you want.

   For this kind of sight, Gu Zheng is quite satisfied.

  Since all the people on earth have been saved by him, how could his feedback here only have a lifespan of four years?

   Why is it compressed into this shape?

   Some bullying, right?

Just when Gu Zheng was about to raise his own doubts, the camera suddenly turned, and it turned to the top of the sky. After experiencing another return to outer space, Gu Zheng experienced another shuttle time with the camera. Travel with space.

   A lifeless planet is getting bigger and bigger in front of Gu Zheng's eyes.

   When Gu Zheng was wondering why such a dead star appeared in the playback except for the desert, the off-topic dubbing sounded slowly.

   "This is Green Grass Star, a planet that has been silent for only seven years."

   "Who could have imagined that there was still a lush scene ten years ago."

   "There used to be no less than 10,000 species, no less than hundreds of millions of grass tribes with a five-star rating of U."

   "They lived peacefully and peacefully on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years before their own value was discovered."

   "But all this, since the landing of a race called humans, has undergone tremendous changes."

   "More grass people have developed their racial nature. Young grass people who are unwilling to live on lower planets begin to break away from their home planets and join higher planets or families that are more likely to evolve themselves."

   "The Cao Cao Cao Xing, which was gradually abandoned, lost the shelter of the spiritual race, and after the country's resource development, finally lost the last point of use value, and was abandoned by the superstar."

   As the voice fell, the star fire on this planet was completely extinguished.

   Gu Zheng was dumbfounded... I was so stupid that I couldn't complain.

   But this is not over yet.

   When the screen lit up again, another planet...showed in front of him again.

   This is not the matriarchal planet of the race he once encountered in the game. This discovery gave Gu Zheng a real sigh of relief.

   He doesn't want to involve so many innocent lives because of himself.

   Even if the fundamental source of the death and disappearance of these lives...It is not actually him.

   If the development of a race's abilities is at the cost of the death of a planet, then he would rather the characteristics of these races... or never be discovered.

   Fortunately, this planet looks very normal, even more prosperous than all the planets he has ever seen and even the planets described in human science fiction books...

   It is like a tourism planet for the leisure consumption of nobles, with the most considerate services, unimaginable rides, and Gu Zheng speculated that they belong to the extraterrestrial races to compare and show off luxury items.

   Of course, here he also saw a few figures that made him very familiar.

   Traces of human races, among so many alien races, Gu Zheng couldn't ignore the presence of these familiar people at all.

   These people are standing in a room that is incompatible with high-tech.

  Looking at the spatial structure of this room, it looks like a hotel kitchen on the earth.

   It's just that the kitchen utensils among them are more advanced than the ones on the earth.

   There are so many technological products that Gu Zheng is dazzled.

   But even so, he was still in the area on the far side of the kitchen... saw the most primitive human stove and tableware.

   And these people have only one thing to do in this room.

  That is cooking.

   provides special meals for the most distinguished guests here.

   They are busy, just like they were on the earth, cooking some ingredients that Gu Zheng could not name.

   This is so comforting.

   Because of his guidance and hard work, the human race was finally valued by other races in the Super God Star Territory, and found the correct positioning, allowing the entire race to survive smoothly in the cracks.

very nice.

   The only thing that makes Gu Zheng feel a little puzzled is that a very common creature on the earth has also been brought to this tourist star in large quantities by humans.

  That is the little white mouse.

   The most amazing thing is that every time an ingredient that no one knows about its function is delivered to this restaurant, the group of people first takes a piece and feeds it into the mouth of the group of little white mice.

   After observing for at least one day and confirming that there are no other side effects, I began to study the taste, taste, and changes that occur under various cooking methods.

  The complexity and length of the experiment can be called the researcher's work intensity.

   This is really... admirable.

   Somehow, Gu Zheng outside the screen showed a very envious expression.

   I don’t know if the ingredients are of the same level as the prawns, why didn’t I stick to this stage?

   Just as Gu Zheng was deeply moved, and his saliva flowed down, the camera suddenly pulled out from the direction of the back kitchen and projected directly on the center of the planet.

   There is one of the largest squares here.

  Closed, semi-closed and completely open, it all depends on the role of this square.

The structure of    is based on the program to be staged that evening.

   may be a grand opera house, or a brutal and exciting gladiatorial fight.

   And today, what is going to be staged here is the chaos between the races on the most combative slave planet...

   In the huge slave waiting area, there is no very old prison behind bars, and the prisons of the ancient times on the earth cannot hold these unimaginable...violent race bodies.

   These races waiting for their fate to kill in the backcourt, any tribe who can be taken out of them, is not an existence that can be locked in a crude prison.

   They are the most advanced space isolation system of Superstar, confined to the area where they can stay.

   Here are a few old acquaintances that Gu Zheng once met.

   The dark planet man who can combine with the ghost body, and the man-eating troll.

   The areas they are assigned to are also slightly different.

   On the brightly-lit space barriers, flashing fonts marked their combat effectiveness ratings.

   The original rough assessment of combat power, the people of Dark Star ranked above the trolls.

   But now, the troll has been able to steadily occupy the top position downstream among these violent races.

   Today their troll clan will usher in a crucial duel.

  The elites of various professions in the clan came out in full force.

   This is a battle to earn a survival planet for your race.

  Because the aura of the original planet dissipates too fast, it is no longer suitable for the trolls, a race that has been upgrading and training with auras to continue to survive.

   Relying on its own powerful troll, refused to degenerate into an ordinary race, knowing that the troll planet still has a life span of hundreds of millions of years, resolutely chose the path of replacing and developing a new unfamiliar planet.

   Without him, the absorbable aura of that planet was twice that of their current planet's heyday, which is also the maximum amount of aura that their troll race can absorb and utilize.

   If there is more, it will explode and die, and the little troll will not be able to absorb it but will endanger the danger of promotion.

   If it is less, it will not be worthy of the talents of their people.

   Therefore, they are bound to win the finale tonight.

   And their enemies were also selected by the organizer. With the approval of Superstar, the two parties signed an exchange agreement.

   This is a strange creature accidentally discovered by the Superstar exploration team while searching for unknown planets.

   is a dragon-shaped substance made of stars.

   is called Iragon.

   The guards hired by the Superstar’s exploration team made a miraculous discovery that they could only hold onto but could not kill this magical creature.

   Whether it is using heat weapons to set fire, or using special racial skills.

   This star dragon can only yell violently and fight back, but it can't cause him any substantial damage.

   Later, the scientists discovered that the dragon seemed to only be attacked by mysterious elements that matched it, and only suffered a certain amount of damage, and they didn't get too cold with this Eragon creature.

   This race poses little threat to the Superstar Territory.

   Wisdom does not count as a wise race.

The only function of    is to collect the giants who like rare and exotic animals, and at most add an exciting arena for finding excitement.

   No, after a few preliminary attempts, the person in charge of the arena ranked Aragorn at the level of the more difficult little BOSS.

   When the trolls voluntarily joined the duel team, they discovered that this race possessed relatively rare and mysterious magic power and energy.

   This is simply dozing off and someone gave a pillow. The collision of the two groups of horses and horses may bring a very exciting visual feast to the audience tonight.


  ‘Tick, tick’

   Time passed by every minute, but the trolls who got together were doing a tactical plan that Gu Zheng had never thought of.

   "After we feint, we will avoid the Aragorn attack."

   "The people of Star 48 have calculated that at that time, the energy water curtain behind us should be the weakest stage."

   "At that time, the robot in the arena system operation room will briefly open the curtain of the auditorium."

   "This is also the best moment for us to attack indiscriminately."

   "Our goal is only one, to seize the superstar alliance chairman who came to relax on the VIP table tonight."

   "As long as we catch him, all the people of Slave Star will have the hope of living freely!"

   They say a lot, but the voice is very low and low.

  Because of their contempt for their race and the immaturity of space equipment, there is only a video imaging system in the area where the trolls are located, and there is no audio collection system.

   Naturally, the monitoring personnel in the backstage of the arena cannot know the conversations between each race.

   In addition, after the game really started, it was the robots who worked in their workshops that manipulated the main recording and broadcasting system.

   If you have any problems, just take control temporarily, there is nothing to worry about at all.

   So the employees who were busy chatting, eating and sleeping missed the beginning of a conspiracy.

   When night fell, the curtain of the arena was slowly opened in the mid-air, showing the state of the open ceiling, this grand and exciting duel feast really began.

  The chairman who sits in the box with the best view of the VIP seats is an avid fan of hand-to-race combat.

   He has a pathological obsession with this most primitive form of fighting between lower races.

   He thinks this is the origin of race.

   Powerful technology and complicated rules have smoothed out the blood in the bones of such advanced civilizations as Superstars.

  As a powerful ruler, he must keep himself this precious blood.

   During the conversation with his subordinates, the chairman praised himself as a true warrior more than once.

   This gladiatorial exhibition is a must-see event after his daily visit to the travel star.

   is a fun show given by the ball captains of this planet.

   is a bit of a taste of what he liked, but it made the chairman very satisfied.

Behind him only two high-level combat races from the Super God Star Territory were taken as bodyguards. All the others were sent to the periphery of the arena and rested on the spot. After eating, he came back after the performance. Take him to the next planet.

   No way, so many people crowded in this exquisite but not very spacious box, it simply affected his mood when watching the game.

   Just as the chairman used the zoom device to watch the guests and the scene outside the box, there was a loud noise in the arena below.

   This is the first pair of races to fight.

   also attracted the audience's attention to the audience due to the gradual and fascinating battle.

   Even the two bodyguards next to the chairman, although they are still guarding their surroundings, it doesn't prevent them from taking a look at them for a while, and they look at them with the same relish.

   I don’t know if it’s because of regular competitions.

The atmosphere on this duel arena is getting more and more enthusiastic, and the chairman can’t help but stand up from his seat, manipulate the screen for a while, and directly open the isolated perspective screen to let his sight. It is very intuitive to watch a live duel with real swords and guns.

   The scene accompanied by the blurring of flesh and blood and the real smell of blood is much more exciting than the one filtered through layers of equipment before showing it to him.

Just when the chairman yelled, he always felt that he should grab something to be enjoyable............outside this room that has been specially ordered to never be disturbed by outsiders, there was a voice answering the door. .



   The two bodyguards are really professional. They split into two groups at the first time, sticking to the door all the way, taking out their weapons, and the other person turned on the perspective scan to perform real-time imaging of the specific area outside the door.

   There is another sound... "Squeaky"

  A blue light shone from the door, reflecting the scene outside the door to the chairman.

   This is a peerless beauty with a soft body and a silvery skin like a good planetary Milky Way.

   is one of the self-produced races of superstars, the Jasper tribe.

   She has eyes like green jade, and lips like white jade.

The most exciting thing for the chairman is The two curved forehead pendants that represent maturity and health, not only playfully swaying gently on the side of this beauty's face, but also showing that they can be nurtured. Red.

   What a rare color.

   Even if he is the leader of the Super God Star Territory, he may not have seen such a beautiful girl in a long time.

   When the bodyguard used three-dimensional imaging, he turned behind this beautiful lady and found that no one else was following.

   It is impossible to hide any deadly weapons from this lady's dress. At this time, the two bodyguards swept their heads toward their chairperson.

   Is this a surprise gift arranged by the Arena for the chairman?

   In order to please the boss these years, I have used everything.

   The chairman, who was stared at by his bodyguard, was a little proud. He had seen the true face of this lady, his heart was beating.

   He finally understood what the unfinished feeling when watching a gladiatorial fight.

   That is the lack of a peerless beauty.

   "If you ask clearly, let's put it in if there is no problem."

   Now that the chairman has spoken, the two bodyguards dutifully asked in the door: "Who?"

   When the **** the opposite side opened her mouth, the chairperson inside was almost ashamed.

   This charming voice really gave the answer to their previous guess.

   "I am the ball of the travel star ball...the maid sent here to serve the chairman. My name is Jiaren!"

   The sound is so good, what else is there to hesitate? Quickly put it in.

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