The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1366: Oriental Fantasy (3)

Just one sentence made the laughter of Liao Wangshu... abruptly stopped, and the sober little golden ball tremblingly said: "If I fight to the death, we two will barely save our lives."

"The lack of energy returned to its original form."

"If you are not lucky, I am afraid I will be left in this world..."

Then in another world, people who are still sleeping on the sofa in the study are afraid that they will be judged to be dead by the cardiovascular physician Dr. Leng in the morning of the next day.

This is really troublesome.

Knowing the whole story of the incident, Gu Zheng, as a baby, really had no way of fart.

His body is still sleeping, showing a very chaotic ideology, really can't do anything.

But the soul has become a baby, but there are several advantages.

The first is that the body and the soul have the highest degree of fit, and the second is that there is surplus of time.

He can enjoy the growth process of babies and toddlers in another world.

As for the specific situation of this world, he still needs to collect data in the daily growth process.

In short, take your time and don't worry.

Gu Zheng, who was at ease, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he woke up again because of the nature of a baby, short and frequent sleep, he saw a vague phantom sitting in front of him.

If nothing happens, I am afraid that his father in this world has returned.


Sure enough, after Gu Zheng made a deliberate noise, the Gu Feibao sitting by the bed was awakened from a dazed state, and clumsily hugged the baby Gu Zheng in his arms.

"Son, you are awake."

Seeing this child who had opened his big round eyes, clever and white, Gu Feibao put on a kind smile unconsciously.

But in the next second, this smile turned into a miserable face. Looking at the flesh and blood of him and Rou Niang in the baby, his eyes became astringent and his throat became blocked.

His beloved wife left this small courtyard after he turned around, life or death is uncertain, and his useless trash was given by the ancestor’s personal servant without even touching the gate of the ancestor’s outer courtyard. Captured on the spot.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a direct bloodline, and the family head's own father's enthusiasm, I was afraid that nothing would be left, even the door of Gu's old house would not be able to come out.

Even so, the family also confiscates his three-year supply and half of his contribution points. In the future, his life with his son will be even more difficult.

Gu Feibao, who twitched the corners of his mouth, held back the tears in his eyes and the bitterness in his mouth, and pulled out a crying but not smiling ugly expression, making a grimace at the waking son, softly and awkwardly. His only remaining relatives softly coaxed Gu Zheng: "Son, are you awake?"

"Hungry? Are you thirsty?"

"Don't worry, Dad will find your mother-in-law and reunite our family."

"Daddy will give Zheng'er the best, so that my baby will grow up healthy and healthy."

"Don't be afraid, Zheng'er, the absence of a mother is only temporary, don't you still have a father?"

After saying this, Gu Feibao, who was holding the child in one hand, grabbed the small cylindrical pot on the desk with the other hand.

Probably some hot stuff was poured in here, and when Gu Feibao held Gu Zheng's mouth, he put the kettle on his cheek to test the temperature.

After feeling the temperature radiating from the pot was not hot or cold, he cautiously moved the spout of the small pot to Gu Zheng's mouth.

"Son, are you hungry? This is the milk of the tricolor sheep. It is the most warm and nourishing. Drink two sips quickly. The full and strong one is drunk."

Hearing what his father said, Gu Zheng was also unambiguous. He only felt a puff of warm milk slipping into his mouth, and he swallowed it unconsciously.

These three-color sheep don't know what breed they are, and the milk they produce is silky and mellow, without even a trace of fishy smell.

Because of its deliciousness, Gu Zheng unknowingly drank a whole jug of milk juice.

Gu Feibao, who was breastfeeding by the side, looked at the empty pot and was stunned for a moment. The next second he laughed with joy: "Haha, he is really Rou Niang's son. This edible energy is exactly the same as your mother. "

"Isn't you full? I'm not afraid of my son, Dad, I'm already ready."

After that, Gu Feibao was full of energy. He hugged Gu Zheng and got off the bed. He sat right across from the desk opposite to the table, and put a few small circles in the copper basin that were warmed like warm wine. All the pots are on the table.

He opened the spout stopper of one of the pots, and the one facing the mouth fed it to Gu Zheng again.

‘Gudong, Gudong...’

Another pot of milk from a big belly was drunk.

With Gu Zheng's small mouth pursed, he closed his eyes staringly, and the meal was finished.

For a baby who is only a few days old, a normal meal is no more than 30 ml of milk. Even if there is no breast milk, pure natural milk powder is no more than 0-90 ml.

But Gu Zheng went on to eat at least half a catty of tricolor goat milk.

Not much, it's more than the appetite of five people.

He ate and slept, but he couldn't see his dad's smile full of sustenance.

This guy who was beaten up because his wife had repaired a book to relieve the pressure of the family and ran away, because Gu Zheng can eat, he smiled with rebirth energy.

He tidyed up the wrinkled swaddle for the baby in his arms, but found the sachet that made him familiar with the baby's chest.

"This is... Rou Niang, Rou Niang, is this your thought for your child?"

"Could it be that there are any clues left here to make Zheng'er grow up to find your family reunion?"

Gu Feibao was a little agitated when he thought of it, so he was busy pulling the two ends of the sachet and pulling it out...without any movement.

"No, it's not right..."

Gu Feibao, who was holding the sachet, fell into deep thought. When he took out the purse hanging from his waist, his self-talk became a little excited.

"This is a storage bag, Rou Niang actually has a storage bag..."

"If so, if so, Rou Niang will not die, Rou Niang, didn't you tell me, are you an orphan?"..

"Then where did your storage bag come from?"

After groping for the pattern on the sachet, Gu Feibao no longer had the initial worries.

As if he had come back to life again, he waved his fists vigorously in the air, and then, afraid of waking up his son who had just fallen asleep, he tiptoedly walked towards the door of the room.

When the door of the hut was completely closed, a slightly noisy sound came from the courtyard.

"San Ye, the third grandma has never been found in the east..."

"San Ye, the third grandma has never been found in Fufeng City..."

There were a lot of people reporting, but after Gu Feibao heard the good news that no one brought back, he stopped everyone from doing so.

Gu Zheng, who was dazed, heard only a few vague words before he fell asleep completely.

"forget it……"

"That's it..."

This is probably the end of his father's search for Rou Niang.

When Gu Zheng grew from a state of eating and sleeping to finally not obliging to forget his memory, Gu Zheng became a three-year-old boy wearing two updos.

Because it was a single dad who was brought up by himself, and because this dad was punished previously, in order to feed his big stomach king's son, Gu Zheng's growth over the past three years has stumbled.

Even if the Gu family is a large clan, there are many servants and maids in the family. Although Gu Zheng is now wearing a shirt made of green silk, the bun on his forehead is loose and not symmetrical.

The nanny who took care of him sat at the gate of the yard and chatted with the servants outside the gatehouse, leaving Gu Zheng, a three-year-old boy alone, to stumble and play in the yard.

For Gu Zheng, who is an old monster at the core, he would like people around him to pay less attention.

Because at this time, he is walking towards the room he must go to every day with his short legs, trying to read more books about the world when others pay attention to him.

Yes, after three-year-old Gu Zheng illuminated his instinct for language learning through his first birthday, he came into contact with the lingua franca of the world.

As a soul body with an adult mind, Gu Zheng has spent two years. With the help of Xiao Wangshu, he not only mastered the basic listening and speaking, but also learned most of the common characters in the world.

As for those infrequent texts and secrets that the servant butlers don't often come into contact with, Gu Zheng needs to explore it by himself.

It’s also thanks to the fact that my father is not completely without status in this family. As a young talented man who is admired by a mother of rare blood, even if he has made some mistakes, he has been a little tight in a short time, but Through his own efforts, Gu Feibao is still able to enjoy the treatment he deserves among the promising young people in his family.

I don’t know if it was stimulated by the fact that he couldn’t feed his wife. During the three years when Gu Zheng was growing up, this third-ranked father, suffocated his energies to practice, and did tasks...

From the information gathered from the daily chats of the servants, it is concluded that his dad has made breakthroughs one after another in the past three years, and there is a legend of a genius in the face of adversity among the Gu family.

Even with them, the relatively remote courtyard in the family, they have also received attention from all quarters.

Regardless of the quality level of the people sent over, the apparent hardware facilities are quite well done.

After Gu Zheng was able to eat liquid food, the courtyard was not only allocated a special small kitchen, when he was about to enlighten, his patronizing father also opened a spare room for Gu Zheng as an enlightened study.

Probably the books needed by young children were too thin. After Gu Feibao asked the steward in the courtyard, the servant who had tried his best to curry favor with the master, moved back all the books that could serve as facades in the backyard warehouse.

And this move really facilitates Gu Zheng, a child who pretends to be tender.

He sneaked into this room when he was okay, and he glanced at the books he caught.

"Huhuhu... I am really lucky today."

When Gu Zheng stepped on his short legs, he finally climbed onto the small bench next to the book shelf, hooked down the nearest book he had, and opened it so that he was happy.

This is a book about the geography of Fufeng City and surrounding towns, humanities etiquette, and local specialties.

Of course, in this oriental fantasy world, the above words cannot be treated with ordinary meanings.

Based on the data collected by Gu Zheng in the past few years, this is really the structure of the world in the fantasy novels he once read with relish in the real world.

And it is the most common structure accepted by the public.

From the moments of his maid who was waiting for him, she was amazed:'Gu Sanye broke through the third level in three years and became the master of the sixth-level martial king.' In the chat context, Gu Zheng can judge that this should be a The world of warrior grudge.

The strength of his father and the Gu family has also been better demonstrated.

This should be the top family in a medium-sized city, but placed in the entire continent or the entire territory, it is a very inconspicuous existence.

From the overview picture of the map of Qianguo in Gu Zheng's hand, Gu Zheng can also judge that the regional proportion of Fufeng City in this country is not important or insignificant.

With such a background and such a level, Gu Zheng can easily think of some bad things.

Among fantasy novels, the protagonists are most likely to be used as stepping stones.

Compared to the small villages that exist in remote towns or desolate places, it is not as good.

Because according to the protagonist's miserable law in the early stage, those villages or towns are the most brilliant in the length of the whole book, and they played a vital role in the process of the protagonist's rise.

It is also the part that the audience sees most and empathizes.

As for the protagonist who has finally broken through the shackles of waste wood and has the name of genius, before breaking away from the original family and completely enjoying the reputation of the positive film continent, he still needs a small country or a small city as a foreshadowing. The story during this period is basically all Spent in the process of face beating.

In order to let the readers see it sharply, but also to find a reason for the protagonist's level to be promoted like riding a rocket.

At this time, it was necessary to find a family with a few brains to come out and sneak out.

Holding huge books and tilting his head, Gu Zheng seriously doubted that their Gu family existed like this.

Their family may run through the middle of the entire book. They belonged to the young ones and the old ones. They could obviously use the power of thunder to kill them in one fell swoop. They had to step by layer to send the protagonist to sharpen the existence.

Or maybe it is a more unlucky existence, because the protagonist has been involved in the cannon fodder of the battle between the families.

This is very innocent.

Now Gu Zheng is very resentful.

What can a three-year-old bean curd do?

Even if he wants to participate in things in the family, depending on the size of their family, even if he is fifteen or six years old, he has no right to speak, right?

With a sigh, Gu Zheng turned another page. What he can do now is to learn a lot and try not to be abused too badly when confronting the protagonist.


First update: 4000 words

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