The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1367: Oriental Fantasy (4)

He doesn't care what the Gu family will do. Gu Zheng must save the dad who treats him with heart and soul and dotes on his baby.

Gu Zheng sighed again when he thought of this place. Whoever thought that his action caused a hearty laugh outside the door.

His dad who went out on a mission didn't know when he would come back, so he stood at the door of the study, watching his little son holding the book like an adult and sighing.

Watching Gu Feibao endure the laughter, he finally laughed.

Gu Zheng, who was immersed in his own world, turned back from his complicated thoughts, looked at his father's direction and exclaimed in surprise: "Father! Why are you back now?"

But before Gu Zheng's voice fell, he was interrupted by his own exclamation.

This unshaven man with an inexplicable body odor stepped into the study room. Regardless of whether the three-year-old doll could bear such a fright, he copied Gu Zheng and threw it into the air. .

"Zheng'er, Dad is back, don't you think Dad?"

Gu Zheng, who was doing free fall in the air, was only left screaming. During his fall, he was also fortunate. The ceiling of his study was high enough to avoid the need for his delicate body to stick to the ceiling. Tragedy.

In the next second, the little baby was held in his palm by a pair of big, sturdy hands, and Gu Zheng fell into a slightly sour embrace with the force of this downward thrust.

A big face covered with stubble leaned towards him.

Gu Zheng was so scared that he yelled on the spot.

"Father, stop playing! Father, let me tell you..."

Hey, the kiss from the man with bad breath followed, making Gu Zheng's swollen bun face half wet.

Come on, I can't play happily all day today.

As a single man who has been out for nearly a month, eating and sleeping, and traveling day and night, there is no such thing as carefulness.

Fill your stomach with good manners.

As for brushing your teeth, washing your face and bathing and changing clothes?

Do improvise, go home and clean up.

No, the unlucky Gu Zheng ran into the self-smelling and ignorant Gu Feibao. After enjoying a long-lost father's love, he even got Daddy's body scent.

Seeing that the resistance was ineffective, Gu Zheng quickly changed the subject in order to save himself: "Daddy, didn't you say that you can go home at the end of the month?"

"Why are you back now?"

Gu Feibao, who was reminded, was particularly happy. He removed Hu stubble from his son's cheeks, pressed his lips with his cuffs, and gave the explanation Gu Zheng wanted. ..

"It's not that your dad's feet are fast enough. This trip into the mountain with the little cubs is also easy. They have completed the initial start of the bloodline one by one, and collected enough animal blood, so that they can return early."

"You haven't seen my son, the leader of the Gao family and the He family, who are as famous as our Gu family, his complexion is as black as if he had opened a soy sauce shop."

"Looking at your dad and my back, I'm gritted with anger."

"Our Gu family can be regarded as the top spot this time. Don't worry about the regulations of Qimai for the next three years. At the very least, these little boys will grow up, and our Gu family will be able to keep the glory for 20 years."

Gu Feibao, who said here, took a breath and looked at the little doll sitting on his lap like a little adult who was listening with gusto: "Hey, how does your three-year-old nanny understand this?"

"By the way, son, I haven't asked you yet. Why are you sitting in the study alone and sighing?"

"Holding a book is kind of like that. Makes it as if you can understand it."

Hearing Gu Zheng sighed with his father here, he knew that it was like this again.

Just because he is a small baby, adults don't bother to talk to him in detail.

Don't you say, how do you know if I can understand?

Up to now, Gu Zheng can only use acting skills to pretend to be stupid.

So Gu Feibao was shocked to discover that his baby turned out to be a genius.

His three-year-old son pointed to the article that he looked a little bit boring, and read it word by word using its standard pronunciation.

"Top of Fufeng, Extreme Mountain..."

After a short period of reading was over, Gu Zheng raised his head and looked at the dad who had been stunned and smiled happily: "Daddy, did I read it right?"

This surprised Gu Feibao but also fell into deep doubts.

"Yes, that's right, but Zhenger, who taught you to read and read?"

When asked, Gu Zheng replied confidently: "You, the uncle who manages the yard and the study, as well as the son of the nurse, is also the yard sweeper Gu San."

"The former butler in the front yard selected servants for the elite disciples in the inner yard. They must be clever and literate."

"The little servants in our yard who are over 5 years old have all made up for the literacy course."

"I was listening right by, I have followed Gu San's radical literacy form and the dictionary book in the study."

"Then I can read."

I was even more surprised to hear Gu Feibao here.

He held his son in front of him, looked at the agile big eyes, stared at each other for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, it really is my son, he is smart!"

"If this is the case, Daddy won't be afraid."

"With this kind of brain, even if your blood is unbearable, even if you are a mortal, you will not be abandoned by the family."

"Come on, come on, son, Dad will take you to a good place, we can't hide it if we have this kind of ability."

"You know, in the world of warriors in the mainland of our country, what we want is to fight, to grab, and to earn a greater reputation in order to survive better."

Speaking of this, Gu Feibao put the lifted Gu Zheng on his shoulders, and with a little triumph, he swayed to the academy responsible for Gu's enlightenment like a dude.

In the horrified gaze of Dean Gu, who had no power to bind the chicken, he took Gu Zheng into the opponent's arms.

"Grandpa Fifth, hold on, here, Gu Jia Wenkui's hope."

"Absolutely outstanding prodigy, child prodigy level, hold it well, if something goes wrong, you are sorry for the entire clan of the Gu clan."

This Gu Feibao said so carelessly, that the old bearded man was irritated.

Grandpa Gu Wu turned back from the shock of being broken into by someone just now, and laughed angrily when he saw clearly what he was holding in his arms.

"This is what you said about the Gu family's hope? Gu Lao San, don't think you are the third son of the master's family and I dare not beat you!"

"You kids, even your father got past my grandfather's hand."

"You stuffed a little doll casually, just tell me that you are a genius?"

"Gu Feibao, Gu Feibao, is it that your madness is not well?"

"Look at what you look like, where is the romantic style of Gu Sanlang back then."

"If you listen to me, will you look like the embarrassed martial artist now?"

"I told you a long time ago that the way of civil and martial arts is in the heart, and a scholar who has no power to bind a chicken can also achieve the Tongtian Dadao with a majestic righteousness. The achievements are no better than those of the emperor and the sage. Difference."

"As for you, your great talents are wasted like this, but it is a pity that I have been the leader of the Gu Family School of Literature for ten consecutive years."

"The original handsome, white-faced niche has become what it is now..."


This sigh of Grandpa Wu made Gu Feibao stop laughing. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly bitterly as if he was thinking of something, and muttered to Grandpa Wu like he was talking to himself: "There is nothing to be a pity. , I’m a literary and martial artist, am I?"

"It's just because the road to the martial artist is faster. Looking at the entire continent of Qianguo, there are a few people who have sought the way of the saints by writing, and the way to enter the saints from the martial arts is geometric."

"Grandpa Five, do you think I still have a choice?"

"It's not that I can't wait, it's that my Zheng'er can't wait. He is still so young. If it weren't for the father's inability to waste a good time, his mother would not leave because of this."

"You once told me that Zheng'er's mother has a lot of background, so why did Gu Feibao, my Gu Feibao, fail to see the person next to her pillow?"

"I'm just, I just don't let myself sober. I thought Rou Niang likes that kind of gentle me..."

"It's not too late to understand that it's not too late, you see, Grandpa Five, I am really more talented in martial arts."

"Even my dad who raised his nose and raised his eyes, didn't he treat me much better because of my talent?"

"Since I am a member of the Gu family, why don't I make good use and enjoyment for the sake of being a literati?"

Speaking of this, Gu Feibao released a reassuring father smile to Gu Zheng, who was in the arms of Grandpa Fifth. Even though his face was full of beard at this time, Gu Zheng only felt the gentleness and love of Gu Feibao~www Gu Feibao, who squatted down, stared at Grandpa Gu’s eyes with a particularly serious expression, and emphasized again and again: “Grandpa Fifth, I’m not kidding. I can endure hardship and fight for my life.”

"But as Zheng'er's dad, I can't bear to face this great wilderness continent, which is full of beasts."

"So, Zheng'er has a better talent than me. I naturally hope that he can grow up in a peaceful and safe environment."

"After he grows up peacefully, then choose the path he wants according to his preferences and wishes."

"That's what I can do for him. Grandpa Fifth, if you don't believe me, please test Zheng'er first to see if he can inherit your mantle."

After talking about this man who had been sturdy for a few laps because of martial arts, he showed a flattering smile, just like the smile when he was found by Grandpa Five when he hid on a tree branch in the backyard because he was lazy more than ten years ago. Exactly the same.

After all, this is a disciple brought out by himself, and Grandpa Wu's heart has also softened a bit.

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