The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1368: Oriental Fantasy (5)

He sighed, then turned his gaze on the three-year-old milk doll, and tried to use his most amiable tone to ask the next words.

"Wah, grandpa asks you, what have you learned now? How many big characters can you know?"

Gu Zheng, who was asked about this, must not hide his clumsiness for future plans.

So he stretched out his chubby hand and slapped two slaps.

"Back to Grandpa Wu, this is the book the kid has read now."

"Huh? Cough cough cough!"

I thought I knew Grandpa Five, who was ten characters long, and just about to nod for Gu Feibao's kindness to his father, he was surprised by Gu Zheng's answer.

"Are you saying that you have read ten books, instead of knowing ten words?"

"Then tell Grandpa, which books have you read?"

When he said this, Grandpa Five had already got up and stuffed Gu Zheng into Gu Feibao's arms. He was waiting for Gu Zheng to speak by relying on the huge bookshelf behind him that could not be seen at a glance.

This Gu Zheng would be frightened because of an old man, and naturally and orderly categorize the books he has read according to the degree of difficulty: "Zheng'er has read "Sound Rhythm Enlightenment", "Thousand Family Poems", "Disciple Guidance", " "Gu Family Instructions" "A Thousand Characters Essay"... "Fufeng Travel Notes""

"Grandpa Five, that's all."

The Five Grandpa followed Gu Zheng's words one by one. He quickly picked these books from the shelves of bookshelves with his hands and feet. He opened one of the books, a random page, and pointed to the middle one. Just ask one word: "What is this character?"

"Zheng, Grandfather Wu, are you giving Zheng'er water? The first few words that Dad taught me are my name."

The old man's hand pointing at the word was just a pause, and then he slid to a more cumbersome typeface: "What about this one?"


"Long proud of the nine-day dragon!"

Hey, do you still use idioms?

At this time, Grandpa Wu didn't have the initial jokes. As he moved his fingers and turned the book, Gu Zheng said more and more uncommon words in his mouth.

After a quarter of an hour, Grandpa Wu finally knew what Gu Feibao's genius, Gu Jiawen Academy's hope, meant.

It really is a child prodigy.

For this kind of child, Grandpa Fifth certainly won't let go.

When the assessment was over, Gu Feibao's request to take Gu Zheng home for dinner was rejected by the fifth grandfather of the Gu family.

"Rolling, sour Wufu, don't want your rudeness to affect the dolls of our academy. Anyway, besides practicing, you are now taking on the mission of fighting and killing in the family."

"Where is someone who can take care of children."

"Look at my baby doll, even the bun on his head is crooked, which shows how incompetent your dad is."

"Since you have learned the martial arts, you will leave this doll here. I will take care of you. You only need to earn more credit for the doll and provide him with the best training resources."

"You don't need to take care of the rest. With such a good seedling, your fifth grandfather won't be slow."

After talking about the fifth grandfather, he waved his hand at the Gu Feibao who could not cry or laugh with a slight disgust, and ruthlessly drove the original proud disciple away.

"Quickly go back to your yard and wash yourself. The rancid smell of this sound must not be contaminated with my precious collection of books."

When Gu Feibao came back to his senses, he was pushed out of Grandpa Five's study by an invisible force. Looking at the back of the old and young smiling at each other, Gu Feibao also smirked and scratched. Scratching his scumbag head, he hurried to his small courtyard.

Hey, who is the child for?

With the great power of the five grandfather family watching over, Zheng'er is definitely better than his dad who stays at home and stays at home.

By the time the father and son Gu Feibao and Gu Zheng got used to the days when they had put their home in a liberal arts college, the good name of Gu Zheng's three-year-old child prodigy had spread throughout the entire Gu family's clan.

In the first row of the six-year-old Gu clan school beginner class C, there was an extra case and footsteps that were shorter than others.

When the kindergarten teacher came to start the class, he carried a doll in a red brocade.

The small tables and chairs were all prepared for the three-year-old doll.

The children of the Gu family, who had been born tall by drinking animal milk and gnawing on animal meat, have seen what it means to be petite and touching.

In line with the principle of bullying the weak and not looking for such a bullying by too shameful elements, Gu Zheng, who is incompatible with the entire Enlightenment Institute, successfully avoided the bullying of the newly enrolled students.

Of course, he shouldn't even think about making any dear friends in this environment.

It was because of Gu Zheng's weakness that it paralyzed the hearts of a kind of classmates, and made them feel what it means to be inferior to a three-year-old milk doll during the first quarterly exam for placement.

Through rigorous selection, Gu Zheng was successfully promoted to the second class of the enlightenment class with the first grade in the subject. Dozens of classmates went home and suffered a meal. At the same time, Gu's Huxiaoshan Forest Boxing Method was completely started. The reputation of his little monster.

And the days of crushing the heroes like this, Gu Zheng lasted four years.

Under the beneficial influence of the fifth grandfather of the Liberal Arts College and the cultivation of his father Gu Feibao's generous money, Gu Zheng has finally grown into a wonderful child with a handsome inside, a clear temperament, and extravagance outside.

Become the outstanding one among the nineteenth period of the Gu family academy.

Of course, the students of the 19th batch of students are the people that Gu Zheng has integrated since childhood. They are now eleven or twelve years old, and they have the physique and face of a teenager.

From this moment on, the teenagers of the Gu family will be divided into two completely different paths.

Most people will choose martial arts, polish their muscles and bones, practice family techniques and martial arts, open the blood of alien beasts, refine and improve themselves, and finally embark on the legend that belongs to the martial artist.

The other group of people will enter the Taoist way with literary writing and practice the sound wave skills unique to the Gu clan.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Gu family once inspired the blood of the sixth-level Sky Tiger. It can be regarded as the existence of the demigod race.

And Xiao Tianhu has a natural racial characteristic, that is, a loud voice.

Cooperate with the unique family transmission sound wave power, when fending off the enemy, there is a miraculous effect.

After forming the formation, you can compete with Wu Sheng without losing the wind.

It's a pity that people who use literature to learn Tao need talent. This kind of intangible and unclear Tao hinders the way for many people to upgrade.

It also greatly reduces the number of people who choose Wendao.

In addition, the early attack power of Sonic Power is weak, and when confronted with the same level, it is often at a disadvantage.

Even more so that the young people who have not settled their xinxing only feel aggrieved in their hearts.

And every upgrade requires enlightenment, which is even more illusory and inaccessible to some people with low savvy.

After so many generations of inheritance, if it were not for some of the children in the clan who had too thin meridians or weak bodies, they would have to learn literary works, I am afraid that Gu's sonic skills would be slowly passed on.

Therefore, at the ten-year-old level, when children in this world can open their blood, many children who can open their blood, even those with ordinary aptitudes, have embarked on the path of abandoning culture and martial arts.

Because he was not enough age, but because he was in the same grade, Gu Zheng was fortunate enough to observe a test site of the Gu family bloodline.

It is very intuitive to understand that the materials that this big 6 warrior will consume when upgrading, incidentally also understood the reason why his mother-in-law can't stay in Gu's family.

Because in this world named Beast Yuan Da 6, the division between warriors, in addition to rank, is also divided into a bloodline.

At the same level, one is a bloodline warrior and the other is an ordinary warrior. Everyone knows which one is more powerful.

Even if it is a waste of blood, it is not comparable to ordinary warriors.

In terms of attack power, personal physical fitness and lifespan, bloodline warriors are among the best.

But in the same way, they also need to bear some of the shackles among the non-blood warriors, because the blood warriors need a blood enlightenment link to set the path they will take in the future.

When experiencing some big bottlenecks and breaking through some barriers, you still need to get the blood of some strange to help you upgrade.

Otherwise, his life will be stuck above this level.

This is one of the drawbacks, but the benefits are obvious.

Because of its stronger offensiveness than ordinary warriors and adaptability in the jungle and wilderness, the bloodline warriors have won more victories in the battle with each other, obtained more resources, and finally brought those who can practice The position of ordinary warriors was squeezed and squeezed. Nowadays, the country has gone through seven generations, and there are very few ordinary warriors in the walk.

Those who have the aptitude for cultivation but can't open their bloodlines, actually don't even have a complete set of techniques.

Unless it is like a large family with a complete inheritance, there are still some exercises for branch children to practice. Among ordinary folks and even some small families, the secrets that can be used for their cultivation have long since disappeared.

This is the domineering crush of the bloodline warrior, and it is also the independent choice of Kun Yuanda 6 to survive the fittest.

No, now, the person in charge of the 19th period of Gu's Academy of Xueqi is also the most talented dad of this period who is not qualified to activate the bloodline. Gu Feibao is in the middle of the martial arts field to explain the rules of Xueqi to everyone.

After these four years, Gu Feibao, who has no worries about rearing his baby, has been fighting in the most dangerous wild jungle, and he has broken through opportunities one after another.

Today he can stand here and take control of the bloodline opening of the next generation on behalf of the Patriarch, which has truly explained the problem.

The strongest of the Gu family's combat power on the bright side was a third-order martial emperor.

As a young man who is only twenty-eight years old and is already a ninth-order martial king, he can be said to be the best among the new generation of the family. The top genius of Fufeng City is one of the best young talents in the whole country. Hansome.

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