The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1367: Oriental Fantasy (6)

This kind of family hope, a direct descendant who is on the verge of a breakthrough, must of course serve as an incentive for the next generation, to suppress the market during the most important moments of the younger generation, and inspire people, so that this group of Gu family’s hopes and future pillars will be Gu Feibao. Goal, practice hard.

Therefore, when Gu Feibao’s loud voice sounded, the children of the Gu family in the 19th issue, nearly a hundred young people, turned out to be silent, staring at the legendary heroes in the field with their stars and eyes on, and they dare not miss a word. I listened carefully.

"Do you see this huge alien beast totem in the center of the venue?"

"According to legend, our world was originally a country where gods and beasts inhabit."

"Our ancestors were born suddenly in the Shen Beast Mountain, which is now the most mysterious Midland Hanging City."

"When I first came to this world, it was weak and helpless, with no resistance at all."

"Struggling to survive in the poor mountains and evil waters, but also to guard against becoming the prey of those fierce beasts."

"I don't know one day, a lucky person appeared in the human race. He picked up a cub on the riverside that had just been enlightened but was seriously injured."

"Grow up with it, and accompany this beast through the most difficult period of growth."

"Finally gained the friendship of the beast."

"And when the sacred beast recovers from its injuries, improves its abilities, and is about to return to its clan, it will ask: what is your wish."

"As a kind-hearted person who cares about humans, this old ancestor said about the current situation of the human race, and hopes that the animal can find a safe and peaceful world for their human race and let them develop slowly."

"Whoever thinks, the beast knows the condition of this continent, and there has never been a truly safe place."

"A race wants to be strong, not to find a shelter from the wind to hide, but to rely on sharp claws and fangs to fight."

"I can bestow you with the same abilities as wild beasts, but you need your human race to endure the pain that very people can bear."

"The stronger the bloodline ability, the deeper the pain. Are you willing to endure this pain for the human race?"

"I didn't hesitate to hear the human race ancestor here, and immediately accepted the suggestion of this good partner of the sacred beast."

"As a friendship that grew up together, this beast distributed its precious beast blood essence to this human ancestor."

"This is the origin of our bloodline warriors and different bloodline families, and in the process of human race ancestors leading the tribe to open up the territory, many of their own bloodline descendants have been left behind."

"But the people who followed him discovered in the course of the battle that not all of them have the aptitude and perseverance to endure the invasion of the blood of the sacred beast."

"So, with the territorial development of the Human Race, the wild land outside the Central Region Divine Beast Mountain was exposed to the Human Race."

"Only then did people discover that compared with the fierce beasts, sacred beasts, and alien beasts in the Middle Territory, this continent living in the periphery of the Middle Territory of this world is so vast."

"From the Middle Territory, all kinds of mixed-blood orcs have been exodus. Among them, there are many kinds and different magical powers."

"And with the division of regions, the bloodline levels of these mixed-blood monsters are also weakened layer by layer."

"There are always some beasts with strange magical powers, and they don't require extremely high qualifications during the process of blood fusion."

"So the greater part of the human race made a choice that was more beneficial to them."

"That is the fusion of the blood of these low-level alien animal races."

"Then, bloodline warriors can be considered to have completely multiplied on this continent."

"And the territories of the human race are developed little by little by relying on these tribesmen in their respective positions."

"Nowadays, there are no fewer than a thousand bloodline families, large and small."

"The bloodline level is divided into the four major levels of Profound Sky and Earth Yellow based on the inherited main bloodline."

"The yellow rank is the lowest, and the sky rank is the highest. Among the four major ranks, like our martial artist ranks, there is a ninth level."

"And our Gu family is the bloodline of the Xiaotianhu that is integrated with the third-order sky. It can be proud of the entire country. Even in the Kunyuan Continent, it can be regarded as the top bloodline."

"There is a saying that is good, the middle domain will not come out, and the sky level will strive for hegemony."

"So, as the son of the Gu family, even if he walks outside, his waist is straight, no one is afraid."

"And the noble blood of our Gu Jiaxiao Tianhu is true, and the strength of the family members is even more true."

"Because Sora has a superior bloodline, without the strength to match it, others will not respect your bloodline, but will only laugh at your family's decline."

"So, all Gu's erlangs will listen to me. You are the backbone of my Gu family, and you are the facade of my Gu family."

"For the future of Gu's family, should we practice hard, endure the pain that others can't bear, and fight for the glory of Gu's family?"

Gu Tianbao said these few words impassionedly. In order to make the words more loud, in the process of speaking, this one also very cunningly combined the secret technology of the academy of sound waves to make these words reach everyone standing on the martial arts field. In the ears of the young people, their hearts were surging because of these words.

Everyone cast their eager eyes on the totem pole of the alien beast.

I hope to be recognized by the totem pole in the bloodline test of the family and become a powerful fighter who can practice.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the arena is already in place, Gu Tianbao didn't delay much time.

With a big wave of his hand, the family steward standing on the left and right sides of the totem pillar of the alien animal gave way to the pillar of inspection.

A road of inspection with carpets appeared in front of everyone.

Because as long as it is a child of the family, whether it is a direct line or a branch, it is eligible for blood test, so there will be no disputes about the ranking of first-come, first-come.

Regarding this phenomenon, standing behind Gu Feibao as a bystander to the ceremony, he nodded.

He thought, this kind of family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and has experienced so many heirs and dynasties that have not fallen, how can it be so brainless that it suppresses the same clan because of an opportunity that everyone can get?

In the eyes of this group of old foxes, regardless of the branch or the direct line, they are actually the blood of the Gu family. If you count the age, everyone is the blood of the ancestor who exists in the backyard like the **** of the sea in the Gu family.

As the parent of a large family, talents appear in the branch, which means that one more person will break ground for Gu's family and run errands.

No matter what this genius is good at, it is for the Gu family to fight for face and fame.

Just because they belong to different branches, do you have to desperately suppress them?

It's a joke, it's not that the territory is too small, and you need to inherit the throne.

The Kunyuan Continent is so huge that no one can reach it is like a vast sea of ​​stars, with huge resources and countless wealth waiting to be picked by capable people.

The Gu family can't wait for everyone to be a genius, generation after generation heroes, to open up those unowned lands, and put them under the Gu family.

Suppress? Infighting?

Are you kidding me.

The clan has its own set of very fair distribution mechanism. What are the points of contribution?

The low-level ones can start from the trivial things of running errands in the family, and proceed step by step until they can stand alone against the big things.

At this level, step by step, everyone is basically fair and convinced.

In the past few years when Gu Zheng was growing up, the teenagers in this period have different personalities, frictions, and closeness, but they have risen to life and death, and they scorn each other, basically nothing.

There are tribes who come back to the test from remote areas, but they help and sympathize a lot.

Because the family's stamina and martial arts training for these teenagers to have a strong enough physique to face the blood start hunting after the bloodline test is enough to make these children complain so much that he has no time to take care of them.

Where do they have time to pay attention to the lives of irrelevant people?

I wake up earlier than a chicken and sleep later than a dog. How can I have extra thoughts to bully the weak?

If it is discovered by the masters of the Civil and Martial Academy.

That's called a miserable world.

Masters will think, oh hello, it's a small sample, and there is strength to bully people, probably because the homework we usually arrange is too loose, okay, let's add the class.

Therefore, a teenager who has the leisure to hire cats and dogs will become the public enemy of everyone.

While adding heavy work to everyone, at the same time, he will also become the being who has been concentrated on fire.

Therefore, the family background... these words are not spoken out of nothing.

It really exists in front of Gu Zheng's eyes. It took him seven years to witness what it means to twist a rope and what it means to be a family.

Gu Zheng laughed when he saw everyone lined up in an orderly manner despite their excitement, and walked towards the totem pole of blood test according to their class rankings.

It seems that my family should not be the kind of brain-cuffed nouveau riche in the writings of fantasy novel authors.

He can practice and grow steadily, until he has the ability to walk on this continent where opportunities are everywhere but crises are everywhere, is the time for him to officially take on the task.

It is three years since he is eligible to start the bloodline test. The family rules stipulate that people under the age of eighteen and those who are below the fourth level of a samurai are not allowed to travel alone on the Kunyuan Continent. Then he will leave home. It took another eight years.

Well, there are still eleven years of calm life, not bad, very good.

Gu Zheng, who was at ease, watched with relish how this strange beast totem pillar detects the blood in his children.

As the leader of their generation, Gu Aotian, the young talent who can always rank second in the college's literary competition, is naturally the first among the tribe to come to the field for testing.

Although he was only ten years old, he was tall and muscular because of his medicated bath and basic martial arts training.

Coupled with the natural good looks of the Gu family, it has a fierce aura.

When he walked on the martial arts stage confidently, he touched his finger in the finger-like groove in the notification from the sidelines, and the column seemed to come alive, and he probed from the finger-shaped hole. With a small bite and a click, Gu Aotian's index finger was cut open.

A few drops of blood flowed into the groove, and began to slowly walk along the pillar as if with self-consciousness.

After a few breaths of effort, this drop of blood actually climbed steadily, climbing towards the top of the column.

With the higher the altitude, the slower the rising speed of this blood drop.

When it was about to reach the edge of the clearly visible sacred animal area, it completely stopped, and then walked down the foot of a sleeping giant dragon with two wings, and finally stopped at the edge of the dragon's tail.

At this moment, a vermilion ray gleamed from the top of the column.

On the pillar of the totem of the strange animal, a first-born unicorn appeared, with two claws, three-fingered claws, and an image of a strange animal with scales and a fish tail.

It was a blood-red color, circling the pillar three times in a breeze, and then slid into the totem, completely disappearing.

Seeing Gu Feibao here was also very excited, singing with a loud voice that Gu Aotian's blood belonged to.

"The bloodline of the Heavenly Grade 8 Flood Dragon is a domineering existence that can suppress the Howling Tiger."

"Okay, okay!"

"Looking at the height of the climb, if there are successive breakthroughs in the future, there will be a certain chance to evolve into a real dragon or even the legendary Yinglong bloodline."

"Okay, Gu Aotian, the Gu family might open up a second bloodline because of you!"

What does it mean?

It means that Gu Aotian has returned to his ancestors.

As a bloodline warrior family wandering all over the mainland ~ Whether it is marriage or free love, the integration of bloodlines is a process that must be experienced.

Through the intermarriage of generations of bloodline warriors, it has long since been known how many kinds of alien beast's blood has been fused in their bodies.

In addition, in order to upgrade and inspire talents and supernatural powers, it is necessary to incorporate fresh and powerful orc blood.

Every powerful warrior went out, and everyone was mixed with seven, eight, or ninety kinds of beast blood.

The reason why Gu's family is called Xiaotianhu.

That's because more than half of the people in the family will show this blood characteristic.

The domineering nature of the orcs, in the process of blood inheritance, will automatically survive the survival of the fittest, automatically discard the low-level blood through inheritance, and excrete it from the body along with the impurities during the mother's production.

Therefore, this alien beast totem detects not only the proportion of the blood of the beast in the bloodline, but also the detection of what kind of beast blood this tribe bears.

Readers who read here should not think about it in the direction of the Green Hat King.

Judging by the uniqueness of the totem pillars enshrined by the family, if Gu Aotian was such a product, he would not even be able to activate the pillar's inspection mechanism.

After this pillar felt that the breath was wrong, that bit would not be opened to Gu Aotian.

Because of this, there are very few people who confuse blood in this family of blood warriors.

On the contrary, most of them are rural people outside the clan, and they don't understand the rules of not spreading within the bloodline family. Often people bring their children who don't know where they come from to come to confess their relatives.

For these people, it doesn't need to be troublesome whether it's a mule or a horse, and it's clear if you poke in front of the pillar.

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