The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1370: Oriental Fantasy (9)

"This is the nature of the blood of sacred beasts. The sooner it is stimulated, the sooner the blood is released, and the warriors who grow up will become stronger, and their blood will be purer."

"Because of the dominance of the blood of the sacred beast, the human race has discovered the best tipping point in the gradual exploration."

"There is no reason why Xue Qi's age should be over 10 years old!"

After listening to the great-grandfather's roar, Gu Feibao was stunned on the spot. He looked back at his great-grandparent with a blank look and said, "Huh? No one has told me before. There are so many classics in the family, and I have never Have seen this before!"

After the words were finished, the group of old men in the courtyard was stunned on the spot.

"What? This is a secret rule passed down by word of mouth in the family, why? Has no one explained it to you?"

The great-grandfather roared angrily, and when he finished his roaring, he suddenly stretched out a palm behind him and snapped...slapped it on the back of the great-grandfather's head.

A middle-aged man who also couldn't tell his age, stared at the great-grandfather who turned his head with a hatred of iron and steel, and asked Shen Shen, "When you shout at others, look back first. The so-called word of mouth. Which generation was it broken?!"

"I'm your father, do you admit it?"

The beaten great grandfather subconsciously covered his head, and then nodded.

The great-great-grandfather continued: "The person in charge of the outer courtyard should be the grandfather of this kid. The previous generation will be treated in the outer courtyard in order to suppress the younger generation. After the new generation grows up, they will come to this inner courtyard to meditate with our group of old immortals."

"Then the question is, if this group of children and grandchildren can't become a weapon, can a group of people not become a weapon? Have they forgotten to tell this generation of people who should be the masters of such important rules?"

"Think about it, who is the problem, and from what generation did you forget to notify?"

The great, great, great-grandchildren in the courtyard are unclear like blood people. None of these old guys showed any abnormalities. Instead, they all stared at the beaten... the youngest at present. The body of Gu Feibao's great grandfather.

Seeing this confused old man, he was shocked, and he was in a daze. Many years ago, when he learned that he could finally lay down his burden and practice whole-heartedly, he was so happy that he packed up his luggage and ran away.

As if, probably, it's possible, didn't you say it from yourself?

Perhaps he felt instinctively that the Gu family's bloodline level was already quite high, and no lucky hapless person would give birth to a stronger bloodline heir for the family.

Damn it!

The great-grandfather who wanted to understand slapped himself and smiled awkwardly at the group of elders behind.

Gu Feibao, who was still kneeling next to Gu Zheng, couldn't help but, after committing the above, shouted loudly at the group of old people without any respect from their ancestors.

"Dear ancestors, you are my own ancestor. Do you just watch a descendant of the Gu family with great talent and outstanding blood dying in front of you?"

"Heaven! Earth! Open your eyes..."

Behind that... the old immortal words... I really didn't dare to say it.

But his meaning has been expressed very clearly, and he really made these old men laugh.

This grandpa Zeng Zeng pointed at Gu Feibao with a trembling finger, and poked a long eyebrow stick in his hand to the ground, released a squiggle of air, and pressed the air pressure on Gu Feibao's head.

"Young man, what's the hurry, there are wrong ways to do things wrong."

"Since the Totem Pillar has activated the Blood Qi autonomously."

"Then the rest depends on his own destiny."

"What's the use of being anxious now? Screaming at your living ancestors will keep your son from bleeding?"

"You have always experienced the ritual of blood initiation, right?"

"The blood pool in the clan is not full yet. According to your son's situation, judging by the amount of blood required by the geniuses in each generation of blood initiation ceremonies, he should always prepare three times the amount. ?"

"Our Gu family, although it is only the top class in Fufeng City, it can only be regarded as the top class in a major country."

"But there is still something left in the family for so many years."

"Mythical beast bloodline, are you planning to use the beast blood prepared for ordinary people to deal with it?"

"I'm afraid that this is the case. Your son is afraid that the blood enlightenment process is not halfway through, and he will burst into death by the excessive amount of blood he needs."

"You guy is lucky. You are more courageous than the law-abiding children and grandchildren in the outer courtyard. This is the second time you broke into the inner courtyard, right?"

"Your wife belongs to an outsider. We take care of the clan rules and never favor outsiders. Our daughter-in-law supports herself. This is a hard and fast rule."

"But your son, whose surname is Gu, is naturally managed by the clan."

"It's because you're so familiar in front of us! Today, we old men and old ladies have also generously donated their money to help your son."

"Now, Grandpa Liuzeng, who counts as yes, is filling the color-changing tourmaline blood pool in the inner courtyard with blood."

"It will take some time to fill the nine ponds."

"When the blood bursts for a while, the pain is very much tolerable. We will stay here to make your son hurt for a while."

"It's painful and painful, maybe you'll get used to it. After you enter the blood pool, you will concentrate on absorbing blood, expanding your blood volume, and being able to withstand the pain, isn't it?"

He was lying on the ground, and Gu Zheng, who was watched by others, just gritted his teeth.

But the feeling of tearing and rebirth was really uncomfortable, and he couldn't even move the strength of spitting out.

In this way, amidst Gu Zheng's groaning, there was finally a voice of relief.

"The blood pool is full, you can send someone over."

"Quickly! Quickly carry him over!"

The voice is a little noisy, but the person in charge is methodical.

Under the command of a group of ancestors, Gu Feibao picked up his son and rushed to the blood pool temporarily prepared in the inner courtyard.

Regardless of the situation in the pond here, he placed his son vertically into the first blood pond of Xueqi with the command in two or three steps.

Then, according to the words of Grandpa Zeng, he withdrew from the land of blood enlightenment.

"Gazhizhi, patter"

The heavy jade gate was closed from the outside.

There was a blank face left, Gu Zheng, who had never really practiced before, and was left alone in the blood pool.

The scarlet blood pool is not too big.

Two or three square meters square, the blood in the blood pool will no longer pass Gu Zheng's chest.

The thick blood that was as thick as syrup followed the ups and downs of Gu Zheng's body. In addition to a little blood, these blood, which was supposed to be very smelly, had a pleasant smell.

The taste was so attractive that even Gu Zheng, who was suffering from it, wanted to take two sips directly.

But after thinking that the source of the blood was unknown, Gu Zheng held back at the pond.

Now that the pond is also down, what shall we do next?

It's not like taking a bath.

Just when Gu Zheng was thinking about how to remind people outside the house to give some hints, a long and rhythmic voice came from this empty holy place.

"The people of blood enlightenment, the thirty-third generation grandson of the Gu family, offered sacrifices to the blood of other animals and prayed for the blessings of the beast gods..."

"The opener, let go of the happy god, and listen to the words of the beast god..."

With the chanting of this voice, a very simple set of meridian exercises reverberated in the holy land.

These voices seemed to be poured directly into his head, causing the distracted Gu Zheng to start operating according to this Qi method involuntarily.



The calm pool of blood began to boil.

As Gu Zheng felt the so-called skin opening and closing method in the formula over and over again, extremely strange changes occurred in his body.

Each of his pores seemed to be able to control the closure of his own.

With every acupuncture point mentioned in Gu Zheng's mouth, the surrounding pores opened very well.

At the same time, the blood in the pool was sucked into the skin by the suction erupting from these tiny cavities... Following the tiny capillaries, it flows back into Gu Zheng's body.

From the epidermis, to the fascia, and then to the muscle.

Walking around everywhere, Gu Zheng's fair skin turned into a pink color everywhere.

At the beginning, Gu Zheng didn't feel much, but as he became more and more proficient in his manipulation, when he opened the closed hole of the third acupuncture point, the animal blood that was inhaled into the body finally reacted accordingly. .

A pain that was like using an eviscer to hang off the rotten flesh on a bone, and a pain that was like sprinkling salt on a **** wound, exploded in Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng, who was groaning even in severe pain, finally let out an intolerable scream.


However, a voice in his mind kept reminding him: Don't stop! Can't stop!

If it stops, then it is really defeated.

Gu Zheng, who has carried dozens of worlds, finally got serious at this moment.

It's been a long time since he completed a thing so seriously, maybe it hasn't been a long time since he felt that this thing... is so difficult and challenging.

At this time, his resilience, his strength, and his superhuman nerve and mental power finally played a vital role.

When he passed the fourth acupuncture point, he was able to stand up straight in the pool. When he opened the acupuncture point of most of his body, he was able to use the same frequency tone to follow the sound loudly. Read this group of methods of operation.


The pain was as strong as before, but Gu Zheng, who was standing in the pool of water, had a smile on his face. He looked at the water in the pool as if it had been bleached by a powerful detergent, becoming more and more serious. Dan, in the end, even a trace of blood can't be seen, it becomes transparent and flawless water.

At this time, most of Gu Zheng's acupuncture points were opened with the blessing of the blood qi in this pool of blood, which was far from enough for him to break through the next acupuncture point and complete the entire Qi Jue.

At the same time that Gu Zheng was a little strange, the pool he was in seemed to know his embarrassment now, and it started to move.

The originally two-meter-square pond was expanded by a distance of one meter in four directions at the same time. The little remaining clear water stains quickly leaked from the grooves emerging from the soles of his feet, and the one that expanded out However, a larger amount of blood was poured into the space than before.


In an instant, he surrounded Gu Zheng from all directions, causing the painful skin that he couldn't feel to explode again.

And the acupuncture point that had insufficient energy was completely opened up with this punch, so that Gu Zheng fell into the second round of pain before he had time to admire the exquisite design of the pond.

Every second here is a **** on earth, Gu Zheng felt that he must do his best to complete the process of blood enlightenment faster.

When he thought that time had passed for a long time and was still struggling in it, the ancestors of the Gu family standing outside the Holy Land of Blood Enlightenment looked at the hall where the blood was opened, the reaction card symbolizing the process of Blood Enlightenment. showed expressions of surprise, joy or excitement.

"This is the first pool of blood? How long did it take?"

Pulled in from the outer courtyard, the elder who was in charge of the statistics of the students' blood Qi results for this period, looked at the stick of incense that had just been lit, and the pen in his hand was trembling.

On the temporarily copied file, the ink stains of Gu Zheng were still wet, and a line of slightly distorted vermilion characters followed.

One pool: half a moment of species.

Just as the elder had just finished writing this record, a loud exclamation came from behind him again.

"Ancestor! The second pool is also over!"

"My God, how old is this kid? It's seven years old, isn't it?"

"How is this different from others? With the beginning of Xueqi, a pool of blood is larger than a pool of blood, and it should take longer to absorb a pool of blood."

"Why is this kid getting faster and faster?"

"Not only that! Didn't you find out? Until now, the red light hasn't appeared, and the red light has appeared, and the operation is completed every day of the week."

"The later the red light appears, the more blood veins will be absorbed, the stronger the future combat power, and the higher the blood vein concentration development degree."

"I remember that the most talented person in our clan is also two ponds of water for one week. Now this junior named Gu Zheng is already absorbing the third pond!"

At this time, the ancestors turned their heads and looked at Gu Feibao. The impatient grandfather also grabbed his collar: "Say! What kind of beast's blood has your son opened?"

It was messy, who knows you didn't say it?

But Gu Feibao, with a dazed face, returned innocently: "Ah? Master Zeng? Didn't I say that? What my son opened up is the blood of gluttony!"

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