The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1371: Oriental Fantasy (10)

With these two words, the chaotic scene quickly calmed down.

Several old ancestors who knew the importance of it even felt dizzy.

Glutton, a bloodline that surprised them and delighted them.

The good news is that if Gu Zheng grows up, he will be able to lead the race through the wilds on the Qianyuan Continent.

If it is the second blood enlightenment, with talented magical powers, it may be able to lead the race into the middle territory.

What's shocking is that if the blood concentration of this kid is low, it's okay to say, but if it is high, I am afraid that it is the Gu family's family...It will be barren by three points.

Thinking of the entire Middle Territory, excluding the rumors known to people from outside regions such as Qianyuan Continent, the faces of those Gu family ancestors twitched.

They turned their heads and looked at the extent of the crazy blood pool, they were not surprised.

Even if there is no second blood enlightenment, it is still an edible existence.

It's no wonder that this baby has an amazing appetite since he was a child.

A father who was supposed to be a wealthy party, was stupefied that he could only live a well-off standard of life.

At this point, everything is explained.

The ancestors who had figured it out followed with a horrified expression.

The elder who was in charge of the regulation also panicked.

"No, if it's a gluttonous bloodline, can this Jiuchizi bloodline be able to? Quickly, take my warrant and knock me the manager responsible for the purchase of the outer courtyard."

"Except for the blood prepared for the little boys in advance, they can't move. Everyone else has to take out their low-level blood privately."

"No, I guess it's not enough. You are like this. Let them split into two groups to transfer all the blood sold in Gu's industry to the old house, and then through the purchase channel, intercept the transport into the city tonight. Caravan of Bloodlines."

"Cut off all the goods they sent today and directly enter my Gu family."

"After you get the goods, you can't delay them and send them directly to the outer hospital for screening."

"Keep the unsuitable high-end goods for later use by the boys. As for the ones that are suitable for use, let Gu Zheng prepare them all."

"The last point, when doing this, you must act secretly, pay attention to confidentiality, what happened in the inner courtyard, except for us old guys, don't let anyone else know!"


The patriarch, who had been awakened and had been waiting by his ancestor's side, accepted it cleanly, and turned around and went to work on this matter.

It is a good thing for a family and ethnic group to flourish, but it is far from the benefits that a genius can bring.

Therefore, this patriarch with a strategic vision was quite agile. When Gu Zheng finally opened the acupuncture points of his whole body for swallowing at the beginning of the blood absorption in the fourth pool, the first batch of supplementary blood was transported inside. hospital.

As for Gu Zheng, who was still in the blood pool, after completing this week's cycle, very obvious changes had taken place.

The thick blood around him was no longer like the first pools of blood, just gurgling bubbles. Instead, one after another small vortex was formed, and the red in the blood rushed towards Gu Zheng's body.

For a while, even if Gu Zheng's head was exposed, it was sprayed with the blood of the alien beast.

Now he is like a terrifying blood man, with a hideous expression starting the real path of swallowing.

He was yelling all over, longing for the fullness of energy.

Every breath is dissatisfied, and every opening and closing is difficult to fill.

With the full opening of this meridian, the pure energy in these blood flowed in his body as if consciously.

And the energy he desires most began to spread into his body in turn.

Feed every hungry and shriveled cell and fill it up.

First is the skin that is the easiest to cover, followed by the equally fragile diaphragm.

When they were filled and full, the muscles occupying the largest area of ​​flesh and blood caused Gu Zheng a second trouble.

When the blood of these strange beasts invaded and infiltrated and tempered this mortal body, it was the critical moment for Gu Zheng to change his face.

His original height was like a normal child, but during this process he was pulled alive by the blood of the alien beast.

This change seems slow, but it is visible to the naked eye and observable.

Imagine that a height that should have taken a year or even a few years to grow naturally has changed due to external interference.

So how big is the pain that accompanies this change.

The blood is attached to Gu Zheng's bones and can only be endured, not separated.


At this time, Gu Zheng really screamed like catharsis.

This voice echoed in this empty hall for a long time, and it never died out.

"Quick, get ready! The next blood pool."

The person in charge of the regulation and control outside has already prepared the last pool of blood.

At this time, Gu Zheng in the blood pool also broke the record that had never been seen in the family at a very weird speed.

Whether it is the amount of blood or the speed of absorption, no one can match.

If there is a person from the Middle Territory standing outside the pool at this time, his performance is probably even more frightening than the ancestors of the Gu family who have no concept.

Because of Gu Zheng's speed, no, it should be said that the talent that he showed when he first enlightened the bloodline, even the genius of the family of gods and beasts in the Central Territory that has been passed down for thousands of years is incomparable.

That kind of whale swallowing momentum rushed straight into the sky.

A huge whirlpool drove the entire pool water and the midair was covered with blood.

"It's empty, all nine ponds are empty, what a talent!"

"Let it go! Let's open the last one, nine to one!"

As the voice of the control ancestor fell, the pool in the blood enlightened holy land finally had a world-shaking change.

The pool at this time actually included the total amount of the previously expanded pool, and the entire hall of Xueqi became a natural pool pit.

Gu Zheng, who had no energy anymore, absorbed instinctively, just like Ye Xiaozhou, floating in the vortex ups and downs.

Accompanied by one or two slightly miserable shouts, there was a pitiful smell.

If it hadn't been for his constant torture, beating, laughing, and forgetting books in the sea of ​​divine consciousness, he would have been shattered by the shock of this kind of premature pain, and his body would have collapsed.

I don't know how long has passed since the time of blood enlightenment.

The ancestors outside the temple had morning dew hanging on their hair, and the first rays of the morning sun fell on them. At this time, the talents of this courtyard waited for them to meditate on the news for the whole night.

At this moment, the scarlet gate, crimson tile roof, and crimson pillars of the **** land, like an innate treasure, emitted a scorching light.

This light rushed straight into the sky, as if thinking about this world, this heaven declared, there is a genius who can shake the entire continent, and there is a lifeless genius... just at this moment, it is about to rise!

This kind of unnatural shock is the existence that shakes people's hearts, and the existence that communicates the origin of martial arts.

Those Gu family ancestors who have found or are about to find their own martial arts, at this time, most intuitively saw this indescribable road.

At this time, they had no regard for manners, venues, and surroundings.

Sitting cross-legged one by one, staring wide-eyed, silenced all minds, to feel and grasp the inexplicable trace of the rhythm of Tao.

"It turns out that the legend is true..."

I don't know who said this low sigh, and there is an unprovable legend circulating on the Qianyuan Continent.

When there is a peerless genius, at the moment of his success, he will communicate with the world and draw the essence of the great way.

If there are people around, you can get unimaginable benefits.

A story that has been passed down by word of mouth for many years has never been seen in Outland Continent.

But now, this legend happened before their eyes.

The people who have benefited are the entire Gu family.

One of the people present was counted as one, because the low cultivation base could not feel the subtlety of the clansmen who could still maintain their sobriety, but they wanted to spread even more.

Gu's family made such a big disturbance, it is impossible to hide it.

Not to mention Fufeng City, I am afraid that the entire Dagan Empire will be shaken.

According to the abnormal urinary **** of Sima's family, Gu is afraid that there will be no peace It's a pity that Gu Zheng's appearance is still too early.

If they waited for another three years, even the nervous and cautious Sima Grey Crow family, their Gu clan could resist.

This group of years old oilseeds began to think far-reaching at this time.

At this time, what they were worried about was slowly fermenting in the entire Fufeng City.

Because this Fufeng City is still not a word for Gu's family.

Although the existence of the king of a country and the lord of many cities is just to divide the local interests and deter the existence of Xiao Xiao's family.

However, the reason why the Sima family became the leader of a country in this not-barren middle-class country was that its strength was also quite strong.

Because of the vastness of the Kunyuan continent, it is naturally impossible for a family to take into account all aspects of the country.

But the Sima family can still cultivate some vassal families and raise some vicious dogs that bite.

No, in Fufeng City, the nominal lord of the city is just a decoration.

The cultivation base is barely in the middle section of Emperor Wu, and the background is equivalent to coming from a poor family.

It seems to have formed a free-range state for Fufeng City.

But no one knows that another family in Fufeng City that can be compared with the Gu family is actually a direct vassal of the Sima family, and a relative of the Ji family, who is also a relative of the Ji family.

They are known to have a trace of the blood of a sacred bird and far flying chicken...the chasing chicken family.

Listening to the name of this bloodline, it is easy for people to ignore its existence.

But the Gu family, who had been with them many times before, knew the difficulty of this kind of bloodline.

That's oiling the soles of your feet...Leave the thief quickly.

They did not have such a strong record of Gu's and undefeated sonic attacks.

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