The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1372: Oriental Fantasy (11)

However, they have a set of secret methods handed down from the family, they can walk around with the power of wind and fire, coupled with the talented vision, and the level of sight to see extremely subtle points, which is enough to offset their disadvantage of weak force. , And the Gu family in Fufeng City are on par.

Originally, the Ji family, who was acting on behalf of the Sima family to control the situation in Fufeng City, naturally saw the vagueness of the Gu family who echoed the Ji family in the east of the city...

This kind of scene made the Patriarch Ji who stood above the small building frowned.

Their family has also been operating in Fufeng City for many generations. From the beginning of dominating the resources in the city, to now being evenly matched with the Gu family, and there is a faint trend of falling wind, only three generations have passed.

This family, which has always been hidden in Fufeng City, seemed to be only a second-rate family, only when their Ji family invaded the wild mountain range and had friction with it, it revealed its hideous meaning.

The Gu family was determined to be domineering. Once the Ji family failed to provoke, they immediately showed their strength, and blatantly confronted their chasing chicken family.

This kind of conspiracy on the bright side made the Sima family unable to help each other.

Putting all the private friction on the bright side, it was crushed by strength.

In a blink of an eye, it took only a hundred years, and Xiaotianhu's reputation has been well-known in the major cadres.

Assessing the strength of the ethnic group, the level is also rising again and again.

With regard to the right to open wasteland in the periphery, it is getting bigger and bigger, and if this continues, I am afraid that the entire Ji family will have to rely on the nose of others to live.


Covering the cloak on his shoulders, the family leader Ji sighed lightly, and couldn't let the Gu family go on like this.

At the very least, it should be a bloodline above the eighth rank of the sky that can cause this movement, and this kind of bloodline is so fast...

Do not! Can't let this genius grow up smoothly.


As a clapping sound fell, a group of silently black men appeared behind the head of family Ji.

"Go, check the Gu family's genius, which room's child is it."

"If there is a chance, think of a way to get rid of it."

"As a last resort, I allow you to do things cheaply."

The group of people behind heard this command, and didn't even respond to it. On the contrary, they once again hid in the darkness, dissipating like a gust of wind.

From today onwards, the wind in Fufeng City may not be able to stop.

When Gu Zhengxueqi's movement attracted the attention of all parties, no one knew that in the northern land of the great gantry, it bordered a weak and small country.

There was also something that shocked the capital in that small country.

The generals of Zhennan General's Mansion, who was responsible for guarding the border between the small country and the Dagan, were urgently recruited and transferred back. As soon as he entered the state of the capital, he was besieged by six families in the capital.

The sixty-six members of the Zhao family resisted desperately, and only then did General Zhao and his youngest escape into the depths of the wild forest.

Overnight, a small ethnic group was erased.

The hunter persevered and followed the seriously injured General Xiao into the dense forest, vowing to cut the grass and root.



After two arrows hit his chest and abdomen, General Xiao, who was chased by five or six knives in his back, finally couldn't hold it. He inserted the knife into the soil and barely supported his body.

Following him, the seven-year-old boy was covered with scratches on his face, and the original immature feet in the worn-out shoes were even more bloody.

But this sudden family change, the child who grew up for a while, clenched his teeth to support his father, as if he could use more of his own strength to allow his father to go on.

"Good boy..."

After several days and nights on the road, General Zhao's throat was hoarse like a broken gong.

But this is the most beautiful language Zhao Ritian has heard.

This seemingly silent child, just because of this sentence, puffed up the golden beans.


Looking at the young son who bowed his head and wiped his tears, the soft spin, General Zhao stroked his sore big hand, just as he was born when he was a child, and gave Zhao Ritian the last comfort again and again.

"Good boy, my father is afraid he can't hold it anymore."

"Come, take this with you."

Zhao Qiang, who said here, took off the silver tail ring on his little finger that was almost the same as Rou Niang, and put it directly on Xiao Ritian's little finger regardless of the size.

It's strange to say that when the ring just touched Zhao Ritian's skin, it shrank as if it were inductive, until it shrank to the size of a seven-year-old child, and then stopped.

When Zhao Ritian watched the change of the ring in surprise, General Zhao put his hand on the young son’s shoulder, instead of looking upright, he narrated to his son in a very serious tone: "Sunday, you go south, don’t Leaving the woods."

"Cross through the Dagan country, to the capital of Chiyong Kingdom south of Dagan, and find your second grandfather."

"That's our home, but it also has some family background in Chiyong."

"The mountains are high and the road is far away, and the prince of a small country can't reach it."

"and this!"

Having said this, General Zhao took out a plain jasper gourd from his arms, put it on Zhao Ritian's neck, and stuffed it into his intimate clothes.

"That's why they hunted me down. They don't know how to leak the news. They know the baby I just got."

"It's a pity that I, father, have never understood all the uses of this gourd. I only know that this gourd can turn water into wine, and the wine has a slight aerobic effect."

"But looking at the reactions of the six companies, you should know the real function of this thing."

"Since their goal is this, naturally they can't make the enemy cheap."

"Take it away and wait until everything is safe, and then study it slowly. Remember, don't mention it, don't trust anyone."


Under the gaze of General Zhao, Zhao Ritian nodded firmly, and then received a relieved smile from his father.

"It's so good..."

After that, he pushed Zhao Ritian forward and made him stand at the other end of the deep mountain fault. With a wave of his knife, he actually split the Fuji Bridge, which is responsible for the connection between the broken roads, from it.


A half of the old Fuji Bridge fell into the deep ditch along the towering cliff. This knife cut off the final bond between the father and son.

Zhao Ritian standing on the upper side of the broken road is alive, and General Zhao standing on the lower side of the broken road is dead.

This dying man left all hope to his youngest son.

And he will block the footsteps of all pursuers on this must-travel escape route.

"Father!!! Uuuuu..."

Behind him, Zhao Ritian cried heartbroken, but General Xiao never even looked back.

He just straightened his waist, raised his usual seven-foot long knife over his head, and bid his son a final farewell.

"Go! Remember today's hatred of breaking the family and destroying the door, if there is a future, I must avenge my Zhao family for more than 60 people!!"

"Have you heard clearly?!"

Zhao Ritian, who was standing on the broken road, used all his energy and responded to his father: "Listen clearly!"

He didn't know that this was his father's farewell to him, and it could also be the last farewell of the entire Zhao family.

General Zhao, who was dying because of serious injuries, wanted to give his young son a belief to live.

Even if he knows that this vast wilderness is full of crises, a seven-year-old child is walking alone in it, fearing it will be more or less bad, he must do his duty as a father and make his son in the only way he can think of. Try to survive as much as possible.

It is a pity that General Zhao heard Zhao Ritian's ambitious answer. Just as he was about to commend him, a figure of chasing soldiers appeared in the hillside under their feet.

"No! Come so fast!"

"Zhao Ritian! Run! Go south! Remember, go south!"

After speaking, General Zhao put down the long sword held high, like the most reliable barrier, forming another barrier with his body at the forefront of the broken path.

He didn't look back, but only heard the fading footsteps, and the crying that became smaller and smaller.

This kind of voice didn't mean the best Xianle for him, even if it was facing death, General Xiao had a smile on his face.

'boom! ’

When Zhao Ritian, who had turned over a small mountain bag, heard the sound of the mountain and the ground cracking, he saw the last place to be separated from his father, and his father released the skill to die with the enemy.

The thunderstorm that soared into the sky was like a terrifying tornado, and the evil in that area, accompanied by waves of screams, finally returned to Jiran.

Two lines of clear tears flowed from Zhao Ritian's eyes. He randomly touched a few hands, grabbed the small gourd on his chest, and kept walking with his head and feet buried.

Who would have thought, his father's death made him flustered, and a slippery foot caused him to roll down the hillside.


Zhao Ritian, who was too late to react, could only roll his head along with the momentum. As soon as he reached the half-hill slope, his body sank, and he fell into an abyss that seemed to be unable to fall his head.

'boom! ’

The impact of the fall caused Zhao Ritian to faint briefly.

At the bottom of the pitch-black ditch, at 6 o'clock, he was actually soft like a ball of cotton.

A behemoth with its belly facing upwards lay under the cliff.

The soft part that turned up bears most of the impact of Zhao Ritian's fall.

Such a violent impact could not bring any response to this behemoth.

Because of the dead silence around it, it is clear that this strange beast is afraid that it has already completely died.

I don't know what happened here.

Around the huge body, there were actually piled up the corpses of wild beasts, large and small, adjacent and staggered, covering the bottom of the huge cliff...

In the deadly darkness, there is only the slight breathing of Zhao Ritian. If no one is present, the child will be trapped to death in this blind space.

At this moment, the gourd on Zhao Ritian's chest opened his shirt as if it came alive... ascended into the air.

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