The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1396: Oriental Fantasy (32)

Seeing that the butler’s face is getting darker and darker, the elimination method in his mind is not like this. The elimination in his imagination is backed by a strong force, and he is dignifiedly repelled in a battle. Can be called elimination.

What is this called?

At this moment, the children he used to be optimistic about, ranked at least in the top 50 among the four hundred people, were eliminated from the three.

This is simply an indiscriminate blow, too bullying, right?

Seeing this, even the butler couldn't help but want to interfere.

"Cough cough cough, the number of people hitting the air is full, and now the competition is only the ownership of the top ten rooms!!"

It means, Brother Gu, stop now!

When he heard this, Gu Zheng really stopped his hand, but he poked the flagpole to his side, and the pole was inserted three feet underground, but the others never left the pole, on the contrary. He hooked his fingers in the direction of the leaders who were far away from him and closer to the number plate.

"You, yes, you, in red, and you, in blue!"

"Quickly, hand me the number plate!"

"Shake your head? No? All right? Then I will save a bit of accommodation expenses for our chief executive!"

After that, Gu Zheng was pretending to be pulling a pole, and he still wanted to continue sweeping over there.

The angry young people who were named are suffering from pain in the liver. Who made them in the process of fighting, the token temporarily fell into their hands, and it happened to be watched by Gu Zheng?

I didn't see a few clever people, or those who were almost the winners and losers, and took them in his arms early. Gu Zheng couldn't find anyone, so he didn't name them.

The young people who only thought they were a little stupid sighed, and while walking in the direction of Gu Zheng, they handed over the sign in their hands.

Who would have imagined that these two men just walked into Gu Zheng's side. The teenager who did not play the cards according to common sense put his head together, twisted his fingers gently at them, and whispered: "Sell Seven The number plate of the room on the first floor is worth one piece of silver. Can you two buy it???"

Shameless you! !

The number plates of these two men are in their hands. How dare this brazen boy! ! How dare you just extort words directly?

One of the people dressed in red was from a family of fiery-tempered flaming lions. After receiving such contempt, he didn't say a word and immediately pulled out his fist.

Grandma's legs are already so close, your big pole can do a ball!

The big hammer head of the dustpan, wrapped in a layer of flame vindictiveness, came towards Gu Zheng's door.

Seeing this direct action, the yellow boy behind him was even more insidious, with a blue-gray light appearing under his feet, and he directly attacked his lower plate.

The audience who had been watching Gu Zheng a long time ago was applauded, and even the fist of the housekeeper could not help but clenched these two.


On the contrary, Gu Zheng, who was attacked, was quite interesting. He didn't have to refuse, he stood upright and was directly hit by the two opponents.

‘Boom! ’

‘Boom! ! ’

The fire engulfed the wind and exploded on Gu Zheng's body. It was called a sturdy man, except for the Gu family who screamed in shock: "Gu Zheng!!!"

Everyone else screamed like this: "Kill this stinky boy!!"

Whoever thinks, the smog disappears, and the triumphant expressions on the two faces become petrified, because one person’s hands are hanging on his chest, and the other’s feet are floating on the base of his legs, only three minutes away from Gu Zheng, but they are entering. Don't score! !

this! !

"How is it possible!! King Wu's sixth order!!"

"Are you all relying on your breakthrough to show off your power?!!!"

Why make a breakthrough like bean sprouts growing! !

You must know that Gu Zheng's resume is already against the sky! !

He eats all the way to break through, drinks all the way to level up, the sky is so unfair, so unfair! !

Hearing everyone's exclamation, Gu Zheng was very dissatisfied. He disgusted and separated the solidified actions of the two men, and with an infinite movement, they hammered them together!

'boom! ’

'boom! ’

When the two fell to the ground in a daze, Gu Zheng stood proudly among them, arguing his name: "Nonsense! I rely on Baoyi to win!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng pulled down the torn jacket that had been burned, revealing the shiny golden armor inside.

"This treasure can be used as three full-strength attacks at a realm above Wujun. Your level is not as good as me. The attack hits on the treasure, just like the itching of a boot!"

The people around you were struck by lightning.

What can you be proud of as someone who relies on foreign objects to win?

Gu Zheng, who had a particularly different brain circuit, approached the two again, pulling left and right, and dragged the number plate that they held tightly into their hands.

"Since you don't want it, take it!"

Turning his head, Gu Zheng held these two glittering tokens high above his head, and shouted at the untouched people in the arena: "Sell two seven-layer number plates, the higher the price!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's shout, the noisy martial arts field like a vegetable market instantly became silent.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the two number plates that symbolized honor and status with fiery eyes, and they couldn't bear to separate for a moment.

After a long, painful calm, a weak but courageous voice sounded in the court.

"I have ten thousand taels of silver tattoos!!"

This sound was like discharging the flood of an overflowing dam, and it seemed like it was opening a closed high door. For a while, the following voices followed one after another, and in the end even Gu Zheng couldn't hear the highest report. Where did it come from?


Using the roar of the lion in the realm of King Wu to end the noisy farce, Gu Zheng pointed to the person who closed his mouth last and shook the number plate towards him.

"The kid with thirty thousand taels of silver and five bottles of blood pill, congratulations on your first token!"

And with a wave of his finger down, those who have a clear heart with him, the speed of reporting the number is even more urgent.

When the first lucky person walked up to the sidelines and offered the finances he had already prepared at home with both hands, Gu Zheng paid the money and delivered the goods with one hand, while hitting him with his right hand. The person in the red suit pointed in the direction: "Stop!!"

This is the last chance to give back to the person he robbed.

"Tell me about you" Gu Zheng, who ended the first transaction, turned his head and spread his palms towards him. While watching the other party rubbing his chest to collect money, he kindly complained: "Obviously it can be ten thousand taels. If it's done, you have to worry about your ridiculous self-esteem."

"Young man, remember one sentence, everyone is responsible for what they have done!"

You say you are not angry.

The flames of the lion’s family were hot and angry with blood retrograde. The moment they got the number plate, ‘poof’... a mouthful of blood spurted out.

After taking the previous lesson, he first handed the number plate into the hands of the family members, then raised his right hand tremblingly, pointed at Gu Zheng and threatened: "Fufeng City, Gu Zheng, right? I remember you!"

"Don't think you are the first genius of my Azure Dragon Nation. The Dragon Prince of my Azure Dragon Nation is the first genius of my Azure Dragon Empire."

"He is now practicing in retreat, breaking through to the realm of Martial Lord!"

"When the test station is opened, it will be the day of my revenge!"

Gu Zheng blinked, and the hot lion was afraid that he might say something bad, so he hurriedly followed up: "I have been in friendship with Prince Long for many years! I am the chief under the Prince's table..."


Yes, it was picked up by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng, who shrugged his shoulders, didn't care. He leisurely pointed his hand towards the butler towards the Jubin Building. After seeing the butler nodded stubbornly, he moved behind him in a daze. Hundreds of people bowed their hands: "Little brother, I'll be one step ahead, see you in the empire testing field!!"

"Haha, Qinglong's first genius, it will be twenty-five soon!"

A ten-year-old man, afraid of being a hairy man!

Let's make the money first, if the situation is not good, the soles of the feet will be oiled, everyone is the seed player of the Azure Dragon Empire, for the honor of the country, the prince named Long will not do anything to him.

To bully the small with the big, right is to bully the small with the big!

Gu Zheng, who stepped onto the seventh floor, received a calm and calm comment after he left.

The style of a general is probably the biggest misunderstanding of Gu Zheng's performance.

But his courage has really had a deep impact on the remaining hundred people in the field.

Everyone is the same age, and Gu Zheng can be so bold and calm, so what can't they do?

Since then, when the people of the Azure Dragon Empire went out, they were three points more Lu and three points more courageous than the children of the next empire. While the death and injury rate was rising steadily, they were the fastest upgrade among their peers. The wave of people with the most adventures.

There is a great ability to hear the cause of all this, and he praised it: "Second, I am most afraid of looking forward and backward on the road of spiritual practice. I am a model of my generation if I am indomitable!"

Of course, these are all things to come. For the current Gu Zheng, he can comfortably enjoy the achievements he has achieved through hard work.

Eat and drink for free on the seventh floor, and check your own small vault.

Who would have thought, that more than ten thousand two-stripe silver hadn't been counted in his hand, so he was picked up by Gu Feibao on the side.

"Son, I'm really filial, knowing that I feel sorry for your dad."

"It's still my son who is very good. He knew that he would support his family when he was fifteen years old. No, you don't need to refuse. I know that you have eaten your father so poorly for so many years that you can't afford a new clothes."

"But don't worry, as long as your father takes a bite, you can't be without you."

"Therefore, these silvers existed in Daddy's place first, and three days later it will be the Imperial Inspection Day, and the days of eating and drinking for nothing will pass."

"When you follow the empire to the Great Wilderness, isn't it useless to put that silver on your body?"

"Why don't I hold it for you first, and leave it to you to marry a wife when you enter the middle domain."

This lie came casually, just like the lie I saved for you for the new year's money.

Originally, Gu Zheng would never approve, but when he looked down at his father and put it in his arms, when he revealed the jacket with a hole in it, Gu Zheng couldn't bear to come back again.

For so many years, he really wronged his dad.

As soon as his unreliable mother left for fifteen years, his father froze for fifteen years.

Eating and drinking Lazard did not lose Gu Zheng...but he lost himself.

That's it, that's all, you should be more filial to yourself, for you will be his support in the future.

Inexplicably, he lost his motivation to do things, and Gu Zheng stayed quietly on the seventh floor for three days.

When the butler sent someone to inform him that when he was gathered at the royal martial arts field of the Azure Dragon Empire, this one yawned and headed towards the destination lazily.

For this test, others were dressed very luxuriously, ready to go.

Only Gu Zheng, who still wears ordinary uniforms, has burrs on the edges of a pair of boots.

Such a dress is naturally recognized by people at a glance.

The few children who suffered a great loss from Gu Zheng in the melee, they all evaded one after another, and they actually opened a way for Gu Zheng to walk alone.

And this appearance made the royal family of the Azure Dragon Empire standing on the city platform notice Gu Zheng's existence at a glance.

Among them, there was a man with a serious face, a handsome man, and a majestic man. He pointed in Gu Zheng's direction and asked: "Huh? Is this the handsome man of the He family?"

The privileged princes and noble children were about to meet down along the high platform. Hearing Prince Long’s question, he stopped consciously.

A few people leaned out of the high platform, and even if they looked away from a distance, the clothes on that person were inconspicuous, but everyone recognized the person's identity at a glance.

"Gu Zheng! Mother! It's Gu Zheng!"

These people, who are more than three points higher than the others, did not realize that when they shouted the two words Gu Zheng, the words were filled with fear and guilty conscience.

But as a bystander and extremely powerful mind, Prince Long felt everyone's fear of this person at the moment he heard the name.

"Oh? Is this person good? You seem to know him?"

Seeing Prince Long smiled, the fire lion, who had the best relationship with him and had a love for reading, spoke.

"Yes, of course awesome, but you have to compare with whom, standing with you, Prince Long, he is the mud in the ground."

"But this kid," the fire lion said here, and he paused. After thinking of the humiliation that he could only succumb to the sixth floor, he felt a little bit of resentment in his tone: "He's damned too. Shameless."

"Let me tell you, Prince Long, he is a **** without a bottom line!! Shameless you!"


With the words of the companion reader who cannot suffer, Long Prince's fear from the beginning has changed a little bit of interest: "You tell me, let me listen?"

As a result, among the three hundred and fifty people who had to wait for testing, they could not wait for the arrival of the fire lion.

When the evaluation officer, who was said to have only appeared inexplicably once a year, did not plan to wait any longer, the fire lion joined hands with the first person in the real realm of the Azure Dragon Empire to come to this testing square.

"Excuse me," the slightly late Long Prince smiled Qing Feng Jiyue, and gently bowed his hand to the inspection officer, acknowledging his mistake: "I had a good chat with my friend, it was a delay, Wangwang inspector Don't blame it."

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows lightly, and an old **** in Tsing Yi who had been standing behind him handed a small show pouch to the inspector's hand.

The other party was in full view, never opened it, nor did he have a guilty conscience with short hands. On the contrary, the old **** was there and he said that he put the things in his hands into his sleeves, as if he was a little short of breath just now. People are not like him, and they have returned to the previous calmness.

"Everyone is here, I'm not responsible for the roll call."

"Have you seen the row of columns in front of you? Have you had experience with Xueqi as a child?"

"Old rules, old actions, go forward one by one, find the opposite pillar, stand well, and then listen to my next step."

"Go, let's hurry up. At this time, testing in the other four countries may have started long ago!"

After speaking, the black-clothed inspector waved the banner in his hand. In this huge drill field, hundreds of small, black pillars appeared out of thin air. When Gu Zheng was a child, The pillars of the white jade-like transparent blood Qi that have been seen are completely different.

The beast-shaped totem carved on the pillar here is obviously much less than the one when I was a child, but just take out such a pillar, and the blood and coercion on it, even if it is the one in the Gu family. Ten times more than the root column.

Seeing all the young people, they were shocked by the pillars, and the examiner who caused the pillars to appear suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

Can this kind of pillar be the same as the totem pillar on the Outland Continent?

Each of the pillars here is carved from the trees in the habitat of the sacred beasts in the middle area, which are stained with the breath of the sacred beasts.

Because they have been infinitely close to the legendary beast gods, these pillars have not been decayed and destroyed for thousands of years, and coupled with the inspection of the genius teenagers on the outer continent for generations, I don’t know how many excellent bloodlines have been infiltrated. The coercion and tenacity of these uprights are also getting higher and higher and stronger.

Regardless of whether these young people can pass this first step and be able to see this kind of pillar, it is their honour, and they will not be in vain.

No, because the coercion of the high-level bloodline contained above has made many bloodline and its related testing people feel the connection in the dark.

Several people were shocked by this level difference, and there were even signs of breakthrough evolution.

Several young people who took this as an opportunity to transform themselves did not care about observing the pillars in front of them. Instead, they sat down on the spot with their knees on the ground, closed their eyes and broke through the scene.

"Look, this is your good fortune!"

Even people who fail the test have received great benefits. They will persevere in the future, and hope that with the level of their blood, they will once again break through the great wasteland of the Central Territory.

The inspection officer was a little proud. He ignored those who broke through, and instead gave orders to those who didn't feel obvious about coercion.

"The smaller your feelings for the pillars, the more pure your blood, and the higher your level."

"Therefore, those who are tested first must not be depressed. On the contrary, everyone's pass rate will be higher."

"Then, listen to my orders and reach out!"

Now that the inspector had said so, the crowd did not hesitate, and a slight babble sounded in this area.

For Gu Zheng, who often bleeds, he doesn't feel any discomfort.

What he is more curious now is that this test is just like a blood test. What criteria does the opponent select according to?

While Gu Zheng was puzzled, the inspector who had been doing nothing but moved.

The small black flag he had just held in his hand was obviously a small black flag, but when he waited on the high platform on one side and swiped it towards the void, the flag turned into a turbulent ink pen.

There is no paper or ink at the tip of the pen, but it can draw a red horizontal line in the void, and this horizontal line is pushed flat in the void, and bombards the rows of totem pillars. .


There was no ground shaking, no cutting or breaking. After this line passed through each of the pillars, it dissipated in the heavens and the earth, without any traces.

What does this mean?

When everyone looked up at the pillar touched by the dotted line, they found that a blood-colored line appeared out of thin air on the originally featureless pillar.

You only need to think about it to understand whose masterpiece this line is.

Just as everyone speculated, the inspector said an answer that had long been expected: "Those with super-line bloodlines, pass!"



There was an uproar.

Among the first batch of so-called most promising people, only seven or eight people exceeded this line, and the results of the rest were almost far from this line.

A young man who was uncomfortable seeing his own test began to question: "Report, Examiner, did you make the wrong standard?"

"Your line is only one finger away from the top of the column, and..."

TMD was too ugly, the young man didn't scold him, he got stuck, took a breath, and said the last half sentence.

"Still the fingers sideways!"

Then there are only two or three centimeters in height.

What a bloodline level this is, this is too bullying.

Whoever thinks it, the inspector on the side heard the young man's crying and felt sympathy and hypocritical.

He sneered with his nostrils, contemptuously: "Is this still called high?"

"Do you want to know how low the level of your bloodline detection pillar is?"

"This column can detect the low-level blood in your body anyway."

"If you enter the Middle Territory and be born in the Middle Territory, your bloodline will not even activate the pillars of the Blood Qi. The world is so big that you can hardly guess."

"As long as you know, this is still a relaxed condition, and you have to be treated well, just know what you have in mind."

"As for those of you who failed? Isn't an explanation enough?"

After talking about this, the inspector proudly backed his hand, and only pointed out the young people who had exceeded the line.

"You, and you, come behind me, after everyone has been tested, you will come forward and register again!"

Just when the inspector found that there were three red lights in the front row, and planned to point them out with his hands at will, he was stunned by the vision displayed by the pillar in front of one of the teenagers.


The howling of this voice was a little distorted, as unpleasant as a chicken stepped on its neck.

But the people standing around Gu Zheng turned a deaf ear to this noise.

Because they are so shocking.

This is the first time this group of young people have seen a vision in the blood test.

Because on the pillar of Gu Zheng, a huge blood-colored phantom rose up unexpectedly, hazy, indistinct, not very clear, but enough to make them in awe.

When this phantom appeared, it actually squeezed the blood light on the other pillars, even the pillars of the genius who had passed the standard line, and retreated by three points.

A virtual roar sounded as if spreading out from the deepest position of the pillar.

Let the dragon prince closest to Gu Zheng's pillar, the blood mist that had just reached the top and wanted to condense into a solid body, collapsed and dissipated in this roar, and finally returned to ordinary peace.

"This, this is the bloodline of the god-like blood that is infinitely close to the Central Territory's beast family??"

"No, no, it's stronger than the bloodline of a god, but it hasn't reached the richness of a true bloodline."

"Could it be that this kid's parents???"

The inspector's hands shook badly, and he took the list of registered test geniuses provided to him by the Azure Dragon Empire in advance.

When he turned to the page of Gu Zheng and saw the origin of this young man, he muttered to himself in disbelief: "Impossible, a small family, a small clan, the origin is clear, how could it be there? A few of the big guys are involved in the relationship!!!"

"Or? The problem is with Gu Zheng's mother who is unknown?"

"No, no, no!" After talking about this possibility, the inspector himself denied it: "The birth rate of the mythical beast family is so low. Every woman is the treasure of the family. ,impossible!"

"Then it is an extremely rare ancestor, yes it must be like this! Or a ancestor with a very strong bloodline!"

" I found the baby, I found the baby!"

"I don't know which branch of the bloodline he returned to his ancestors. If he successfully enters the middle domain, he will use the more sophisticated totem poles there to test one or two. As long as he is recognized and absorbed by the family, then my achievements this time will be real. That's it."

"Hahaha, this time, I see how the two eagles of the White Tiger Empire are fighting with me!"

"I'm appointed as the official in charge of the Outland!"

When the inspector finished snickering in his heart, his face changed. He smiled and beckoned to Gu Zheng, with a special and pleasant look: "Come on, boy, stand on my left side, while there is still Time, let me give you some pointers."

Seeing Gu Zheng touching his head and coming over very obediently, the inspector remembered that the two behind him had also passed the marking line.

The remaining greetings were somewhat perfunctory: "Oh, there are you two, what are you doing in a daze, follow the others, and wait to go back!"

The angry fire lion rushed into the crown, his eyes widened and he was about to yell, but was blocked by the dragon prince on the side.

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