The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1397: Oriental Fantasy (33)

"Don't be impulsive, all the eyes will only arouse the dissatisfaction of the people in the Middle Territory. We have a long way to go, and it is not clear how we will end up in the future."

"Behind has a lot of dependence on him, and now I have fallen out with him, and it will not do us any good!"

"Forbearance for a while, when we successfully enter the Middle Territory and soar into the sky, some accounts can be settled slowly, and some enmities can be reported immediately!"

After all, it was Prince Long, who calmed the fire lion with a few words.

The red-haired, irritable boy in red took a sigh of luck, and followed Long Prince, reluctantly at the end of the line.

Because of their delay, they became the last position in the fifteen-member team.

At this time, half of the young people who were selected by families from various countries and passed the test, except for the aristocratic families in the Azure Dragon Empire, had not given up the first place to Prince Long.

A joke, didn't you tell me what the inspector said? The most important thing for people in Zhongyu is bloodliness.

Except for Gu Zheng's bloodline, everyone was on the same starting line.

Your Azure Dragon Empire must ensure that certain people are sent every year for the established transaction. Those who have passed the test are not the ones that Long Prince can easily offend now.

To say that this dragon prince is really the best candidate for the crown prince of a country, this energy-raising skill is much better than those of the Sima family's trash snacks.

He smiled and looked at the dissatisfied young people, comforting his subordinates, and calmly followed the inspector to the small high platform on the side of the martial arts field.

"There are only fifteen people."

Out of the 351 qualified to participate in the test, only 15 qualified.

Compared with the twenty places in each country, this is far worse.

The remaining five...

The inspector shook his head, and pointed out all the boys who were lucky enough to break through to the King of Martial Realm, and let them get into a melee from the bottom.

Five places, more than 30 people competed, can only make up for the realm, there is no other way.

The harshness of this is unimaginable to others, but the inspector responsible for the lead only feels bitter in his mouth.

What's the use of high realm?

It's just a good-looking face.

If the neighboring countries are all funded by Tian Zong, and the 20 places are filled or even exceeded, wouldn't it show his incompetence even more?

You must know that the Great Wilderness Passage leading to the Central Territory can not only pass through the realm to pass it smoothly.

The reason for this can only be truly understood by these geniuses who are on the scene.

The inspector who can't raise interest at all, is so perfunctory that he doesn't even bother to read the final result.

After he left a word to gather at the Azure Dragon Imperial Palace teleportation formation against the battle group that didn't know the life or death, he took the fifteen people selected in advance to take the first step.

Hey, one step is slow, the step is slow, and the rubbing is slow. I don't know how to be laughed at by other colleagues!

No, wait until he is carrying fifteen neatly dressed and five young people with swollen noses and swollen faces. In the space time, everyone has arrived, waiting for the movement of the Azure Dragon Empire.

When the white light flashed, when the recruiter of the Azure Dragon Kingdom just revealed his true face, the sarcastic remarks were thrown over as if they didn't want money.

"Hey, who is this? Tsk tsk, why do you droop a face, who owes you money, isn't it?"

"I said Lao Bai, isn't it you? I drank too much and stole our brother Qing's money bag. This one is going to say something to you. I can't do things authentically!"

The man who said this was wild and unruly, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, like the black clothes he was wearing, with his own black water.

But Lao Bai, who was wronged in the words, was a tall and burly man with exuberant hair.

The mane on his head was woven into a random and random braid, entangled and draped over the shoulders.

Contrary to this messy scene, this big man actually wore a short shot of snow-white fur.

I don't know what kind of exotic animal's fur, from top to bottom, there is not even a trace of different color.

Such a good leather was simply cut into a vest and shorts without any style by this tall man, which made Gu Zheng, who had always been poor, feel distressed as soon as he saw it.

However, Gu Zheng's distress only lasted for two seconds, and he was awakened by the loud voice of the brawny man named Lao Bai.

"Fart! How can I owe someone money?"

"Lao Tzu never borrows money. If I want to use it, I still have to find someone to borrow it? Lao Tzu grabs it with his true ability!"

"What can he have the ability to hold my three punches? If I robbed him of his money, it is still a question whether he can stand here now."

"Besides, the five of us don't know who? Even if I **** your old Qi's money, I won't **** him. If this person has no abilities, he will sue!"

"The people up there still believe him open-mouthed! What can I do, I can't afford to hide!"

"But!" The white fur man here hugged the black man with his arms, pointed behind Qing Shouzi, and laughed presumptuously: "If he can't complete the task this time, then in the future Let's not worry about him completely."

"There is no more than three things. If no seed emerges, this kid will go to the outskirts of the Central Territory to do handyman!"


After saying this, the two laughed unscrupulously.

On the side, an old man with a fairy style and a half-old **** in a red dress reluctantly shook his head, saying that he would not participate in this group mocking activity.

But only with the performance of these two people is enough to make the inspector with the surname Qing, now a middle-aged person named Jialiren, become a smoker.

As a result, the infinite pressure and anger that had accumulated in his heart finally broke out at this moment.

"Boss Bai, don't deceive others too much. To be profitable, between you and me, there can only be one person at the top."

"Even if I don't have any political achievements this time, so I was recalled by Zhongyu, but this time, the official leader is still me!"

"I have a proposal here, I don't know if you dare to respond!"

"If it's this time, no, I won't say that it's that simple to pass. This time, among the geniuses in the Azure Dragon Empire that I have introduced, not only have passed the selection of the Central Territory, but they have also defeated the heroes and become this time. If you introduce the first person to be selected, from now on, when you see me, you will not only retreat by three feet, but also do a good job as a brother and a subordinate."

"Can you dare to agree?"

Boss Bai was stunned by these words. How could this thin young man ever be so hard-hearted?

He looked at behind the gloomy man in Tsing Yi with some doubts, but only saw a young man who had just broken through the threshold of Martial King, and his realm was not very stable.

"Tsk? I said Qing Shou, what are you crazy about? You don't want to challenge me by relying on that Wujun seedling?"

"But you Wujun's age is not too young, just rely on him? You have forgotten, what do you see in Zhongyu?"

"It's pedigree, age, and expectability in the future. Tsk tsk, you didn't really give up because of anger?"

The man in black who kept tilting his mouth to watch the excitement on the side suggested another possibility for Lao Bai: "No, maybe this young man, after discovering that he is hopeless anyway, is actually going on a smashing battle. The final madness."

"This last time, how can he make you unhappy, and make himself comfortable."

"After all, whoever has been suppressed by the other party for ten years, this is also about to explode in aggrieved heart!"

"Furthermore, he made this bet with you. It was profitable and harmless. If you win, you can be the big brother comfortably, and you can also drive you, a useful little brother. If you lose, it doesn't matter. I have been recalled to the Central Region. From now on, I won’t be able to see the last time in a year, right?"

"Hey, win or lose at ease, why don't people treat you like this?"

After hearing it, Boss Bai suddenly realized that the eyes of the people in Tsing Yi brought contempt.

The angry Tsing Yi man pointed at the black man and was about to vomit and bleed: "Of the five of us, your kid is the worst!!"

"Okay! Since you said so, I will bet on this blood stone in my hand!"

After all, this Tsing Yi man actually took out a round stone the size of a goose egg from his arms, and sealed a strand of bright red blood in it.

The bloodshot seemed to have spirituality, and he slowly flowed in this blood vein stone, and when it flashed, it was like a little red dragon.

"This is!"

After Boss Bai and the black-clothed men with the surname Qi saw the stone, they screamed: "Are you willing to take out the middle-grade sacred beast blood stone for a gambling?"

"Don't you know?"

Didn’t I know that a piece of stone like this could cultivate a middle-rank genius who could enter the outer courtyard of the Central Territory Mythical Beast Family?

Until this time, the two people on the opposite side knew Qing Shouzi's determination at this time. He was going to play for real.

"Okay! Since you are rare to be straightforward, why don't my boss dare?"

"Shall we bet this time?"

"Let's take this as a bet!!"

The two opponents who couldn't match each other reached an agreement at this moment, but they didn't ask at all about the feelings of the twenty people behind each of them.

After Long Prince was lifted out by the opponent alone, and was not praised but satirized, the control of his facial muscles strayed a bit in the direction of gaffes.

Not only was the Dragon Prince with extremely high self-cultivation, but even the group of young people behind Boss who thought they had high hopes had a pretty good-looking complexion when they found out that they didn't count as a fart.

Are you offending the geniuses of the Great Empire of Wu and the various dependent countries of Outland together?

Is this really good?

Anyway, these five guides didn't take it seriously.

Boss Bai was still facing the tallest and most advanced man behind him and he was scolded back by his amiable guide: "What opinion do you want to express? Okay, wait till you step into it. Go to Zhongyu, no, after being taken in by the family in Zhongyu, you will come to me to protest."

"What are you now? There are so many geniuses in this world, and the one who has to go to the end is considered a genius!"

After that, the white boss didn't care about the young man who was broken by him, but stood in this independent space and waited silently.

What are you waiting for?

That passage was only opened for a short period of time within a certain period of time.

For a time, the entanglement of the guide was put down, and the air pressure in this empty space also became lower and lower.

Just when Gu Zheng thought that everyone was going to do a full martial arts first, suddenly the teleportation formation belonging to the Azure Dragon Empire emitted a burst of activated white light.

"What's the matter? Isn't the teleportation array automatically closed after the guidance is over?"

"Who is it? I risked the world and sent someone over again?"

When the Tsing Yi people were annoyed that the Qinglong royal family dared to release others privately in violation of his order, two people came out grunting out of the white light.

The two men charged very fiercely. Before they could take their heads, the man in Tsing Yi raised his right foot high.



In just two clicks, the two intruders were kicked to the ground, and the belly of the person who was rolling with his head was exposed like a tortoise.

"why you?"

"Gu Zheng?"

"Gu Zheng!!"

I thought that Gu Aotian had been eliminated in the bloodline test, and Gu Zheng had no acquaintances to join him in the Central Territory.

Whoever thinks, the peaks have turned, two acquaintances who are not afraid of death actually broke in in this way.

Gu Zheng, who was so bold and daring, admired him from the bottom of his heart.

So who are these two silly and bold?

One was Ye Liangchen, the first richest man in the five countries, who was very wealthy at first glance, and the other was Sima Showa, who was in tatters.

The two of them didn't even care about the bruises on their bodies. On the contrary, they were a joy, and the other angrily shouted out Gu Zheng's name together.

"Why? I want someone to help you explain? Dreaming?"

"Break into the teleportation formation, I will take your life now, and then blame your family!"

The Tsing Yi man was so angry that the opponent's neglect made him feel so angry that he drew a cyan banner from his sleeve and slammed it towards the front door of the two of them.

This flag that only used a bit of strength was not something that these two rookies could resist.

Just when the unsuspecting Sima Zhaohe was frightened, Ye Liangchen, who was a little farther away from the Tsing Yi people, seemed to think of something, and yelled at the Tsing Yi people for mercy: "Your honor!"

"It's really a good opportunity for the two of me to choose the wrong one, because I didn't get the invitation letter from the Azure Dragon Empire because I didn't have a good reputation, so the blood test was delayed."

"From the perspective of Wangwangzun, both of us have the origin of the mythical beasts. Let us redeem the merits and save our lives!!"

This sound is not pitiful, and the Tsing Yi man's offensive, as soon as the words of the divine beast vision appeared, it was like a sudden brake.

The sharp end of the banner was only a minute away from Sima Showa's eyebrows, and Sima Showa's tears and nose were frightened, and they flowed out at this moment.

The Tsing Yi person was very disgusted with this reaction. He quickly pulled back to an inch and stopped to look at Ye Liangchen squintly: "Oh, then tell me, what kind of bloodline did you two activate?" As if these two Personally, the step he said followed his wishes, and the banner had to be stabbed back again.

Ye Liangchen, who was shocked, really didn't dare to delay, and he reported his bloodlines clearly.

"My honour, Ye Liangchen, the youngest child, Ye clan of Dajin Country, opened the blood of the three-legged golden toad."

"That girl and Gu Zheng are from the same place, and they are Princess Sima Zhaohe of the Sima clan from a great country."

"Oh, no, it's the former princess, and now it can't be called a great country, because just two days ago, their country had changed dynasties."

"The current major country has been changed to the country of Dazheng, and the royal family of this country has also become the Gu family."

"As for why it was changed so quickly, I am not quite sure when I am young."

"It's just that when the kid and the former princess were testing the bloodline, they happened to be in the same place. The bloodline she opened was more powerful than that of the kid. If the bloodline concentration is not too weak, I am afraid it will cause the abnormality, the movement and the static energy will be greater. ."

"Because the bloodline opened by the former princess is more fortune than the kid's three-legged golden toad, and it is the first among the five great beasts of fortune, Pai Yao!"

After saying this, Ye Liangchen could be considered as having completed the task. He squatted to the side honestly, waiting for the Qingyi people to come to the next conclusion.

As for Sima Zhaohe, who was still in a trance, after hearing Ye Liangchen's mention of Gu Zheng, he turned around from a stupefied state and turned to look in the direction where Gu Zheng was.

When she saw the poor figure that she was so disgusted with at first glance, Sima Zhaohe let out an angry roar: "What the Gu dynasty, they are just a group of despicable villains."

"I don't know what kind of business we made with the people of the Xuanwu Kingdom in private, and even united with the Gentiles, cooperated inside and outside, and killed half of our Sima family."

"We didn't notice it for a while, but we fell quickly. The Gu family, the anti-guy, they are a small family of Fufeng City, they actually have more than 30 martial emperors and seven or eight martial arts."

"There is also a half-step Wusheng pressure formation that has touched the threshold of Wusheng. This one has killed nearly half of the masters enshrined by our Sima royal family for generations."

"The huge Sima clan collapsed in one day, and their so-called reason is that our Sima clan deliberately killed the best child of the Gu clan, Gu Zheng!"

"Hahaha, how funny is this? You know, if I don't dislike this kid named Gu Zheng, who is poor and scumbag, he is one of the first choices of my Sima clan's horsemen!!"

"Gu Zheng!! The hatred of breaking the door is not shared. I can't help you now! One day, I will ask your Gu family to return the original things owed to our Sima family!!"

After speaking, this princess Sima Zhaohe no longer be stupid, but bowed deeply in the direction of the Tsing Yi people: "Please take people to pity, let me wait to go to the Great Wilderness Passage!!"

When it comes to this, it depends on what you plan to do from Tsing Yi.

When the White Boss and the people in black thought that the Tsing Yi people should not make a substitution, the thin young man who thought more than anyone laughed hahaha.

"Okay, Pai Yao, three-legged toad, right?"

"If this is the case, what else is there to consider?"

"You, and you!" Qing Shouzi moved behind him, and one of the five people who were qualified to live by their realm, accurately pointed out the two of the lowest realm: "You two , Change with these two, they will enter the middle domain for you!"

"This! It's not fair!! Your honor!!"

One of the quickest responses was about to protest, but how could the decision made by the thin young man change?

He just waved at the two impatiently, pushing them into the circle of the teleportation array. He didn't know what mechanism was activated. The two of them disappeared in this space after another flash of white light. Among.

But at this moment, Gu Zheng sighed with regret, and in a voice that no one could hear, he muttered in a low voice: "Oh, I almost meant it. If I were that kid, the person in Tsing Yi said At the moment when it was good, one of them was killed in the palm of the hand with a single blow. At that time, let alone the blood of Pai Yao, he is the illegitimate son of Heaven. How can this attract others to me?"

Of course, his spitting out was just a mouth-watering addiction. When Qing Thin Man felt it cut over, Gu Zheng hurriedly closed his mouth.

As for Ye Liangchen, taking advantage of this moment's effort, a Guru got up from the ground, patted the dust and got close to Gu Zheng.

"Big brother, I didn't expect that just two days after we were separated, you and I met again. It's fate."

"We have a long way to go, and the safety of the little brother is all on the eldest brother, so hopeful."

Seeing Ye Liangchen's knelt and licking expression, Gu Zheng was a bit disgusted: "I said, you have already gotten a vengeance, have you returned home to inherit your wealth? Why come back again, this time Muddy water?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's question, Ye Liangchen was also very aggrieved. He sighed, and after separating the two, he told Gu Zheng about what happened next.

Because these five levels of winning the Grand Competition have affected all aspects.

First, the dark hands of the Wu family affected the image of the saint, and the invigilator of the Five Senses Competition was almost faceless, so the gentleman of the first level remembered the Wu family of the Great Golden State.

When a few people evacuated from the first pass, this gentleman, through the contacts behind him, made trouble towards the Wu family of the Great Golden State.

Immediately, all businesses related to the Wu family in the country where this gentleman was located and within the borders of the leading cadres were all stopped.

Not only that, but from top to bottom, there are still many ways to make things difficult.

At first, the Wu family didn't know what was going on, so they asked someone to find out, and they also asked for help from the Ye family, who was more accessible than their family.

Who would have thought, the Ye family had already told the Patriarch of the Ye family exactly what happened to Ye Liangchen at the Five Senses Grand Contest.

The patron who loves Ye Liangchen the most, when he heard that Wu Xun'er of the Wu family actually spurned his unlearned and only money-making heir to participate in the competition, and even wickedly moved his hands and feet, it was Furious.

Not only did Ye Baoshi who protect the shortcomings not help the Wu family, but instead united with several other major firms in the five countries and attacked the Wu family together.

The Wu family who ran on the run, but within half a day, most of the fortune disappeared.

The Patriarch of the Wu family was confused, and when he returned home full of fire, he went to ask his prostitute Wu Xun'er who had provoked him.

When he heard Wu Xun'er crying, not only did he not irritate his daughter's unfaithfulness, but instead he slapped his thigh and clapped his hands and praised his daughter's choice.

"Hahaha! Good! What's the fear of a merchant clan? You can go to Dagancheng quickly now, and use the remaining half of the furniture of my Wu family to the Sima royal clan, and ask for his blessing!"

"If you can get a side concubine, no, the status of a concubine, you and I will not be afraid of the Ye family's persecution, and those companies that run together to run our business together will eventually return the things that were previously swallowed back to me. !"

"Don't hurry up? If you stay here again, our Wu family is afraid that we won't even be able to get this wealth, then your status in the Sima royal family will be even lower?"

Hearing this, Wu Xun'er made a decisive decision, wiped a tear, and slammed directly to the mansion of Sima Guwen in the Great Dry Kingdom.

This Sima’s old article just received a scolding from his father. The Five Kingdoms Festival has left two countries at once, and the remaining two watched and made some weak demands in an attempt to make more money in the major countries. Some benefits.

For the sake of future wars, they can't be rude to each other.

Sima's old essay was furious. When he was beating the maid in his palace to vent his anger, people outside notified the girl from the Wu family that he had rushed over the night.

Hearing Sima's old text was a gloomy smile, and people were brought in without knowing whether it was laughing or crying.

And this Wu Xun'er is really good at dealing with men.

When she entered the city under this messy situation, she had already figured out the next countermeasures.

When she saw Sima's old text, it was a crying pear flower with rain, and the wind couldn't help but was like a pear flower that had been destroyed by a squally rainstorm, so it was so pitiful.

Seeing Sima's old text, I was taken aback for a while, the evil fire in my heart, belly, and the lower three roads rushed to the top.

The beauty was in her arms, she was so crazy, she satisfies the **** of the royal nobleman, and then took out the treasure bag that the family had prepared for her while he was in a good mood.

Taking the beauties as the starting point, and then summing up the supreme wealth, at this time, any man who has a little bit of pursuit cannot refuse.

In addition, Ye Liangchen was above the Five Nations Grand Competition, pitted his Sima's old essays, extinguished his hope of fighting for reserve, and made them become a major player in the country. This kind of hatred has risen to the end of killing your whole family. To the point.

Isn't it just to help Wu Xun'er solve the Wu family's dilemma, and by the way accept a family that he has come to rely on in adversity?

There is no wealthy beauty and wealth for such things, and his Sima's old essays are also to be done.

As the old saying goes, if the sky wants to die, it must be mad.

The smooth sailing Sima Guwen has gone farther and farther on the road of madness and paranoia.

When he took the old clan mobilization order in his hand, and borrowed their tokens from the brothers and sisters of Sima Zhaohe, Sima, and my clan, he had a hand in hand. Supports an extremely powerful force.

And the only task he sent to this force was to destroy the Ye family of the Great Golden Kingdom, and to plunder its countless wealth into the hands of the Sima family.

Regarding the request made by Sima's Guwen, the hidden powers who were ordered did not mind at all.

The children of the Sima family, as long as they don't move their hands at the people in the clan and use their hands to assassinate and fight inwardly, these dark guards generally don't care about how they behave outside.

Because everyone in the Sima family has a trace of last cautiousness in their bones, no matter what they do, they have the last standard.

That is, never move towards giants, or families or countries with superior strength.

In their eyes, the Ye family was nothing more than a wealthy family that had been passed on for only three hundred years and had extremely weak armed forces.

Therefore, the extraordinary team specially selected by Sima Royal in order to protect the safety of the juniors, for the sake of this face and the wealth that dazzled the eyes, went for most of the night.

Whoever came up with it, just when they went out hundreds of miles away, it was difficult to receive the news of asking about the city in the first time, a force that had been ambushing outside the city from Gu’s family, took advantage of the vacancy. .

There was no suspense in this battle, and the Sima clan who had frightened all directions retreated to the depths of the palace within a few hours.

When Emperor Sima Yan asked why the last power behind the princes was so weak, he knew that just a few hours ago, the last waiting power of the great power he had bestowed on the princes and princesses had been lost by this group. The prodigal sons were sent outside the city.

In response to this, Sima Yan just panted a few times, the hideousness on his face was unstoppable, but he yelled a few good times.

And when this good word just fell, the Patriarch of the Gu clan, with the mainstay power of the Gu clan for the past three generations, stood in the inner courtyard of the imperial palace where they had never seen the truth.

"Do you think you are a victory?"

After all is the emperor of a country, Sima Yan doesn't see any worry on his face: "You Gu clan's efforts to attack here, it is really good!"

"I miscalculated your Gu family's true strength, which has consumed 80% of the elite of our Sima family, and still can't stop you from being killed."

"But said Sima Yan here laughed loudly: "But the loss of your Gu clan will be even greater, and all of you will die on the land of my great country. superior! "

"Don't you think this palace is too easy to attack?"

"That's because I drew a third of the guards and went straight to your hometown of Gu's family and went to Fufeng City."

"When there was such a big disturbance tonight, no, when you killed the Ji family in Fufeng City, I had already prepared that team for your Gu family."

"From this moment on, the young and old that your Gu family survived will completely disappear from this world."

"And you, the most elite troops, will also become the flowers and bones in the inner courtyard of the Sima clan's imperial palace. To achieve the supreme reputation of our Sima clan, to frighten those clans who are just like you, who are just like you."

"And our Sima family will continue to nourish and grow in this land, and eventually become the supreme overlord!!"


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