The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1435: I never know how to fight in the palace (16)

   "Rongrong, I know your suffering. I am just too scared. It is my cowardice that caused all this."

   "I imposed all my unsatisfactory things on you. I was afraid of your father, but in the end I found that my Taifu really regarded me as his own student."

   "I was afraid of the power of the Zheng family, but couldn't fight it. I even let my queen rush in front, charge for me, and bear the anger from the mother's queen."

   "But I was hiding behind, minding Yu Rongrong's uselessness. Actually, I was the most useless person, because I didn't even have the courage to face her mother."

   "This is all my fault. So Rongrong, if what you did to Zhaogui today didn't make me wake up completely, I don't know if I make one mistake and continue to make the mistake, I will lose more."

   "So, my queen, my Rongrong, would you like me to make changes starting today?"

"I promise that I will never let you do things that you shouldn't be responsible for again, but in the same way, I hope that the kind, dignified, and fair-hearted Rong Rong who has a fair heart for everyone will once again. Return to my side."

   "Can you? Wang Rong? Can I trust you again and become a lifelong confidant?"

   When he said these words, Gu Zheng's eyes were very serious. Even the Queen's tearful eyes could feel Gu Zheng's sincerity in this seriousness.

  Why would Wang Rong, who had been unhappy with the emperor, say no to her husband?

   These words were the words she had hoped to hear from the emperor's mouth the most.

   So, when the two looked at each other affectionately again, Queen Wang, who tried to calm her mood, nodded towards Gu Zheng.

   "Thank you, Rong Rong, thank you, my queen."

   Oh my god, finally coaxed the most important woman in the first house.

  Excited Gu Zheng hugged the other person in his arms again.

   Now that the emotion is calmed down, all that is left is to ventilate with the other party.

   Explained the affairs of Zhaogui clearly, so I can save trouble in the future.

   Gu Zheng, who was holding the Queen and Queen, began his random fabrications.

   He used a very seductive voice to induce the Queen and Queen to think on a deviated path.

   "Rongrong, isn't it surprising when you are looking for trouble with Zhaogui?"

   "Why do I live in the same room with this lonely man and widow, and stayed for three full nights during this period of time, but never touched her."

   "Don't you feel abnormal?"

   When Gu Zheng said so, the queen leaning on Gu Zheng's chest was also surprised.

   "Yes, I won't sleep with this honourable person now, and I will never touch this honourable person in the future, or even for a lifetime."

   "Her position will rise, but I have nothing to do with her."

   "Because of the brains of this noble man..." Gu Zheng tapped his temple with a finger and chuckled, "There are some problems."

   "But her identity plays an important role."

   "Rong Rong, whether you say I am superstitious or worry about me, I really feel a very strange feeling in Zhaogui."

   "Every time I went to Zhaogui's Cuizhuju, when I was dealing with political affairs in the previous dynasty, something good would always happen."

   "Either the disaster will be solved, or a conspiracy will surface."

   "I have tried. If you don't go to Cuizhuju, bad things won't happen next to me, but if you go to Cuizhuju, there will always be a disaster to the next day."

   "This makes me have to worry more."

"When I saw you punishing the nobles, part of the reason why I was furious was because Rongrong, you shame my face in public and dealt with improperly, but I was more afraid that you would deal with the nobles for the sake of I have caused a disaster I have never thought of. Maybe the luck that has benefited me has also been dispelled."

   "So, Rongrong, this kind of thing is too absurd. I can only talk to my Rongrong, and hope that my Rongrong can cooperate with me."

   After these words, Queen Wang breathed a sigh of relief without knowing why.

   Because when she said this, Gu Zheng watched her all the way.

   His Majesty's expression and eyes did not dodge halfway, and the Queen, who thought she had seen many people's hearts, believed Gu Zheng's words.

   Then she relaxed, and then she was worried.

   "But your Majesty, when the palace sent people to impose penalties, it was indeed a drunk man. What should we do now? Does it have an impact on your Majesty?"

   Seeing the queen and queen, she was a little more panicked, but Gu Zheng's heart softened.

   He comforted the other person on the seat, and then continued.

"Don't be afraid, I will go back to the Qianqing Hall. If you are like this, if there is nothing wrong, you will draw up a decree. As a comfort, you will be promoted to a level, and you will be awarded the fifth grade Zhao Xiaoyi. What do you think? "

   In this kind of affectionate eyes, what can Queen Wang say, of course she promised him.

   Because your majesty called her Rongrong, and your majesty's embrace is still as warm as first acquaintance.

   So, the Queen, who understood her majesty's wishes, was not hostile anymore, willingly bowed to one side, and sent her most important majesty out of Zhengyang Palace.

   When Gu Zheng was heading for his Qianqing Temple, he sent someone to draft the purpose of his majesty's special request.

There was only one left and was left aside, and never returned to her palace with the concubine next to him, and was not taken into Zhengyang Palace by His Majesty’s care, standing stupidly in Zhengyang Palace already closed. Outside the hall, the guard of honor watching the emperor leaving in a hurry said to himself: "What's the matter? Your majesty just left?"

   I also protected my cousin’s favorite girl anyway, did he treat me like this?

   Probably, Zheng Zhaoyi's situation at this time is really pitiful.

   As her binding system, the Chong Fei system feels that it is time for her to stand up and say something.

   "Don't be too sad, because after a while you will know who makes you more sad."

   "Do you remember the mission I just posted?"

   After being reminded by the Favored Concubine system, Zheng Zhaoyi suddenly remembered that he still had this task.

   She consciously solved the problem and it was not a problem. The emperor's cousin ignored herself, and she still had a system point for comfort.

  Wait until she exchanged the pill that she wanted through the mall, and it became beautiful. At that time, she would definitely make the emperor's cousin feel regretful.

   As the saying goes, you are indifferent now, and you can't afford it in the future!

   It's a pity that Zheng Zhaoyi's beauty is only three seconds, because the concubine system has given her a fatal blow.

   "Oh, I mean, don’t think that the emperor’s ignorance of you is the greatest misfortune. The greatest misfortune is that you work hard and fail to complete the task, which is the greatest misfortune."

   Zheng Zhaoyi was stunned when he heard the Chong Fei system say so.

   She suddenly remembered that her mission was to prevent the queen from being punished. Not only did she not stop the Zhaogui from being beaten, nor did she prevent the order from being issued.

   Then, after the emperor's cousin appeared, her mission would have failed automatically.


   Zheng Zhaoyi, who was holding her head, cried and ran towards her palace.

   This life is simply too desperate.

   Desperate is like Situ Jingming who is now placed in the Qianqing Hall.

   Since Caiyu took Situ Jingming and returned to the palace where he was so familiar, the true emperor of the Great Wei Kingdom had fallen into clueless thinking.

   Forgive the gap between the people in this ancient world and the modern people of the information explosion.

   Because the current Situ Jingming wanted to break his head and couldn't understand, how could the bodies of two people exchange each other.

   What's more, he still can't confirm that the person occupying his body is the man of honor he is interested in.

   Situ Jingming, who was pressed by Caiyu on the collapse of the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, could only wait.

   For example, it is only when the "Situ Jingming" who has made great strides face-to-face with him, can I ask everything clearly.

   "Tell everyone to leave, I and Zhaogui, no, Zhao Xiaoyi will have something to say alone soon."

   After entering the hall, Gu Zheng opened his mouth like this, and the people who stood in the Qianqing Hall daily serving in them exited the hall extremely winkingly.

  The public servant of An cooperated with a few guards to stand at the door, waiting for the emperor to wait for the information as soon as he had something to do.

   After confirming that everyone had left far enough, Gu Zheng sat opposite Situ Jingming and looked at him.

   "Who are you? You are not my honourable person."

   Just a collision of eyes, Situ Jingming knew that the man sitting across from him was definitely not a distinguished person he knew.

   "Where did you come from? Where did you come from? You dare to occupy my body, and what about my Zhaogui? Where did you get my Zhaogui?"

   When Situ Jingming was about to roar hysterically, Gu Zheng spoke very calmly.

   "Situ Jingming, do you want to know how we exchanged?"

   Just one sentence stopped Situ Jingming's yelling.

   "Very good, silence is approval."

   "Come on, come here."

   Gu Zheng waved to Situ Jingming, and stretched his hand to Situ Jingming's neck in the other's puzzled eyes.

   "I will let you know right away, how the two of us exchanged!"

   When the sound of this sentence fell, Gu Zheng slapped Sima Jingming with a hand knife and fainted.

  Who has the time to be here with him?

   The time for his exchange with Situ Jingming is about to come.

   Gu Zheng, who had already entered Gu Zhenger's body at this time, shook his neck, which was a little aching due to his chopping twice, and then hugged Situ Jingming's body, who had recovered to become the emperor.

   The dizzy soul fainted too tired of the emperor's tall body.

   just so that Gu Zheng can take advantage of this opportunity to do a few more soul exchanges.

   But, did this ancient palm mouth actually hurt so much?

   When these two big mouths were drawn on Situ Jingming's face, I didn't know how this man felt.

Gu Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth and hurriedly placed Situ Jingming on top of the collapse. In order to prevent himself from enduring this kind of pain, he absolutely had to take a good time and don't let himself fall into the embarrassing situation of a lady's bigwig again. .

   Gu Zheng, who had the overall planning, was just right.

   When the candles in the palace were all lit up, Situ Jingming, who slowly woke up, found that he was still in Gu Zheng'er's body.

   Not far from him, it was supposed to be behind the table where he was reviewing the memorial and dealing with state affairs, but at this time there was another man sitting.


  Because the movement of turning over was too intense, Situ Jingming, who had pulled the wound, gasped.

   However, no matter how big the pain is, it is not as intense as the shame of being deceived.

   Situ Jing briskly rushed to the case table, and shouted to the man behind the table: "You lie to me! Who are you?"

   The man being questioned slowly raised his head, stopped the pen and ink in his hand, looked at the beautiful face that was distorted by anger, and said an answer that frightened Situ Jingming.

   "Me? I am Gu Zheng'er."

   "Why, we have only been apart for one day, you don't recognize me?"

   Situ Jingming, who was rushing to hear, stopped because of this answer, his eyes widened in horror, and he looked at the man in front of him with grandeur and stance, shaking his mouth and retorted: "How is it possible?"

   "I am a noble man, with ice muscle and bones, and noble temperament. If I really exchanged bodies with me, now it must be the pear flower with rain crying in my arms."

   "How can it be like you are now, sitting on a horizontal knife, standing in a full posture, and dare to review memorials for me behind my desk?"

"You must be a lone soul and wild ghost from nowhere, occupying my body, and because I am the emperor of the true dragon, who has the luck to protect me, you can't hurt me, so you stretched your devil's claws to the people next to me. Kill my beloved concubine, move me here, and occupy the magpie's nest again, and use my body as your future dwelling place."

   "Youkai, I tell you, I won't be succeeded by you!"

   At this point, Situ Jingming took a step back and looked at the direction where the An Gong Gong Association was standing when he used to review the memorials.

   "Xiao Anzi, escort, come and save me!!"

   It's a pity that Situ Jingming's call has nothing to do with the exception of adding a little echo to his small hall.

   Because there is no one in the huge hall.

   Situ Jingming called out several times, but no one responded.

   In order to prevent Situ Jing from struggling to understand, Gu Zheng knocked the memorial next to him on the table twice, stopped the other party's behavior, and gave his own answer.

   "I, oh no, it was because I knew that after you woke up, I deliberately stepped back, leaving only the two of us to talk about life and ideals."

"The current situation is that no one comes over even if you break your throat. If you don't want to talk, it's okay. When you gather the guards of the brigade, I only need to say one thing, my Zhao Xiaoyi Because I was too excited to be promoted one after another, I was fascinated for a while, I was afraid that I would lose my mind and be crazy."

   "Just this sentence is enough to make Your Majesty fall into a more miserable situation."

   "So, do you want to talk to me?"

   Gu Zheng’s threat really worked.

   At least this time, Situ Jingming's eyes showed an expression of fear.

   He took a deep breath and found a side seat for himself, leaning in the direction of Gu Zheng, waiting for what kind of words could be said in the other's mouth.

And Gu Zheng really did not let him down. After concealing some details, such as the existence of the soul exchange system, and the fact that he can control the time and frequency of body exchanges, most of the insignificant news The facts have been told by Situ Jingming.

   Even if Gu Zheng's expressive ability was so powerful, Situ Jingming was still in deep confusion after hearing the whole story of the incident.

   At this time, Situ Jingming even doubted whether he himself was still stuck in a long dream.

   In fact, he didn't wake up at all. Maybe when he opened his eyes the next day, he would realize that all this was just his imagination.

   But looking at the two or three memorials with the newly-baked Zhu Pian handed over by Gu Zheng, forcing Situ Jingming to admit that he was in reality.

  Because these are the backlogs of memorials that he couldn't find a solution after trying to break his head these days.

   In the hands of the imposter emperor, it was handled simply and neatly.

   Looking at the imitated handwriting with a similarity of 90%, if the other party hadn't occupied his body, Situ Jingming would have introduced such a talented person as a confidant.

Seeing here, Situ Jingming suddenly thought of a question: "The night I slept well in Cuizhuju for the first time, I felt that I had solved a big problem and made a big decision the next morning. , Could it be that you are going to deal with it too, right?"

   After seeing Gu Zheng nodding without hesitation, Situ Jingming's body collapsed suddenly.

   He looked so pitiful with his head down, and he muttered to himself rather deep: "I thought I had a flash of inspiration and thought of such a wonderful decision."

   "It turns out that this is also your credit."

Situ Jingming, who said here, smiled bitterly: "So even the gods can't stand it. He thinks that I am a king who can destroy the world, so I sent someone to replace the incompetent me. Is it?"

Situ Jingming who said here suddenly collapsed. His tears and nose flowed out uncontrollably, forcing him to cry while wiping himself: "The courtier feels that I am a bully, and my mother feels that I am weak, my concubine. The smile on my face is like a flower, and the poison behind my back is like a snake and scorpion. Now even the gods have put the crime of collapse on my head."

   "The lives are burned, the wars are repeated, the people are displaced, and they have become my pot!"

   "Since I look down on me so much, why did I reincarnate to the royal family and achieve this position in the first place!! No, this is not my fault, this is the mistake of the will of heaven in your mouth!"

   "I will never bear such a huge and terrifying mistake!"

Seeing that the emperor was really pitiful, Gu Zheng felt that he should also be comforted, he hummed, after a few thoughts, he took Situ Jingming's words: "Actually, Situ Jingming, you should think about it in a different place. ."

   "First of all, your world is an immature, malformed, and constantly changing world. Do you think, is the way of heaven bred by such a world a bit unreliable?"



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