The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1434: I never know how to fight in the palace (16)

   "Queens, have you forgotten that Zhaogui is your majesty's most recent favorite! If you punish her, when your majesty rushes over, you will not miss you because of the rules of the harem!"

   "Sister Queen, why bother to provoke your majesty for your rules?"

   said that the king and queen were so hot, but at the same time, I couldn't understand it.

"I said Sister Zhaoyi, this is not your style? I think who didn’t know that Zheng Zhaoyi, who had just entered the palace, just because a little palace maid in his palace was dressed a little bit more gorgeous when your Majesty passed by. He was sentenced with a rod."

   "Compared with the proper handling of this palace, Zheng Zhaoyi's is called lynching, right?"

   "What? The grand queen of the Wei Kingdom in this palace, can you be better than Zhaoyi?"

   Zheng Zhaoyi who said a few words was taken aback, and then with a little bit of irritation defended herself: "That's different!!"

   "The cousin came to my palace to see me, and he didn't care about the hoof that he wanted to hook up with his cousin. If anyone annoys my cousin, I will never stop with her."

   "But Zhaogui is different. My cousin thinks of her in his heart and likes her. I don't want my cousin to return to the post-work after going to the court. Seeing Zhaogui who was hurt by the queen's sister's punishment makes my cousin sad."

   "That's why, my sister, I want to stop my sister's impulsive behavior."

   "We are all your majesty's concubines. But my sister is your majesty's wife. You already have the title I admire the most, so why do you have to fight against your majesty?"

   "Is it good to make my cousin happy?"

   These words made Situ Jingming, who was lying behind Zheng Zhaoyi, burst into tears.

   Regardless of the Queen Mother Zheng’s family.

   His cousin still treats him sincerely.

   If he can get his body back, when he cleans up the Zheng family, he will definitely spare his cousin's life.

No, to be precise, not only did she spare her life, but because she was so infatuated with him, he would treat this big cousin well and become her lifelong support. Don’t let her suffer because of her family’s downfall. What wronged.

   Situ Jingming’s thoughts were very beautiful, but he overestimated the importance of Zheng Zhaoyi to this task and the urgency of a queen to maintain her authority.

   After the cousin of the Zheng family made such a rumor, even if it is for her own future, the queen can never hold back at this time.

   Then, the people lying on the ground and guarding Situ Jingming heard the roar of the queen.

   "What about it? The rules of the royal family are greater than the heavens. The rules laid down since the founding emperor of the ancestors must be followed even if the king of a country comes!"

   "In order to maintain the face of the Great Wei State and to keep the palace in order, even if it is misunderstood and disgusted by His Majesty the Emperor, this palace must do it."

   "Because this palace must maintain your majesty's decency, so that your majesty will not be criticized by the people of the world!"

   "This palace is the one who really thinks for your majesty, not the lowly one who only knows love, only slander, and only the charm master!"

   "What are the female criminal officers waiting for? Don't hurry up!"

   After finishing speaking, the lady of the palace who got the mastermind kicked away the useless Zheng Zhaoyi, lifted the ruler and drew it towards Situ Jingming.

'Snapped! ’

  ‘Wow! ! ! ’

   "I, no, I have to wait for the three tribes!! You wait for me!"

'Snapped! ’

  ‘Wow! ’

Caiyu, who was kneeling in front of Situ Jingming, reacted after the thunder and lightning's mouth was slapped. She threw herself on Situ Jingming's head and buried her entire chest. Before successfully suffocating Situ Jingming completely... blocked the next few strikes for his little master.

   When Situ Jingming was drowsy, Caiyu, who had protected him from subsequent punishment, whispered to him.

   "Little lord, noble man, what's the matter with you? The lord is a clever person during the day. Didn't you tell the servant that your fist skills are not bad?"

   "How can you just let people fight like this, what if your majesty comes back and sees the noble person like this, and doesn't like the noble person?"

   "Woo woo woo..."

   Caiyu is more and more sorrowful as she speaks, as if she is not worried about her own skin trauma, but her master is abnormal.

how? Is Gu Zheng'er's own dignified person very good at fighting?

   Situ Jingming subconsciously put his eyes on those slender wicker arms.

   This is the body of a very decent daughter's family that will be raised. Without the cocoons left over from long-term martial arts practice, those jade hands are even better maintained than the daughters of the noble family of the Great Wei Kingdom.

   Isn't this little palace lady being beaten stupid, and taking Gu Zheng'er's usual bragging with a little vanity seriously?

   Hey, this master's brain is not good, why this maid is also stupid.

   In this situation, who else can Situ Jingming count on?

   At this moment, the emperor's body was suddenly empty, and Caiyu, who was covering for Situ Jingming, was dragged aside by the queen's maids in the struggle.

   Only the lonely and helpless self was left, facing the caliper that was getting closer and closer, closing his eyes resignedly.

'Snapped! ’

Huh? The sound of the beating has sounded, why doesn't it hurt?

   Blinked and opened his eyes again, Situ Jingming saw that there was a figure in an indigo-colored inner servant crouching in front of him.

   It was that he used his **** to block the female officer's next strong slam, avoiding that his mouth would be completely crooked because of this slam.

   "Oh, daring! Do you dare to hit me!!"

   This voice is still very familiar, with a little kindness that accompanies it all the year round.

   Situ Jingming lying on the ground blurted out: "Xiao Anzi, help!!"

And Xiao Anzi, lying on the ground like a standing caterpillar, turned his head in the direction of Zhaogui with an annoyed look, and in a very pitiful tone, he asked for credit for himself: "Zhaogui, but a slave. I suffered this sin for you!"

   Father-in-law, I was kicked over by your majesty because I was running too slowly while I was stopping.

Following the tearful sight of Father Ang, Situ Jingming turned his head and saw that he was actually pushing the shell down. He was putting down Father Ang’s leg just after kicking him, and a relief bloomed towards him. Smile.

   Just when Situ Jingming was still immersed in the shock of seeing himself.

   After seeing Gu Zheng's smile on the ground, Mr. An said loudly toward the Queen's place: "Your Majesty, come!"

   Just this sentence made the entire Anyang Palace wake up.

   An inexplicable excitement and agitation spread in this small palace.

   "Your Majesty, it's your Majesty."

   "Oh, there is a good show to watch now."

Just when Gu Zheng condescendingly looked at the Situ Jingming who was pressed on the ground, and forced the two maids who were oppressing her to let go with his eyes, Zheng Zhaoyi, who was closest to Gu Zheng, rushed over with a scream. In Jing Ming's surprised eyes, he immediately fell into Gu Zheng's arms.

   "Cousin, why are you here? Look at my arms and they are pushing them blue."

   "Cousin, I don't care, you have to call the shots for me!!"

   When he said this, he twisted twice in Gu Zheng's arms.

   This made Gu Zheng, who had a guilty conscience, subconsciously looked at Situ Jingming's location, and immediately looked at the real emperor who replaced him.

"You are……"


   Gu Zheng didn't let Situ Jingming say it. He pushed Zheng Zhaoyi away and hugged the current Gu Zheng'er in his arms before the other party questioned and said confusing words.

   "Zheng'er! My Zheng'er, who was so cruel to you that made you look like this?"

While Gu Zheng roared in anger and performed hard, he secretly said in Situ Jingming’s ear: "Your Majesty, don’t show your stuff. It’s a troubled time. If you let others know, your Majesty will be in the court. The good situation established within is broken, but the country is shaken in the first place, and the evildoer is connected with the evil spirits."

   "Maybe you don't even have the crown of the emperor on your head."

   Situ Jingming, who had said this whisper, was still struggling impulsively, and immediately calmed down.

   Let him be an emperor in the arms of another person to act like a coquettish betrayal, and tell his grievances. He absolutely can't do it.

   Even if the person's body is itself.

   So, Situ Jingming, who could only keep quiet, stopped struggling, and Gu Zheng's play went on smoothly.

He stared affectionately at the pig's head in his arms with a look that he was disgusting with, as if he was afraid of scaring the beautiful woman in his arms, and with an extremely gentle tone, he said to the stiff Situ Jingming: "Don't be afraid, baby , I am here to see who dares to move you."

   "Public An, I have not sent anyone to send Zhaoguiren to my Qianqing Hall, and quickly ask the Imperial Hospital Doctor Qu, who specializes in trauma, to look at Zhaogui for his injuries."

   "Oh, besides, you are Caiyu next to Zhaogui. You are really a loyal maid who protects the Lord. After the emperor has finished seeing it, he will also prescribe a medicine for this little palace lady."

After speaking, he handed Situ Jingming in his arms to the hands of several servants who were pulled out from behind by Gong Gong. Under Gu Zheng's gaze, he sent Situ Jingming to the dragon's nun, which only the emperor could sit on, together with that The injured Caiyu was escorted to the Palace of Qianqing.

   After the group of people had left, Gu Zheng turned around with a smile on his mouth and looked at the queen and queen who hurriedly got down from the high seat and brought a large group of concubines in front of him.

   "I wonder if your majesty is coming, this palace......"

   "Shut up, Queen, just omit the hypocritical opening."

   "I just want to hear an explanation."

   was just an interruption, almost making the Queen and Queen unable to hold back the gesture of saluting.

   If it hadn't been for the grandmother beside her to give her a hand, the current Queen and Queen would have already weakened her feet, and she would directly kneel in front of Gu Zheng.

I probably felt the low air pressure between the emperors and the queens. The concubines who followed the queen rushing over did not even have the idea of ​​scratching their heads and posing. In the powerful aura of Gu Zheng, they crashed and fell to their knees. A slice.

   Gu Zheng looked at the Queen and Queen who was trying hard to hold the ground in front of him, and suddenly he sighed, and he uttered the words of expulsion towards the concubines who were crawling on the ground.

   "The palace is not very peaceful, you concubines, if you have nothing to do recently, please don't walk around at will."

   "The time to meet in Zhengyang Palace on the first and fifteenth day of the first day and the fifteenth day should not be too long."

   "As the saying goes, respect and love are always in your heart. It is not a matter of how many days you talk and how much you play."

"When you are in the palace, if you feel bored, copy the scriptures. Recently, the queen mother is in a bad mood. Then, each palace should be counted according to the head. Everyone will copy a volume of the Diamond Sutra to the queen mother to show filial piety. Let this harem live for a while."

   "Retreat, you guys, it is natural that you will send people to the palaces to collect the scriptures."

   This was so good that the group of concubines who had originally planned to flee in all directions collapsed.

   You said this was wrong, but you just wanted to see the jokes between the queen and your new favorite, but in the end, you were okay with yourself.

   Not to mention how frustrated the concubines who retired were, the queen and queen, who was left alone, wished they would be punished in the same way.

  Because the current emperor is staring at him inexplicably, as if he is caught in a self-entangled emotion, and he doesn't know how to look good with her.

   Seeing that the queen became more and more guilty over time, but she had to brace her neck forever, keeping the queen's last dignity and staring at her.

   It is this kind of unconfident support that made Gu Zheng feel soft.

   After all, if Sima Jingming can give the original queen enough security and confidence, as a woman with the second highest status in the country, why bother to be a low concubine.

   Because of lack of confidence and fear of possible loss, the current queen and queen would have been long since.

   And all this is the sorrow of the whole harem woman, and it is also the reason why Situ Jingming didn't handle it properly.

   Gu Zheng suddenly didn't want to hurt anyone in this harem to achieve his goal.

   The merits of an upright man should not be built on the foundation of embarrassing women.

   So, after looking at each other for a long time with such a queen, Gu Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand and took the old mother's arm to the queen.

   held him back with unparalleled firmness and reliability, and led the king and queen, step by step towards the empty Zhengyang Palace.

When Gu Zheng led the queen to the high seat, and set it side by side on this wide throne that was almost like a dragon chair, he turned his head and looked at the blank face because of his actions. The king and queen of China spoke her own words from the bottom of her heart.

   "Wang Rong, let's call you Rongrong. I haven't called your death for so many years. I called you suddenly today. I really miss it."

   With just this sentence, the Queen and Queen, who sat beside Gu Zheng and looked at the emperor idiotically, burst into tears.

   Her crying was silent, not like the hysterics that she had previously quarreled with Situ Jingming. She just kept shed tears and was speechless for a while.

   But Gu Zheng never went to see the Queen and Queen at this time. He just looked into the distance with a very nostalgic look.

   "How beautiful Rongrong was at that time. I remember that the first time I saw the queen, I was in the back garden of Master Shoufu's house."

   "At that time, Rong Rong, the hairpin in the temple, had a white peony flower, swinging and swinging on the swing, so I stopped watching."

   "I remember that when we got married, it was so difficult at that time. It was Rongrong who was in my ears to persuade me and to understand me."

   "Even if my mother's queen kept making things difficult for you because I had never chosen the person she chose as the queen, my Rongrong never showed a slight complaint in front of me."

   "But now, where is my Rongrong? Where did she go?"

   "The queen sitting next to me, she is only in double ten years, and her appearance is still graceful and dignified, but what about her smile? What was the warmth when she saw me?"

   "Where is the love in her eyes?"

   "How do I feel that I have never felt anything?"

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng slowly turned his head and stared at the beaded and glorious woman, gently supporting her shoulders with her hands, as if shaking a rare treasure in an attempt What is awakening: "Where is my Rongrong?"

   "Why did the one sitting next to me become the queen? That paranoid, jealous, and jealous queen."

   "Rongrong, it's my fault, I made you my queen and queen."

   Hearing that Wang Rong couldn't make a sound here, she immediately threw herself into Gu Zheng's arms, no longer caring about the manners a queen should have, and wept loudly.

   "Your Majesty, you let Rongrong disappear. To be your queen, you have to endure your overnight stay in other people's palaces. You have to do what a queen should do."

   "The improper handling of palace affairs, you blame this palace, concubines and concubines are arguing with each other, you blame this palace, and even the political affairs of the previous dynasty are not going well, you still blame this palace."

   "Your Rong Rong is not a god, Rong Rong is just an ordinary woman."

   "You and your minister's father were angry in the front dynasty. You are afraid of his power in the dynasty and his position among the scholars. You have nothing to do with him, but you can neglect my innocent daughter of the royal family."

   "Your Majesty, you even asked where Rong Rong went. Did your Majesty forget? Rong Rong was forced away by your own hands."

   "Your Majesty doesn't need Rongrong, what your Majesty needs is the Queen!"

   This cry was desperate, with hysterical indulgence, as if after crying, Wang Rong was about to face the fate of her stepping down from the throne of the queen and falling completely into the dust.

   So at this moment, the queen no longer had any scruples. She told her all her heart, hatred for the palace, and resentment against the emperor.

   However, what happened next was different from the emperor she imagined to be angry and waved away, waiting for her to be abolished or deprived of palace power.

She rose up to resist, yelled attentively, and heard her sincere resentment, but held it tightly in her arms, just like many years ago, not long after they got married, in a thunderous night, calming the frightened She touched her back gently and firmly.

  One after another, all her crazy emotions were soothed. ...


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