Fu Sheng just stared at him naturally: "What's wrong with the temporary? It can also be normalized temporarily. Besides, you are a member of my squadron. What would it look like if you were still wearing a temporary uniform."

"What kind of criminal gang has encountered? Let's split up. Can someone sell you the face of a person wearing a temporary coordinator costume?"

"Don't worry, the pomegranate flowers are blooming. You, the big soldier, supported me."

is not that right?

At Fu Sheng's reminder, Gu Zheng subconsciously looked at Uncle Fu's shoulder, and now the single little flower on top had already become two.

After seeing Gu Zheng’s clear expression, Fu Sheng, holding the newspaper, lowered his voice and continued to share his good news: “I’m telling you, I’ll be watching the reconstruction of the Red Gate Village on your side. Closely, our brigade may be upgraded to a divisional management bureau recently."

"At that time, your Uncle Fu's position may follow up to a higher level, and we will be able to have one more bar on the pomegranate flower."

"I have never been a cadre in my life, and people enjoy the taste of being raised when they reach middle age."

"When your Uncle Fu mentioned the sub-level, I will find a way to turn you into a regular."

"Remember, I have a face recently, and I will come to the brigade on time and order. After this special period, you will feel much more relaxed."

After listening to the internal news, Gu Zheng naturally agreed to it. How could he refuse such good things?

The two men were whispering at their desks when suddenly the door of the field brigade office was pushed open.

In the blank eyes of the people in the room, the little employee responsible for registering information for Gu Zheng walked in with a large pile of promotional materials and a pile of bright green handbags.

As long as he walked to a table, he handed someone a copy, and after all the staff had a copy, the little clerk spoke weakly.

"In order to respond to the construction of Mingcheng, in order to enhance the good interaction between our urban management system and the citizens."

"Above, let us actively participate in all public welfare and non-public welfare activities organized by the municipal party committee."

"No, the latest event in May, love my capital, a healthy long-distance race around the moat." A different life for a poor boy

"As I said above, each branch has to send several representatives, and there will be one quota issued to our brigade."

"The focus is on participation, but the ranking shouldn't be too ugly. This urban management team itself is a pioneer and is on the front line. Although it is not a public security fire protection system, its physical fitness is too poor to justify."

"So the leaders paid much attention to it, so I asked me to bring the information to the people in your field team."

"Let you send a representative to represent the Feng District Bureau and the Hongmen Village Brigade to participate in the competition."

"Also" said the voice of the clerk here was even lower. She was very kind to share with everyone the internal instructions of the leadership: "As the boss said, the ranking of the competition in the entire region is secondary, then The people of Qunjing city hide their dragons and crouching tigers.

"But the rankings in the same system can't be bottomed out. Especially in front of other teams in Fengqu, you can't lose face."

"Not to mention taking the first in the system, but the first and second in a partition is still necessary."

But after the little guy finished sharing with his kindness, all the field staff in the house pulled their mouths and no one responded.

Well, this is a thankless job, and the time for participation is still quite tight, just on Thursday of this week.

Even the practice of holding Buddha's feet is impossible.

Besides, it’s fine to let you participate. Be a little tired and run the whole journey, but you still have to fight for one to protect the two. If you are not careful, you may have to be scolded by the leader. Then why am I? .

It's okay not to say the words behind this little boy, and the office is silent after he finishes talking.

Maybe she felt that her own words made everyone cold. The little girl wanted to save herself. She pretended to be happy to cheer up the people in the venue: "Is there anyone enthusiastically signing up, although this is a public welfare for the whole people." Exercise, but there are also bonuses."

"Although there are not as many as the Beijing International Marathon, the top three prizes are as high as 100,000 yuan."

"The first place is 60,000, the second is 30,000, and the third is 10,000."

It seems that the third place is easy to get, which makes the players who are not high in nature even more motivated. Golden earth

Their field brigade was raised by stepmothers, and they were all involved in the dirty work, and all the people who suffered and scolded were next to them. Once there was a thankless job, it was guaranteed to be pushed on them.

Thinking of this, the discussion in the office is not very polite.

"This professional is not right, we rely on strength to seize the illegal construction of private projects~www.readwn.com~ The stalls rely on explosive power."

"You want us to participate in a sprint race or something, maybe we will respond positively, but you let us go for a ten-kilometer long run. Isn't this tossing people to play?"

"I just answered the complaint call from the residents of the **** community, saying that the small vendors over there blocked their fire escapes. I went to work first. Whoever is interested in my brother, I will withdraw first. Yes, just give some spiritual support."

Can you show your face in front of the leader?

It depends on whether you have this ability or not?

If there is one person taking the lead, the rest will have more reasons. Monday was the peak attendance period. After a short while, those people who reported to the unit in the early days have now gone clean.

Old Pay, who was sitting at the bottom of the office, was not worried at all. He steadily corrected his hat, and then began to greet Gu Zheng: "Okay, the excitement is over, let's go, too?"

But Gu Zheng in front of him did not move. Instead, he showed the national long-distance running leaflet in his hand carefully, and then turned his head because no one responded to the registration. If he fails to complete the task, he will go on his own. The direction of the boy who was about to cry, said words that made her grateful.

"If I sign up, I went to the event on Thursday and didn't come to the unit to sign in. This month would be considered full attendance, right?"

"Of course!" Upon hearing the newcomer's intention to participate, the boy responded excitedly: "This is in response to the brigade's call. Not only does it count as full attendance on the day, but the unit also gives an allowance for attendance, which is a full 80 yuan. What about the money."

"Oh, there is such a good thing? Then I sign up, and I will go straight there on Thursday? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

When I heard that Gu Zheng was about to sign up, the boy was so moved that his eyes were filled with enthusiasm.


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