The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! She hurriedly handed the only copy of the instructions for participation in the urban management system to Gu Zheng, and specifically pointed to it. The name and contact information of the team leader at the top.

To Gu Zheng continued to popularize: "Thursday, you'd better arrive at the game place half an hour before the big game. There should be a meeting point for our urban management representative. If you can't find it, you can call the team leader."

"There, they will give out uniform uniforms, but you have to prepare the shoes yourself. There is nothing else that requires special attention."

"Oh, what follows is our participation in the long-distance race. If we ignore the mental pressure from the upper-level leaders, this is actually a pretty good activity."

It's pretty good, it's so white that you don't wear sports clothes, you have a lunch, and you have a work subsidy, so the fool will not do it.

"I see." After understanding the whole story, Gu Zheng, as if remembering something again, pointed to the pile of cloth handbags in the hands of the little clerk, and said a little embarrassed: "Then you have these materials bags. No need to post anything? If the rest is not handled, you will give it to me?"

"Oh oh!" The little clerk stuffed a dozen or so pockets to Gu Zheng without even thinking about it: "Take it. The municipal government gave it away. It's very strong."

"thank you!"

After thanking Gu Zheng, he was not polite, and stuffed these bags into his locker. Then he stood behind Fu Sheng happily, only to see this uncle looking at him with a very strange look. .

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Fu Sheng, who raised his foot and walked outside, shook his head and returned: "An errand that others shunned, but you went to the pole to participate. Are you stupid?"

"Forget it, these days anyway, I have to stare at the reconstruction of Hongmen Village. I have nothing to do here. It is good for you to grind your guns."

"I'm in charge. Just come here to punch a card in the next few days. Hurry up and find a place to practice. If you haven't gotten off for a few miles, you will be halfway down the road, and you will throw an adult to our urban management system."

"At that time, no matter how strong our relationship is, you will only be a temporary worker in your entire life."

We can't help but follow other people's kindness, right.

Gu Zheng thanked him very sincerely. Shi Shiran followed Fu Sheng and said that he was familiar with his work. In fact, as soon as he turned to the interior of Hongmen Village, he began to part ways.

One was to find a small teahouse with an elegant environment, read the newspaper and drink tea, and spent the hotter and hotter morning, while the other used the excuse of long-distance running training and went directly back to his home. .

Several major events in this reality have basically been implemented. I am idle and boring, and I have lost my life by doing tasks.

When he gives himself a little more life, he will look at the admissions guide of the Academy of Fine Arts in the School of Education when he comes back. If the time arrangement is as easy as the old professor said, then he will change his choice and apply for beauty. The courtyard is also all right.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, pushed open the small door of the study, and after silently looking at each other for two or three seconds with Xiao Wangshu, the other party turned over the sixth page of his book as if he had accepted his fate.

A new chapter was placed in front of Gu Zheng in this way.

When his blood was spilled on the pages of the book, the same golden light sent him to the pages of Chapter 6, which symbolized the new world.

Gu Zheng, who thought he was fully prepared, and thought that when he opened his eyes, he would not panic no matter what he saw. When he opened his eyelids again, he found that one was only half the width. The little fish spit out bubbles and wiped it from the front of his eyelashes.

I have a big grass!

Is this Shentang?

Gu Zheng, who tried to control his expression, subconsciously suffocated the breath in his mouth even more, but his ticking eyes never let go, and began to look around at the water environment he was in. .

Looking down, there was a dark and dark water bottom. The fine sand at the bottom seemed gloomy due to lack of light, as if it was the big mouth of a monster with a bottomless appetite, waiting for the people who cast themselves into the net to appear.

A few kelp swaying with the ocean currents are like monsters' curvy hair. Once they are entangled by them, they will definitely fall asleep here.

As for the environment here, suffocating Gu Zheng subconsciously poke the tip of his tongue out, and then hurriedly retracted when he tasted the smell of water.

As expected, the water is salty. Judging by the abundance of aquatic animals and the turbulent currents, Gu Zheng should now be on the bottom of the sea.

Then it's not being Shentang, it's okay.

As for whether it is a sacrifice to the Dragon King?

Gu Zheng slashed the arms attached to the sides of his body again, and started to touch down along the client's chest.

According to the speculation of bone age, although this baby is a half-year-old child, it definitely surpasses the ranks of virgins.

Moreover, Gu Zheng seemed to want to confirm something, so he touched the bird underneath. He didn't wear any clothes on his body, so he should have deliberately dived into the sea.

If it is a sacrifice to the Sea Dragon King, this baby should be cleaned up, only the dinosaur king is angry.

But why is your own bird so little, and it hasn't grown hairy yet?

In order to explain his doubts and not to be suffocated in the sea, Gu Zheng just kicked his legs and stroked his hands without hesitation, and floated towards the surface of the sea following the reaction force of the current.

First go up and accept the client's memory, and then talk about the other side.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, discovered the special features of this client.

This body is like receiving some instructions, like an extremely flexible swimming fish, it cuts the waves in threes and twos, and as the body swings, like a foraging dolphin, it jumps out of the water. .

As the water splashed, Gu Zheng, who was facing upward, breathed fresh air.

The clouds here are very white, setting off the sky and rising up. This is Gu Zheng's first impression of the world, and with this look, he is deeply in love with this place.

The endless sea, the same blue and endless water surface because of the reflection of the sky, the white seagulls and clouds, complement each other one by one.

The breeze blowing in the air, with a faint smell of the ocean, made Gu Zheng, who grew up in the inland since he was a child, tight in his heart.

However, some of the beautiful scenery is time to appreciate, Gu Zheng floating on the sea, looking around, fortunately, the place where he dives is not too far away from the shore.

After finding the right direction, Gu Zheng began to swim hard towards the coast. The words Wangshan ran to death are now really reflected in him.

Looking at the coast that seemed not far away, let him swim desperately, but he couldn't reach the destination.

That's tired, even more pumping than the rickshaw he had to pull for a day.

When his feet finally stepped on the rough sandy beach on the shore, Gu Zheng actually sat on top of his **** regardless of his care. With his strength, he leaned back, formed a Taizi, and fell on the sand. Above, I never get up again.

Regardless, accept the memory and take a break by the way.

And this lying down was a full moment, and when Gu Zheng opened his eyes again, he only felt very surprised.

Is this client okay?

If there is a chance to be born again, it is okay to fulfill his wish by himself, right?

Are you still using life to compensate for such a large price in exchange?

Moreover, in order to make himself successful, he turned out to be a full six years in advance of the node he had directly transferred to him regardless of his concern.

In six years, for such a task that I don't know how much the reward is, and I have to stay in this place for so long, Gu Zheng felt that this time he was losing out.

Fortunately, the task this time is simple. Don't you just want to marry his so-called little Qingmei?

This so-called was also just discovered when Gu Zheng looked at his memory.

The client thought that the girl next door was his green plum, but in the memory that Gu Zheng observed, the girl next door didn't think he was a bamboo horse, but a moron who liked her overwhelmingly.

Since the death of both parents last year, this client has been helped by other kind people in this fishing village, and he was also willing to take one of him when he was out of the boat collectively.

When the village divides the profit, he looks pitiful and doesn’t deduct his share. When it’s okay, every household will help with it, so that the half-old kid doesn’t suffer much hardship and is safe. grown up.

In life, the client does not have any requirements, and is a person who is easily satisfied.

But compared with the smoothness in life, his feelings are much more magnificent, and in the end he lost his life because of his persistence.

This matter started when the client was sixteen years old. At that time, Xiao Qingmei’s house suddenly fell into trouble. Xiao Qingmei’s father was hit by a sudden storm and broke his thigh during the process of fishing for pearls. The bone, half-dead will be kept at home since then.

And Xiao Qingmei’s brother, the family had hoped for him since he was a child, a fisherman’s family even gritted their teeth and sent the future strength of the family to the school in the inland village, hoping that he could get a fame and succeed in the exam. The current situation of eating by the sea at home.

But they don't want to think about how much financial resources are needed for a child to become a student since childhood. In a school in a village, Xiao Qingmei's brother is not a traversal, so how could it be possible to pass the exam.

This is good. Their home has no future source of income, and they have to provide for a waste that can't be carried out.

I chose this route myself, and I could only swallow it into my stomach after knocking out my teeth.

Just when the client thought that because of this, if he was willing to bear the burden of Xiao Qingmei’s family, would he be able to marry the girl he wanted, on the day he invited the matchmaker to come to propose marriage, the next door Xiao Qingmei cleaned up After packing up the parcels, he followed the people recruiting for the big family, and left without looking back.

The client who learned the news played his idiot style, not only did not give up, but even worked harder to go fishing with the boat.

When he wanted to come, being a maid would have to redeem her body sooner or later, and save a little more money, redeem her, and give her a stable home.

But whoever came up with it, he worked hard for several years with this effort. When he accidentally dived to touch a clam and pried out a round colorful pearl from inside, he felt that his good day was coming.

By selling this bead, he would be able to rescue the green plum he was thinking of from the sea of ​​fire in the high gate compound.

Who would have thought, after inquiring around, he finally found his little green plum in a quiet and tiled courtyard.

This girl, who is weak and delicate in his mind, has already combed his wife's hair bun, and under the slightly oversized dress is a slightly raised belly, and the silky smoothness that he can't afford and is not qualified to wear in his entire life. Satin Confucian skirt.

Seeing the client here, what else does not understand? He was shocked that he even forgot to take out the beads he wanted to offer, but he stared at the face of Xiao Qingmei, whom he had grown up with.

The face that had become unfamiliar because of this change, in the next second, two lines of tears fell. The sister next door, in her words, showed that she was missing and heartache with him.

It was this reaction that caused raging anger in the client's heart. Her own little Qingmei was originally a contract with a maid, so how could she only be someone else's outside room in this detached courtyard?

Must be forced!

I just wanted to sell the With the money, the client who rescued the green plum hurriedly entered a jewelry store without looking at it, and opened one for the fishermen. In other words, it seems to be a sky-high price.

Five thousand taels of silver.

For this pearl with a head like a longan and full of roundness, let alone five thousand taels, someone bought twenty thousand taels.

But the bad is bad. The one who sold this bead was an unauthorised fisherman. The fishy smell on his body was almost rejected by the shop Xiaoer just now.

So the rest of the matter was not beyond Gu Zheng's expectation. The treasurer of Zhu Baoge bought this low-priced pearl with a smile, and the silver ticket was also very happy.

But when the client left their line, he turned his head and ordered a few words with the thugs behind him, and waited with a smile. He once again ate the black empty glove white wolf.

The client, who had been targeted for a long time, was dragged to the alley behind the attic by the chase of Zhu Baoge before the pickpockets lying down in the downtown area. I didn't cover the hot cash, but after a few minutes, I changed hands.

This group of people counted all the banknotes in front of him so arrogantly, and then slapped the client on the face twice with a fan made up of banknotes, and gave him a mockery before leaving. Two words: "Thank you!"

Although this client is a pivotal point in terms of love, other aspects are really unambiguous. Seeing that the income of labor that should belong to him, and the hope of saving the favorite woman are about to leave him.

An unspeakable power surged from his body, causing him to fight back frantically regardless of his concern. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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