The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 199: 6 the wishes of the world's client

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Although the other party is crowded, but under the hands of a man desperately trying to resist, he was beaten to the ground. several.

Looking at this group of mobs, it is about to be overturned by this tall and arm-length man, but whoever came up with it, at this moment, the group of people who just watched from the beginning to the end, and did not personally take action. The leader of the country was finally impatient and wasting time on the client, and he took a step forward and fell dead.

"A group of mothers-in-laws can't even do this little thing. If there is too much movement, it will attract the attention of officials, and it will be a trouble."

"The other party is just a fisherman. Where's your usual bragging ability? Since he doesn't plan to keep his life, this kind of person is even more dead and just killed!"

"Ada, Wangcai, entangle him for me!"

When the boss came to speak, the little brothers had the backbone.

The few personnel who were originally lying on the ground climbed up and hugged the thighs and thighs, the upper arm of the upper arm, and the upper arm of the upper arm, wrapped the client in place, unable to move.

When he struggled for a long time and finally was unable to resist, in the cold alley, he could only watch, that the shimmering sharp knife pierced his heart without any difference.

A stream of warm blood spewed out of his body uncontrollably, making his last impression of belonging to this world fixed on the narrow sky in that alley.

I don't know if Xiaoqingmei Lin Shuixiu, who learned of her death, will be sad because of his departure.

This girl who grew up with him since childhood, has never had a solid backing to support her, shelter her from wind and rain.

Until he closes his eyes when he is dying, this silly child still thinks in his mind.

And that kind of deep worries, as if they were substantive, surrounded him for a long time.

When the client's consciousness completely fell silent, a seductive voice that could confuse people's hearts sounded right beside him: "Are you willing to pay the price and do it again?"

"I, I am willing, but I neither know where Suixiu's father was wrong, nor do I know the family that Suixiu sold to. I will do it again, and I have no confidence not to let myself go the same way."

After all, after all, I'm just a poor fisherman who can't keep a bead. What else can I do besides fishing?

What's the point of running the same trajectory as in the previous life?

The client who wanted to break his head heard the more deceptive words: "What if someone can help you walk a different path in life, let you marry a beautiful daughter-in-law, and embrace the beauty?"

"Then I am naturally willing to exchange."

"as you wish!"

The laugh and forget book of an honest child who succeeded in flicking was very proud.

It wiped the cold sweat on its head, and thought with some rejoicing: These people must flicker before Gu Zheng can do the task.

Otherwise, according to his master's enthusiasm for the task, the previous world is over, and it hasn't found a suitable client here, this will happen.

Once again, Xiao Wangshu, who escaped a catastrophe, brought Gu Zheng’s soul to the Sixth World triumphantly, but he didn’t expect the client’s obsession and fear to be so deep, so he directly passed through Gu Zheng. Desperately ahead of schedule, his hair didn’t grow up, and it’s the eve of the first time he went to sea with the villagers.

Come on, you are the client, and you can do what you say.

Gu Zheng, who had accepted his fate, immediately picked up on the sand.

You have to put on your clothes first, so you can't just go back to the village to investigate the "enemy situation", right?

When Gu Zheng picked up the clothes of the original owner and looked at the bunting clothes with his arms open, the bottom of his armpit sleeve was still open. Gu Zheng knew that the days of self-reliance were still behind.

For the outside, he has nothing to be dissatisfied with, the only thing that makes him worry about it is his age.

I really agree to the old saying, that the hair hasn't grown, and in this world, if you want to do something, no one will take you to play!

No, when he dressed neatly, put the basket full of fish harvested from this dive on his shoulders, and walked towards the small fishing village in his memory. At the entrance of the village filled with fine sand, there was The two half-sized boys who were pulling the kelp on the drying field with sticks made fun of him.

"What's the matter, Gu Zheng, why did you come back so fast today? Did you find all the Kingdee shellfish that you fished for Xiuer?"

"Don't be lazy, otherwise Shuixiu will ignore you for three or two days. When you ask us to chat, you will find our troubles again."

"That's right, why are you so unreasonable? Whom Shui Xiu wants to play with? That's her business. You control so much. Who are you?"

If this is the client on weekdays, he would put the fish basket on the sidelines a long time ago, and let the two potential rivals get involved first.

But now it’s replaced by Gu Zheng. It’s not funny. If he cares about these two sentences, he always feels like bullying a primary school student.

Therefore, Gu Zheng just raised his eyelids faintly, glanced up and down at the two brothers with the calmest look, and wiped them away without saying a word, treating them like air, ignoring them. .

Gu Zheng’s reaction was completely different from usual, and the two of them were stunned at the scene at the time, and the rake in their hands also stopped working. They were dumbfounded when they saw Gu Zheng disappeared into the depths of the village. He stared blankly at each other.

"What happened to Gu Zheng?"

"I don't know, but do you think that although Gu Zheng is silent today, he is more scary than ever."

"Yes, yes," the little partner who deeply agrees, nodded desperately: "The look he had just looked at me, how can I say it, it's as if he was being stared at by a big man."

"It's like when my father wants to spank me."

Yes, the two with a sad heart, bowed their heads and worked for a while, then raised their heads together, and said in unison: "Let's not mess with Gu Zheng in the future."

So where did Gu Zheng, who was awed by his peers because of a look in his eyes, go?

Naturally, I went home.

It's just that it's not what the outsiders thought, so I went back to my house and picked out the kingdee shells from the fish basket, washed it and sent it to my neighbor's house, and then took care of my own affairs.

Now that Gu Zheng didn't even think about it, he went straight back to his thatched cottage to check the client's property.

After he rummaged through the cabinets, Gu Zheng did not expect that this was the life of a poor ghost again.

Behind the thatched hut, in the stove room built with crooked slabs, there is only half a bag of rice noodles, and a few sea cabbage kelp that can be seen everywhere in the fishing village. In the corner.

A small oil pot hung with hemp rope, half a can of coarse sea salt that is a bit sticky due to moisture, a whole can of fish and shrimp paste, and rows of dried salted fish hanging on the beams of the house. These are what the client’s home has All of the ingredients.

However, Gu Zheng, who moved to this small room connected to the outer hall, could only be regarded as a large room, successfully took out a small oil paper bag for moisture-proof from under the solid bed board.

Open the layered paper bag, and all of the client's belongings are exposed inside.

A hundred lonely big money.

Calculated by the price of this world, that is, the value of forty catties of rice.

It's no wonder that this kid who is only twelve years old, at this age, will start his first fishing trip with the adults in the village.

In order to have self-respect for survival, but also to save more money and marry his beloved.

Well, Gu Zheng sighed, put the belongings away, touched the tanned but healthy skinny body, and turned straight back to the stove in the back room.

Half-old boy, eat poor old man, he is hungry.

Thanks to his status as a cook in the last world, Gu Zheng was able to serve his appetite comfortably even in an environment with only such crude ingredients.

Pick off the ready-made salted fish on the beams, wash them twice with the clear water from the water tank, lightly draw a few beautiful cross flowers on the skin of the salted fish, and place them on the only large porcelain plate in the house. Just cut some shredded ginger, pour some vegetable oil in the jar, and steam it directly.

As for the salted fish into the pot, Gu Zheng didn't idle either.

He carefully washed away the grit from the rice in his pocket, and began to add water to the large pot on the stovetop to stuff the rice. After these steps were completed, all that was left was to wait for the world’s first meal, which was freshly baked. NS.

This process is always relatively long. When Gu Zheng's small thatched hut began to diffuse the fragrance of rice, the sun in the west was finally unable to support it, and its face was blocked by the sea level.

Gu Zheng, who was already hungry for a long time, didn't care about his image, holding a wooden spatula, extinguishing a fire pan, serving out salted fish, holding a porcelain bowl for rice, and not even moving his nest, he was directly on the black stove. He squatted in between and started to eat.

The most important thing for fishermen who eat by the sea is fresh seafood. The salty fish that is soaked in natural sea salt is very flavorful. Because of the penetration of water vapor, the fish that was dried by the air will become full again. .

However, the body of the air-dried fish is more vigorous than fresh sea fish. When it is eaten in the mouth, it is not as pale as fresh fish. It is very suitable for eating.

Gu Zheng, who was satisfied with his craftsmanship, stuffed a bite of rice with a bite of fish in the dark, and the food was heartily. When he stretched out the empty bowl in his hand to the rice pot in front of him, he could hear it. There was a delicate voice from outside his room.

"Is Brother Gu here? I'm Sister Lin."

Haha, your sister Lin, I'm still brother Bao.

Gu Zheng, who was screamed with goose bumps, suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards the client's aesthetics and final wishes.

How do you like this type of woman? This is the type that Gu Zheng is most reluctant to deal with.

Even at this time, Lin Shuixiu, according to his age, is still an authentic loli.

But even if you are a violent loli, hot girl loli, and facial paralyzed loli, you are better than a fake loli who pretends to be delicate.

Who makes him unlucky to take on this task, then bite the bullet, isn't it just more disgusting than anyone else? I am the best.

Thinking of this Gu Zheng, he immediately put on a happy expression, twisted his **** and walked out from the stove. Before going out, he did not forget to buckle the rice cooker. Then he responded with a more excited voice: "Sister Lin? I'm here, why are you here?"

And Sister Lin, who was standing not far from Gu Zheng's house, heard the response from her admirers, she put the crude silk kerchief in her hand as if embarrassed, gently covered her mouth, and smiled: "What? Gu? Brother forgot, you promised me that you would fish for me Kingdee shells today. I didn't even get out of the house, and I was waiting for my brother to come back."

"Unexpectedly, Brother Gu came back here a long time ago and steamed food for himself. Oh, this smell is so good, I can smell it at home. Brother Gu, what did you make today?"

Dare to love this person came here smelling, not only wanted to eat for free, but also wanted to take it for free.

In reality, Gu Zheng couldn't bear it for a long time, and the person who wanted to take advantage of him hadn't been born yet.

However, Gu Zheng, who was caught in the present, after seeing the real version of Lin Shuixiu, he suddenly had a deep doubt about the memory transmitted to him by his client.

In the client's memory, although Lin Shuixiu is no better than the bright and charming ladies, but she is also delicate, gentle and considerate, without the taste of Xiaojiabiyu.

But now, standing in front of Gu Zheng is less than 1.5 meters tall and looks like a string bean, holding a handkerchief as a mature elementary school student, who is she tm?

If this is the client's lifelong obsession, and the woman indirectly lost her life, Gu Zheng can only give him a word, you are blind!

Maybe this is what the client has been obsessed with, Lang riding a bamboo horse, circling the bed and making blue eyebrows, living together for thousands of miles, the two little tunes without suspicion.

But here you only have a green plum from Lin Shuixiu, but Lin Shuixiu's bamboo horses in the village can make up a full number of people.

Nothing is more affectionate than this.

Since the task was done by Gu Zheng, the client is sorry, and everything must be done according to my wishes.

Although he has experienced many worlds, Gu Zheng, who is deeply rooted in modern thinking, still believes that the upper economy is the necessary condition for spiritual life.

Although he has no money and no power now, he can't do it just like a client, blindly protruding a little to please a woman.

The former client was responsive to his requests. What happened in the end? Isn't it a thing that can't match reality in the end?

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that he was still young and didn’t intend to wrong him at all, after staring at Lin Shuixiu’s face for a long time, he replied, “I made steamed salted fish with white rice. It’s delicious. . But sister Lin, don’t want to eat it. I was so hungry because I wanted to fish for you, I ate all of them just now."

"Huh?" This sudden answer made Gu Zheng stunned because he saw her beauty. Lin Shuixiu, who was secretly proud, was shocked at the scene. Even the conversation behind him forgot to pretend to be weak. This sound was basically a roar. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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