The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 202: The big group of pirates are here

After the two thieves were hooked up on the deck that should have been used to harvest the nets, the fishermen who surrounded them, taking advantage of the effort of these two men to react, they directly used the strongest hemp on the boat. The rope tied them tightly.

And the howling of the Kou countryman still didn't stop. Looking at this situation, he probably won't be able to use his samurai sword anymore in his life.

Because that foot can poke a shark's throat with a sharp hook that can be pierced, just like hooking the hind legs of a pig that is about to be sold, and hung on his arm.

And the process of Fu Dabiao's downward unloading of the hook is not to mention gentle. With the sharper howling of pigs, the hook with the thickness of the thumb was directly pulled out of Kou Guoren's arm in one breath. .

The executor, Fu Dabiao, seemed to be still uncomfortable. He was approaching, and he kicked the Kou people's corpse leg, as if the opponent was some unbearable rubbish.

But the fishermen on the entire boat turned a blind eye, as if they should be, and no half of them had any doubts about it.

Gu Zheng didn't intend to say more, as such a bright enemy would be considered cheap if he didn't kill him directly.

And his attention also shifted to the surface of the sea as everyone began to search for the last Xian Guoren.

The people on the fishing boat stopped paying attention to the Kou people who had lost their combat effectiveness, but after the ronin slowly woke up again, they were afraid that he would not have enough attention on his body, and began to use half-life unfamiliar people from Japan. The language screamed.

"Asshole! You pigs, let me go quickly, how dare you treat a worthy warrior like this!"

"Hahaha! If you rush me to apologize to the uncle now, when our army rushes over, I may be in a good mood, and I will leave you a whole body."

"After all, your ship seems to be a fishing boat. These stupid people from the country have got the wrong information."

"What are you talking about? There is a large army behind you?" Hearing this half-hearted threat, Fu Dabiao turned around in a quick stride, grabbed the collar of Kou Guoren, and lifted the short opponent away.

"That's right! Do you think that in such a deep sea, the three of us can row by just a small board? We are naturally a reconnaissance force on a large ship." The Kou Guo Ronin, who is stubborn at his neck, is really fearless. Frozen green. Travel after death

Hearing the other party's response, Fu Dabiao sneered: "What kind of cowhing are you bragging about, a reconnaissance unit can't even control the distance to the ship under investigation?"

"If it is really a reconnaissance force, can you be found and caught up by us so easily?"

As soon as he heard this, the Kou Guo Langren was wronged, and he subconsciously glanced at the Xian Guo Ren who had been loading corpses on his feet since he got on the ship.

"These two unsatisfactory Xianguo fishermen, this is the first time that they have followed our fleet to seek a living."

"I didn't even have the ability to operate the windsurfing board freely. I was blown over by a gust of wind. Do you think I am willing?! In this way, the Xian Guoren can only do a job that can only be done with the IQ of a pig."

Hello! Pigs are actually very smart.

Gu Zheng's complaints were not over yet, and Fu Dabiao, who had already frowned and began to consider the possibility that the Kou people had said, subconsciously began to look into the distance in the direction where he found the Kou people's boat.

It doesn’t matter if I take a closer look. In the distance between the sea and the sky, a huge black spot is gradually exposed. Around this black spot, there are more than a dozen small dots that go hand in hand with it, and start to move toward it. The direction of their fishing boat drove over.

"No! This **** didn't blame us! Hurry up and turn the ship's bow and get full sails. The operation cabin below also hastened to get off and row our full oars! The pirates are here!"

With this roar of Fu Dabiao, the entire ship was shocked.

But they were just stunned for a while, and then moved quickly.

Things that are related to one's own life are done faster than usual.

And Wu Dahai did not have any dissatisfaction with Fu Dabiao's commanding behavior. Instead, he ran to the direction of the bow, began to assist the opponent, and gave instructions.

In order not to mess up, Gu Zheng at this time had secretly retreated to the stern of the boat, and he opened the door of the room not too small above the surface of the boat that was used for cooking and doing miscellaneous work. The road behind pet

The uncle inside who found the first reconnaissance unit was just stunned when Gu Zheng opened the door and immediately waved at him.

"You girl, it's right to be here. Don't cause trouble to the adults. The sword is eyeless, and you won't be hurt by the arrow if you hide here."

"Just look at the situation outside with me, an old man~ When it is unavoidable, we two will rush out and do our last fight. To die or live is fate. ."

After hearing this, Gu Zheng nodded in agreement like a chicken eating rice, and as his eyes were close to the four palm-sized windows, the situation on the sea surface was clearly revealed before his eyes.

There was only one thief ship behind, and as they approached, it could be seen that the size of the ship was actually about the same size as the ship they were on.

But the configuration and ferociousness of this ship are much more perfect than the fishing boat he is in.

The ship at the rear is more like a merchant ship in Minzhe, which is further south from Weihaiwei. It is not only equipped with a firearm launching chamber, but also has a stand for erecting artillery at the bow and stern.

The sharper bow allows this ship to withstand collisions, and is three points faster than the ship they are driving.

The body of the ship is still painted with the most festive red of Japan, and the two eyes on the bow of the ship are like dragons, staring straight into the distance, adding a bit of hideousness.

"No! This is a merchant ship made by imitating the wheels of the Great Japan for voyages. I don't know how it got into the hands of these thieves!"

"Everyone listened to my orders, and the ship was in charge, desperately sailing in the direction of the nearest Gongliu Island, while everyone else followed me to the stern to defend against the enemy."

"Everyone squatted down against the side of the boat. I repeat, don't show any part of your body."

"The power of this ship lies in the sniper ports on both sides of the hull. It looks like there are no traces of firearms at the moment, but the arrows alone can cause the most damage to the unarmed us."

"After we were overtaken, the only chance to survive was close combat. We must not cause unnecessary attrition before our two ships approached!"

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