The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 203: The bravery of the fishermen in the country

Hearing Fu Dabiao's simple and clear command, these fishermen were very convinced, so they stuck to the side of the boat obediently and squatted down.

In the stern cabin, Gu Zheng muttered to himself with some doubts: "It's strange, these uncles are not usually obedient people, the captain said something, sometimes they still have opinions, at this time Why are you so obedient, listening to Fu Dabiao?"

"That's because Fu Dabiao is the only one in the village who was recruited to the Weihaiwei militia patrol team. In a battle with a big pirate, he was hit by a fierce man who could survive a single blow."

"When it comes to fighting the enemy, no one on the ship has more experience than him."

Before Gu Zheng could finish speaking, the silent uncle on the side picked up the stubborn words.

Gu Zheng turned his head, oh, he was startled by the stern of the boat with a bang.

An arrow stick passed by the small window and shot onto the stern deck.

The distance between these two ships was already close to the range of the arrows.

"Pad! Paid desperately! Gongliu Island is approaching!"

Knowing that the two ships would encounter each other in a few quarters, Fu Dabiao still did not give up the hope of finding rescue.

Gu Zheng, who was in the small room, held the harpoon tightly in his hand, preparing to fight his life in this sudden attack.

It's really weird. The client originally went to sea for the first time when he was twelve years old. He never encountered this pirate at all. Could it be that Gu Zheng's little butterfly wings really incited a different plot? NS.

Now, it's important to find a way to save her life, otherwise Mei Jiao Niang will die here in vain if she doesn't marry.

The tense moment seemed to pass quickly, and Gu Zheng, who was at the stern, felt the most profoundly as the hull was advancing fast.

When the people in the room felt a violent collision, accompanied by ‘poof! ! After a muffled sound, he knew that the two boats had encountered each other.

Be caught up!

The big thief ship on the opposite side shook off the small boat that was in charge of detection and support around it, and slammed into it fiercely.

Along with the sound of Kou Guo's cursing and a few pops, Gu Zheng's fishing boat shook. Spoiling a pretty wife: President Tsundere loves fiercely

The fishermen all know that the two boats have been connected by the other's windsurfing board, and the pirates on the other's boat are about to attack.

Waiting for the sound of footsteps to be heard on the windsurfing board, Fu Dabiao finally yelled out an order that belonged to them to save themselves: "All get up, pay attention to those close to the side of the ship, and overturn the windsurfing board connected to the other party."

"The helmsman started to accelerate, rushing forward at full speed!"

They still have a hand in feelings. The ship's unsatisfactory escape speed at the very beginning was used to confuse the pirates behind.

And this time of confrontation is the hope of the entire fishing boat's real escape.

The fishermen on the side of the boat were all brothers behind Fu Dabiao. They didn’t know where the strength came from. They actually held a board by two or three people. Overturned high into the sea.

And the fishermen beside them were not idle. Under their command, they used super long harpoons to harass the pirates on the other windsurfing boards that had not had time to retreat.

'Da da! Two times, the two windsurfing boards were unloaded before they had time to get off the people. The pirates above them fell to the bottom of the sea before they even had time to say a word.

But in the end it was hard to beat four hands with two fists, and the opposite board was eventually rushed by the opponent's people before it had time to withdraw it.

These gangsters are leading the way.

At the moment when they seized the crucial landing point, they, who were more powerful in combat, were naturally sent to the front.

These ronins with samurai swords are really not what ordinary fishermen's steel forks can stop.

Even with the advantage of the length of the weapon, the few fishermen who first wanted to step forward and prevent the board from continuing to enter were already chopped to the ground by the ronin.

"Yo Xi! Charge! This ship is about to belong to our young master! For our master to fight for the supremacy of the entire sea area, let me board it!"

And the Xian Guoren who was greeted by him, wearing an inverted triangular straw hat and holding a variety of weapons, showed a cruel expression like a jackal. With the support of absolute force, these wretched and rat-like people also Inexplicably full of courage.

But they had forgotten that this fishing boat was deceived in the speed of escape. Billions of babies one plus one

Before the pirate ship behind him had time to throw enough hooks to fix the two ships, the ship to be slaughtered, which the pirates thought was within easy reach, suddenly changed its original speed and rushed forward in an instant.

At this moment, the ropes of the two boats were unable to withstand this pulling force at all. They cracked and broke apart, and the hooks on the ropes, with the sound of the breaking sound, fell in the house one after another. Above the deck.

The last footboard that was originally connected to the two ends eventually fell to the sea level because it was not long, but the ronin of Kou Country, who heard the loud sound of falling into the water, turned his head. , Staring blankly at all this happened before his eyes.

"This this!"

When he turned his head again, he found that he was the first to board the ship behind him, and the three or two Xianguo kittens who hadn't fallen into the sea by good luck were no longer arrogant and shivered and hid behind him. NS.

"Asshole, how do you have the guts? Give me a charge!"

After hearing this order, those shameless Xian Guoren actually played a trick of language barrier for Kou Guo's Ronin. They didn't understand it, and they didn't move.

However, around him, there was a circle of dazzling long weapons. The fishermen on the deck rushed forward in no hurry. They dragged the injured compatriots out of the circle, and only confronted them with sharp blades. Surrounded by the enemy.

"You cowards, it's time for you to see how powerful the Yayoi family samurai is! Look at my single-handed approach!"

Don't tell me, Kou's Bushido spirit is really amazing. Knowing that the strength of the enemy and ours is very different, this samurai still has no hesitation in moving out of the encirclement and slashing.

It is a pity that the fishermen's IQ is still online, and before this comrade madly picks up his broadsword, all the pointed weapons are rushing towards him, head to toe.

With little effort, he was pierced into a sieve. With his reluctant eyes open, he fell straight on the deck.

The fishermen's weapons did not stop because of this. Instead, they pierced the Xian Guo people who had squatted down and held their heads since the Kou Guo warrior died.

Just in this moment, the Xian Guoren living in the circle yelled: "We surrender to Smecta!"

it is good! Sure enough, knowing and interesting.

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