The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 204: Volunteer to rescue soldiers

The Xian Guoren, who thought that he had chanted the slogan of surrender too late, was snotting and tearful watching the weapons getting closer and closer, and he heard the general stopping sound.

"Stop! Bundle them up! Listen well, if any of them dared to resist, then kill them again."

This was Fu Dabiao's stopping the crew's next move. The sharp blades shook the nose of the group of Xian Guomen before they were moved back.

Thank the strong man for his life.

The Xianguo people who were **** and knotted by the crew once again shed tears of excitement. They suddenly felt that the dazzling sun in the afternoon was also very beautiful when they looked up.

Because of the proper strategy, the danger on deck was temporarily resolved.

However, the ship clinging tightly behind him looked like a dogskin plaster and couldn't get rid of it. As time went by, the distance between the two ships narrowed again.

"What should I do? Dabiao, there is still some distance from Gongliu Island. At this speed, we would have been arrested by then!"

"There is no way, it can only be resigned. The pirates of Kou Country are happy and angry, and usually they don't keep alive when they encounter looting."

"If we were a merchant ship, it would be better. Those valuable Chinese people would be used by them to ask for a ransom. Unfortunately, fishing boats like ours are usually just being watched on the boat under our feet."

"On the whole ship, whoever has the hope of being left behind, only Uncle Liu who cooks good meals."

When Wu Dahai began to discuss with Fu Dabiao how desperately needed to have a ray of life, Gu Zheng, who heard their worried conversation behind the stern, couldn't help it anymore, and walked out of the warehouse hut behind and interjected.

"Captain, Brother Big Biao, isn't there a small island not far from here that is used for temporary supply of fresh water from the sea?"

"Are there any naval vessels temporarily docked there?"

The words of a half-sized boy who suddenly appeared, both Fu Dabiao and Wu Dahai were shocked: "Where is the supply point? Why haven't we heard of it?"

Gu Zheng was also puzzled: "If I'm not mistaken, our boat is heading southwest, right? That small island is not far from here to the southeast, right?"

"At the beginning, I was good at water, and when I had no food at home, I would always row a boat to go fishing everywhere."

"Occasionally, I found that small island. There were a few natural caves in it, and there were fresh water from a small lake."

"It's a coincidence that I went ashore to see if there are any special products and places to stay. I actually found several Cangshan boats dedicated to mariners on the banks of the reef."

"The soldier on the boat saw that I was a half-year-old child, so he asked me a few words. When the water bag was supplied, he warned me not to come here again."

"So I didn't dare to tell anyone after I went back. But now that the incident is urgent, I have to talk to the captain, and the province has broken a way to survive."

Sometimes it's really good to look at the client's memory.

This client has a brain problem in terms of love, but the ability at sea is really top-notch.

I thought that the two decision makers on the ship should be ecstatic after sharing this good news. Whoever came to the idea, one or two hesitated.


"If we turn now, we will directly encounter the blocked pirate ship."

"What's more, even if you escape to the island you mentioned by chance, and there will be no ships being supplied there by then, what should you do?"

"After all, there shouldn't be a replenishment point where the navy has an obvious target. It looks more like a convenient replenishment point that the navy soldiers themselves discovered."

"This kind of risk is too great, I can't risk the life of the entire ship."

Gu Zheng, who was denied the resolution, was not discouraged. He had a second plan of his own.

"Then Captain, only I know that place for the entire boat. It's really not too far from here. If I sneak a small boat and sneak over to see if anyone is temporarily moored over there?"

"If it's time for me to bring reinforcements over, it might be too late!"

If not, I would hide on that island, and at least I would be able to leave a small life.

This proposal moved Captain Wu Dahai's heart. He knew the speed of his civilian fishing boat, and it was the best choice to follow Gu Zheng's proposal.

"But Gu Zheng, baby, you are alone with this rain of bullets. What if you are targeted by the pirates on the opposite side?" Behind me is the earth.

When he heard that there was a door, Gu Zheng couldn't help but patted his chest: "Uncle Wu, have you forgotten what I like the most? You go to the village to inquire about it. If you want to talk about diving, the adults in the village can't beat me. "

After being reminded by Gu Zheng, Wu Dahai remembered that if he wanted to talk about diving to fish for marine products, Gu Zheng was one of the best in the whole village.

He was moved by the thought of this, but there were still people more determined than him.

At this time, Fu Dabiao had already put down the single-person boat used to fish alone on the sea from the grocery room at the stern, and carried it out of the warehouse and immediately began to look for the blind spot of the pirates on the opposite side. The side board began to be lowered toward the surface of the sea.

"Here, go! Be careful with yourself, you are really brave, you take the oars, I put you a day's dry food in the boat, if you can reach the island without death, and you haven't touched it. People from the navy, don’t come back again."

"Hide on the island for a long time. When the wind has passed, you will report to the village."

"Our boat, if one can live alone, there should be no more fearless sacrifices."

Although this was Gu Zheng's original plan, he himself felt very moved when he was so bluntly said by this man with a hideous face.

Brother Fu, Gu Zheng, this person, is how to eat soft but not hard. Don't worry, if there is no navy passing by, I will find a way to go around to Gongliu Island. Maybe I can catch up with the rescue?

With such a spirit of'sacrificing oneself for others', Gu Zheng followed the rope without hesitation and slipped off the boat.

When his foot just stepped on the surface of the boat, he kicked back and plunged to the bottom of the water. Then he fumbled twice, held the bottom of the boat with both hands, and after he knew the direction, he pushed towards his goal. Raise the boat as a cover.

At this time, the waves on the sea were not big. With the thrust of the big ship, Gu Zheng floated out together with the humble, gray boat.

With good luck, he didn't attract the attention of the people on the pirate ship on the opposite side, and he escaped from the sea without any problems.

Until this time, Gu Zheng, whose cheeks were almost swollen, dared to puff, poked his head out from the bottom of the boat, and after observing the direction, he pushed his head and pushed the boat to continue sliding.

When he was a little further away, he dared to board the boat and rowed vigorously towards the northeast. ,? !

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