The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 205: Centipede ship ferocious

After all, it is the child of the fisherman's family. The memory of the boat and the sea in his body is basically like it is carved in his bones, and he will never forget it for a lifetime.

This small island that Gu Zheng had placed high hopes in, under the huge potential he burst out, took less than a quarter of an hour, and he actually rowed the boat with people.

Regardless of the pulling and tingling of the reef on the shore, Gu Zheng threw the oar to the shore and began to run desperately into the cave in the center.

Someone must be there! Ten million!

As the cave ran closer and closer, Gu Zheng's heart gradually sank.

Didn't see the water-harvesting officers and soldiers coming and going, this time will not really be so bad luck, right?

When Gu Zheng ran to the entrance of the cave and heard the sound of groundwater flowing inside, he was already in a state of despair.

no one!

Then I have to return as soon as possible, and row the boat vigorously toward the south. If the wind is smooth, I can always rush to Gongliu Island to ask for help in a few hours?

Thinking of this, when Gu Zheng suddenly turned around, he was frightened by the silent tall figure behind him and squatted on the rock.

"Oh my god! Ghost!"

"What the hell? Are you a ghost? I haven't asked you yet, what are you doing? Why do you appear here and say! Are you a traitor sent by Kou Guo? This is to reach our secret supply point. , Do you poison the water source?"

After hearing Gu Zheng's screams, the silent man began to interrogate directly like a cannon.

But Gu Zheng, who was squatting on the ground and rubbing his butt, was inexplicably excited after hearing the other party's words.

He grabbed the opponent's trouser legs a little high, and instantly turned into a miserable and helpless little pitiful.

"Military Master! Military Master!"

"Lord Jun, please help us, our fishing boat encountered the pirates of Kou Country not far from here!"

"Huh? Pirates? Where are these bastards, now they dare to drill into the waters of my great country in the blue sky and white sun?"

"Also put the people who don't put our navy guards in the eyes?" Tian Jue Xia Ke

Seeing that the sailor on the opposite side was so angry, Gu Zheng felt hopeful for help, and he continued to add fire to the top.

"Master, the opposing ship has a medium ship, which is a merchant ship standard, and the number of people is only a few dozen people. It still counts the number of small boats supporting it."

"As long as the military master is willing to extend a helping hand, it must be a feat of victory, beheading countless enemy bandits, driving the bandits out of the waters of the famous country, and promoting the prestige of my famous country."

"At that time, all the people in our village will be grateful for the kindness of the army ye, and they will send a pennant and plaque to the army's health station to enshrine the army's longevity ranking in the village ancestral hall."

"Congratulations to Jun Ye, get promoted and get rich, and live a long life!"

Hey! This little mouth is sweet and promising.

The army master who was photographed by Gu Zheng's remarks couldn't help but start to float.

They were patrolling past here, wanting to put a pot of sweet underground water to dissolve their gluttons, but unexpectedly, they actually met a kid who had met a pirate to report a letter.

It just so happens that the brothers have been hairy in the past two days, so let's use the banditry on this medium-sized ship to earn some meritorious service for everyone.

Thinking of this, the army master didn’t waste much time. He carried the water bag with his left hand and clamped it with his right arm. He put Gu Zheng in the creak nest and strode towards the coastline with dense reefs. .

"Then what time has it been delayed, please follow me on the boat and lead the way!"

"Oh, but my boat?"

"Do you still care about the nostalgia? Some latecomers will drag you to the shore, and you will not be greedy for your property."

Gu Zheng, who was desperate for money, closed his mouth. The small body was swaying, and the other party gave him a rather hideous boat that he had never seen before.

After boarding the ship, on the orderly military ship, the soldiers on the patrol board surrounded them just like seeing some rare objects.

"Wang Baihu, what kind of situation is this? How did you go to the shore to release water and bring back a little boy?"

The man called Wang Baihu snarled, "Hey? Don't underestimate this kid. He dared to leave the army alone and row a small boat to find reinforcements. You said, at his age, who can do it?"

"What's the situation? What happened?" Xiaowang Shengchong: chasing after the black little beast concubine

"Let’s talk about this later. Now everyone is following my command, and the main helmsman is paying attention! We are sailing straight south, about half a bit longer, and there is a boat of pirates from the country that is plundering my famous fishing boat."

"Brothers! The time has come to make contributions, each perform their duties, prepare weapons! Follow me and kill them together!"


With this roar of Wang Baihu, the officers and soldiers on the ship began to operate in unison.

The soldiers on the observation platform on the mast waved a small flag in their hands. This fierce and sharp ship braved the wind and waves and went straight to the direction of rescue.

Unlike the sea officers and soldiers who were not panicked, Gu Zheng, who stood on the deck and looked at the ship, became confused.

I saw that the bottom of the ship was very wide, one full circle more than the deck, like a super-large float, running at high speed on the sea.

The extra circle of flat plates is not completely useless. The direction of the bow is made into a sharp cone shape, which makes it easier to break through the resistance of the waves, and greatly improves the speed of the entire warship.

The protruding parts on both sides of the hull are like centipede's multiple limbs, hideous and terrifying. But it is these scary bulges that keep the ship balanced in high-speed motion without the danger of capsizing.

On the side of the hull, there are raised sights. The navy officers and soldiers equipped with firearms have already guarded a window, waiting for the target to appear.

"This ship is called a centipede ship, and it is one of the standard ships of the navy's guard station. It is most suitable for fast sea assaults and cruises. It is one of the strongest combat powers in my country."

"Don't worry, as long as we are in time, your fishing boat will fight for a while, and I will protect your family from worry."

Seeing Gu Zheng staring at the hull carefully, Wang Baihu, who had finished the combat command, stood behind him again and began to explain to him.

This man who always likes to surprise behind did not wait for Gu Zheng to answer immediately. After two people were embarrassed for more than ten seconds, Gu Zheng faintly replied: "The boat is all my folks, and there is no mine. family."

"My family is gone."

"Oh? Then you are willing to take such a big risk for someone who is not relatives and not to tell you, don't you know that in this vast sea, it is the easiest to lose your sense of direction? You lost your life for this. , Do you think it's worth it?"

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