The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 208: What does death mean

He remembered that Xian Guoren's neck was just like the stone-ground tofu from the village head. It was stabbed in by the harpoon in his hand without any hindrance. The blood spurted out, warm, and poured all over his head.

Please allow him to tremble for a while, as he really can't hold it anymore.

Fu Dabiao on the side was exhausted because of fatigue. After a short daze, he suddenly seemed mad. He didn't even stand up, and even rushed towards a few motionless people on the deck.

"Brother Wen, Brother Wen!! How are you doing!"

"Zhao Yaozi! You wake up, you let me explain to your mother!"

The heads of these people who were swayed by Fu Dabiao were drooping, and their arms slumped on the deck, unable to give him any response.


The man does not flick when he has tears, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness.

Seeing the tearful Fu Dabiao crying, the surrounding navy officers and soldiers were silent, while Wang Baihu just gritted his teeth and said: "Fight! Leave me the pirates who are inferior to pigs and dogs." Down!"

Immediately planned to command the chase of the military ship behind him.

"But, Master Hundred, the ship has already run out of the sea for a while, and the bottom of our military ship is being simultaneously harassed by more than a dozen small boats that are responsible for blocking the back road."

"Then bump into me, and let these **** who sacrificed themselves voluntarily for the host ship to crash into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"But sir, let's not get the reward? Your military merits are almost saved, sir."

The caring guard behind him reminded him again, and he paused at the feet of Wang Baihu, who was quickening his pace.

"Then catch alive, a dozen ships, there are 20 or 30 people, haha! When I, Wang Yingqiang, report this military merit, I will be eligible for a promotion."

What about morals? Just now let people feed the sharks, now it becomes your medal of merit?

However, these fishermen were not dissatisfied. The captain Wu Dahai also slammed his head in Wang Yingqiang's direction: "Thank you, the official, for your life-saving grace. Please be sure to capture these thieves in the Navy's Yamen for punishment." Yaori Wuzun

Gu Zheng, who hadn't understood the punishment of the Da Ming country at all, was clever and didn't intervene. It seemed that the fate of these bandits who were arrested after bypassing their lives would not be much better.

Seeing Wu Dahai’s knowledge and interest, Wang Yingqiang was in a good mood. He waved to the brothers around him, and then ordered: "Find some who can first aid, show the people on this boat, and help. Someone clean up the follow-up."

"The rest of them followed me back to the ship. Our cruising mission today has been completed. By the way, we will also **** them back."

Hearing Wang Baihu's words, Wu Dahai was even more excited. At this time, all the fishermen who could catch their breath on the deck chanted words of thanks.

This, the military and the civilian family, caring for you, me, and him, shouldn't these be the right things?

Well, forget this is in another world.

Gu Zheng, who no longer intends to be idle, also joined the ranks of work, cleaning the traces of the battlefield, packing up the captured weapons, and washing the blood stains on the deck, so that on the way back, it doesn't look so shocking.

The military men on the main ship arrested all the thieves on the surrounding windsurfing boats.

The fierce resistance was shot dead on the spot, and the rest were tied like a string of grasshoppers, hung on the two masts specially prepared for the captives on the military ship.

One by one, keeping the shape of the O with the arms and legs folded together, it feels as uncomfortable as it is.

The fishermen who were able to move freely on the parallel return journey found all the items they could throw and threw them towards the other side, venting their anger fiercely.

Gu Zheng didn't do anything. He squatted quietly beside the warehouse at the stern, thinking about the future direction.

Quietly earning money and marrying a beautiful lady should be a very simple matter for him, but for this six-year career in vain, he still needs to live on his own, not a client.

Does this mean that he can live for himself in this world as he pleases without affecting the progress of the task?

What's more, in the short contact between him and Lin Shuixiu, he felt that, regardless of her age, the girl had already been raised by others with a crooked temperament.

Not a nice girl. Idol Wang Junkai is close to me

The wealth of money alone can no longer satisfy the girl's heart.

In Lin Shuixiu's view, she was the phoenix flying out of that fishing village, and it was worthy of others to treat her well.

But inexplicably, Gu Zheng didn't want to marry her for the client.

Just like what Lin Shuixiu thought in her heart, she is the most handsome girl in the fishing village, why can't she marry a better He Gu Zheng can also use the client's own expertise to earn brighter In the future, what a good girl can't meet, why marry a Lin Shuixiu who tramples her client's heart on the ground?

Brother, please allow me to use this pair of eyes to help you see the outside world more, to help you see more of the world, so that you can understand what is the feeling of childhood sweethearts, and let you appreciate what it means to be a real case.

That's it, let's discuss about Lin Shuixiu.

Gu Zheng, who couldn't get a response at all, made plans in his heart. He put the brush in his hand to his side and began to prepare for the upcoming return to the village.

Originally a good **** was just to protect the fishing boat from smoothly entering the central area of ​​the Daming Kingdom. Later, Wang Baihu's warship changed its course and was on standby for the return journey.

Before he left, he asked Gu Zheng to ask him to report immediately when he was free.

After sending away the people on the military ship, these people who survived, no one said a word for the rest of the journey. The number of casualties of everyone has been counted, Wen Wei, Zhao Ergou, Qian Dazhuang, I closed my eyes forever and couldn't wake up again.

Several other people had some injuries on their bodies. Except for Gu Zheng, who went to find the rescuer, and the uncle who had not had time to jump out, none of them went back with their tails and tails.

The wound will heal sooner or later, but the three living lives will never come back.

"See the shore!"

In order to cheer everyone up, Gu Zheng took the initiative to take on the job of looking out, but this sentence that should have been full of joy made Wu Dahai's mouth feel bitter.

Sure enough, they are the latest fleet to return. The sky has been wiped out by the sea, and the sea is already densely packed with long-awaited and worried family members.

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