When the familiar fishing boat appeared on the sea, on the pier of the humble fishing village by the sea, waves of cheers came to mind.

"Come back! Look at the village chief, Wu Dahai's boat was fine! I said that there is no wind and no waves today, and the people on the boat are all good hands. How could it be possible to capsize."

"Yeah, I think I didn't get much harvest. When I returned, there were a few more Internet cafes? You old ladies just kept my mouth under control, don't complain."

"Originally, going to sea was not easy enough. If it's because of your broken mouth that upsets my men. I don't care if I go home tonight and get beaten!"

The old village chief's ridicule caused these fisherwomen in blue and black turbans to laugh directly.

"How can it be, as long as the people are safe, aren't the fish always in the sea? You can catch them anytime, they won't fly."

"Oh, that's right, family and everything are happy, go and welcome you who are heads of the house, my old bones are going home too."

"It's great to go to sea this time, all the ships are coming back!"

Before the old village chief had finished speaking, Wu Dahai, who stumbled, got off the boat first.

On the blackened beach, these women were still leaning forward, and some sharp-eyed people found the blood stains all over Wu Dahai's body.

"The master! What's wrong with you!" The Wu family's mother-in-law rushed towards Wu Dahai as if she was crazy, she wanted to pull and check, but she was afraid that she would touch her mate's wound.

"It's okay, this is not my blood, it's the blood of the pirates of the Xian Country I killed."


Hearing this, the old village chief and the men who were preparing to return, also stopped, and Gu duo surrounded Wu Dahai.

Seeing this situation, Wu Dahai couldn't help it anymore. After all, he sobbed. He raised his cuffs while wiping tears while pointing at the group of people behind him who was about to disembark.

"I ran into a pirate on the way back. On the boat, three brothers died, and the others were more or less injured."

"If it hadn't been for Gu Xiaozi to bring in the rescuers immediately, our boat people, this boat people would not want to come back alive today!"

When Wu Dahai died as soon as the three people said these words, the people around could no longer listen to his follow-up.

All the villagers who had their relatives on the boat, who could no longer ignore them, began to rush towards the fishing boats one after another.

"My son! Donkey egg, my son!" Rong Chong Ji

"Msang-gong! Master! Are you here!!"

These heart-piercing shouts reverberated sharply on the shore of this darkened coast.

"I'm here! Mother!"

"Don't worry lady, I just got an arrow in the arm."

The fishermen who successfully found their family members cried with joy and hugged them one after another.

But there are still three families, but at this time they only saw the corpse hanging on the deck, covered with canvas, and could not see the face and body.

"Wazi...Answer my mother"

"Brother, brother woooooo."

These crying sounds of weeping blood interrupted the joyful reunion under the ship.

Those crew members who had escaped from the dead were no longer able to rejoice, and the original lively family-seeking scene was inexplicably quiet.


After all, it was the old village chief. After seeing all kinds of situations, he just sighed and consoled the villagers around the shore.

"Don't be pestered here either, and hurry home and have a rest. It's a disaster to come this time."

"There are a lot of idlers in the village. We will stay here to finish it up for you. If you have anything to say, we will wait until the village meeting tomorrow."

"Also, Wu Dahai, how did you gain from this trip to sea?"

Wu Dahai, who was immersed in the pain, answered the harvest very clearly: "The harvest is still possible. A total of three full nets of yellow croaker can be bought at a good price. The sea is worth a thousand kilos. Goods, it’s not a waste of going out."

Hey, good fortune and evil depend on each other.

The old village chief sighed again, and beckoned to Wu Dahai: "We will talk about the assignment in front of the sacrificial temple tomorrow. You also hurry home."

"Also, Gu Zheng, you come to Grandpa."

Hearing Zhang Luo, Gu Zheng, who had been following the tail of the surviving crew, squeezed to the village chief's side.

An old big hand touched the top of Gu Zheng's head in this way, flicked it gently, and took it off. Mysterious husband, see you tonight!

"Good boy, good job, remember that in the future, no one's life is more expensive than anyone's money these days."

"Your old Gu's is the only Miaomiao. If there is any accident even with you, then it is truly extinct."

"But Grandpa still wants to thank you, for the whole village, and for Grandpa himself. For your bravery and kindness."

Gu Zheng was still savoring the inexplicable warmth gradually dissipating from the top of his head. He didn't know how to answer the concern the old man had given him~www.readwn.com~ but he nodded to the village chief with the shyest smile.

Seeing that Gu Zheng is so well-behaved, the village chief felt even more distressed: "Okay, you are the smallest crew member of the entire ship. You won't be able to use you when you arrive in the village. Go back to wash and sleep and rest!"

"Hey, grandpa the village chief, should I go back first?"

"It's dark on the way back! Run slower!"

Grandpa's request is still echoing behind him, but Gu Zheng has already come to his thatched cottage in this village.

The dark room was unpopular, but for the current Gu Zheng, it was extremely nostalgic.

After wandering on the sea for a day, the numbness and weakness spread from the bones. Now he really needs a good night's sleep to replenish his stamina that is about to be exhausted.


Pushing the door open, the lonely but tidy cabin came into view. Gu Zheng, who turned directly onto the bed, fell into a deep sleep without blinking his eyes a second time.

On the side, in the four tiled houses of Lin's wooden stone structure, Lin Shuixiu's elder brother Lin Shuiwenzheng and his parents gossiping about what he saw on the dock when he came back from school.

"On the shopping deck, there is such a large canvas. Oh, how long has it been in this village to go out to sea without dead people?"

Lin Shuixiu, who had already started learning embroidery under the guidance of her mother, was very interested and moved her head.

"Brother, which ship happened?"

"It's that Uncle Wu's boat. Speaking of your little attendant, the one that can hit a tree when you walk, our neighbor's stupid boy Gu Zheng is also on that boat."

Upon hearing what her brother said, the embroidery needle in Lin Shuixiu's hand accidentally pierced her thumb.

A small drop of blood instantly dyed the peony flower she started embroidering on the square pae.

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