And that kid, on his first day as a soldier, achieved the feat of killing two people alone. For a soldier like him, if a person can kill three bandits alone, he can get a level up in the merit department. Or a material reward for six taels of cash.

For the other officers and soldiers of the small banner where Gu Zheng is located, silver is a good choice, but the kid with different auras all over his body will definitely choose the reward of the former.

And a teenage child can already rise to the ranks of incompetent officials, isn't it a bit early?

In other civil officials groups, there is also the saying that the age is too young to suppress your temper. If you can't control it, you will start to build momentum on the prodigy.

Those sour scholars...Huh? Why didn't I expect it?

Suddenly I felt that I was always given the rare inspiration of Yumu's head, and Wang Yingqiang, who was in front of the case, was very happy.

Yeah, how could he forget this.

Every Deputy Qianhu can bring a small official under his hand, who is responsible for the communication arrangements for the middle and lower-level officers before the battle.

Although this position is not high, it allows Gu Zheng to belong to his direct faction of Wang Yingqiang.

Moreover, the position can also be freely converted from low to high.

As for the basic requirement of an official, being able to write words, don't you be afraid, didn't Gu Zheng say that he is rough.

That was how it was done. Wang Qianhu, who was just doing it, hand-written two appointment letters, one for his personal guards to be handed over to the Weihaiwei General Director, who is in charge of civilian officials, and sent to Shiye Xu.

The other is for the messenger to go directly to the camp of the Tenth Banner that he is still commanding, to give Gu Zheng a transfer order that belongs to him.

This freshly-produced small soldier of the famous national navy division, on the first day of employment, successfully completed things that other soldiers might have difficult to accomplish in their lifetime.

The change from soldier to officer.

Although the position behind Wang Baihu is only a small official from the 9th rank, starting from today, the title of this twelve-year-old Gu Zheng will never be lost.

From the first day after joining Gu Zheng, when others call him again, he must respectfully call him: the official.

So when Gu Zheng chatted with the other excited veterans who couldn’t sleep in the barracks, after the silver hair came down, where everyone went to celebrate, the soldier in charge of the order used this paper to order him. I was caught off guard.

"This is my transfer order?"

"No, this brother, I'm obviously the first investigator. What is your order? Isn't this a mistake?"

"No!" Chuan Lingbing nodded firmly towards Gu Zheng, shoved the transfer order into his hand, turned around, and started to pack things up for him.

"I came by the order of the newly appointed Wang Qianhu, and the transfer order must be correct."

"That's the case, what do you mean by taking away my blankets?"

"Since you have been transferred to Wang Qianhu's side, naturally you can't be placed in the barracks where this banner is located."

"The barracks next to the Qianhu Guarding Station have been vacant for a long time. It just so happens that today we Wang Qianhu are going to take office there. You should also quickly move to the corresponding barracks and be on standby at any time."

Okay, is this another new ground for yourself?

Gu Zheng, who didn't know much about the navy position of the Daming Kingdom, obediently followed behind Chuan Lingbing to tidy up.

Around him, the veterans who had once had common fighting skills, used a tone of envy and a little enthusiasm to get close to Gu Zheng.

"I said Gu Xiaozi, hey? No, you should be called Gu Sishi from now on, and you can be regarded as our superior."

"If there are any benefits and news in the future, you must think of our brothers. You must know that you are a recruit, but there are not many people who have not eaten the veterans."

"Brothers have long seen that your kid is not in the pool. I said that if you are literate these years, he can't be buried."

In the end, these people's chats reminded Gu Zheng, he casually rolled the two books in the bedside drawer into his arms.

At this time, the true owner of these two books was sitting in the camp of the highest commander of the guard, watching the freshly released dispatch report, luck.

He had originally planned to wait for the kid to be scolded in the barracks for a while before he would understand the benefits of finding a backer.

When the time comes, he will seduce each other a few more times, won't he be able to bring the shrewd boy under his own banner?

Maybe a hundred years later, he can still inherit his Xu Wei mantle.

Who would have thought that President Wang Qian, Wang Laochu who recommended this kid to join the army, seemed to be at odds with him. This time he was the first to strike first and brought this kid to his side in advance~www.readwn .com~ Seeing this, Xu Wei turned to the last page of this report. Hey, this kid really has the potential to be a blessing general. Before he joined the army, he encountered pirates and survived. And let the old barracks that hadn't opened for thousands of years with dead trees every spring, and gained combat exploits.

It's no wonder that Wang Qianhu was anxious and sloppy and put the person under his own banner overnight, lest he would be abducted if he didn't pay attention?

But Xu Wei dared to attack the sky, the ground, and his immediate superior Wei Haiwei's supreme commander, but he really had nothing to do with Wang Qianhu.

Who told him to have a father who is Dongshan's chief soldier although he is young and his official position is not obvious?

It is said that his dad has always been conscientious and has a taste of being a hard-working general. He is very much appreciated by the Shangshu of the Ministry of War and several military commanders in Beijing of the famous country.

And this Wang Zongbing's age is not too old, in his lifetime, he is expected to rise to the next level. By then, he will really be a veritable second-generation official.

Nowadays, there is a father of the second grade, and soon he will be the father of the first or the first grade.

He Xu Wei is a little Xing Shao master, he only challenged this somewhat stunned Wang Qianhu when his brain was flooded.

Thinking of this, Xu Wei finally sighed, and even let go of the last remaining thoughts.


As soon as this person let go of his obsession, some of the forgotten details were remembered by Xu Wei.

His out-of-print boutique Xiao Huangwen, which he has treasured for a long time, has just fallen into Gu Zheng's hands.

It's a pity that this is his multitudinous trustee, and what he got is said to be a sister article written by Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng.

Thinking of this, Xu Wei began to beat his chest and his feet, but Gu Zheng, who didn't even know it, arrived at his new residence in the barracks.

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