The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 222: Squeezed out on Laogong Road

Unlike the mixed-living military camp, this room is obviously a side room of the main courtyard. It goes without saying who the owner of the master bedroom is.

Through this arrangement, it can also be seen that in the state of war contingency, his seemingly insignificant little official is in what position he belongs to in the thousands of households.

It is always on standby and indispensable.

Now Gu Zheng has formally entered the fringe area of ​​the military attache faction to the Wang family, and has become a vassal officer and soldier who is both prosperous and damaged.

If this is the case, then you should earnestly earn a higher future for yourself, so as to live up to Wang Qianhu's support.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng, with a longing and energetic heart, pushed open the dark door of the room.

But who would have thought that, not two seconds after he stepped into the room carrying a burden, he was choked out by the dust accumulated inside.

This clearly knows that the newly appointed deputy thousand households are about to move in, so why should the personnel in charge of logistics clean up these thousand households in advance?

But seeing the current state, Gu Zheng really began to feel worried for his Shangguan who was about to follow.

Weihaiwei didn’t seem to pay corresponding attention to this newly promoted Qianhu. Either Wang Qianhu had offended a higher-level general and immediately sent him a promotion after being signaled by others. It's a big gift like getting off the horse.

In either case, it was his low-level soldier who suffered. Looking at the sky in the courtyard, Gu Zheng had to temporarily place the blanket roll outside the threshold, drew out the towel tub, and cleaned it in the dark.

When he had been busy for more than half an hour, and finally let himself lie in this still-living room, Wang Yingqiang, who was late and brought in more luggage, had a sullen expression on his face. Standing at the door of the master bedroom which was more invisible than Gu Zheng's room.

"Okay! Very good! Does this mean I don't see Wang Yingqiang being proud of the spring breeze?"

"Don't think about it, the only one in the entire guard station that didn't pleasing to my eyes. It used to be my immediate superior, who crushed people to death at the first level, and I won't say anything about the yin and yang."

"After all, Lao Tzu came here to serve as a soldier in order to earn a piece of merit for himself."

"But whoever came up with it, our military commanders really have such infamous means. Seeing that my military skills can no longer be suppressed, they began to find me uncomfortable in other places."

"Hehe, give me a residence like this, is this a disgusting person?"

"Or thought it was just such a small trick that could shake my Wang Yingqiang's mind? A joke!"

"This account will not be theorized until I will be assigned to the routine meeting tomorrow!" Hei Liu

After gritting his teeth with the guards behind him, Wang Qianhu was so angry that he didn't even pick up a piece of luggage. He waved his hand and made a decision: "It doesn't matter. Stay here!"

The second generation Wang, who doesn't care about everything, doesn't even know the residence of his hundred households. It has already been evacuated before coming over tonight.

The luggage in the yard should not be seen, but the guards behind him cannot accuse his chief of being blind.

He can only quickly think about it for his chief official.

When this personal guard was in trouble, the small logistics soldier who had just taken over the residential area of ​​the Qianhu Guardsman moved a step forward and whispered a few words in the ear of the personal guard.

But when he heard the news from the other party, the guard opened up with a smile, and he continued on with the words of his superior.

"Master Thousands of people is getting late now, and it's not easy to toss too much."

"In fact, in our back camp residence, one room has been cleaned, and that is the second room in the side room of the outer courtyard."

"If you don't care, go and make up for the night. I'll call out the kid who lived in first."


If there is someone who moved in before him, it must be the first Gu Zi to receive his transfer order.

In the middle of the night, is it unethical to take the hard-cleaned room as your own?

Wang Yingqiang only pondered for a while before he made a decision with a single blow.

"Let's go, let's not be so arrogant, just have a room to live in."

"When we went on a voyage back then, the deck brothers on the ship also slept."

"When you get there, let him add a bed board to me. I'll just make do with one night in the past!"

it is good! Sure enough, he is the best Shangguan in the world!

After saying this, they slipped past.

After a while, Gu Zheng stared blankly at shamelessly occupying his new bed, and "kindly" handed him a bed board and then fell asleep from the back of Wang Yingqiang, suddenly there was a deep feeling. Powerlessness.

He seemed to see himself as if he was on a broken ship about to sink, and his way forward was elusive.

When he was sleeping on the hard bed the next day with a sore back and leg cramps, Wang Qianhu, who had a good night's dream, went to the command post of Weihaiwei in vigor and went to a combat meeting. Forced marriage by tricks

This is the time for the annual large-scale military training, and it is also the time for the navy in the guard station to practice for a year and test the results.

These large ships that have been repaired and maintained will be cruised and assisted from the northeastern sea area under Weihaiwei’s responsibility, all the way south, to the sea area around Minzhe where pirates are most rampant, and serve for the long southeast coastline. After a large-scale settlement activity, return to the original route.

If the journey is smooth, you might be able to make waves in the sea further south, and fight against the red-haired barbarians who have grown teeth, merchants and pirates.

This is a crucial few months for the officers and soldiers of Weihaiwei. The days of promotion and fortune to make extra money every year, whether you can seize the opportunity or not depends on your Gu Zheng, who was still not clear about all this, sat down in the office where Wang Yingqiang belongs with grinning teeth, and quietly began to grind before a pile of clean white paper.

After a while, the combat meeting ended, when his superiors began to dispatch troops and generals, and it was also the busiest moment for his Gu Zheng.

But who came to think, Wang Qianhu, who he was waiting for, when he entered behind his huge case table, he threw the hat and helmet on his head onto the table and said There was a loud clanking noise.

"Too much deception! I didn't want to care about this old boy, thinking that from now on, I will be the Tongze brothers, and I will work together in a health center for a long time. Peace is the most important thing."

"Whoever thinks of this old man, even if he is jealous of my young and promising, he even dared to attack my Wang Yingqiang in important matters!!"

"I really thought that if I was assigned the task of assisting navigation on the innermost route, it would prevent me from earning merit?"

"I bah! He dreams! It's a big deal, I send more investigative teams, and when I see peripheral pirates appear, I just go straight up and grab it!"

"Can a big living person be suffocated by urine?!"

As soon as Wang Yingqiang's angry words were spoken, the practical person behind him, who was a life assistant and part-time guard, stood up and started to stop Wang Qianhu's death behavior.

"Thousands of households! No! Before the army, disobey, change the line privately, and grab military merits, no matter which one is a taboo in the army, it must be dealt with by military law."

"This Xie Qianhu envoy is a dignified plan, and you should also fight back in a dignified manner."

"Master Thousands, according to the young ones, it's better to write to Master Wang at home. You may not have a letter to send back in a long time. At any rate, use this matter as a starting point and write a letter to your home!"

It’s a smart plan to find parents, right?

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