The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 230: Competitor's surname

At that time, he was both Paoze and the neighbor’s brother. It was a coincidence that it was also the hereditary Zhan Shi of the Dongshan Garrison. Because these two people could talk, their respective daughter-in-laws became pregnant one after another in the same days. child.

In the course of a drink, the other party expressed his willingness to get married.

Of course, Wang's father who can be a general soldier is naturally not a brainless person who promises to drink two or two cat urine.

A baby kiss or something is the least reliable. It will not only cheat your own children, but maybe sometimes cheat your father or something.

So Papa Wang declined.

The other party was not upset, and made another suggestion.

If you are a man and a woman, you don't ask for anything else, just consider each other first when the two families are negotiating with each other.

If you think that the other person is good and has a good personality, then everyone is happy.

If it is really the untalented person, naturally there is no **** of the marriage contract, and the marriage between men and women is irrelevant.

When I heard this, there was nothing wrong with Father Wang.

General Qi on the opposite side really regarded him as his brother.

The most loyal old king remembered the good of this brother Qi.

This miss has been missed for more than ten years.

The brothers who drank together at the time had too little life expectancy and went early, leaving the widow and orphan of their family to help with the help of the old Wang family.

This time, his son Qi Guangji finally reached the age of sixteen, so he could inherit the false title of his Qi family's fifth-rank general. With the help of Wang Zongbing, this thriving Qi Xiaolang finally gave a practical statement. The post, transferred to the garrison army in Dongshan Weining City, just under the nose of Wang Zongbing.

The General Soldier Wang didn't say anything, and after investigating Qi Jiaerlang for a while, he felt that his flexible mind was a great fortune, and then he remembered the conversation that was ten years ago.

No, in the past few days, his prince might take the boy from the Qi family home, and let his sister have a look at each other. If it feels right, he might have to decide the relationship between the two.

Wang Yingqiang, who knew the whole story very well, would kindly persuade Gu Zheng after seeing the scene just now.

After all, a hereditary general of the fifth rank and the identity of a friend orphan, how can he have more advantages than the helpless orphan in the fishing village.

His dad...

Hehe, Wang Yingqiang curled his lips when he thought of this, and didn't want to mention him, so he put his thoughts on Gu Zheng again.

After he and Gu Zheng talked about the twists and turns, the boy on the opposite side just smiled at him and changed the subject.

"Brother Wang, how much do you think I can earn from this feat?"

"Oh? Don't worry, Wang Yingqiang is not an official who is greedy for the merits of his subordinates. I not only truthfully record the merits of our navy, but also specifically mark your role in it."

"I believe your contribution this time is not small, and our military commander upgrade is even more talented. I estimate that you can at least be upgraded to level three this time. If you are lucky, you will also have level five."

The third level, that is, the official position around the seventh rank, which is equivalent to the position of a general banner.

As for the fifth level, that would be great. If you have good luck at the sixth rank, you will start from the fifth rank, which is comparable to the current deputy thousand households, and at the very least, it is also a shortfall in the actual job of a hundred households.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng had a bit of confidence. He once again clung to Wang Yingqiang in good faith and asked: "If the court’s award order is issued this time, I don’t know if I am qualified to hire official media to come and ask for thousands of dollars. Sister Hu's sister?"

"What? I have said so much to you, but you still say this? Are you planning to play the real thing?"

The extremely surprised Wang Qianhu was shocked to remove two of the short beards he had just gathered: "Wait, wait, wait, let me think about it."

"Compared with the Qi family boy who has never met before, who has a hereditary position with my father, then I would rather my future brother-in-law be the one who knows you."

"Our invincible team, if it becomes a brother-in-law again, it will be invincible, and even the Mongols in the northern grasslands can go and fight!"

Wang Yingqiang, who became more and more excited, immediately hooked up with Gu Zheng.

Now he can't wait for the court's awards to be released quickly, so that he can raise his eyebrows in front of his father, and he can also pack Gu Zheng and sell them to become his brother-in-law's most favorable competitor.

At that time, his little sister married her subordinates, for the sake of the official career of the mate, wouldn't she want to fawn on her being the elder brother?

Having been the Wang family's elder brother for so many years, he will finally have the day to be proud!

Ha ha ha ha!

Wang Yingqiang patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder with great joy, making Gu Zheng on the side confused.

Gu Zheng didn’t understand, but it didn’t mean that Wang Yingli, who was hiding behind the arch of the stone wall not far from the flowers, went back and planned to take a peek at Gu Zheng again. What she is still clear.

But she secretly glanced at the black and thin boy again, and almost shattered the silk fan in her hand. If she bowed her head to her brother because of him, it would be nothing.

Thinking of this, Wang Yingli suddenly felt that she was a little shameless, and the maidservant behind her who was dismissed because of annoyance found her position after all.

"Miss, you are not allowed to do this. You must have our company when you travel. How can there be any reason why young ladies will run away with their skirts?"

"The master specially brought us here, so that you can learn the rules of being a wife and being a wife before you get married."

Alas, Wang Yingli could only sigh helplessly when looking at the maid who could be her nanny in front of her.

It seems that it is impossible to take a peek anymore, wait for the next time, in any case, before my brother leaves, after all, I will see this stupid boy again, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Yingli finally picked up the posture that a girl from the second-grade member's family should have, turned the skirt slightly, and walked in the direction of the front hall of the courtyard gate surrounded by a group of maids. .

This group of people looks graceful and graceful.

But if there is really a lady in Beijing here, it can only be a pleasure to cover her mouth with a silk kerchief.

The girl from the military commander’s family is still very well-founded by her father since she was a child. Even if she is now going to marry a woman, she has a little bit of awkwardness.

The posture of walking is too wide open and close, and the frequency of the steps is too violent.

But no matter how twitched Wang Yingli was, it was always as lovely as Lin Shuixiu in Gu Zheng village.

One is forced and unintentional, and the other is intentional imitation.

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