The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 231: The old man is flattering to keep up

They are not even a bit worse in terms of pure mind and thorough character, not to mention the appearance of the Lin family's green plum being compared by the Wang family's young lady, and in an instant, only the beauty of the soul is left.

The awkward Miss Wang Yingli finally finished these two steps. She shook the silk fan in her hand a little impatiently, feeling that it was more difficult than when she used the double knife.

She immediately squatted on the stool opposite her mother, bearing the disapproving gaze of her mother who shook her head. In order to stop herself from nagging, Wang Yingli quickly changed the subject.

"Mother, isn't it the day for Dad to take a rest? I said that I had a chat with our eldest brother in the front hall. How come these two people have not arrived yet?"

"Daddy is always busy. Why is my good brother now bolder and dare to be late when Daddy sees him?"

The mother on the opposite side was immediately worried by what Wang Yingli said. Their father and son must be enemies in their previous lives.

When the two women were about to continue their discussion, there was an awkward cough outside the door. The object of their discussion, the head of the Wang family, Wang Zongbing entered the hall.

Naturally, he can't get angry at his wife and love daughter. The former dare not. Uncle Wang is a strict wife, and the latter is liver tremor. He can't beat his own girl now.

Therefore, Wang Qianhu naturally picked the soft persimmon and squeezed it, and then transferred his anger to Wang Qianhu, who had never appeared: "This rebellious son, it's not too late to ask for peace. Could it be that he is a famous person? Is the teacher’s thousand households so worthy?"

"This is simply embarrassing to the soldiers of our famous country. If this is the case, he should stop being an official as soon as possible!"

While Mr. Wang’s curse was still going on, the old housekeeper of the Wang family was also the old man who was a personal soldier when Grandpa Wang was there. Even though he was in his fifties, he rushed into the front yard with his robe in his fifties. lobby.

"Master! The big event is not good, there are internal court officials sent by the court to deliver the decree in front of our house."

"Now that I have passed the front yard, I am coming here!"

As soon as the old butler said this, the three people in the front hall stood up.

Wang Zongbing didn't care about his son anymore. He turned his head to his wife and said, "Quickly go back to the study and get my armor."

Then, as if a little confused, he muttered to himself: "I haven't heard of any wars happening recently?"

"What's more, I am not in charge of the border guards. Could it be that the court is in need of assistance?"

"It shouldn't be. The people who are fighting with your majesty now are those bad old civil servants. What does it have to do with our generals?"

"Don't worry about that for now, Yingli will go and call your brother into the front yard. The court declares the decree home, so everyone should kneel to welcome him."


Wang Yingli didn't care about the image of a lady, and she rushed out with a big stride when she mentioned the long skirt.

After walking to the backyard for a few steps, I saw Wang Yingqiang pulling Gu Zheng as if walking towards the front hall. The two men were talking, pulling and pulling at the same time.

"I said, brother, when is this, you still have time to hang out here, the court has come to our house to issue an decree."

"This time even our daddy didn't receive the news in advance. It is very likely that the war was rushed. What are you doing in a daze! Follow me to the front hall to take up the order!"

After talking about it, Wang Yingli dragged her elder brother forward.

But after her elder brother heard the news, he turned out to be happy.

I saw that Wang Yingqiang was still in the process of dragging, carefully sorting out his headscarf and clothing, and he did not forget to rush to Gu Zheng: "You let the three kids with you Let's go to the front hall and stand by. Sir, I want to give you a big surprise!"


Gu Zheng seemed to have thought of something, and ran towards her guest room without looking back, while Wang Yingli, who was still struggling forward, asked a little strangely: "Brother, what are you doing? Let outsiders follow. Kneel together."

"That's right, they are also generals of famous countries. Who made them catch up? It should be the same to go to the front hall together."

However, Wang Yingqiang's understanding of his sister was wrong. For the first time, he felt 10,000 points. He winked at Wang Yingli a little mysteriously: "Don't worry, I probably know what the court issued."

"It's definitely not an order for our father to lead soldiers to fight. This time, the court's decree was sent to your elder brother and me!"

"At that time, listen carefully! When you go out in the future, others will say that you are no longer just the daughter of Wang Zong's military family."

"You might have another brother of a mighty general, an older brother of a fourth-rank real general who is only twenty-five years old!"

"Even if we wait for our father a hundred years later, you Wang Yingli don't have to be afraid that no one in her family will be powerless and you will be bullied by the Xiang Gong's family."

"Because you still have the closest and closest brother to me! When the time comes, my official Wang Yingqiang will worship the first-grade navy captain, then you are like a crab in the sea, you can walk sideways!"

It was not three seconds before Wang Yingqiang laughed with his arms on his hips and was hit by a hammer on the back of his head.

"Ouch! Who beat me!"

"I! You dare to call yourself Laozi in front of your father, you kid don't want to live anymore."

The one who gave the triumphant Wang Yingqiang a blow was the beard and stare Wang He was afraid that his son would not catch up to issue the decree, and the people who came down from the court mistakenly believed that he was disrespectful to the above. , I heard his son's remarks at the back door leading to the back yard from the front hall.

After the fight, General Wang finally relieved his anger. As soon as he grabbed Wang Yingqiang's ear, he began to pull him into the front hall: "I don't care if this matter is caused by you. In short, I will tidy up my clothes and wait for the imperial decree. Bar!"

At this moment, after receiving Gu Zheng's notice, the four military attaches who hurried toward the front hall also arrived here.

What should I do if I have witnessed Shangguan being pulled by his own father's unimaginative and prestigious ears?

Waiting online, very anxious!

Unlike the straightforward generals, although Gu Zheng is the youngest among them, he is unmatched when it comes to the thickness of his skin.

When others were embarrassed and didn't know where to put their feet, Gu Zheng stepped forward instead.

"Greetings to the old general. I used to wonder why Wang Qianhu is so young and promising. He is a few years older than the kid, but he is already in a high position."

"It turns out that the saying in the country slang that a tiger father has no dog son comes from this way."

"Since ancient times, there have been stories about the strict father teaching the son, but today I saw a living scene of the boy."

"Even with such outstanding talents as Wang Qianhu, General Wang and Lao still have strict requirements. I am even more ashamed and embarrassed to wait for such idle personnel."

"From today onwards, we will take General Wang as a model to act, and always keep in mind the generals and teach the children, and we will use this as the standard for doing things when we devote ourselves to the great nation in the future."

"I hope that the army of my Da Ming Dynasty can uphold the good traditions, carry forward the excellent inheritance, and make a meager contribution to the court and the new emperor."

"Long live my emperor!"

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