The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 236: Return to the fishing village in disguise

The people around Gu Zheng looked at this young Shangguan with incredibly serious eyes and scorching confidence in their eyes, and they were inexplicably infected.

It was He Zongqi who took the lead and said the first sentence of response: "Lead!"

This sentence is like stimulating the enthusiasm of everyone on this island. After this mobilization, everyone took their own mission and sailed to the unknown in all directions of Gongliu Island. road.

After finishing all these arrangements, Gu Zheng, after watching that only the most basic defense personnel were left on the island, he inexplicably let himself relax.

Gu Zheng, who had already dealt with all the things at hand, arranged his luggage according to the original plan, and planned to take his unfinished vacation, taking advantage of the days when the navy officers and soldiers went to sea. Quit it in a hurry.

Because he knew that when these sailors were sent out from the moment they returned, until the day when his goal was achieved, he would no longer be able to relax.

Gu Zheng made up his mind, packing his luggage is very simple.

Except for the famous post on behalf of his Ming's official identity and the personally equipped fire gunner, he never brought anything that could show his current identity.

Gu Zheng, who came from the island, is still dressed as an ordinary fisherman, but his clothes are a bit more decent than when he left the fishing village two years ago.

From the original burlap, it has become a very low-key fine cotton dress. If you ignore the deliberately printed gray color, it is still a decent dress overall.

In this way, Gu Zheng rolled his bag tightly, one foot deep and one shallow, and he returned to his small fishing village.

In the small fishing village where he was born and raised without knowing whether he was promoted or rich now, inexplicably, he just didn't want to publicize his achievements now.

Just because of one person, Lin Shuixiu, who grew up with her childhood sweetheart.

Gu Zheng wanted to see what kind of reaction the Lin family sister would give him after the return of a man who had left the village and wandered for two years but still hasn't made much progress.

Gu Zheng, who was a little bit shy, made up his mind and walked in with his simple little package at the entrance of the village with a simple smile on his face.

After entering the village, the village that has been away for more than a year has not changed at all, and Gu Zheng feels nostalgia inexplicably.

He kept under his feet, and ran straight to the village chief's house. After seeing the very familiar door, he yelled happily: "Is the village chief grandpa here? Gu Xiaozi came back to see. You are!"

The village chief who responded to the voice did not see Gu Zheng himself, but he recognized him by listening to the voice.

"It's Gu, you can be regarded as coming back. You have been out as a soldier for more than a year, and you didn't even send a message to your grandfather. I don't know if there are still people in the village thinking about you!"

"You brat, come in quickly, I'm still feeding ducks here!"

The village head who didn't speak politely to Gu Zheng at all, even though he scolded Gu Zheng, he could still appreciate the deep concern from his words.

Hearing Gu Zheng here, his heart felt warm. He stepped into the courtyard gate in three or two steps and ran to the village chief’s grandfather. The person who was familiar with the road grabbed the duck food bowl from the other side and helped feed him. Duck, explained it for himself.

"Didn't I go on a long mission with our Daming Navy. I originally planned to write you a letter after we settled down."

"But our team was too anxious. I didn't even have the time to find a suitable person, so I was transferred to the coast of Minzhe."

"No, I just got transferred back, so I immediately took advantage of Mu Xiu's time and ran back to see you."

"It's like your old man said, forget the folks in this village."

Listening to Gu Zheng's words, the old village chief finally felt a little more comfortable. He still looked like before, poking at the forehead of Gu Zheng, who had grown by as much as half a head.

"You kid, you can see that the food is good, you have grown so much."

"People have also become more practical. Looking at your clothes, the famous navy master has not treated you badly."

"That's good. Grandpa and the villagers don't expect you to get ahead, just hope that you can spend the past five years of naval career in peace."

"Learn some skills, save some money, and when you come back, you can ask a wife for a good wife."

The uncle village chief said so, and Gu Zheng also nodded and listened. He felt that this kind of time was really good. Some people cared and some cared. The kind of gentle warmth was Gu Zheng who had been under the tense war atmosphere for a long time. The warmth that I didn't feel.

If he hadn't had his own careful thinking to do it, it would be nice to spend all the holidays in the village with the village chief grandfather.

It is a pity that this pot of duck food was finally fed, and Gu Zheng, who patted the crumbs in his hands, said goodbye to the village chief.

"Grandpa village chief, it's too early, I have to go home to clean up, the house has been unoccupied for so long, and now I don't know what it looks like."

After hearing this, the village chief decisively stopped Gu Zheng: "Your house will be no different from when you left."

"It's just that you finally came back. What does it mean to live there alone?"

"There is no one next to your grandfather's house. There are still empty beds. If you feel lonely, you might as well live with your grandfather."

"You don't even need to clean up your dinner at night. Don't tell me you are still thinking about your Lin Shuixiu, right? This is the real reason why you want to live in your own home, right?"

As soon as he heard the words Lin Shuixiu, Gu Zheng became a little bit sensitive. Hearing the words of the village chief, there seemed to be some other meanings. He tentatively asked: "What's the matter with the village chief, grandpa? It's sister Lin's house. What happened?"

"Sister Lin!" When Gu Zheng heard this, the village chief was furious. You said that Lin Shuixiu, the female servant, liked her. Both of them liked her.

The village chief's grandfather looked back in an angry tone: "What can your sister Lin do? It is his father who really has the problem."

"His dad has to go to some college in the town for the sake of his unbelievable brother, and has to go out to sea and catch another fish in the big waves."

"Who would have imagined that this fierce boy plunged, and was swept up on the reef wall by the undercurrent rushing from under the seabed, smashing the thigh bones to pieces."

"Now the family is no longer able to work hard. The brother of the Lin family has to continue to go to school because he is noisy. This is because he doesn't plan to take care of the life and death of this family."

"No, some uncles in the village were pressed back a while After only a few days of suffering, I couldn't bear it, so I hit his sister's head with the idea. "

"It was actually planning to marry his sister out and make a sum of money for him to continue to squander."

"People have released a word, don't ask for character or age, just ask for money."

"The higher the price, what's the difference between selling my sister."

"Now the SLR in the village is a decent family, and they have cut off contact with the Lin family, which is simply a shame to the villagers."

"But this Lin Shuixiu, I don't know what kind of drugs have been taken to the boys in the village."

"After hearing this news, the most filial descendants on weekdays all went home and spoke to their parents."

"Looking at what I mean, there really is a posture of a showdown in order to win this Lin Shuixiu."

"I'm telling you, Gu Zheng, don't join in the excitement. You are a poor soldier who has no roots and is not the opponent of the Lin family girl who is full of heart and soul."

"Even if you save some money, you still have to hold it tightly in your arms. Speaking of money, the guy from the Gu family, put your burden on my grandfather's house first."

"I'll tell you, I'll give it to you when I leave, you are not allowed to mix up, have you heard it!"

"Hmm!" Gu Zheng nodded resolutely, joking, it's such a lively activity, and it's not him Gu Zheng if he doesn't get mixed up.

Under the concern of the village chief Qian Qianwan, Gu Zheng walked out of the other party's house empty-handed.

He tilted his mouth for joy, touched the inconspicuous little wallet around his waist, and ran towards his little hut with his legs drawn.

When he was still a few steps away from home, he discovered that the address that was supposed to be a relatively secluded residence in the village is now full of people, like a bazaar.

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