The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 237: It's finally sister Lin who is drifting away

Those young people in the same village who grew up with Gu Zheng, basically no fewer than a few people, were all surrounded by the Lin family’s small courtyard, just blocking Gu Zheng’s only way home. .

"Oh, I said." Gu Zheng couldn't help but said: "Ocean, Manjiang, what do you mean by blocking my door if you don't go home at this time?"

Who would have thought of Gu Zheng’s words just now. The expressions on the faces of the boys who turned to look at him after hearing the words are not just the joy that Gu Zheng originally thought about the long-lost reunion between friends, but it was like Encountered a thief-like enemy.

Those who were still showing off from each other, but now they have been out there all the time, they shouted to Gu Zheng in unison and asked: "Gu Zheng? Why are you kid back at this time!?"

"Lin Shuixiu won't talk to you, poor ghost, don't dream!"

What the **** is this, I just want to go home.

Gu Zheng, who felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, just wanted to argue for himself. Suddenly, a voice that resembled a huangying to those boys rang from behind the crowd.

"Don't bully Gu's brother. It's pitiful enough for him to be a sailor all the way."

"Why are you still uniting to bully him? If this is the case, I can't agree to my brother's previous proposal."

"You all go back, I'll tell you again here, Lin Shuixiu just wants to find a confidant who understands me, marry him, get up in the morning to dress up, Emei lightly sweeps, and live a quiet little life."

"So, if there is nothing to do, you still don't want to come, and I won't pay any attention to you again."

After saying these words, Lin Shuixiu turned around, and once again covered the door of the small courtyard, and strictly separated her from these idlers and others.

These dull boys stared at each other, they couldn't see the person they liked, and there was no point in staying here. After a few cold snorts, they went away in embarrassment.

When passing by Gu Zheng's side, they didn't forget to wave their fists, hoping to intimidate each other psychologically.

So as not to have another difficult opponent among their competitors.

Seeing the other party’s childish behavior, Gu Zheng still found it quite interesting. When he reached the door, he finally became clean. When he planned to push the door back to the house, the door of the small courtyard opposite was squeaked and beaten again. Got out.

Standing at the door of the small courtyard, Lin Shuixiu and Tingting showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time at Gu Zheng.

"Brother Gu, it's been more than two years since I left it last time?"

"That time you left without saying goodbye. When I came to look for you again, I learned from the village chief's grandfather that you were recruited as a soldier by the famous navy team."

"I don't know what Brother Gu did when he came back this time?"

Speaking of this, Lin Shuixiu still had a little hope in her heart. She slightly looked towards Gu Zheng’s back, hoping that he would carry plenty of luggage behind him, and even more hoping to see a sign different from the big head soldier on Gu Zheng’s body. .

It's a pity that Gu Zheng, who needs to be prepared, is destined to disappoint Sister Lin. He is empty-handed at this time, and his dress is the most ordinary, so that she can't see the difference between this boy who has been away for many years and when he first left the village. .

And Gu Zheng's answer made Lin Shuixiu completely dead.

"It's okay, sister Lin, our navy has a one-week holiday, so that the big soldiers like us can also go home and have a look."

"Sister, I heard that Uncle Lin had an accident? What's wrong? Doesn't it matter? Although I haven't paid a lot of money as a soldier over the years, I have also saved two."

"Those dozens of taels of silver have not been saved, but a dozen or so taels of cash are still saved for the doctor's decoction to show Uncle Lin."

"If Sister Lin's family is in difficulty, you can tell your brother Gu Zheng, I must help."

Hearing this, the disappointment on Lin Shuixiu's face couldn't be concealed anymore. Her smiling face collapsed.

Twelve taels of silver is enough to marry a wife in this small fishing village, but this little silver is far from enough to impress Lin Shuixiu!

She originally thought that the only person in the village who went out to meet the outside world was Gu Zheng except for her brother.

Although Gu Zheng left without saying goodbye at the beginning, Lin Shuixiu thought, except for the village chief's grandfather, didn't anyone say much?

As for why not tell her childhood sweetheart?

Must be afraid that she will be sad?

But who would have imagined that this Gu Zheng had been outside for two years, and he was still a big soldier, even holding a dozen taels of silver.

Then, how could this arrogant Lin Shuixiu look at this little money?

Therefore, Lin Shuixiu now refuses simply and neatly: "No need for Brother Gu." She doesn't even have the strength to perfuse with each other. When she turns around, she is weak: "This situation in our family~www can’t help either."

"Don't worry about it. If you have this time, you can get a good night's sleep. It will not take a long time to go through this rest, right?"

After speaking, he only left Gu Zheng with a skirt corner that didn't take away a trace of cloud. He moved it back to the small courtyard of his Lin family, and no one could be seen again.

Gu Zheng, who had been ignored, was not annoyed either. It seemed that in the past two years or so, not only did the young plum in his home have not changed at all, but on the contrary, he was unwilling to take care of the people, and he didn't even bother to do the perfunctory work.

That's good. After seeing what she is like, even the last bit of fascinating thoughts should be let go.

Gu Zheng in this world opened the door and entered the room, laughing and forgetting the soul in the book, but inexplicably fell into silence.

When he came back to his senses again, he realized that Gu Zheng was already full of wine and food, and had a good night's sleep the next morning.

But if it weren't for the noisy and noisy entrance of Lin Shuixiu's house, Gu Zheng hadn't planned to get up at this hour.

It turned out that it was Lin Shuixiu's brother who brought home the dentist from the town who specializes in finding people alive.

This dental office has a very large business. Even some big families in Ningcheng only buy them, and they will find them to be middlemen.

Moreover, most people have servants who have served for generations in the family, but all the servants used for the contract are special talents.

For example, the embroiderer or the craftsman.

And this time, it was the official of Ningcheng Mansion who chose the embroiderer who was proficient in craftsmanship for his married daughter.

It is said that the dowry of the big family has been prepared since childhood, and the wedding gown has also been manually worked from the smallest purse used as a reward to the largest dragon and phoenix bedding.

Looking at the carefulness of the toothman who came to meet him, he saw that the other party was a big family.

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