The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 245: Replay of the 6th world (2)

In this way, she was holding the small package she was hurriedly driven out of the Wang's house and packed up. She didn't even have a day to stay, so she was sent to the people who were married in the village and sent it all the way to the south coast.

When they wandered around for many days and finally arrived at a small fishing village with only five or six families on the wild cliffs and densely reef coastline, Lin Shuixiu finally collapsed.

She has cried, made trouble, and fought countless times with the honest man who had spent most of her life savings before marrying her.

After escaping again and again to no avail, or being found at a loss by the villagers, or being hungry and cold after returning home many times.

Lin Shuixiu became silent.

And this silence has been silent for twenty years.

This time, she finally didn't have to bear it anymore. Ever since she drove the marine products farther and farther and found a trail leading to the inland villages after the deserted sea she never cared about, her eager heart, It burned again.

Coincidentally, someone found her at this very appropriate time.

Coincidentally, what the other party promised her was the life of glory, wealth, and dignity that she wanted most in her entire life.

Lin Shuixiu agreed without hesitation.

When the last pirate’s ship landed safely, she grabbed the older thief who was in charge of hiding the ship’s tracks at the end.

Lin Shuixiu grabbed the short sleeves of the Xian Guoren, using her most fascinating posture that she hadn't made for many years, softly begging: "Take me along."

The Xian Guoman was a little at a loss. He hesitated to look at the large troops that had already been moving forward, and replied: "The front is too dangerous."

"No, I'm not afraid, as long as you can take me out of here, I will take everything from you."

Hearing Lin Shuixiu’s answer, the old man Xianguo looked up and down the figure of this fairly normal-looking woman. He gritted his teeth and responded: “Yes! But when the fight really starts, you have to hide it. I can’t help you much.”

At his age, he also needs someone to follow his wife to warm the bed.

And this is why he took the risk to join the Pirate. He is poor, and no wife who is poor is willing to follow him.

Unexpectedly, in the village of this great country, there is a local lady who is willing to follow him to escape. This is a surprise, and it is not an exaggeration.

What's even more rare is that this woman has followed him without looking back since she got the consent and left the small fishing village where she has lived for many years.

A group of thieves, followed by a silent woman, this strange combination, walked silently in the dark, until they arrived at the root of the city wall of Min Town after a few hours of walking.

Here, the silence is like the most ordinary night, so that the death members who have walked such a long distance feel inexplicably at ease.

"Let's go!"

With this order, they were not greeted by the guards on the city wall who were slashed under the wall by their sneak attack, but instead were torches like daylight, lit up one by one on the wall, endlessly. .

In conjunction with the brightly lit lights are the bright silver headgear representing the highest combat power of the famous navy division, and the scolding on the wall like a mockery.

"You are fooled, you can close the net!"

But like Dinghai Shenzhen, Gu Zheng, who was standing on the city gate and commanding on the spot, pushed Da Qiu back on his shoulders and issued the final order.

"Kill on the spot, don't keep alive!"

Who would have thought, as soon as this order was issued, the scouts underneath the other line ran up to the city from a distance, panting.

"It's not good, commander, there are a lot of people coming from another line?"

"Oh? How many people are there?"

"Thousands of people are insecure!"

Let's play it off, using my example as a bait to catch out the remaining power of the hundreds of Young Master Mao, but in the end it was even his dad who was caught in a string together.

But for himself now, Gu Zheng subconsciously glanced at the elite soldiers with only half a thousand behind him, and cold sweat broke out.

They are not afraid to face three or even five times more enemies when facing the enemy head-on.

But this is Min Town, and the entire Zhejiang Province is regarded as the most populous town.

Now they, the navy officers and soldiers, have become the besieged side.

And once the enemy came in, let alone the number one hundred and ten, it would be enough to cause indelible scars in this town.

Don't pay your wife and break the army, this situation can only be grit your teeth.

Everyone standing next to Gu Zheng felt the coming of the crisis, and their personal guards who had been with Gu Zheng for many years started to act with conscientiousness.

Send people to break through to the surrounding area, request the aid of the troops stationed in various towns, and send a signal to increase the number of personnel toward the nearest stronghold of the navy.

And mobilize the local county government and all the people in the towns, unified management, and rapid assembly.

Unite all living forces around their commanders.

But while they were doing these tasks, they were horrified to discover Their general who had passed through the years had pulled out his personal firearms and waist knives, and rushed to the forefront of the fight.

"General! No!"

It's too late!

The two armies have been fighting and entangled at the two ends of the low wall, and Gu Zheng's goal is also very clear, rushing towards the red arrow that is like a traffic light in the dark night.

There is his old friend, Young Master Mao, and the maritime hegemony system that has continuously provided Gu Zheng with a lot of military industry.

After finding Young Master Mao, he naturally found the commanding camp of the pirates, and Gu Zheng had long wanted to see the style of the first pirate.

Catch the thief first and catch the king.

Along the way, a team of guards closely behind Gu Zheng, two holding knives, three holding shields, and the four behind are all sharp spears. The hand that is free is always sticking to the fire on the waist. Above the gun.

Anything missing in this formation will be relentlessly shot.

A bunch of men and horses, relying on the unexpected impact on the battlefield, directly sent Gu Zheng to the rear where the pirates launched a sneak attack. Under the dumbfounded expression of Kou Guoren, they directly attacked Young Master Mao, on the battlefield. He tore a hole alive, so that the few elite troops rushed to the commander of Kou State with Gu Zheng.

Here, there is a leader group composed of more than a dozen pirate minds, big and small, now staring with small eyes with the top commander of the famous Guomin Zhe navy division.

Since it is impossible for the two parties to report to each other and then amicably fight each other, the stunnedness of the two parties was only a moment, and they switched to a state of hand-to-hand combat.

One side relies on the benefits of firearms, and the other relies on the endless crowded tactics.

For a while, he was inextricably beaten, and he became anxious.

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