The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 246: Replay of the 6th world (3)

And this is exactly what Gu Zheng hopes for, he just wants to make a quick battle and die in a vigorous battle.

So, when he took advantage of the moment when the guards beside him pushed the body lying on the shield away, when the formation of the protective circle leaked a gap, Gu Zheng jumped out and rushed in the direction of Mao Wenlong drastically. past.

Gu Zheng's reaction not only stunned the Kou Guo pirates of the hostile force, but also stunned the own personnel who had been following him.

Sir, Wang Ji is on the right, why are you running to the left?

However, it was too late to say the reminder. At this time, Gu Zheng had already jumped to the opposite side of Mao Wenlong. As a price, his back was also blocked by the samurai sword, which cut two or three wounds.

It wasn't until this distance that Young Master Mao reflected his deep fear of Gu Zheng. The maritime hegemony system that had always existed in his mind was like a frog meeting a snake, shivering.

"You!! You are not another user player, what are you?"

'boom! ’

The words he wanted to ask were finally left in his throat by Young Master Mao, and the firearm in Gu Zheng's hand was accompanied by the last word.

After a loud bang, Mao Wenlong's body slowly fell, because the shooting distance was too close, and his chest had been smeared by firearms.

When the twitch of this body became weaker and weaker, an orange ball that only Gu Zheng could see dangled from the top of Young Master Mao’s head. The suction vortex from Gu Zheng's forehead suddenly swept into his mind.

After several struggles, the golden ball, which had been enlarged several times, was given a big mouth and swallowed.

Before Gu Zheng had time to inquire about the change of Liao Wangshu, an angry shout rang in his ear.

"Maomao! My son! You died so miserably!"

"Anyone who is able to slash this thief, no matter who it is, I will reward you with a thousand ounces of silver!"

When Wang Qi saw his most promising son died not far from him, his whole body became furious.

Gu Zheng was besieged ten times more violently than before.

Wealth touches people's hearts and remains unchanged forever.

But in such a crisis and danger, Gu Zheng actually laughed.

He ignored the many samurai swords that were slashed towards him, with one hand pulled out the waist sword to resist the blade of the enemy that was about to cut him, and the other arm, which was not injured, picked it up again steadily. The fire on the body.


Gu Zheng's mouth quietly made a ‘’ mouth shape, and the one that fell down in response to this was a Wang value under the protection of layers.

On his forehead that was a little bit higher than the shield that he had protruded because of his anger, there was a big hole that kept bleeding.

And the first big pirate who had resounded in the waters off the Da Ming Dynasty for dozens of years and occupied half of the island of Kou Country, fell on the homeland of the Da Ming country that he wanted to return to.


With the fall of the leader of the bandit, there was deathly silence, and then the cheers of all the officers and soldiers of the famous navy division followed Gu Zheng!

"Command Gu is mighty!"

"Da Ming navy is mighty!"

These officers and soldiers who were originally born in Minzhe have witnessed the pirates' chaos since they were young and suffered greatly.

It can be said that they are the group of people who share the most common sense with these thieves.

Now, the most terrifying pirate leader shrouded in Minzhe's mind was shot headshot by Gu Zheng.

This kind of excitement, joy, and an indescribable feeling of excitement made these men who face the pain and never uttered tears.

All the officials, government officials, and common people standing on the wall of the daimyo country can understand the feelings of these children.

Because they were not much better at this time, many people laughed at the scene of the battle, while furiously resisting the sharp blade that was swung over.

This situation is inspiring.

Gu Zheng finally laughed, even if the group of pirate leaders around him reacted and waved the weapons in their hands and slashed towards him, he was not afraid, and laughed in relief.

That's good.

In the collision with the largest maritime bandit force in Minzhe, the highest officer of the Ming Dynasty Minzhe Navy Guard, Gu Zheng, the commander from the third rank, killed the pirate leader, Wang Qi and Mao. die.

He was thirty-six years old.

A perfect credit, a glorious death method most suitable for military commanders. [Summary] Sherlock's Secret

All of this was so perfect, until Gu Zheng struggled to break through the encirclement, with a few knives in his body, Gu Zheng, who collapsed because of lack of physical strength, saw the red flame-like figure rushing in his direction in the distance.

That is his wife.

A lady who has been married for many years and is still in the scorching sun.

The big red color seems to have become her lifelong preference, because on the wedding night, Gu Zheng whispered in her ear: "You wear red is the most beautiful, and my love for a lady at first sight began with your hot red dress. Miao Dao, black boots with apricot eyes."

"My lady's personality is as hot as red. I just hope that Gu Zheng can let you live a life without losing your nature and wantonly publicity after marriage."

For so many years, Gu Zheng has done what he promised, and Wang Yingli's clothes when they go out are mostly red.

He likes it, and she likes it too.

But at this time Gu Zheng, it is precisely the last thing he wants to see this touch of red.

Because the army garrisoned from the city from a long distance rushed to help him, it was his lady who was not so shameless.

The red shirt pierced Gu Zheng's eyes. I didn't know whether it was his blood or the tears in his eyes, which instantly blurred his vision.


"Msang Gong!" Wang Yingli was reluctant. She drove the mount under her and rushed into the encirclement in an instant, breaking the formation of the bandits around her, and then turned over under the cover of the cavalry that followed. Falling in front of Gu Zheng, he crawled on his knees and rushed to the empty field that he naturally vacated because of his fall.

"Manny! I'm here! How are you? Don't scare me!"

Wang Yingli knelt on the ground, and carefully lifted Gu Zheng's head, who had fallen to the ground in embarrassment, and placed him on her curled knees.

Just because when two people are resting, Gu Zheng likes lying down like this the most.

"Cough cough cough! Very good, the lady is so comfortable, you don't like me lying down on weekdays, how can you be so virtuous today?"

Gu Zheng smiled, but because of the joke he said, the blood in his mouth poured out even more.

That Wang Yingli, who has always been smiling, took out her most beloved silk kerchief at this time, as if wiping some fragile genuine product, while tearing her eyes, she gently wiped Gu Zheng on him. Blood stains.

Seeing Wang Yingli who was so sad, Gu Zheng couldn't help getting angry. He exhausted his last strength and looked behind Wang Yingli. Which stinky guy was talking and recruiting the lady from the inner city?

Even if he is a ghost, he will not let him go!

After living together for so many years, Gu Zheng slapped, and Wang Yingli knew what he wanted to do.

She shed tears faintly, and the strength of her men increased a bit: "The plan you placed in the study to lure the enemy has been taken care of by me."

"And today's trembling sound of support in the palace, I stayed up all night and waited for it."

"We have lived together for so many years. You know me and I know you. I know you are brewing a big event, but I didn't expect it to be so big, so big that you can abandon our four mothers for this. ."

"After all, it is the righteousness of the country. You put the peace of the people in front of our little home."

"It's just that you who sacrificed for them, how can we survive?"

After saying this, Wang Yingli was choked and couldn't speak any more, teardrops were like a kite with a broken thread, she could no longer control it, and the big ones fell on Gu Zheng's not beautiful face.

Lady, you really misunderstood me. All this I did was really for you!

Gu Zheng wanted to explain something, but it was because more and more blood was blocking his only throat that could be used freely.

When he thought that his last time in this world was lying quietly in the tender country and closing his eyes, his heart felt like a convulsive pain.

When I opened my eyes again, an original arrow was wrapped in cold light and moved towards the back of the unsuspecting and sad Wang Yingli.

"Lady, no one can beat you to believe me"

Unlike the imaginary scene where the couple fell in a pool of blood, Gu Zheng seemed to be burning his last life force, and pushed away Wang Yingli, who was hiding her face in front of him and crying, using his tattered armor. To withstand a cold arrow in the chest.

But after he confirmed that his beloved lady was safe, he didn't realize that his hand was tied with his sword and was paired with Wang Yingli's jade pendant.

This time, I really want to say goodbye.

The reason why I don't want to respond to your tears is because I am afraid that when I raise my eyes, I will never be willing to leave this world. [Rebirth] My bamboo horse is a football superstar

This sentence was what Gu Zheng wanted to say to Wang Yingli last, but he couldn't say it.

Gu Zheng, whose eyes were also blurred by tears, stared blankly at the continuation of his post-death scenes in the pages of the book.

"I actually love you the most. In this life, I have no regrets."

With a murmur that only Wang Yingli could hear, the strong woman finally broke down and burst into tears.

"I have no regrets, love you, respect you, it is my luck to marry you in this life!"

Around her, there was a real sorrow, forming a thick circle, blocking the endless battlefield, and also blocking the slaughter caused by the arrival of the navy's rushing troops.

Now Wang Yingli just threw herself down on Gu Zheng, who had stopped breathing, and was so sad that she couldn't wait to die with him.

And what made Wang Yingli, who had no more grief than her heart, finally recovered her mind was the echo of two sons who were not too different in age.

"Father! Daddy!"

"Mother! Mother!"

At the same age of eighteen, the sons and sons of the same Gu family and twins are accompanied by their parents, but one looks like a father, a simple and honest father, and a looks like a mother, who is unparalleled in beauty.

They were full of tears, but they didn't shed, but they helped their mothers up from one side to the other.

When his mother finally left his father's corpse, the older brother, who was half an hour old, squatted down and squatted his father's corpse against the thick shoulders he had grown into.

The red navy jacket gleamed dazzlingly under the bright white armor, but the blood of their father soaked the armor of the two general officers into a dazzling red.

But they didn't care about the blood and gore. Instead, with trembling voices and pleading eyes, they looked at the mother who still didn't want to leave her father.

"Mother! Let's go home!"

"Yeah, your father is tired, so he should go home and rest. We, our family of four, will go home now."

After hearing these words, the younger brother who was supporting his mother made his nose sore, and tears eventually shed.

"Your father, in this life, is worthy of this country, worthy of this family, and worthy of all of us."

"You have to take him as your pride, but don't take him as an example."

"Because it hurts too much for the ladies who love you so much. The heart hurts too much."

After saying these words, Wang Yingli, with the support of her two sons, carried the body of the most beloved person in this life, with one foot deep and the other shallow. The big victory is the battlefield for the end.

The laughter, the tears, the joys, anger, sorrow, and joy in the surroundings all seemed to be ignored by these four people.

They just walked silently, with only one thought in their to take Daddy home.

I don’t know. From what moment, Gu Zheng’s personal guards followed their Shangguan’s wife first, then the officials of Minzhen County Office, and finally they saw the armor system on the young man’s shoulders and learned that his back The local people who spontaneously followed behind their family after somebody on their backs.

They were silent, as if watching the greatest hero paying tribute to Minzhe's greatest benefactor.

Where Gu Zheng's family went, everyone raised their sharp knives, everyone straightened their backs, and everyone put away their expressions of laughing or crying.

Then when the family silently walked to the carriage outside the battlefield, they roared out their respect.

"People in Fujian and Zhejiang, I would like to take care of the commanders and go all the way!"

"Great grace! Unforgettable forever!"

"Thank you to the benefactor for giving up his life for righteousness, destroying thieves, driving away Japanese bandits, and keeping my name and people safe!"

"The soul is back!!!"

After these words fell, the horse-drawn carriage carrying the national heroes finally galloped away.

When the people on the battlefield turned their heads and looked back again, they lost three points of joy and a bit more pain.

Most of the people began to clean the battlefield quietly, hoping to quickly restore their hometown to the full picture.

The accompanying officials are busy with the follow-up, recording the course of the war in detail, and writing a list of merits to the court.

Such a busy scene, naturally no one will notice. Among the peripheral forces where the bandits have been eliminated, there is a woman wearing the costume of a famous Chinese woman with a smile that looks like crying and sad, lying on the battlefield contentedly. Among the many corpses.

She is Lin Shuixiu who has been dead for a long time, but her eyes have been staring tightly at the place where Gu Zheng once fell, unwilling to close it for a long time.

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