The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 252: The record is broken!

Like a salute to the morning sun, and like an early celebration of the upcoming final victory, Gu Zheng's arms were raised high as he ran, and he swung two vigorously towards the non-existent world. Down.

In the enthusiastic applause of all the onlookers, he maintained this posture, hitting the finish line which represented victory with his waist and abdomen.

As a soft ribbon slipped, the staff standing on both sides of the finish line were very dedicated and timely followed up.

Hand towels for towels, water for water.

The reporters who followed the players or waited at the finish line swarmed towards Gu Zheng.

"This runner is called Gu Zheng, right? As an amateur runner and an ordinary capital citizen, how do you feel when you won the marathon? What did everyone in front of the TV say?"

"Gu Zheng, how do you exercise on weekdays? Can you stand out in this kind of competition?"

"Gu Zheng"

"Gu Zheng"

The reporters who rushed over were really curious, and Gu Zheng, who had not yet breathed his breath, had the strength to accept the interview immediately?

At this time, it is necessary to reflect the importance of a good leader.

Their fat team leader happened to appear in front of Gu Zheng, using very formulaic gestures to prevent the reporters from continuing to harass.

"Quiet everyone, Comrade Gu Zheng needs a short break now. If you have any basic questions about him, you can ask me the official spokesperson of the city management team leader."

"The employees of our city administration must actively cooperate to meet the requirements of the citizens of the capital for city clean-up work."

After being blocked, the reporters calmed down a little bit. No matter how interesting the news is, they must show professional quality and humanistic care.

As a result, everyone turned their microphones and cameras to the fat team leader. Before thinking about the problems here, the staff responsible for checking and recording the scores at the terminal screamed in surprise.

"Leader! Come and see! Is the result of this marathon wrong?"

"What's all the fuss about, how could it be wrong? For such a long game, are you a vegetarian as a professional timer?"

"No, I only found out when I registered this result declaration to the Sports Performance Statistics Bureau that the final result of Gu Zheng's half marathon broke the record!"

Hearing this, the person in charge who was chatting with other municipal leaders in the periphery couldn't sit still, so he hurried to the direction of the timer.

"Which record was exceeded? Is it the city record or the national record?"

"No matter which one it is, you need to declare it again to the State Sports Commission!"

"Yes." The little girl who registered at the time took a deep breath, and then read the results in the most passionate voice and in the most official language.

"Gu Zheng's final score is one hour, twenty-eight seconds."

"Breaking the Asian record for half marathon!"


When the little girl read the results with such a loud voice, it was like dropping a huge stone in a small pond, making everyone around him boil.

"How many?"

"Am I right?"

The first inspection was not the person in charge of the marathon, but the pace of the leading teachers of the major sports colleges.

"Really 1:00:28? Did you read that right?" The old Chang, the leader of the Beijing North Sports University, grabbed the little girl's arm and opened the timing statistics system in front of her, staring hard at it. The results shown above.

There is no difference in a second.

"It's really one hour and twenty-eight seconds, that's right!"

When the group of middle-aged men gave way to the timer, their lips shook as they spoke to confirm their results.

"Is this really an ordinary citizen? Are you kidding me?"

And when these people's questions sounded like sleepwalking, the chicken thief among them, Chang Chang, rushed to Gu Zheng's front.

He squeezed out the team of shy college female students. During the run, he almost knocked the city management leader out for a somersault. The cameras in charge of the interview had already been automatic when there was a quarrel here. Followed it up.

Now, including Teacher Chang's excited arms like shaking a sieve, they have all been filmed.

"This classmate? No, this player, how old are you this year?"

"Me? Twenty."

Gu Zheng finally gasped his breath, and showed the harmless big white teeth of others toward the crowd of onlookers.

"The age is okay."

"How long have you been in long-distance running and training?"

Gu Zheng pulled his fingers in his heart, hey, hey, less than a week.

But he couldn't do that, so Gu Zheng was shameless and smiled shyly: "It's not long, it's been more than half a year."

Whoops! Such a short time of training can achieve such good results!

The few physical education teachers who followed by the side heard this and ignored the image.

"Can we touch you?"

As soon as I finished asking this question, I didn't ask Gu Zheng's own wishes anymore, and this group of people got started directly.

I squeezed the arm and the thigh, and squeezed the thigh, up and down, left, right, left, and eaten Gu Zheng's tofu.

"Hey! I said! Well! Itchy! That's it!"

Gu Zheng was trapped by the sudden attack, and he was about to use the martial arts he learned from Wang Yingli to fight back. The group of teachers were contented and let go.

"Strong bones."

"The body is well-proportioned."

"Good size."

"Long legs stand out."

"The most important thing is that the muscle proportions are perfect, and you are born to be an athlete's material."

"I originally thought that all special sports require later transformation and moderate training as adjustments."

"Unexpectedly, there are people whose bodies are born to eat this bowl of rice."

"But it's really strange. Look at the distribution of his epidermal muscle and fat, which makes his posture show a streamlined beauty."

"Boy, have you ever been involved in swimming before?"

"Ah? Yeah, I like swimming, so I can swim twice when I'm fine."

"That's no wonder, look at his abdominal muscles, you want me to say, it's much more beautiful than the model in the pictorial."

Several team leaders were whispering over there, but they didn't know that this series of actions of pulling up their clothes, touching their arms, and lifting other people's trouser legs were all broadcasted by the TV station.

The audience in front of the TV is in this state at this time.

Tsk tut, the young man looks pretty good.

Tsk tut, the little handsome guy wants a good figure.

Whoops, this brother is so handsome.

Of course, there are also discordant voices.

In the small shop in Hongmen Village, a circle of gray-faced villagers was surrounded in front of the TV.

Nowadays, the renovation project from inside and outside has been in full swing for several days.

And when everyone is tired, they will come here to drink a bowl of herbal tea provided by the proprietress for free, chat a few gossips, and have the motivation to continue.

The TV in the commissary is on all year round, and anyone who has nothing to pass by will take a glance.

No, let them catch someone they know on the TV today.

"Oh, come and take a look, Gu Zheng is too shameless, and said that he loves swimming when he is all right."

"Just last year, we went to the swimming pool next to him, and his two dog digs were ridiculous to kill my brother and me."

A group of people, since they discovered Gu Zheng's figure, no one has paid attention to the construction site.

They not only watched Gu Zheng's marathon, but also laughed from the beginning to the end.

All the things that the young man who came out of Hongmen Village did was treated as a joke.

Of course, the audience who didn't know the basics in front of the TV still believed it, and the phone in his hand rang again when the old Chang and the others were thinking about bad ideas.

"Hey, I said, I saw the live TV broadcast just now. Is the 28-second score real?"

"it is true."

The answer is always a bit painful, because they all know what this kind of achievement means.

This is no longer a lawsuit between the municipal and provincial sports commissions.

Such achievements that have touched Asian records are definitely coming to the attention of the national sports commission.

Since they are not talents that they can recruit, why are they still vying for something here?

When Lao Chang hung up the phone, he waved his hands angrily to his colleagues around him: "Go home, go home!"

Without looking back, he got into the car behind him and drove straight to Beijing North Sports University.

At this time, the second round of applause broke out at the terminal station behind him. The two people in the square formation of the second step behind Gu Zheng just arrived at the end one after another.

These two men, after reaching the end point on the ground, were very rare. They actually helped each other up, limping to the face of Gu Zheng, who is now refreshed and okay, and handed them out. They admire the hands.


"Tongxi, your results are also very good!"

The hands of the three people were held together tightly, and the reporters on the side would never miss such a good shot, and Gu Ye snapped up to shoot.

"However, I would like to ask, who are the contestants from Beijing University of Physical Education?"

The man named Erzi on the side panted back and said, "It's me, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you, your leader is Teacher Chang, right? He followed the car first."


Hearing the bad news, the second son hurriedly looked in the direction of the logistics team.

Sure enough, the parking space belonging to Beijing North Sports University has been vacant.

And his old enemy on the side felt his heartfelt sympathy for the first time, and subconsciously he comforted the other side: "It's okay, my leader is kinder, and he hasn't abandoned me. You will follow our car for a while."

"Thank you, I will never laugh at you for being a short leg anymore. And I will never say that you are a virgin monk who can't find a girlfriend anymore."

Suddenly want to leave him here, what should I do?

These two children, who have been in the bud for more than a decade, shook hands and made peace because of such a game.

When the two of them were fighting, Gu Zheng quietly came to his resting car and replaced his casual clothes on him.

He reported a fake to the fat leader, and while the opponent desperately prevented it, he only said one sentence: "I have to go on a mission today."

And it was this sentence that made all the people around him in awe.

What kind of a dedicated city administrator is this? With such a responsible city management, why not worry about the failure of the capital's civilization construction.

After listening to Gu Zheng's words, the fat leader promised with tears: "Comrade Gu, don't worry, I will let them transfer the bonus to your personal account."

"As for the trophies and honors you have won, I will personally send them to the honor cabinet of the Capital City Administration for display."

Don't worry, wait for the superior's award, you can go to work with peace of mind!

The fat leader didn’t say this, but just let the city management vehicle on the side drive Gu Zheng in the direction of the Fengtai branch The one who followed Gu Zheng and patted his back was 6 Xiao Cong reporter, he recorded what is called a conscientious public servant in the camera for the first time.

As for Gu Zheng who left?

He still has a lot to do.

For example, the infrastructure construction of Hongmen Village, and another example, the first class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts that he reported this evening.

As for his bonus issue after the award, and his extraordinary performance in the competition, naturally there are people who like to show off and solve everything for him.

After all, he is not a single boss who needs to do everything himself, he is now a member of the glorious urban management team.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, was calm and calm, but when he ran into the class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he felt a deep regret.

It's too far. From outside the South Third Ring Road in the capital, to outside the North Fifth Ring Road, there are a full eight rings and three subway changes.

The School of Social Re-education of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, in order to highlight its professionalism, stupefied that the office building was selected in the courtyard of the Academy of Fine Arts.

This coming and going is equivalent to running to the airport road every time in class, it hurts.

However, the tuition fee of these ten thousand yuan has been paid, and it is already a purchase without regrets, and I will not return it.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, I feel that I have to put the car purchase schedule on the premise. As for now, let's deal with the classmates and teachers around me who met in the studio for the first time.

Although he never went to college, Gu Zheng also thought he had seen a pig run.

He has watched those campus TV dramas many times, as long as they are in colleges and universities.

However, in the middle of this scale is a very formal studio, surrounded by the classrooms of the students' desks, how can these students look so unreliable?

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