The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 253: Exhibition of works of the Academy of Fine Arts

Take the person next to him, for example, dyed a silver hair, very much like a hardcover version with a little white head.

There are seven or eight hanging on the skeleton frame with ears.

Not to mention the big masks that I haven't taken off since entering class.

Looking at the other person wearing them, they can be compared to the big shorts of the length of hot pants that Taimei likes to wear. If he didn't have dazzling leg hair on each leg, Gu Zheng might really think of this one. A slightly sturdy lady.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just fancy costumes. Nowadays, those who are engaged in art don’t pursue a maverick, but this buddy fell asleep as soon as he entered the studio, and waited until the head teacher and art class professor of their class walked in. At that time, this buddy was still snoring, it was a bit too much.

Gu Zheng couldn't stand the strange eyes all over the room and shot him towards him, and he kindly pushed the buddies around him.

"Hey! Get up, class is over."

"Ah? What? Oh, good!"

In order to facilitate saliva, this student finally took off the mask on his face. He wiped it unrefinedly.

Until this time, Gu Zheng could see the whole picture of the people around him clearly. I went, and for a while, Gu Zheng started to see if he was brought into a different world by laughter and forgotten books.

The face under this mask has red lips and white teeth, and Mi Li is charming, but he can look down at the other person's Adam's apple. It's a man and there is nothing wrong with it.

The people around are worthy of art. Neither the teacher nor the classmates have any reaction to this person's appearance. On the contrary, after he wakes up, he no longer pays attention to his direction.

Gu Zheng, who was about to have cancer of a straight man, quietly moved his **** out of the side seat, feeling that the classmate next to him had already begun to emit countless rainbow bubbles around him.

But he himself did not know, smiled at Gu Zheng, sorted out his messy hair, and began to turn his attention to the teacher.

On the first day of class, everyone will naturally not involve too many professional issues, but more about self-introduction and the introduction of art and design by the instructor.

Moreover, because they are all night school re-education colleges, most of the students here are staff who are engaged in related occupations and need retraining.

So when it comes to self-introduction and works display, it becomes a hodgepodge of all kinds. The students who went to the center of the class and hung their works on the display board really achieved the point where the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and displayed their magical powers.

Let's not talk about the simple strokes of junior high school students that even Gu Zheng can't bear to look directly at it, this is still in the category of normal people.

Just say that one of them is Van Gogh who is perfunctory and Picasso who doesn't care about it, Gu Zheng knows that this is really a place to mix diplomas.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. He was really afraid that his calligraphy and painting skills would be a little too difficult for a professional academy like the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Unfortunately, he still thinks too much. The students recommended by Professor Liu himself have already greeted his class teacher who is also a professional teacher after he confirmed the registration.

No, when Gu Zheng, who is most like an ordinary person in the group of classmates, occupied the center of the studio, even the head teacher, who had been on the side without raising his eyelids, turned his eyes to the long scroll tube in his hand. Above.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gu Zheng, and I am 20 years old this year. This is my entry work. The title is "The Little Courtyard under the Spring Sun". This is a simple ink painting. Citizen's home, a courtyard full of wild interest and historical precipitation."

"Under the most authentic brushstrokes, it shows the most authentic living conditions of the citizens living in today's ordinary courtyard houses..."

Following Gu Zheng's talk, this most standard ink painting began to be displayed in front of all teachers and students.

As this black and white painting slowly opened, a small picture of a leisurely view of Nanshan appeared in front of everyone.

The response was the exclamation of all the people present: "Oh!"

The act of pumping air-conditioning caused Gu Zheng, who was standing in the field, to almost fall into a vacuum.

It is really the level of the painting in Gu Zheng's hands, which is far from the previous group of people.

It was as obvious as the firefly's **** and the sun and the moon striving for glory, so that this group of students, who were just holding a mess, truly saw the power of professionalism.

"I'll go! Are you sure this is not an undercover agent specially sent by the Central Academy of Fine Arts? In order to highlight the professionalism of their re-education college, they invited the Department of Chinese Painting as a trustee?"

"Niu Dafa, if you have such a level, why not go to Liulichang's calligraphy and painting studio to be a high-level imitation painter, at this level, a proper monthly income of more than ten thousand!"

"On the incongruity of Xueba falling into the chicken coop!"

Before I waited for the class teacher's, I exploded the nest first.

Among them, the weird two-dimensional next to Gu Zheng was the most excited. He patted his thigh while shaking the Hello Kitty on his chest, shook his head and praised as if he was drunk: "Okay! It's amazing! "

"It's well drawn, Xiaoye's report for this training class is really worth it! Hahaha!"

Because the cheering voice was too loud, the people around him spontaneously moved around again.

When Gu Zheng returned to the place and sat down again, he found that there were only two people left alone in the area by the window.

The head teacher on the stage turned back from shock, coughed twice and began to comment. The details mentioned were in agreement with Gu Zheng's mentality when he was painting at that time.

Until this time, Gu Zheng, who was sitting in the next seat, knew that Professor Liu who had recruited him did not lie to him, and that the teacher in the Re-education College really has a bit of truth in learning.

If you know Gu Zheng’s mental state at this time, the professional professors at the Central Academy will surely burst into tears. He is a professional lecturer at the Central Academy of Fine Arts at any rate. Those students who pass the exam with professional ability will also teach with ease, not to mention you. Where is the grass team in this class?

But the head teacher couldn’t hear him. He was fortunate that there was finally a reliable student in this class. During the final exam and the end of the year art competition, the class he brought would not be the bottom of the class. The last member of the class was called to the center of the station.

"Next, let us invite the last classmate to introduce himself and show his work on stage."

"Quack chick!"

The applause of applause is actually more enthusiastic than normal students.

Who made these people who are accustomed to artistic costumes, have never seen anime characters?

But let's not say, people still enjoy this kind of pursuit.

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