The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 254: The seventh world opens

At first glance, I was used to seeing such big storms.

The paper tube he held in his hand seemed not much smaller than what Gu Zheng had just painted. After shaking his flowing silver hair, he shook his whole body parts and stepped onto the stage.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Yifan, I am nineteen years old this year, and they all call me the most dreamy silver sauce. I love you guys. This is my manga photo album. I hope you all enjoy it."

With Comrade Zhang Yifan’s extraordinary cosplay on stage, he put on a few standard akimbo postures that often play in this circle, and then showed his masterpiece to everyone.

A nine-headed manga character with eyes occupying half of his face.

Still the most primitive style of beautiful girls.

The manga coloring with spicy eyes is painted on the top. In the process of color collision, I don't forget to add some peripherals that are extremely manga style.

For example, a black crow-like dialog box, such as a bubbling cherry blossom that represents the background.

It simply displays all the comic elements that people can think of, like a hodgepodge on the same painting.

Let the people who see it have only one feeling, that is, dizzy!

As soon as this painting was released, the entire classroom became quiet. Everyone's standards were a little bit inferior, but as long as there was this bottom, it would be very difficult to get the last one.

The class teacher who was in charge of the commentary on the side didn't know what he should say, but he nodded reluctantly, and praised the age of this classmate Zhang.

"Yes, student Zhang, you can hang your work on the display column and return to your seat."

"Is this last classmate's age very young? Young means unlimited possibilities and greater potential."

"Everyone, applaud for our classmate Zhang who knows how to enrich ourselves at such a young age."

"Qua Chi Chi"

The classmates who finally recovered from the shock, hurriedly gave this classmate who was able to stop their guns in the future study and life with warm applause, and this free first class was just like this. It ended in a friendly atmosphere.

When Gu Zheng, who had left the school gate, was about to walk home under the starry sky at night, the classmate next to him drove a roaring red coupe and stopped beside him.

"Brother Gu, where are you going?"

"go home."

"The leg is here?"

"No, sit in the big public."

"Oh! So troublesome, I'll give you a ride."

"It's not going in the way, I live in Hongmen Village."

"Don't, this point, it can best reflect the majesty of my second ring and thirteen lords, or do you still believe in my driving skills?"

"Let me tell you, let's put a hundred hearts on it, but all the reddish places will be tempting to me. Can't you get up? If you don't get up, you won't give me noodles!"

Yes, all the classmates who just met have condescended to give away, so don't be hypocritical if you are a car driver.

Gu Zheng thanked him, and could only sit in the co-pilot's seat and tied him tightly.

"It's done, let's go!"

After an hour and a half, the two Kayo arrived at the crossroad at the entrance of the village, and said goodbye awkwardly with big eyes and small eyes.

"Thank you, classmate Zhang, this third ring road is quite blocked."

"Where, where, didn't I think that Wuling Hongguang was in a hurry in front of me? I just gave up a few more cars."

"Next time, next time, I will definitely let you see my Biaosu style. It's too late today, I will go back first hahaha."

Before the voice was over, people started the vehicle and drove away.

Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing when he watched that the other party's car hadn't left the trail for two minutes.

I thought it was the most wanton non-mainstream, but I didn't expect it to be an extremely obedient kid.

As far as his skills are concerned, driving the sports car with the steed logo is really a loss, and getting him a smart is the most suitable.

Gu Zheng's mood became better all at once, and he swayed back to his own crib. Under the moonlight shower, he found that he had slept too much these days, even if he ran a lap this morning. The marathon, such a physical activity, couldn't make him feel more sleepy.

Gu Zheng, who realized that he had been dangling for several days, looked up at the moonlight in the sky, and planned to make himself a little tired before going to sleep, and going to the next world, and by the way, he would fight for a little more lifespan for himself.

Maybe when you come back from the next world, you will be able to fall asleep?

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, calmly walked out of the bedroom and opened the small door belonging to the study in the Xiaokuan courtyard.


With this familiar sound of pushing the door, the laugh and forget book on the desk were ready to wait.

"Are you ready? Have you absorbed all your energy?"

"Yes, after the absorption, I took advantage of the time when you came back, and carefully selected a client with the longest life expectancy, so that you will never be trapped there for a lifetime like the previous world. "

"This time it is definitely a short-distance ticket, with the least effort to make the most profit."

Xiao Wangshu answered absolutely respectfully, and Gu Zheng didn't intend to talk nonsense anymore.

Open the seventh world.


In fact, Xiao Wangshu really wanted to ask for help in front of Gu Zheng, because he really gained a lot of energy in the Sixth World.

However, seeing the expression of his host now, I still use the auxiliary system silently, and don't jump too much in front of the other party.

The two collaborators with different minds, as the blood soaked on the top of the seventh page, turned into small white and gold balls, as usual, submerged in the pages of this static time and space.

But in a moment, Gu Zheng opened his eyes again.

This is definitely a new world. You are not facing any danger, right?

Gu Zheng, who had already learned how to deal with danger in different worlds, immediately tightened his body. Although he didn't move much, he made a defensive posture.

When his posture was instantly up, Gu Zheng realized that the words of the client belonging to this world had been baldly finished before he could react.

That's what he said just now when he was not under his control.

"You are a poor beggar from the country, and you come here to be the presiding officer. It is not in the name of serving the Buddha at all."

"I grew up in this temple since I was young. Why have I never heard that the master has been to your village and said that you are connected to the Buddha?"

"You villagers, don't run into the temple when there is a plague."

"In order to have a full meal, I dared to lie with my eyes open in front of the Buddha. Our small temples are poorly eaten by people like you."

"Since you are looking for a way to survive, why not go to the larger temple next to you and have to defect to the host in our temple?"

"Looking at your crooked appearance, isn't it because you have brought in the disease as well? Bad luck!"

After talking about this conversation, it seemed that the client's body was refreshed, and the stiffness of Gu Zheng's soul as soon as he entered the body was instantly relieved.

However, Gu Zheng's heart was indeed stunned.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it looks like a very safe temple. Generally, people who need him to save lives in this situation must be because of more profound reasons and he can't save it.

As for the reason, do I need to ask?

It must be because my own words were too intense just now, coupled with some follow-up questions, offended some people who must not be offended.

After Gu Zheng reacted, he subconsciously looked at the direction where the saliva spurted from his body.

There, there was a simple and honest, blue-skinned little acolyte who was holding a big broom that was higher than him, buried his head, and listened to the cynicism he had just said without saying a word. .

As for himself, Gu Zheng subconsciously lowered his head and stretched out his hand, looking at his body.

He was wearing a greyish monk robe, although it had a few patches on it, it was much better than the opponent.

The most annoying thing is that, based on the experience of the previous world, the hand he stretched out at this time was actually not much bigger than the previous world.

It is seventeen or eighteen years old.

This made Gu Zheng, who observed this phenomenon, was shocked. He subconsciously wanted to quickly accept the memory of the client in this world, and check it carefully. This client will not be like the previous world. That, so unreliable, has pushed time forward for many years for no reason, right?

But Gu Zheng couldn't just leave the little monk in front of him so suddenly.

If he was still yelling at him in the first second, he would close his eyes and calm down in the next meter.

Gu Zheng estimated that if such an act was done, it would have to be regarded as a ghost.

Therefore, Gu Zheng still worked hard to maintain the original state of anger and hatred of the client, as if he looked down on the solemn behavior of the little monk in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, he directed him to leave.

"Why are you staying here? Is it because you like to be scolded? You are holding a broom to clean the temple, not to let you treat it as a stick!"

"Why? The cleaning of your Heavenly King Hall is finished? Now that it's finished, can't you also sweep away the guest room, the master's room, and the senior brother's?"

"Or do you like to listen to my admonition?"

Hearing the opposite Gu Zheng, although he still spoke viciously, he did not have the deep hatred in the previous few sentences, which seemed to be unbelievable to this extremely sensitive little monk.

When he raised his head in surprise for the first time, he wanted to see if the man in front of him was not the vicious big brother just now, he only saw the young man wearing a blue monk's robe, leaving the figure.

At the same time, there was a sentence thrown by the big brother when he left: "Why are you still idle? Are you not going to eat?"

This rice character is just as useful as Sun Monkey’s curse. The square-faced monk swallowed the saliva secreted by the salivary glands, dragged his broom, and strode towards the Heavenly King Hall in the side hall.

He has finished sweeping the Heavenly King Hall for a while, can he get dry mouth at noon? He has been nagging his stomach for three days without being hungry and panicking.

Gu Zheng, who finally dismissed the person in front of him, walked out of the main hall and turned directly to the side road leading to the backyard. Under a big tree with a thick bowl, he found a flat stone slab that he could stand on. I closed my eyes.

After a short period of effort, Gu Zheng opened his eyes.

But Gu Zheng, who opened his eyes, now only wants to untie his trouser belt and hang himself directly on this crooked neck tree.

This client, it's not good to offend anyone, if you go to offend the little monk who is not broad-minded, you will be rewarded if you offend the Javier just now.

Now Gu Zheng can be regarded as the reason why he knew that the client had a chance to come again, but he didn't come by himself.

Laughing and forgetting the book plus the energy of the client two will be able to send him Gu Zheng to the moment when he has offended the Lord.

This is really nothing.

The client is planning to treat the dead horse as a live horse for a try.

Gu Zheng, who only felt unhappy, sat on the stone without any image, and only one sentence remained in his heart: it's over, it's all over.

You are stunned, stunned by officials, gangsters, and I, Gu Zheng, can bring you back.

But you don't talk about the future emperor, but you still use the words that the other party doesn't like to hear the least.

What little beggar, what stinky beggar, what plague ghost, how much heartbreaking it If it's just a verbal insult, no one is there yet. What about when I was young and ignorant?

However, this client was still on the road of death, and he couldn't pull it back in the later stage.

This Huangjue Temple was originally a small temple in Hui Province. Although it was not a large temple with hundreds of people, it was also worshipped by the people.

Poor is a bit poorer, but apart from the absence of a temple gate, the donations received are enough to feed the seven or eight brothers in this temple.

But this small temple just caught up with the bad times.

This was the last year of the original dynasty, when the people were the most unhappy.

There are a lot of exorbitant taxes and taxes. The most terrifying thing is that you don’t think of a Southerner as an adult. A donkey can be worth the value of a Southerner.

These primitive nobles did not blink at all to oppress the poor and common people.

It was as if the Southerners and Northerners were not the people under their rule, but rather like low-ranking untouchables.

There are no human rights at all.

If that's the case, then forget it. If you can eat something, the people will endure it.

However, many villages and towns around Fengyang County actually broke out drought in the midst of the scorching summer heat.

Years after years of red land, the southerners couldn't even eat food and starved to death in the countryside. The corpses became plagues.

At this time, those who died became a ghost town, and people who escaped there only had to beg.

However, among the beggars who walked and walked in this line, there was a child with great perseverance. With a token of a neighbor, he found the Huangjue Temple all the way from the village, and he directly found the presiding monk of the temple. It's also by the client's master.

Passing the token of this representative identity to the host's side like this, it is even looking for a loved one.

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