The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 275: The female donor can't go if she doesn't go (One Thousand Six Hundred Kyun)

But not long after Zhu Yuanzhang’s doubts, he suddenly saw the guard who was last surrounded. After seeing the death of Zha Ya Du, he seemed to have lost the strength to resist, but actually touched his hand to his waist. Between the actions.

"No, he wants to signal his companion!"

And his reminder was very immediate. Xu Da, who was participating in the battle, shook the big knife in his hand and cut it directly towards the opponent's wrist.


Accompanied by the other party's screams, it fell at the sound, and a severed hand that was still holding the signal flare tightly.

And this cry became the last voice of the guard in the world. The next few knives directly pierced the vital part of his body, making him unable to make even the slightest sound. .

Several people carefully chopped up these three minifigures. After they were sure that they were really dead, Li Shanchang on the side walked behind Zhu Yuanzhang and asked, "Master, what shall we do now?"

"Cover the clothes on you, and we will touch back to the backyard of the temple."

"I will find my second brother and let him find a way to take us to the hall."

After determining the next goal, a few people quietly touched down the mountain.

It seems that behind them, the few mud slopes that havetily covered up the traces are not what they did just now.

The only thing they have to worry about now is the situation of the seniors in the hall.

When the encirclement strategy arranged by Zhu Yuanzhang is converged, it will be difficult to handle the big brother as a hostage in case the original soldier who has risen up to resist.

Throwing a rat avoidance device is one aspect, and it is more important to consider the influence of the host of the Huangjue Temple in the surrounding towns and counties.

He came to his hometown to recruit soldiers this time, not to make enemies with the folks in this place.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was so sad about his senior brother’s situation, didn’t even know that Gu Zheng was still in the hall at this time, quietly singing to the county lord named Minmin Temuer. Pingxin curse.

Not only that, after Gu Zheng Baoxiang solemnly recited the scriptures, he closed his eyes thoughtfully in front of Minmin Temur and twisted the prayer beads.

When Minmin Temuer and the guards behind her awoke from such a deep voice, the girl was actually admired and excited, and grabbed Gu Zheng by the sleeve and asked To: "Master, the Buddhist scriptures you just preached are really nice."

"Why stop, you keep reading."

The dragged Gu Zheng hadn't shown anything yet, and Zhu Chonger, who was behind Gu Zheng, first expressed his dissatisfaction.

"This female donor, can you also pull the clothes we host?"

"Even the princess of your Ohara dynasty is accustomed to recklessly, but as a female donor, there is always a little reserved, right?"

"What's more, our host is a Taoist monk. Your actions like this are simply an insult to our host!"

After hearing Zhu Chong'er's call, Minmin Temuer, a woman who never knew what shame was, was also a little bit awkward.

But others got used to her life, and she would never admit that she knew her behavior was improper.

On the contrary, she put a bit of strength on the robe she was pulling in her hand, and she didn't intend to let Gu Zheng go.

When Zhu Chonger was about to come over and beat the shameless woman with the scepter in his hand, Gu Zheng actually raised the other hand that was not being held.

"Chong two, don't be impulsive, you can go to the apse and bring a cup of tea."

"Minmin female benefactor, the poor monk is a human, and also hungry and thirsty. Now I have introduced the interesting things about the temple and the spread of Dharma that you have mentioned."

"The poor monk also wants to take a break, savor a pot of tea, and then practice follow-up."

"Now, it's getting late, and listening to the female benefactor, she came to play alone without her family."

"I advise the female benefactor to go down the mountain now. After you go down the mountain, the sky is still dark."

"It can better avoid family worries."

After listening to Gu Zheng's order, even if Zhu Chong'er was reluctant, as the monk who listened to the words of the big brother in the temple, he obediently rushed to the back hall.

And Minmin Temuer, who had been pulling Gu Zheng's sleeve, suddenly softened because of these few soft words of Gu Zheng.

She originally pulled the other party's sleeves unceremoniously, and then hung them down. When evacuating Gu Zheng's silky monk robe, she subconsciously took two shots of the other party to prevent it from being so perfect. Because of her, the human body has two more folds.

However, no matter how gentle the person on the other side is, there is a principle she still has to abide by.

"No, I won't go down the mountain. There are so many unsophisticated people in this remote area."

"My brother, he left me in the camp as soon as he came here. He either went here today to suppress bandits, or he went there tomorrow."

"Who ever cared about my sister's joy?"

"I finally found such a pleasant place in this broken place, so I went back so quickly."

After finishing speaking, he actually sat on the futon opposite Gu Zheng, planning to stay here and not leave.

"Besides, I've heard you talk about the scriptures for a long time, and I'm also thirsty. That's how you treat guests like this? Go and get me some tea too!"

"Don't think I don't know. I saw it when I was in the backyard just now. There are a few vacant rooms in your place."

"Don't tell me, you Huangjue Temple has no guests staying here on weekdays?"

Looking at Minmin who was opposite, Gu Zheng returned calmly.

"This small temple in the mountains and the simple construction of the Zen house was originally prepared for the convenience of the surrounding villagers, and it is not suitable for the body of a daughter like the princess."

"If the princess insists on staying here, they can only put each other in a situation where they complain about each other."

"People in this world only seek to be close, but they don't know that keeping a distance is the best way to get along."

"Female donor, why bother yourself and make others embarrassed?"

After listening to Gu Zheng’s words that are more for her sake, the unique Minmin Temuer didn’t want to go anymore. She was actually a rare coquettish person. This restless hand wanted to grab Gu. Zheng's sleeve robe.

"I don't want to go, people always say that life is a rare confidant, master"

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly remembered a voice from the back door of the hall.

"Host, the tea is ready."

When Gu Zheng heard this voice, he was not surprised. He just nodded towards the position of the chicken paw that Minmin was about to stretch out, and said, "Put the tea here."

Gu Zheng, who didn't even turn his head, knew that the person who brought the tea was not Zhu Chong'er, who had been a staff monk behind him for three years, but Zhu Yuanzhang, who had already lurked into the mountain and had yet to meet in the future.

Because since this group of people came to this mountain, in the space of Laughing Forgetting Books, two spheres have automatically given hints.

The radar map of the previous world once again appeared in the lower right corner of Gu Zheng. This equipment, which can only display the geographic map of the sea area, has now been simply modified by Xiao Forgotten, and it has become a very simple special. Characters, the distribution map.

Although the map in this radar is not easy to use, the color distinction of the characters and the distance from their position are displayed quite accurately.

Looking at the bright red dots on the radar, and the large green dots that appeared later, plus as Zhu Yuanzhang gradually walked in, the dots were also marked with the names of the characters.

Gu Zheng felt that the function of Laughing Forgetting Books was quite intimate.

Laughing Wangshu, who can only upgrade by plundering other people's energy, twitched his mouth a little proudly.

It's not the name of the top system in the world.

The enchanting ability to seize its energy for several uses is the biggest boost for its upgrade, and it is also the reason why it is often beaten and run around the ground.

It must serve Gu Zheng, because Liao Wangshu observes through these worlds and his own personal experience, Gu Zheng is the only one who can face the system directly and kill it. People.

This property really matches it. After passing this village, this shop will be gone.

It must make Gu Zheng aware of its benefits, but don't be upset anymore and just get rid of it. Now it is still a very small trouble.

The abbot system on the side suddenly felt a little cold. It carefully moved to the side and followed the client in this space to watch the scene that happened below.

I saw Zhu Yuanzhang, with a gray cap on his head, which actually wrapped his hair tightly.

And the monk's robe on his body appeared to be taken off from his second brother.

At this time, Zhu Chong, who was next to the tea stove in the back hall, was as sweet as he was. Holding his shirtless shirt because he took off his clothes, he sneezed fiercely by the fire.

But after moving in the direction of the flame's heat source, he smirked in the direction of the outer hall.

My brother Chongba came back, and their family can be reunited again.

And his own host was finally saved, his younger brother's brain was much easier to use than his, Zhu Chongba would surely be able to rescue the senior brother from the fire and water.

Zhu Chonger was stealing music in the back hall, and Zhu Yuanzhang in front was not idle either.

Although some work has not been done for many years, but the habits have been incorporated into the bones, they can't be changed in any way.

He carried the small clay pot with some nostalgia, rolled up the sleeve of the monk's robe with one hand, and started pouring freshly baked tea into two small porcelain cups that were not gorgeous.

This taste seems to be the tea leaves roasted from the wild tea tree transplanted by the senior brother in the back mountain. It is slightly astringent and quite bitter, and only the senior brother likes to drink it on weekdays.

He said, this is the taste of life.

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