The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 276: Bao Bao blocked the door!

Previously, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but after more than three years of walking, he finally understood the meaning of it, but he would rather guess that he didn't understand it like before.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed. After pouring two cups of tea, he slowly retreated behind Gu Zheng.

On the other side, Minmin Temu Er couldn't wait to pick up the tea in front of him and drink it.

Because this tea looks very special, after brewing, it turns out to be a bit of spring green color, but I don't know what it feels like when it enters the mouth.


"Bah, baah!"

"What is it! My tongue is numb because of the pain, bah bah! It's too bad to drink!"

However, Gu Zheng took a sip in his mouth without frowning under the other's exaggerated reaction.

"Master, don't drink it too! You are in this rural land, drinking such bitter tea, you are simply wronged by a talent like you."

"It's strange for this southerner to drink tea. He doesn't know how to fill in some milk and sugar. He actually likes to drink bitter tea soup like this."

"You are too wronged to stay in this kind of place, so let me go to Yuandadu. There are many temples there, and there are many eminent monks."

"After you get there, your Dharma can be more diligent, and the name of your small temple in Huangjue Temple can be more resounding, isn't it?"

"At that time, I will say that you are a mage specially invited back by our family, and those people will not dare to embarrass you."

"If you are willing, I will mark another place in most of the city, and I will have to build a new temple for you."

After hearing Minmin Temu's words, Gu Zheng didn't laugh.

The princess did not see any signs of believing in Buddhism at all, so why did she invite herself to Yuandadu so enthusiastically?

Before Gu Zheng could think deeply, Zhu Yuanzhang behind him spoke quietly.

"Master of No Desire, neither will leave here, nor will you follow the princess to return to the original capital."

"On the contrary, you are the princess, you are going to stay here today."

"Do it!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished these few words, before the other party's people hadn't understood it, he took the scepter symbolizing the presiding abbot, which he held for Gu Zheng in his hand, and slammed it to the ground fiercely.


When this sound resembling a flare gun sounded, thirty people swarmed in from the inside and outside of the main hall, and the small team that protected Princess Minmin in the hall was surrounded by airtight. Up.

And when these personnel were in place, Zhu Yuanzhang unhurriedly began to take off the monk robes on his body, revealing his inner armor, and with the little bit of pride and joy that he was aware of, he walked there with great momentum. In front of Gu Zheng, there was a shallow salute.

"Master, I don't want to host, Master, I'm back."

"Zhu Yuanzhang is not talented, this is the master of the host, to solve the immediate trouble!"

After saying this, Zhu Yuanzhang turned around and turned his head to the direction of Minmin Temuer. Then, with a horrified smile, he waved his hand at the brothers behind him: "What are you waiting for? Get on the road."

After finishing speaking, he didn't even hesitate for a while, because he wanted to be in this hall and took the people down.

"Dang Cang Cang"

How could the guards who followed the princess be caught in such a hand?

They drew out their scimitars, while trying to break through in all directions, they shouted in the direction of the county lord to remind them: "Island lord, quickly ignite the flare!"

"General Baobao will send an army to rescue."

"You troubled people, when the army of the original dynasty arrives, you will definitely step on your feet!"

Who knows that after they said these words, Zhu Yuanzhang and others laughed: "Hahaha, are the original people stupid?"

"The building of this hall is airtight. Even if we stare here and watch the princess set off the signal flare, do you think she can be like being in the wild, letting the signal tube launch toward the sky?"

"Don't talk nonsense with them idiots, as expected, most of the nobles in the original capital, should be more stupid!"

This sentence is equivalent to a sentence of death for the original guards who had resisted.

After a short while, these unwilling eyes and dead guards were dragged to the corner of the hall by Zhu Yuanzhang's subordinates.

Only the shivering Minminte fungus was left in the center of the main hall.

"You, you, what do you want to do? Don't come here!"

"Ahhhh, I haven't gotten married yet, so I don't want to be ruined by the Southerners! Master, save me!!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the signal tube in his hand to the ground, ran straight to the place where Gu Zheng was sitting, and rushed over.

"What a guts!"

He thought that he was about to find the county lord Minmin he was relying on. During this counterattack, he was directly obstructed by a leg that suddenly appeared between her and Gu Zheng.

And this pair of feet wearing monk shoes kicked her to the ground without mercy, and violently stepped on the back of her lying on the ground.


Because of the force of the soles of the feet, Minmin Temul actually heard the sound of his back bones.

The piercing pain caused a rush of chaos in her mind, and she couldn't remember anything.

"Sure enough, the people of the original dynasty are a nation that even women can't ignore."

"At this point, I know to take a hostage and buy myself some time."

"But the princess don't worry, I just want your life. Even if a woman like you is stripped naked and sent to my bed, I can't get it hard."

This is the truth, who will react to a piece of cake.

And with the fall of this voice, Minmin Temul, who could not bear the pressure, fainted, and the very good weapon hidden in her hand broke away with her coma and rolled out.


It turned out to be the iron thorn behind her whip. If the princess had been brought close just now, from the next moment, Gu Zheng, who was held tightly, would suddenly have such a sharp weapon.

Still Gu Zheng, who didn't even lift his eyelids, watched Zhu Yuanzhang disgustingly took off his foot on the princess, and then planned to let Xu Da by his side lift her to the side of the hall to solve her. At the time, he suddenly said, "Amitabha, the round chapter is not acceptable."

Because of this sentence, Xu Dana's knife that had been close to Minmin Temul stopped alive.


When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his first reaction was actually a smile.

When he raised his eyebrows, the momentum of his whole body was loosened, he was winking his eyebrows a bit, and with an expression that I understood, he rubbed in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"Brother? Senior brother? You don't really like this bread, do you?"

"Oh hello, brother, let me tell you, this woman is really ugly, don't you see a woman who is a little bit smoother than ordinary villagers and you will move your heart?"

"If you really want to return to the vulgar, then you have to pick one. I will ask my unmarried aunt and aunt to introduce her little sister to you."

"Let me tell you, her little sister, it's called a white, it's just like the flour in our temple, it's thin and slippery!"

Still eat.

However, Gu Zheng, who was ridiculed, didn't even lift his eyelids. He just said faintly: "Her brother is here, you quickly let your subordinates leave."

"If it is a little later, the exits up and down the mountain will be blocked by the generals of the original dynasty, and even if the Buddha is really coming, it will not be able to save you."

Just when Gu Zheng's words fell, and between these people's doubts and hesitation, a small soldier in charge of the investigation of the garrison under the mountain hurried in toward the hall.

"It's not good, General Zhu, the investigators staying in front of him, three miles away, saw a brigade of original soldiers approaching."

"On the banner at the head, there is a big word "Guobao", it should be the General Baobao who made all coalitions frightened."

"General, we must evacuate quickly, otherwise, the way down the mountain will be blocked by people within a moment!"

Unexpectedly, the investigating team member had just finished speaking, and Gu Zheng, who was in the middle of the hall, spoke first.

"It's late, since it is the army of the original dynasty, it is the cavalry first."

"Now you only have one choice, and that is to take the now unconscious princess as a hostage and act according to the situation."

Gu Zheng, who spoke out his proposal again, finally didn't have to say anything about my Buddha's mercy falsehood.

Which side of the **** sits on determines where the head belongs. He will speak for the nobles of the enemy army only when he is full.

Gu Zheng, who began to close his mantra again in an instant, slowly closed his eyes, not seeing his eyes and being upset, waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang's troublesome departure.

Who knows, these people wrapped up the princess, and only halfway down the way down the mountain, they returned to the main hall after a short time.

"No, there are already a large number of torches burning ahead, and the road should be blocked."

"Let the brothers quickly hide the corpses of these primitive people, break them into pieces, melt into the night, pass through the forest, turn over to the back mountain and gather again."

"Yes, get Ling!"

After issuing these orders, Zhu Yuanzhang realized that his return this time didn't seem to bring any glory to Huangjue Temple, but instead caused tremendous trouble for the other party.

But at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang has fully learned to suppress his own inner guilt, and has exerted his thick black studies to the extreme.

On the contrary, he stood in front of Gu Zheng with an expression of ashamed and unbearable. He bowed his hand deeply, and made an apologize: "Brother Yuanzhang, this time it was Yuanzhang who caused a catastrophe, but he was tired. The Huangjue Temple is imminent."

"Junior Brother, I have limited abilities and insufficient personnel. I originally wanted to remove these primitive people without knowing it, wipe out the traces, and divert my attention."

"Let the original people think it was done by the rebels surnamed Chen in this area."

"But whoever came up with it, these primitive people actually came so fast, it was the mistake of my junior brother that caused this situation."

"But in the face of the people's righteousness and the resistance of the primitive people, Zhu Yuanzhang and I can only say sorry to you, brother."

"I was the one who caused the Huangjue Temple and the monks up and down the Huangjue Temple."

"Brother, for the present plan, you are the only one to go with me! We climbed down the cliffs of the back mountain, and then walked through the mountain through the winding mountain road, over the ditches and wild ridges, and when we reached the top of the mountain, we would do it again. Discuss it!"

These remarks were true and sincere, but if Gu Zheng hadn't been able to perceive people's hearts like that, he might have been fooled by Zhu Yuanzhang's performance.

He just waved his hand and rejected Zhu Yuanzhang with a wry smile: "Junior Brother, these are all due to chance."

"You are the master of the world who came from Huangjue Temple. Naturally, the people in Huangjue Temple have to bear the cause and effect around you."

"I am the presiding officer of Huangjue Temple. If I leave with you, then the original army will think that Huangjue Temple is conspiring with you."

"Then when the time comes, don’t say that the lives of the monks in the Huangjue Temple more than a dozen or so are not guaranteed. The lives of the masters in this temple who have raised my life are not guaranteed. This is the surrounding area of ​​Fengyang County covered by the Huangjue Temple. There are more than a dozen villages and towns in China, and the lives of many people cannot be saved."

"In the eyes of the original people, there are no rules about this method of sitting in a What's more, are these southerners who are slaughtered like chickens and dogs?"

"So, this Huangjue Temple can walk up and down, but there is only one person who can't walk, and that's Gu Zheng."

"So Junior Brother, although you and I have only been together for more than half a year, I don't have any soft words to you."

"In order for you to have a strong position, I am very strict with you."

"You guys are dissatisfied with me as a big brother, I also recognize it."

"But here I still have to plead with my younger brother." At this point, Gu Zheng stood up from the sitting futon for the first time, and respectfully gave Zhu Yuanzhang a gift: "Master, an old man, You should not be too frightened if you are older."

"I just hope that the younger brother can take the master down the mountain on the way down."

"The people in the back mountains are mostly relatives of the followers behind you. If you have the ability, please take them out of the predicament."

"As for." Gu Zheng turned his head and looked back. The other juniors who had heard the news continued, "You also know the patience of these juniors. If they are willing to leave, take them with you. ."

"Such a difficult situation, it is always good to live alone."

And when Gu Zheng finished the words that seemed to be a last word, the juniors behind him said in unison: "Big brother, we are not going, we will be where you are!"

"We know our abilities, but we still have the heart to live and die together with our big brothers and protect this temple together."

Only one of the senior brothers hesitated very much, and that was Zhu Chonger. He looked at his brother, and then at the big brother who made him fear and awe, and then moved to Zhu Yuanzhang's side unconsciously.

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