"Buddha said, this world does not respect my clay sculpture body."

"The poor monk said, I will reshape the golden body of my Buddha!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng smiled and looked in the direction of the group of Pobotmoor.

The smile on that face was just like Grandma Wolf had seen Little Red Riding Hood, and the senior officials of Simon had seen the young woman of the Pan family, and they were salivating.

While the hearts of the original army were trembling, but the outer body was being forcibly supported, the clay statue standing behind them, whose knees were chopped off by the furious Bobotmuer just now, it moved. !

The face of this Buddha statue still maintained the stiff expression in the clay sculpture, and slowly walked down from the high platform on which it was standing.

As he passed by Bao Bao Te Moor, he looked at the scimitar in his hand as if he was still thinking.

At this moment, ‘Dang Cang’... General Baobao’s knife slipped from his hand in fright and fell to the ground.

And this Buddha statue that was several meters tall, when it slowly walked in front of Gu Zheng, its body was still puffing with dust.

But after it stood still, after Gu Zheng reverently stroked its golden body with his hands, the material of the Buddha statue that it originally sculpted changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The little green ball in Xiao Wangshu asked happily: "Does the host replace the inferior clay Buddha statue with a statue of Bodhidharma made of pure copper?"

And Gu Zheng replied without hesitation in his mind: "Yes."

As a result, the process of this conversion has been accelerated, and the position of the bonding point between Gu Zheng and the Buddha image once again shined with dazzling light.

After the light flickered for a full ten seconds, the rest of the people in the hall that gradually dimmed could see the wonders clearly.

I saw a golden Buddha statue with a remodeled golden body appearing in front of everyone. The Buddha statue seemed to be very satisfied with the current body, and slowly walked onto the high platform where it was originally.

But when it was about to stand still on the stage, return to its origin, and become a statue that couldn't speak, as if suddenly remembering something, it sat down muttering and formed the appearance of a sitting Buddha.

"When the world master said that the standing Buddha statue was too troublesome to clean, I still sat down cross-legged, and there was a gap between my legs, which was not conducive to the cleaning of later generations."

And Gu Zheng is doing all the play, he respectfully saluted the Bodhisattva and returned: "When the world's lord was already flying the dragon and proud of the sky, he flew away from this small temple."

"You don't have to think about other worldly people's ideas anymore."

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's explanation is a bit late. The little green ball posing as the Buddha has returned to its origin and can't speak.

There was only one sitting Buddha completely different from the previous one, and he smiled.

Inside the hall, it was quiet.

The monks behind Gu Zheng put down their weapons one by one, and they sang Buddhist scriptures in tears.

"The Buddha has appeared!"

"The Buddha is here to save us!"

"Welcome the Bodhisattva to reshape the golden body and enjoy the thousand years of incense from Huangjue Temple! I hope that the Buddha will drive all those disrespectful and disrespectful people out of Huangjue Temple, and never step into it!"

And the reaction of those pious monks was completely different from the original soldiers armed with weapons.

Some of them were a little more religious. As early as when the gate fell, they ran down the mountain without looking back.

These warriors who belonged to different tribes sometimes did not need to listen to the command of the general who led him as long as they found their leader noble.

Nowadays, there are not many people left in the dense crowds that had gathered outside the hall.

But Baobaotemuer, who is self-reliant, still wants to start with Gu Zheng even now.

Only this time, I was no longer arresting him for research, but thinking about whether the Ohara dynasty would be able to keep his original dynasty for another hundred years if there was such a mighty existence that could call the wind and rain.

For the long-term interests of their original man, we must also find a way to catch him.

This kind of thinking of Bao Bao Te Mo Er basically has nothing to hide in front of Gu Zheng.

When the Pancake-faced general was about to pick up the scimitar that fell on the ground, a pair of monk shoes appeared in front of the tip of his bent nose.

The pair of shoes exuding the good smell of sandalwood, stepped on the tough scimitar, slid backward, and rolled towards the back of the palace.

Behind that, it was a junior who had cooperated with Gu Zheng thousands of times, and picked up the scimitar in a timely manner.

Unlike General Baobao's idea that this monk would temporarily keep it, after the junior fellow received the scimitar, he passed it directly to Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

"Brother, please order!"

"All juniors listen to the order!"

With this sound of Gu Zheng, those apprentices who were kneeling on the ground and praying to the Buddha immediately got up, copied their weapons, and formed a strange formation behind Gu Zheng.

If the soldiers of the Daming Guardian of the Sixth World were in this scene at this time, all of them would be able to recognize it, this would be the enemy-defending sword array they had trained countless times.

When dealing with infantry troops, the lethality is extremely large.

Especially when dealing with the kind of arms with strong individual soldier ability, it can be called a big killer.

Although the firearms Gu Zheng used to be missing in this world, the weapons that were only used to make up the sword were of little importance to him now.

But the soldiers of the original army didn't know.

After seeing that Gu Zheng and the others had formed such a formation, there was actually a brave man who took up their weapons and showed their loyalty in front of their generals.

"General, you go! These demon monks, their own little ones will help you resist."

"If the general is afraid that this Buddha will blame it, let the younger ones help the general solve problems!"

"Yes! What about the Buddha's arrival? This is still the world of our original dynasty!"

"Kill, brothers!"

After speaking, a few of the dozen soldiers remaining in the hall rushed out.

And just as these soldiers rushed into the battle, Gu Zheng gave the final order.

"Shoot out all the sinful people who disrespect the Buddha and slaughtered them with their hands."

"If you resist, then imitate the devil and send them to the boundless **** to redeem his sins in this life."


Upon hearing this, the soldiers on the opposite side who rushed up with their weapons stopped.

"This monk is so insidious. If we want to slaughter, we just say slaughter. They even said that we had to slaughter because of our own reasons!"

"I can't bear it!"

Don't stop me, slash the monk to death. He is not only the most threatening person, but also the cheapest.

But as the blades of these people approached, unlike the monks they imagined, they heard the sound of cracking flesh and skin on their bodies.

I saw that the blades that slashed first were all cut on the two round shields that stood in front of Gu Zheng and were responsible for the defense.

And what followed were two spears that passed through the gap in the shield.

They are made of the iron tip of the hoop on the front end of the most common monk stick.

When you don't defend against the enemy, you can take it down to be a stick. In an emergency, you can press this pointed tip to be the sharpest and unparalleled weapon.

Three or two people were pierced through the chest by these spears, and the remaining one was lucky and didn't have that great momentum when running, so it flashed past these spears.

He looked at the few Tongze who fell in front of him, and what was left in his mind was not anger, but a little bit of inhumane excitement.

These idiots have fallen, so if you kill the monk in front of you, is it your own?

Unfortunately, his happiness lasted only two seconds. The knife in his hand that struck Gu Zheng's big bald head was stopped by another bright sharp knife.

The two swordsmen hiding behind the shield hand, one blocked, and the other stabbed.


Although he was not pierced by a spear as his chest, he was cut in half by a sharp blade.

And it was this straightforward confrontation ~www.readwn.com~ that also opened the way for Gu Zheng to kill with a knife.

After the three or two kittens in front of him fell, just like Gu Zheng who had descended in the Shura arena, it brought the rhythm of counterattack.

"The juniors will follow me and drive all these enemies out of Huangjue Temple!"

"Return to the Buddha a clean sky!"


With this sound, it was like a tiger descending a mountain and a dragon entering the sea. The monks who had always been kind to others instantly became Shura from hell.

It was actually heading towards Bobotmoor in a dazed manner, wherever he passed, if there was resistance and obstruction, it would be a slaying.

With such a fearless aura, such an extraordinary combat power, it was only two assaults that made the original army in the hall unstoppable, and they retreated one after another.

But after they quit, deep despair came out of their hearts.

The Ruo-large empty field outside this hall was actually the worst-hit area where the original army suffered heavy casualties.

Because the space here is small, the density of personnel and combat power is high.

When the gate closest to the temple was smashed straight down, the soldiers stationed outside the main hall were the ones who died and injured the most.

And these people are the most powerful elite recruited by Bobotmoor's men. Now they are dead and wounded, and they are full of sorrow.

The few soldiers who seemed to be in perfect posture actually did not look at the few Shangguan aristocrats who fled hurriedly from the main hall. There was their brother who was buried and suppressed in the ground in an instant.

"Brother! Brother!"

"Big Brother!"

These people had already thrown away their weapons, and while squatting their heads in the direction of the main hall of Huangjue Temple, they began to dig this hard rock-like foundation with their palms.

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