The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 282: 2nd mountain closure

"It's my brother, I'm not, I actually bumped into the Buddha! I was wrong! You shouldn't let your brother end up with no bones."

"We are herding sheep and horses on the grassland. We are also a leisurely faction. Brother, I insisted on taking you to the south to discuss life and participate in this Rao Shizi's conquest."

"It's all my brother's fault. I still want to grab some money and food from the southerners, and buy some family business for you too!"

"Brother is wrong, let's go home now! Go home now!"

The stern roar came from one of them. He was holding a corpse whose thigh was crushed. He watched his brother's experience of being half-stretched when he was hit by Buddhism, which completely broke the nerves of the original man. .

He didn't dare to blame the Buddha and the monks of Huangjue Temple. He was also afraid that his brother would be burned by this boundless karma after his death, and he would never feel at ease.

But he completely transferred the hatred to Bobotmul, the leader who led them to burn, kill, plunder, and make the wrong decision.

Because this temple, you can see that there is no place for oil and water. It is neither the location of the bandits, nor the base of the anti-thief. These nobles, just to find their own sister, they rashly and dare to do anything. If you do it, everyone dares to offend it!

Therefore, these bones are soldiers who believe in Buddhism. When Gu Zheng rushed out to chase Bao Baotemu's massacre, all the staff ignored their own superior and even the basic defense duties. , I didn't bother to do it.

But after running out of the hall, Bao Baotemu, who had thought that soldiers from outside the hall would rush to help him, immediately panicked.

There were only a few of the most heartfelt adjutants left beside him, and while fleeing in a circle outside the mountain gate with Baobaotmuer, they yelled at these inaction soldiers in fear and anger.

"Are you people dead? Haven't seen the danger that the General has already encountered? Don't you hurry up to take up arms and resist the enemy?"

"Take the group of bald donkeys across from me! If you resist! Kill it on the spot!"

And just after the adjutant's aggressive order, Gu Zheng, who moved with the formation in the center of the sword formation, used his bewitching declaration.

"My benefactors, the Buddha said: All beings are equal, and if you don't offend me, I won't offend others."

"If you retreat quickly at this time, you can still keep your family safe. After you go down the mountain, you only need to concentrate on cultivating the Buddha and worship with your heart, and you can eliminate this full of killing and abuse."

"If you don't leave Foshan at this time, when will you stay? Not quickly down the mountain!"

When Gu Zheng said this passage, it was sonorous and powerful, and could not be rejected.

It not only brings the incomparable authority of those who have been in the upper position for a long time, but also brings with it the profound meaning of Buddhism.

It turned out that most of the soldiers who were already in a trance after encountering a catastrophe and excitement, unnaturally, obeyed Gu Zheng's command.

These soldiers who were not strong-minded or believed in the Buddha started running towards the foot of the mountain without looking back.

After a short period of time, this small mountain gate, which was originally packed with people, was actually a large area vacant.

It's just that the countless limbs and broken arms indicate that there have been side-to-side massacres here, but it is not man-to-man, but God's to man.

Seeing the so-called elite soldiers and strong generals in his team, it turned out to be such a reaction, only a piece of desolation remained in Bao Bao Temu's heart.

What he is bleak is not in his current situation, what he is bleak is the future of the Ohara Dynasty and the seemingly powerful, but in fact, useless army.

At this time, he no longer had the arrogance that was in the hall. There was only one thought in his heart, he wanted to escape from the hands of these angry King Kong.

He Baotemuer, must not be aggrieved to die in this temple.

Even if the heaven is about to destroy my Ohara dynasty, he will also die in this battle against the heavens.

After making up his mind, Bobotmoor instantly changed the existing combat strategy. He moved towards the guards who had been guarding him, and gave the final order in a low voice.


And because of this order, he felt that the soldiers who were holding him around him, and the speed of the soldiers who fleeed with him, were getting faster.

After he figured it out, only bursts of wry smiles remained.

It is not that the people around him are not afraid of the Buddha's condemnation, but the loyalty to him, the general, is greater than the fear in his heart.

Now that there is a chance to survive, how many people still have to stay and resist. Maybe, at this time, the hearts of his guards are all happy.

Don't tell me, Pobotmoor's guess is very accurate.

As the general headed by him evacuated, the original empty field was smashed like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, and he walked completely clean in an instant.

After a short period of effort, only the unscathed brothers like Gu Zheng were left, and even the original soldiers on the side of the road with severed hands and feet were all carried down by those soldiers.

They are afraid that these wailing soldiers will be left behind to add to the trouble for Lord Buddha. If they think about the evil deeds they have committed in the past, they will engage in a large-scale punishment, and leave them with all-beards and tails. What can I do here?

And when they rushed down the mountain, they didn't forget to greet those stubborn compatriots who were hesitating in the middle of the mountain.

"Brothers, run quickly, the general said, quickly evacuate this Fengyang Mountain!"

"Since then, this area has been our restricted area."

"It must be guaranteed that Qiu did not commit any crimes!"

It's almost time to beat the gongs and drums.

Don't say that the power of the masses is powerful. After the yelling of the embarrassed group of people on the mountain, and then saw the panic general in the crowd, the soldiers with weapons are also embarrassed.

They were actually like a game, rushing towards the bottom of the mountain quickly.

In addition, at the mountain gate halfway up the mountain, I ran into a region of Shura, and at the foot of the mountain, I saw the boundless sea of ​​blood. These soldiers had no idea at all. They only had one idea, that is, my parents. Why don't you spawn a spider for me? It has eight legs.

As for you, why don’t those cavalry ride horses?

The horses, who are fairly IQ, saw the scene of the sky and the earth cracking at the entrance of the temple, not to mention the manpower to stop it, even the reins can be broken, drag their masters, and they have to go to the safe plains behind them. Run in the zone.

As a result, this team of Hao Hao Tangtang, known as the original army of the strongest guards of the Ohara Dynasty, came in swiftly and left in a hurry.

Such a big momentum, the howling ghosts and wolves that penetrate Cangxiong, naturally attracted the attention of Zhu Yuanzhang's team in Houshan.

"Master! A good opportunity!"

When the main hall began to collapse, the movements of the original army who had fled hurriedly at the entrance of the temple attracted the attention of Zhu Yuanzhang and the group.

"We can take advantage of this opportunity to fight back, maybe we can kill the enemy generals directly here!"

"At that time, you will be famous and famous in the Red Turban Army, and the Guo family will no longer be able to suppress the merits of the lord!"

Seeing such a headless enemy army, Zhu Yuanzhang was also quite moved.

He knew it was an excellent opportunity at this time, but he looked at the Minmin Temur who was tied into a zongzi in his hand, but there were two different voices fighting fiercely in his heart.

He just thought about it for a while before he made a decision.

"Where is Xu Da?"

"The little one is here."

"You quickly took three hundred, not five hundred soldiers, and passed through another path, trying to snipe the way the enemy flees."

"Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals don't care, as long as all the troops are used to deal with the generals headed by them."

"As long as he is destroyed, the mainstay of the original dynasty will no longer exist."

"The time when the war of resistance in the entire Central Plains will spread, is just around the corner."


Hearing this order, Xu Da did not hesitate to lead a group of guards from another fork road directly diagonally and rushed down the mountain.

And the people who followed after seeing the situation in Huangjue Temple, they actually kneeled on the spot, kowtow, kowtow, chant sutras, and there is actually a strong person. , I want to pick up the guys around him, and then rush back to help their most beloved host.

But the mature and serious people in the crowd did stop these young guys.

Everyone can see that the big move that Gu Zheng released was an indiscriminate attack.

It's no wonder Wuyu Mage insisted on letting them leave. People like them were not helping, but being in the way.

Now that the order was given and the people in the back mountain had finished watching the western scenes, Zhu Yuanzhang walked out from behind the rugged rock, and did not want to wait for a moment to order the team to continue.

If Xu Da, who he sent out, didn't kill Bobotmoor, then they and the most famous general of the original dynasty would still have trouble.

Now he has only one thought, and he will return to the temple after the enemy is broken.

Whether it was **** or deceived, the capable person like the big brother was also coerced into the uprising army.

Although he does not expect him to continue to call for the wind and rain, but in the aspect of leading soldiers to fight and training soldiers, no one can match his big brother.

Looking at the villagers who followed him, they were no less than the guards who followed him on the east and west sides.

Such a talent cannot be obtained by oneself, nor can others be discovered by others.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang’s troops, who had passed the back mountain, made a small circle around the col, and began to rush towards the front mountain of Huangjue Temple. On the one hand, they met with Xu Da’s sniper troops, and on the other hand, they looked at the brothers in the temple. Our safety.

Who would have imagined that when they sneaked through the two **** doors and were about to reach the last mountain gate, they were outside the main hall door as early as Gu Zheng, who instructed the juniors to clean up the wreckage in front of the temple, and watched through the radar. When Zhu Yuanzhang's team approached.

He looked at the small dots that marked the other party, turning green and then yellow, knowing that this man whose growth rate was extremely terrifying had finally begun to make a decision based on the thinking of a superior.

At this time, Gu Zheng was inexplicably relieved.

Because the lower the bond between himself and him, the more he can leave without any scruples after completing this hidden mission.

Will not be worried about the other side's country, life, honor and disgrace.

That's also good, with interests as the bond between each other, then he can act rationally in accordance with his Gu Zheng's ideas.

Why didn’t Gu Zheng know that the suddenly yellow and green dots were also engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. In this case, so many steps have been taken before, Gu Zheng doesn’t mind, and pushes it again at this time Give him a hand.

So Gu Zheng issued an order to the younger brother beside him.

"Brothers, there is no need to clean up here."

"Follow me back to the temple gate, and set down our sealing stone during the severe drought."

"It's time to close the gate again to get through this catastrophe."

The fellow apprentices listened very much to this senior apprentice's order, and they stepped back, but they didn't understand, and asked a few more questions.

"But the entrance of the temple is so filthy and bloody. When it's clear, won't it have a peculiar smell, attracting the wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains, birds of prey and beasts?"

"It's very disrespectful to the temple where the Buddha is."

But Gu Zheng, the last one to return to the temple, gently waved his hand, and his eyes looked far down the mountain.

"Don't be afraid, someone destined to clean up the road for us, brothers and sisters, listen to my orders and seal the mountain!"

As the voice fell, it was his younger brothers on the left and right sides who slowly pushed the big stone on the mountain pass on the wall of the temple to the middle.

Yima took the lead and led the crowd to return to the outside of the temple, and the third gate, Zhu Yuanzhang, appeared, only to see the last scene inside the Huangjue Temple.

The big rocks on both sides moved rumblingly, sealing the mountain gate, and also blocking everyone's continued forward footsteps.

In the crevices of stones that are getting smaller and closer together, only the vaguely bright yellow figure can be seen, and the last look, calm and watery eyes.

A faint sigh came out from the temple, as if the closure of the mountain this time was like a decisive farewell.

"Junior Brother Zhu, please stop."

"The poor monk knows why you are here, but can only send you a word of peace of mind."

"The poor monk is a monk who is not involved in the mortal dust. The reason for the love of brothers and sisters is also the reason for the decrees of the Buddha."

"Today, the mountain is closed, and before the world is up and down, I will never open the mountain gate again and come into contact with the world."

"And the brother has only three small requirements for you."

"Oh?" Zhu Yuanzhang, who was blocked at the front door, listened to Gu Zheng's words, and he was relieved when he saw such decisive actions.


ps: The urban adventure king of entertainment, a new book by my friend Chen Erfa, you can read it if you like

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