When Shen Wansan suddenly realized that he was a little surprised by the cleverness of these monks, a voice faintly sounded behind him: "Amitabha, the gate of the small temple is closed. I don't know how the donor stayed in the temple?"

The startled Shen Wansan turned his head, his somewhat horrified face was immediately filled with a flattering smile: "It's a master of desirelessness, I've been waiting for you here for a long time since I was young."

"Why? This donor recognizes the poor monk? And I don't know what is going on waiting for the poor monk here?"

"This" Shen Wansan looked around cautiously. The knowledgeable Gu Zheng immediately understood. He stretched out his hand in the direction of the backyard and said: "Since there is something for the donor, please follow me to the backyard monastery."

After finishing talking, he didn't care about Shen Wansan's reaction, and led the way straight ahead.

When the two of them were sitting in the Zen room, Shen Wansan was too lazy to even greet Gu Zheng with a straight eyebrow, and asked Gu Zheng: "Master, I was in the grass in the side hall just now. ...I overheard the words of the benefactor Zhu."

Gu Zheng nodded calmly and looked at Shen Wansan, trying to figure out what he wanted to do.

Who knows that this fat man, who has gradually become blessed because of his wealth, actually threw himself and knelt in front of Gu Zheng, grabbed his monk's robe, and began to mourn.

"Master, I must save me. I don't know that it is the emperor of the dynasty. If I know his identity, how dare I yell at him."

"Now that the emperor has been scolded by me, the big figures behind him have also become terrapins."

"I'm a little businessman, what can I do!"

Hearing Gu Zheng laughed here, he gently shook his head and returned: "This matter is said to be serious, but it is really serious, but it is very simple to deal with it."

The more this happened, the more Shen Wansan felt that he had grasped an extremely strong golden finger. He had only one idea in his head. As long as the host could save his family and his own life, let him Shen Wansan does everything he does, and he will not say anything else.

Seeing Shen Wansan under his feet, showing the expression of your eldest brother at random orders, Gu Zheng was very satisfied and went on.

"This Da Ming Dynasty was established at the beginning of the founding of the country.

"Not to mention the country's infrastructure, but the yamen roads in remote areas have not even a basic construction."

"Not to mention, there are countless people on this land where we are, who can't even eat a full meal."

"The founding emperor nowadays is so sad that he can't even eat his food. I heard that the queen of horses actually weaves and cuts clothes in the harem, in order to reduce the expenditure of the court and share the worries for the emperor."

"And these kinds of things need nothing more than one kind, but this kind of thing does not bring death or not, it is the most indispensable thing for the donor."

"That's money?" Shen Wansan, who was kneeling below, unconsciously said what was in his heart.

And Gu Zheng nodded instructively, and continued: "The deeds of the benefactor Shen, the poor monk has long heard of it. You made a fortune because of this Huangjue Temple, and you will also be defeated because of this Huangjue Temple."

"But before things are irreversible, you still have a chance to save your family and even your business."

"Presumably, as long as the donor does what I suggest, all kind deeds and donations are thought to be done and implemented in the name of the emperor. According to the emperor, you have a lot of heart and mind, and you always have a silver lining for the donor."

Hearing this, Shen Wansan lowered his head and thought for a long time, and finally put down Gu Zheng's monk robe, brushed the dust on his body, and bowed to Gu Zheng.

"I'm Shen Wansan, thank you for your advice. I won't feel bad about how much money I spend. As long as the people are still there, I can still earn it back."

"When my crisis is over, the believer Shen Wansan will definitely return to Huangjue Temple to rebuild the temple and donate the money for wishing sesame oil to help Huangjue Temple become famous all over the world and become the largest temple in the Ming Dynasty! "

Well, with a word from you, the richest man, I can also leave with peace of mind.

However, Gu Zheng still did not relax. He just swept over his body, and then continued: "But I have one more sentence to give to the donor."

"If the donor has the opportunity to see His Majesty the Emperor again that day, please be simple and tidy."

"No," Gu Zheng shook his head again as if thinking of something, "It won't work just from now on, the donor needs to be like this from now on."

"The guards around the emperor are all pervasive. He can also understand the sudden change in your behavior."

"You should start dressing lightly from tomorrow, otherwise the extravagant dressing alone will make His Majesty the Emperor think that you have hidden your wealth and have not sincerely dedicated it to the country."

"Even if you know that you will continue to earn money later, he will only think that you are a golden hen who keeps placing orders, from the original one-cut meat cut to a captive squeeze."

"At that time, let alone me, an ordinary monk, can't save you. Even if you lose your fortune, he will suspect that the foundation of your house is paved with gold bricks, thinking that you are hiding your wealth."

After all, Gu Zheng knew Zhu Yuanzhang, and when Shen Wansan wanted to understand, he had already knocked down the eight big rings on his two hands.

Not to mention the other ding-dong decorations on his body, which he threw aside without hesitation.

These invaluable things were actually given by Shen Wansan like hot yam, and they were stuffed into Gu Zheng's arms.

When he finished all his actions, he was almost disheveled out.

The pearls inlaid on the boots under his feet, the white jade carved on the crown of his hat, the accessories that fell on the waist and the bottom of the robe, all reached Gu Zheng's table.

When he repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing obtrusive on his body, he was helped down the mountain gate by the servants around him under the kind comfort of Gu Zheng.

For this reason, he also watched the strangeness of the sliding door again, but this point was amazed, only after turning around, he forgot it.

He just wanted to use his horse and whip to chase the emperor's sedan chair to show his sincerity.

After the Huangjue Temple was truly quiet, Gu Zheng looked at the Jinshan Yinshan in front of him and smiled.

Before he left, he found a long-term investor for the Huangjue Temple, who was still an absolute local tyrant.

So, even if the mission of the strongest abbot is left, the client can still rely on his own ability to complete it.

Even so, he didn't have any unfulfilled wishes in this world. He stayed outside for too long, and it was time to go home and rest.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng placed himself neatly on the bed, and with the newly held rosary in his hands, he slowly began to recite the Heart-Cleaning Mantra, and he was ready to return.

After a short period of effort, the room was full of Jinhua, the whole Buddhist room was filled with golden light spots, and a small white soul ball with a golden golden ball slowly drifted out of the monk's body.

It was originally going to carry this small ball fast, but it only felt that the pulling behind it had actually slowed the forward speed by a few points.

So Gu Zheng's soul body turned his head very strangely, and he dragged a whole string behind his ass.

Hooking his laugh and forgetting book with his tail, it was actually bitten on the face of the abbot's little green ball, so fierce that it was dragged out of the client's body along with it.

Although the abbot's little green ball can't compete with Xiaowangshu in terms of shape or ability, it will cry if it can't stand it.

It really hurts on one side, and it's just for help on the other.

"Woo, elder brother, don't eat me! I'm going to upgrade when I watch, help, help the master of desirelessness!"

And its miserable performance really attracted reinforcements. The reason why Liao Wangshu did not swallow the little green ball is because the little green ball was still holding one tightly at the back waist. The soul of the client of this world.

Looking at it from the perspective of Gu Zheng's soul body, it is almost one drag three. It is no wonder that his pace of return ~www.readwn.com~ is so slow.

I really can't stand the scene of the darts, Gu Zheng, who was in front of me, yelled annoyedly: "Stop it for me!"

"What are you all doing!"


"Resistance before surviving!"

"Save the innocent victims!"

There is nothing wrong with the answer. But if it goes on like this, no one wants to feel comfortable.

So Gu Zheng, who was very powerful among them, spoke.

"You, that means you, the abbot system, spit out the energy recently absorbed. Don't ask me why, the monk behind you can't complete the hidden system."

"Now you take the initiative and take it out obediently. I only charge you 6%...not 70% of your energy, but if you dare to resist for a while, it will be the fate of being swallowed by people. In this world There is no longer something called the strongest abbot system."

"I think you don't want to end up like this, and I remember that as long as you have a life left in this world, the collection of energy will one day be achieved by you."

After saying this, Gu Zheng didn't say anything, just relying on his understanding of the little green ball system that strayed and rolled at every turn, that person could also make the most wise choice.

Sure enough, not long after Gu Zheng finished speaking, the abbot's little green ball happily spit out a green energy ball, and as the energy ball detached, his body, which had already turned into a blue color, instantly changed. Get green and emerald green.

It hurts a bit, and the heart is pumping, but still respectfully holding this little energy ball into Xiao Wangshu's hands.

The other party nodded very satisfied with its performance of wit, using its gluttonous mouth, swallowing the full energy in one mouthful.

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