The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 289: World 7 playback (1)

This time, it didn’t bite the little green ball anymore. Instead, it happily turned around on the opponent’s head and followed Gu Zheng’s soul body honestly, hand in hand with him. , Come back together.

Then, the world is shining brightly, and after a burst of dazzling golden light has dissipated, there will be no traces of Gu Zheng and Xiao Wangshu in this space.

The client's soul body on the side, carrying a little thin green ball, happily did not enter his body, and after a short period of effort, the world fell into peace.

These two distressed brothers, who were tired and shocked, quickly fell asleep in the newly furnished Buddhist room by Gu Zheng.

No one saw that the door of the old presiding house in this temple was pushed open at this moment.

This old man who is dedicated to worshipping Buddha actually looked at his apprentice's room with feeling.

Putting his hands together in that direction, he bowed a deep bow, and said melancholy: "Is it still the end of the day? Why am I dazzled to see the Buddha?"

Then, there was only a sigh.

These scenes are naturally invisible to Gu Zheng, who has returned to the real world.

He turned on the desk lamp in the study, and slowly waited for the golden light on Liao Wangshu to dissipate.

Then he found that he had an extra pouch in his hand that he had never seen before.


In each world, he brought back one or two commemorative items at random. How come there are some differences in this world?

Seeing that Gu Zheng looked at the thing in his hand silently, laughing and forgetting the book while digesting energy, he answered the question for his host very dogmatically.

"Master Gu, because of this seventh world, you have given everything to the emperor on your side, Lao Er, and you have nothing to worry about with people or things over there."

"The only thing that is a little hypocritical is the abbot system."

"It may be thanks to you for your help and escape from danger. I specially gave you a sachet containing amulets."

"You know, the monk system, the most important thing is causality, it gives you this thing, even if it is repaying your kindness."


Gu Zheng, who had originally got up to throw this half-finger-sized sachet into the treasure chest, stopped, his hand stopped.

After thinking about it for a while, I began to rummaged through the drawers in the study.

Within a moment of effort, I found a very well-equipped sewing box, picked out a red string of proper thickness, passed it through the sachet, and hung it on my bare neck.

"This thing is exquisitely handcrafted and of high quality. No one knows the yellow talisman paper inside as long as it is not taken out."

"It's pretty old-fashioned to take it with you. I like this kind of person who knows what to report."

Seeing Gu Zheng's satisfaction, Xiao Wangshu was a little bit jealous, and it turned the topic out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"Master Gu, do you want to watch the replay of the Seventh World?"

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't plan to watch it, because for him it was just a world that adjusts the mind, everything is so simple, if it weren't for a few gags...

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng nodded his head, and focused on the friendship of those few people.

So Gu Zheng and Xiao Wangshu, using the owner's psychology of watching pets, opened the seventh page of Xiao Wangshu.

The golden light in the pages of the book slowly rises, and a real perspective gradually appears in the lens.

I saw a distant mountain that was magnificent and magnificent, with many twists and turns, and it was a beautiful scenery.

It's a pity that such a beautiful and mysterious scenery is completely destroyed by the crowded conditions at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of this mountain, there is a straight and wide road with double lanes, but this is far from alleviating its current congestion at this time.

The rows of vehicles heading up the mountain, waiting for the parking space at the foot of the mountain, can't see the end from the side of the mountain.

The entry of the tourist buses with the marks of various travel agencies also shows that this mountain is a well-known tourist attraction.

Ai Beibei was one of this group of tourists. After he took the Little Red Riding Hood helplessly, after helping his mother from the bus, his thoughts drooped and followed at the end of the line.

He really regretted his temporary benevolence.

After the college entrance examination was over, how could he faint, and in that **** little sad eyes, he went to participate in the thematic tour of what Buddhist believers traveled through the five mountains and three mountains.

It was his mother who believed in Buddhism, mumbling in his ear every day. He was frail and sick when he was a child. Thanks to the visit to Huangjue Temple on Fengyang Mountain, the host at the time also asked the host to pray for blessings. Fa conference, he can grow to such a big disease-free and disaster-free.

For the materialist Ai Beibei, this is simply nonsense, but now he dare not say something bad about the Buddha among this group of fanatical old men and old ladies.

Otherwise, let alone someone else, even his own mother can take him into a living and unable to take care of himself.

Thinking of this, Ai Beibei could only casually cast his eyes on the big **** of the foremost tour guide sister.

Why did the Buddha say this?

A big **** is good for health.

As he was thinking about it, the old lady on the side suddenly stuffed a heavy package into his arms: "Oh, it's not working, you are getting old, you can hold this scented candle tribute for your mother."

Ai Beibei looked in his arms and found that this was actually a bonus provided by the tour group, a hand-held scented candle bag, or not to mention that the current tourism industry is highly competitive, and they have begun to provide this kind of considerate service.

But before he was silent for a few seconds, his benevolent mother started to show off the benefits of having a son accompanied by his companions who had formed a solid revolutionary friendship during the journey.

"Oh, Lao Zhang, how old are you, how can you go up the mountain with so many things, north, north, help you Aunt Zhang fight the bag."

"Oh, Xiao Li, why did you bring a box of water, son, my son from the north, come and help you Aunt Li also carry it."

After a short period of effort, Ai Beibei became a Zen-inspired movable tree full of Buddhist supplies. He had no thoughts of random thoughts, and he just wanted to quickly reach the end of their trip. The holy place of Buddhism in Mingguo, Huangjue Temple.

It is said that this is the birthplace of the first emperor of the Daming Kingdom.

And what accompanied this legendary emperor's voice were all kinds of miracles that happened in this ancient temple.

And the reason why they were able to pass the turbulent years safely, the dynasty and tribe of Zhu surname can be passed down to this day, and the function of this temple is also very important.

Once upon a time, during the invasion of foreign powers and the great upheavals of the constitutional monarchy, the figure of Huangjue Temple was always involved.

The generations of emperors in the Da Ming country seem to have become a tacit tradition.

Once there was something terrifying and life-threatening events happened, they all ran into the Huangjue Temple one by one.

But let's not say, this temple seems to be born to protect the royal family. As long as it can be safely withdrawn into this temple, no matter how critical things are, it will be able to reduce the dangers in the dark.

Take the modern history of the world described in the textbook, the global world war, for example.

It has smoothly transitioned to the constitutional monarchy of the Ming Dynasty, and is immersing itself in the development of its industrial technology and people's livelihood architecture. Suddenly, several poor countries around it, Qi Qi, are attacking it.

It was beyond their own control, and they attacked this powerful and wealthy country together.

Let this country that only knows to steal the rich, almost caught off guard.

But the royal family of this country, it clearly has the right to speak in the country's military and political affairs, and it is not too important, but this group of people is still very cautious and moved to the interior of Huangjue Temple~www.readwn. com~ As long as the Zhu family who have a bit of succession qualifications, they seem to be particularly afraid of death.

Fortunately, the Huangjue Temple at that time had already built a wooden Buddhist Zen house like a small villa under the Buddha statue of the Reclining Buddha in the back mountain.

It is said that the first history of these houses can be traced back to an era earlier than the Ming Dynasty.

As for the treasures of geomantic omen, which are surrounded by mountains and rivers, now only people from the old Zhu family and some dignitaries of Mingguo can get a glimpse of the mystery.

There is a holy place not open to ordinary people.

It is said that living in it for a day will eliminate all diseases.

Ai Beibei has only one action for such feudal superstitions, and that is to prop up his nostrils without saying a word.

When their team finally made a passage in the mountain road of the white jade steps and squeezed to the gate of Huangjue Temple on the top of the mountain, Ai Beibei seemed to have been ravaged a hundred times. Embarrassed.

He took off his short-sleeved T-shirt a little indifferently, intending to twist the sweat on the upper side, and let his mother see his own troubles, but he was slapped on the back by the other party.

"You bear boy! Dare to be disrespectful to the Buddha! Hurry up and put on my clothes, what do you look like naked!"

Ai Beibei, who was snarled and grinned, had only one Cao Nima running past in his heart.

I'm not a woman, so what's wrong with being naked and being seen by others, and vice versa, the Buddha in this Huangjue Temple is not a woman, so what does it mean to see a gentleman with a bare backbone?

But he really didn't dare to say this to his mother, because the **** mother who was squeezing in with the large army was showing off to others that she had made a wish for her son before the college entrance examination this time, and this time she came to reciprocate the wish. .

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