The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 302: Primary Selection of School Painting Exhibition

It's very embarrassing for people to do sports with you.

Director Tie was very embarrassed, but there was no expression on his face. He was still the thick-skinned old Tie, giving orders casually on the court.

"Is Gu Zheng ready?"


"Each place, prepare, bang!"

It was quite rare. There was a starting gun, but it was useless. On the contrary, Gu Zheng, who did not engage in sports, was taken aback. Even the start was slow for two seconds.

This allowed the old comrade Tie on the side to finally find a sense of superiority in him.

He seemed to be an expert, letting the leader of the track and field team record it.

"Remember, before the game, we need to focus on training, Gu Zheng's adaptability in the starting stage."

"Look at it now. At the start, because you didn't get used to the starting gun, it was two seconds late, right?"

"Two seconds is also a very serious gap for marathon and long-distance running."

"In these two seconds, an athlete's ranking may be determined!"

"Not to mention in sprinting, it is simply the difference in whether you can compete."

"In this regard, we are still our professional athletes, doing better."

After listening to this, the leader on the side could only laugh.

Just kidding, professional people don't have Gu Zheng's condition.

While the Municipal Sports Commission was intensively preparing for the Capital International Marathon Invitational, the opposite was the attitude of the State Sports Commission towards this competition.

In the entire track and field team, athletes practicing long-distance running are now having a small meeting, and everyone is discussing who is the most suitable to participate.

Because this year's Capital International Marathon is too close to the Tokyo Marathon, the only international marathon in Asia that is eligible for wmm.

It may have a certain impact on the marathon runner's race status and response.

Therefore, the country also needs to consider many aspects in terms of the schedule.

After all, the international 6wmm is also an event with the highest gold content in the reported results of the Olympics and the International Track and Field Championships.

In contrast, the Capital International Marathon, although it is also the IAAF and the standard A-level track.

But in terms of gold content and influence, it is one level behind.

As some veteran athletes with rich competition experience, naturally they don't have to choose which competition to participate in.

Therefore, it is rare that for the first time in such an unpopular movement, it is the first time to consider comprehensively in terms of decision-making.

But sitting at the end of the conference room, the two young people at the back of the team looked at each other and sighed helplessly in their hearts.

For the Capital International Marathon, you don't need to look at the results of the leaders' discussions. It must be the two of them, who didn't run.

Who made them good seedlings who were just selected by their respective sports colleges?

Originally, when they first joined the team, they heard from their team leader. In fact, this time they planned to investigate Gu Zheng, who won the first place in the marathon.

But when he heard that his identity turned out to be an ordinary person, their team leader's heart to solicit was gone.

He just regarded him as an ordinary long-distance running enthusiast who hit the big luck.

Because the gap between amateur players and professional players is too big.

In their opinion, the results of the half marathon are far worse than the professional competitions of the full marathon.

As an ordinary person, it is difficult to achieve results in the full marathon, even if it persists, it is considered a miracle.

Because, doubling the distance means more stringent physical fitness and harder to imagine the amount of training.

They also don't want to invest more manpower and material resources in order to cultivate an unknown ordinary person.

After all, for the long-distance running track team like Shimizu Yamen, every money is precious.

Therefore, Gu Zheng was perfectly hidden by Director Tie and used it as a big killer.

And this big killer, at the end of the small meeting of the National Sports Commission, he also perfectly ran a basic half marathon in the municipal party committee.

And from the team leader's hands, got a schedule of daily training volume.

Because these training and event arrangements determine whether Gu Zheng can continue to participate in higher-level marathons.

Now the international registration for marathon is relatively loose.

But there is only one event, which is very demanding.

That is the Olympics.

For all marathons, national-level men's runners must achieve a weekly training volume of more than 749%, while the world-level runners must achieve a weekly running volume of 759%.

What is this concept?

That is, in addition to daily training, you have to run at least one and a half half marathons every week, or three quarters of the kilometers of a full marathon.

You can apply for the Olympic Games.

Of course, if you are a frequent visitor to the top ten on the top 6 wmm, people will naturally make an exception and issue you a direct entry ticket for the competition.

This is the difference between well-known players and ordinary players.

The rules of the competition are as strict here.

This is a piece of cake for Gu Zheng.

Because the amount of his morning jog is one hour every morning, the speed is like a small electric motor. It takes a quarter of the distance around the moat, one back and forth.

Director Tie, after seeing the results of this time, only ten seconds longer than the previous one, he waved his hand very excitedly and released Gu Zheng.

To say that with Jiao Zheng's control ability, he almost finished running in one hour. The Asian record he set was not counted as a result, he might really be able to break this time.

But on this indoor track and field track, he turned round and round, dizzy.

It's not like a marathon. Looking at the scenery around you, there are spectators next to me, so I feel refreshed and cheered.

Gu Zheng, who came out and walked home, had only one thought and was dizzy.

The most terrible thing is that he has to face the dizziness and go to the evening class at night.

Because their school recently launched a comprehensive competition within the campus.

The top three prizes are still quite a lot.

The first place, 8888 yuan, almost caught up with the one-year tuition.

As a member of the stingy army, Gu Zheng would naturally not let go of such a perfect opportunity.

And now his savings are as high as 70,000 yuan. If you get this bonus, then buying a scooter worth about 100,000 yuan is not a dream.

The premise is that he can draw.

As a young man with well-connected friends and friends all over Hongmen Village, he has asked for a cigarette gun and brought him ten books for drivers who still have no plans to buy a car.

If he hadn't been possessed by the **** of depravity during the draw in this issue, there should still be great hope for drawing a brand of Jings, Jingq.

What's more, their professional instructors paid special attention to this competition.

Because among them, the School of Re-education will select and send the best works in each grade to participate in the annual painting and calligraphy exhibition of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

This is a platform to promote oneself, and it is also an internal evaluation of the students in the school.

It is said that if at this exhibition, professors from various departments who have also been invited to visit will stick their favorite nameplates.

Then the one with the most audience can get the prize of the competition from the Department of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Although it does not have the wealth and wealth of the School of Social Sciences, there is always five or six thousand dollars.

With that being the case, Gu Zheng felt that the ten years he had been in the world were not in vain.

Because the life of a boring ascetic monk, apart from copying Buddhist scriptures, is to practice some paintings to get rid of that boring life for himself.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng arrived in the classroom, he felt for the first time the enthusiasm of the students who had been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Although our painting technique is simply terrible.

But I couldn't stand the judges and the reviewing teachers, and suddenly my brains were convulsed, and I found out that my work is actually an unborn master's work?

The more you are engaged in art, the more common this kind of fault is.

Even if what he painted was really a pile of shit, in their hearts, he was the talented Leonardo.

The reason why I am not well-known and depressed is that you mortals and me who don't understand artists.

In short, Gu Zheng was shocked by the full-blown classroom scene.

Carrying the calligraphy and painting that he had drawn at home a few days ago, he cautiously found an unobtrusive corner in the studio and sat down.

In fact, since the beginning of the course, except for the necessary professional courses and the basic courses related to design, Gu Zheng has basically not taken some basic theoretical subjects on weekdays.

For him, who is considered to be a high school at any rate, it is just a simple memorization of memory courses and self-study at home, but it is more effective.

Therefore, classmates who are not familiar with him did not have much reaction to his quiet appearance, but to Zhang Yifan, who has been paying attention to him since the beginning of school and inexplicably regarded Gu Zheng as an idol in his heart. Said, but it was extremely excited.

Ever since Gu Zheng sneaked in through the front door, Bai Mao Zhang Yifan didn't care about chatting with an awl face in the front row, and ran to Gu Zheng in three steps and two steps.

"Idol, idol, you are here! It's so difficult!"

"I'll tell you!" Zhang Yifan tore off a large blank page from his sketchbook, and handed it in front of Gu Zheng with scorching eyes: "I've caught you. Now, idol, sign me!"

After speaking, he put a marker on it.

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