The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 303: Entries: Panorama of Minzhe Anti-Japanese War

Author: Erbao Angel

Gu Zheng was at a loss for this behavior. He was very calm and looked at Zhang Yifan on the opposite side, wanting to see why he was so confused.

Whoever thinks, Zhang Yifan's brain is quite flexible. When he looked at Gu Zheng's expression, he slapped his thigh in a daze: "Hey! Did you scare you?"

"I know that idols are idols, they must be the kind that rarely pays attention to the news."

"I'll show it to you," Zhang Yifan lifted up his fruit 7, opened the Weibo reposted video, and handed it to Gu Zheng.

"Brother Ou, look, is the city management in this video you? I told you, brother, when I watched this video for the first time, I recognized you at a glance."

"But I didn't tell anyone about this."

"This superhero has a few good brothers who cover his whereabouts for him. Really, you must be the city guard who walks at night."

This is correct. The reason why Gu Zheng did not do the task in the past two days is to cope with the things that are ensuing now, and on the other hand, he has been doing night work all the time.

In the street he was in charge of, all the lamb skewers came out because of the hot weather.

The food stalls of ordinary small restaurants occupy the roads, which is relatively light. Those unlicensed hawkers and unclean Mala Tang are the big ones they want to drive and arrest.

That night, until two or three o'clock in the morning, Gu Zheng and Fu Sheng didn't do anything else. In their area, Guang Zhou turned around.

Just as he was thinking, Zhang Yifan on the side also touched Gu Zheng's arm with his elbow and urged: "My buddies and I are bragging, none of them believe it."

"If I get your signature, I will show it off in front of them!"

"There are a few of my buddies who can admire you. They all have money and thieves, and they are the craziest in our circle."

"They said, your combat power can be equivalent to De Maria in the League of Legends. Invincible!"

"Otherwise, how can I say, you are my idol? Right, brother!"

Looking at each other, Gu Zheng just shook his head helplessly and signed the name on the white paper.

After only a while, their head teacher walked into the studio and put aside the basic data sheets for the game.

Then started the main content of this class.

"Well, everyone knows what our main idea is in this class, right?"

"If you want to participate in this competition, I will get the application form after class."

"In this work exhibition course, you can apply to participate in this competition if you have similar works. Is it important to participate?"

"But if anyone wants to pass the blunder, first pass the first pass. You can't pass my pass."

"Yes, as you imagine, I will judge the first round of the knockout."

"Don't tell me that I cheated or that I was trying to get results. I'm doing this for your good."

"Just to go to our school for the competition works, we first need three or more professors from the Central Academy of Fine Arts to be selected."

"Those works that are too low-level will only discredit our re-education college, and let the teachers and students who look down on our college have more material to laugh at us."

"So, for the sake of your head teacher, my face, and for your own face! I will eliminate one round first, you have no objections!"

"No comment"

The answer to this sentence is feeble.

Seeing that his students reacted like this, the head teacher didn't intend to make the family hopeless.

He added encouragingly: "Of course, I don't have any requirements for the number of works."

"As long as the quality of your work can meet my eyes, I won't be stuck with you from participating in the competition."

"So, if everyone's work is enough for the competition, I won't stop you from signing up!"

so! The students' eyes lit up again after hearing this.

They thought it would be the same as when they were in school. Only the top few good students selected by the teacher can represent the class or the school in the competition.

If it is true according to what the head teacher said, then this standard is not too harsh!

The students who had rekindled hope began to hang their own paintings on the drawing boards in front of them.

However, in the process of sorting out the display, everyone shook his head.

not good!

They forgot that there was a monster in their class.

He didn't have much contact with everyone on weekdays, but he looked like a top schoolmaster Gu Zheng. He has always been the master of Shenlong, who has never seen the end. What level of work has he taken this time to participate in the competition?

The quality of his works may be directly related to the life and death of his paintings.

Thinking of this, the students in this room didn't care about hanging the paintings, but searched for Gu Zheng's location in the classroom.

"There! Hey, look at him hanging up the painting."

"I'm going, why is it a Chinese painting again? It's over, can't he spend a little oil painting!"

"Damn it, look at the location he is looking for, we can't see what he drew!"

"Hey! Isn't it more shameless? Or let's all be shameless together, share the pressure of the thickness of the skin, let's go over and have a look together."

After speaking, this classmate's proposal was accepted. Everyone dropped their work first and started to squeeze towards Gu Zheng.

When they got to this small corner, they realized that someone had come here first.

After seeing this group of classmates who would come to fight, Zhang Yifan didn't do it.

"Hey what are you doing? Be reserved, understand?"

"Are you looking for something? I tell you not to humiliate yourself, but anyone who tries to oppose my Gu brother is just looking for a fight."

"Believe it or not, just like you, can Gu brother beat you ten?"

A tall male classmate on one side rounded Zhang Yifan’s neck and pulled him out: "Don’t make trouble, buddies, we all come here to look at Gu Zheng’s masterpiece, don’t stand in here, give me a place."

Before this was finished, a painting was hung up by Gu Zheng.

In this painting, the layout is no longer a traditional vertical painting, but a horizontal scroll scene painting.

As for this masterpiece, which was assembled by several drawing boards, once Gu Zheng set it up, all the students who had just gathered around were left to get air-conditioned.

This turned out to be a realistic painting with characters and scenes similar to the Shanghe Tu during the Qingming Festival.

And this painting is not a scene of modern life.

On the contrary, it is quite like a historical scene hundreds of years ago.

In the upper left corner of this painting, a small poem written in line script is also mentioned, describing the artistic conception of this painting at that time.

As I said above, this is a real scene of the army fighting foreign invaders in ancient times. Looking at the characterization above, it is almost lifelike.

Whether they are soldiers in the army or the Japanese pirates they are fighting, they are like the most authentic portrayal of that era, with a sense of historical age.

Although everyone is not studying history, just looking at this painting, you only feel that it is very full of ancient charm.

It is extremely rare for a painter to make paintings full of spiritual charm.

This is the spirituality of painting that the painting and calligraphy circles always emphasize.

Even if the basic skills are a little bit worse, a spiritual painter will always let people who watch the paintings feel the vividness of his paintings, or the emotional reaction of the heart when he sees it.

In short, this is a skill that can be met but not sought.

Craftsmanship, this is something that all painters want to abandon throughout their lives, but for a painter who is spiritual, it is like a gift from God, and there is no such thing at all.

You say it makes people jealous.

Anyway, the classmates around Gu Zheng are all jealous.

But Zhang Yifan's next sentence made them wake up in an instant.

"I'll go! Gu Ge is indeed my idol, this is the painting, but if our head teacher sees it, he must take your work directly to the What's the matter with us? Ah, that's okay, everyone has finished reading the paintings, and they are all washed and asleep, let's go, let's go!"

It was just such a sentence, with a bang, the classmates who were in a circle quickly dispersed, ran to their respective positions, and did not care about hanging the work on the drawing board, and took it directly. The work squeezed in front of the class teacher who had just walked down from the podium.

"Teacher, let's take a look at my paintings first. My paintings have far-reaching intentions and have the characteristics of the abstract genre."

"No, Professor, you look at me first, my paintings are very small, and you can finish them at a glance."

"Don't, teacher, don't think my drawing board is big, there is a still life sketch inside, there is nothing beside it. It won't be a waste of effort at all!"

And the besieged class teacher had already seen their small actions in private, and just rolled his eyes and returned: "Don't worry, I will be the last in the row with Gu Zheng."

"I also know that if I read his work first, I guess our class won't have to choose someone else."

"Okay, don't worry about coming one by one."

The students who were finally comforted by what the head teacher said were satisfied.

They returned to their seats separately, waiting for the final review by the head teacher.

I don't know if it is their illusion, this time the review is particularly strict.

Many of the students whose professional grades are in the upper middle and upper levels on weekdays have been eliminated from their paintings.

When I finally walked in front of Gu Zheng, there were only two more works in the hands of the head teacher.

This is really no way. In this kind of public evaluation, if you are still too loose as usual, then there is only one end waiting for their head teacher.

That is the endless ridicule, and the impression that the school leaders are very incompetent.

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