The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 317: 1 mouth of the Qiuchu machine in Yantai cavity

Following his horse speed, there is a leisurely sentiment to chat with himself.

"What's your name for the little hero?"

"Uh, Haigu Duzheng."

"Did you know that these white rabbits are raised in captivity?"

"Yeah. I know."

"Know that you still take it!"

Upon hearing this, the old Taoist blew his beard and stared, and both his white eyebrows were raised in anger, which seemed a bit funny.

"But the wild animals in the beast courtyard are basically for us generals and soldiers."

"After raising it for three or two days, it also fell into the stomach. Who cares if it is raised by someone?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist was stunned, as if talking to himself, and as if discussing with Gu Zheng: "Yes, it seems that I want Da Khan to send me a special person to stare at."

"And brat, do you think these rabbits are ordinary rabbits? They are medicine rabbits!"

"What is Medicine Rabbit?"

"It's a rabbit who is here to try the effects of herbal medicine, whether it is poisonous, whether it is strong or not, and what is the root of the effect!"

"I go!"

Hearing this, Gu Zheng was terrified. He subconsciously asked, "You keep these rabbits in the animal yard? Then the rabbits that died along the way? Are they all taken away by the soldiers in charge of meals? ?"

When the old Tao was asked this way, he twisted his beard again: "I don't know!"

"Ah!" Gu Zheng's shocked eyes widened!

If a rabbit was poisoned and died after eating seven-step guttata, another soldier would throw it into the cauldron of soup.

The consequences are not wonderful just to think about it.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's brain replenishment hasn't been brought to its fullest. Instead, the old Taoist laughed loudly: "It's just for you."

"Which of those dead rabbits didn't pretend to be tragic, how could they be taken away by the soldiers again?"

"Of course I was buried on the spot by the Taoist priest."

"Don't underestimate the role of these rabbits. I traveled northwest along the way. Everywhere I go, these little things are the most tenacious thing in life."

"There are 18 kinds of herbal medicines that are useful and medicinal for humans alone."

"When I returned to the Central Plains and worked out a suitable prescription and measurement, these little animals would have done a great job."

"Even if it is to contribute their strength to the people in this troubled world."

"And such a hero, who just took the medicine, was thrown into the wilderness to feed the eagle! Your heart won't hurt!"


Seeing the old Taoist priest still running on horseback, his face and heart beaten, Gu Zheng was suddenly choked on the spot by the opponent's divine logic.

Helpless, he had to point to the banquet table: "Master, the banquet table over there is coming."

"I will go up to the banquet. Although I don't know who you are, I advise you to slow down, or go home with the little white rabbit and find your mother."

This persuasion seems to be persuading a child.

But the old Taoist who heard this showed a triumphant smile at Gu Zheng, suddenly turned around, and screamed towards the high platform: "Tian Khan on the Mongolian grassland, can I also let the old Taoist Enjoy the moon at the end of the moon, how about cheering up the wine and talking?"

As for Temujin on the high platform, after seeing the true face of the Taoist priest, he stood happily and returned to the top position. It was not until the old Taoist ran to the front that his face showed joy. Expressions.

After he heard the old Taoist's question, he was actually very happy. The old Taoist who started walking here with Gu Zheng, who turned over and got off the horse, greeted enthusiastically: "Qiu Daochang's request, I How can you refuse?"

"Guard! Don't hurry up beside me and add another seat! By the way, put a futon on Daochang Qiu. He is a cultivator and can't sit on our blanket!"


Seeing this old man beside him received such courtesy from his grandfather, Gu Zheng on the side was really surprised and suspicious.

The footsteps that walked side by side with him also slowed down by three points.

When he was in the wrong position behind the old Taoist priest, he tentatively asked his own question.

"Qiu Daochang, where are you?"

"Fang Wai Savage, not worth mentioning."

"You always have your full name? Grandpa?"

"Hey! Good grandson! Really obedient, if you don't change your name, you won't change your name, Naiqiu Chuji is the same."

Ha ha

Ha ha ha...

Gu Zheng took a step back quite naturally. Then he asked without giving up, "Does your old man live a long time this year?"

"seventy four!"

The accent has a taste of Penglai people in Yantai.

Go! Go! Go!

Another figure that had been poisoned by Mr. Jin 10,000 times began to roll in his mind.

When he threw the image of the brave master from his mind, he was already standing on the banquet table and was praised by the crowd.

"Awesome, Haigu Duzheng, what a kid!"

"Would you like to be the captain of my Divine Bow team, and work hard. From now on, Uncle Zhebie's team will pass it on to you!"

"Let them take a look, the archer is also the number one warrior of our Mongolian country!"

Looking at Uncle Zhebie, the first time he showed a sincere smile, Gu Zheng, as a junior, was smirking at these uncles.

And Qiu Chuji, who was already seated at the head, didn't forget to add two comments to him.

"I looked good at the kid too."

"With a flexible mind and knowing that other people's things are used as bait, such a child will not suffer."

"I said the little general, quickly show you the black eagle you just hunted. After all, you shot it, but you have the credit for the rabbits in my arms."

Qiu Chuji ordered the guards beside him to make several cages of his baby rabbits separately, and did not forget to knock Gu Zheng a few times.

And his words also successfully shifted the attention of the people around him to the huge black eagle in Gu Zheng's hands at this time.

"Yes, Haigu is all clank, show your trophies to everyone."

Therefore, at this moment, Gu Zheng bent one knee toward Temujin with one leg, and held the eagle, which was not yet stiff, with his hands in front of Temujin.

A golden arrow stick entered from the black eagle's left eye, and then came out from the back of his head, showing the exquisiteness of the arrow.

When everyone saw the trajectory of the arrow, they shouted in their hearts. Gu Zheng said, "The king in the sky should be given to the real prey on this earth." After the Wang Khan, the whole house was greeted with applause.

To Gu Zheng, and even to Genji Si Khan, they admired King Khan from their hearts.

Just when Temujin was almost complimented by the surrounding generals, the cooked delicacy was brought up.

And Gu Zheng could finally sit on Guiyou's hands, a step away from Wo Kuo, and take a short rest.

When he just untied the bow on his back and placed it on the table beside him, when he looked up, he found that the eldest brother on his left hand stared at him fiercely for a while, until When another topic related to him was changed at the banquet, he took away the sorrowful eyes.

Although Gu Zheng is not at all afraid of this nasty eldest brother, but he is always stared at him so that he can't eat well, right?

But when he turned his attention to the topic that everyone was discussing now, he realized that, in this meeting, the topic of the banquet had turned to the eagle he had just hunted.

"Hey? Look at this black eagle, does it look like a mutated breed, it's actually a few laps larger than the yellow eagle we usually see."

"It's hard to say. There are many varieties of this eagle, and the geographical distribution is also different, but I guess the habits are similar."

"You said this season, there won't be any children in this nest, right?"

"It's really not sure. Looking at this size, even if it is small, the appetite is not small. It must be too edible. This is the middle of the night to hunt for food."

"Doesn’t that mean This eagle’s lair is nearby, so I hurriedly sent a few light cavalry patrols to ask if there is any high mountain cliff or something nearby, maybe we can still find its lair? Woolen cloth!"

As soon as this proposal was made, everyone was a little excited. Only the soldiers underneath were ordered to investigate the surrounding terrain.

After a short while, someone came to report that these generals' guesses were correct.

Just in the mountains not far from their garrison camp, there is a lone cliff that is hard to reach by manpower, and there is a vague chirping of chicks on it.

Now some soldiers have begun to climb up here, and it is estimated that these people in charge of detection will be able to bring the descendants of the Black Hawk back to the camp early in the morning.

Everyone confirmed their guess and started talking about other topics, and only the old Taoist Qiu Chuji, this wonderful flower blooming among the Mongolian people, turned his eyes faintly to Gu Zheng's direction.

A flicker in the slender little eyes, he sighed softly: "Hey, the fearless killing has caused a weak life to lose the love of the parents!"

I go!

Gu Zheng, who had just drunk the cool spring water on the grassland with a wine bottle, almost sprayed it out.

When you killed the rabbit, why didn't you give me condolences to other people's parents?

But the words of this old Taoist priest were really heard. This Temujin has been really since he saw this long journey of more than 35,000 miles from the hinterland of Dongshan in the Central Plains, relying on his legs to find his Qiu Chuji. Think of this old man as a'fairy'.

What's more, this immortal is already a seventy-four-year-old man.

When others were at his age, it would be nice to have slanted mouths and slanted eyes, not groaning all over, but except for his hair and beards all white, he was actually like a fifty-year-old man.

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