Not only that, but his cultivation skills are also very good.

This legendary Taoist leader, walking alone, not only restored a peasant army uprising in Dongshan Province, which had a wide-ranging influence, on the westward road, he also persuaded this group of people to return to their homes and start The cattle are grazing in the recuperating fields.

Not to mention that on the road, in this long grassland and Gobi, the old man was alone, driving the tiger and devouring the wolf, and after hunting his hands full of prey fur, he quietly merged with their western expedition team.

This is nothing human can do. It was done by this legendary old man so lightly, as if it were sparse and ordinary like drinking water.

What is this not a fairy?

And this old god, who seemed to have special care for Gu Zheng, looked at Gu Zheng's direction for a while, shook his head frequently, looked at it for a while, and then sighed.

Temujin around him became interested in this scene.

"Qiu Daochang, what's the matter with my grandson? You still provoke your performance like this?"

Qiu Chuji shook his head and said with regret: "It's a pity that I didn't meet this kid two years earlier. His muscles and bones are quite good, and he is very suitable for practicing martial arts."

"Unfortunately, at his age like this, he has already grown bones, and he has missed the best time to practice martial arts."

"It's a pity that such a good seedling has no relationship with my Taoism, otherwise if he can follow me back to the mountain, he will be able to teach me all the way and carry forward."

This is planning to fool Temujin's grandson to become a little Taoist priest.

And Gu Zheng, who was sitting at the bottom, handed his hand to the old Taoist Qiu and returned: "Dao Master Qiu, are you persistent?"

"Your Taoists always pay attention to being quiet and inaction, and what you pay attention to is moving with your heart."

"Fate, something suitable for Buddhism, when you say it, it's a little bit related!"

"Yeah, it's because I got the tip of the horns. I didn't expect you, a child, to have some insight into Taoism!"

"Really rare!"

"Da Khan has such outstanding children and grandchildren, and he will certainly understand the purpose of my trip."

"It can be seen that Tian Khan really summarized your Han people under the wings, and let his children and grandchildren begin to learn the classics of our Han people."

"Qiu Laodao would like to thank Khan for accepting my suggestions, and hope that the people under the rule of Khan can live and work in peace and enjoy life!"

"Look, your wrinkles on your face have been reduced recently. It must be because of your open mind."

"If you can follow the health regimen I described, I wouldn't dare to pack all the tickets for a long life, but there is definitely no problem in extending one's life for ten years."


Gu Zheng took a bite of the roast leg of lamb that was just served by the servants with disdain. The longevity depends on who it is. Some people's capacity is only forty years, and they have a life extension of ten years. Pooh!

Ugh? Wait, maybe it's possible?

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng's eyes suddenly burst into infinite light, and he swished his attention to Qiu Chuji's face.

Is there really the best martial arts to prolong life in the kung fu of a family?

That means that in this world, oneself can not rely on external forces and give oneself a little bit of opportunity to earn!

Qiu Chuji suddenly felt a chill and noticed the eagerness that the young man burst out, but he still talked to Temujin about the main purpose of his westward journey.

Genghis Khan was advised to reduce the killing of Han people.

I don’t know if today’s days are particularly calm, and the beautiful night also adds a bit of charm to the theory of preaching. Tiemu really heard that Qiu Chuji's rare earth, where the sun shines, are all the people under his rule. Theory.

For the southerners who don't migrate, only farm land, but can provide them with food, silk, porcelain and tea, the sense of alertness has diminished a little.

Under the support of absolute force, it seems that the comparison between those weak southerners and the brave cavalry team of Huaganzimo country he is facing now is simply a non-threatening performance.

And Qiu Chuji’s Taoist doctrine of “respect for the heavens and love for the people” and “purity of heart and desires” has taken root in Cheng Jisihan’s heart for the first time, and will eventually grow into a tree as he grows older. Giant trees.

Seeing this Tian Khan's softened attitude, Qiu Chuji was delighted in his heart.

With a heart that fundamentally saves the people and the fire and water, he resisted the spurn and incomprehension of countless people, traversing mountains and rivers, just to influence the top leader of this powerful military nation today.

Let him truly value these southerners from his heart, reduce the hostility of the Mongolian people, influence their hearts, and make their hands less slaughter.

Because his words might save thousands of Chinese compatriots, Qiu Chuji didn't know what the way forward was, and he didn't even know how powerful he was.

But he still did it resolutely and resolutely with an elderly body, just because this was what his heart wanted.

For the people, for the common people in this world, but also for the Taoist ideals he believes in.

Not only now, Qiu Chuji made a decision from the moment Genghis Khan listened to his words. During his lifetime, he will always find a way to exist in the sight of the Meng Guotian Khan.

Exhaust what I have learned to influence the supreme ruler, and try his best to let his descendants believe in his Taoist doctrine, so as to alleviate the pain that the Han people may suffer in this new country.

Because he remembered the fragile Songchao that he was thousands of miles away, and he also saw the courage and bravery of the Mongolian iron cavalry.

He can only use his meager power to pave the way for the war that will eventually occur in the future and the failure of those Han people.

Qiu Chuji, who had reached the point of preaching, just turned his gaze from Genghis Khan's body, and saw the kid he had been looking for, but now he looked like a piece of fat, looking at him hungrily.

If it wasn't for the kid just now that he was really tired of his old way, he would suspect that this kid had been influenced by the Taoist doctrine.

Gu Zheng's expression looked as if he wanted to be with him, but people? Only when there is **** can there be conditions for negotiation.

This child seems to be the direct bloodline of Genghis Khan. If he develops well in the future, will he be an object that can be influenced?

Therefore, the last dinner before the war was spent while everyone was eating big meat and talking loudly.

Everyone who returned to the camp was all comfortable, but only one person was very upset, and that was the reason why Gu Zheng was upset.

At the beginning, he was the most dignified child of his father and king, and he was also the only grandchild of these brothers and sisters who was held in the hands of Tian Khan.

Now suddenly a Haigu Duzheng appeared, and the sudden emergence of him, he used another, more terrifying way to enter his grandfather's eyes.

Not by status and favor, but by ability.

Unmatched combat power of the same age, flexible mind, and that face!


Thinking of Guiyou here, I couldn't help but feel hot.

TMD's face really inherited the beauty of his Eji!

Although only seven points of color, three points are the fortitude of the father, but it is enough to make Hai Gu Duzheng the number one beautiful man in the Great Mongolia.

He has that mother, she is so beautiful!

Thinking of that face, Takayuki only felt that his body was also warming up.

This lady, at such an age, is truly as sweet as a ripe honeydew.

The graceful figure, the exotic clothes that were different from the Mongolian women, concealed the wonderful talking eyes under Sari.

All of this caused Guiyou to burn like a fire.


When the father died in old age, at that time, he took control of all the power of the father's tribe.

At that time, all the concubines and concubines of the father were all his property.

In the words of his Eji, when the time comes, he can treat these people whatever he wants.

At that time, can I taste the taste of these mothers and concubines?

I don't know how they are tactfully and tenderly under their father's body?

The more I thought about, the more thirsty and thirsty his mouth was, he rolled over, picked up the water glass on the side of the collapsed side, and took a big gulp into his throat.

Not enough, don't quench his thirst, and can't completely extinguish the flames of his already blazing flames.

Kiyu, who was awake in the middle of the night, couldn't live at the request of Kiyu who was under him at all.

If this is still in his base camp, there is no need for others to order, just the servant maid beside him who is responsible for daily life can make him vent.

But this is the field of marching wars, where do you go to find women?


and many more?

I heard that in the middle of yesterday, some of his subordinates, those who were the most flattering to please him, robbed a few women from the country around the city.

It is said that the fineness is really good.

Who will come?

The Zara boy in Horqin, listened to their group of friends and dogs, saying that the woman he snatched back was the best?

What are you waiting for?

According to the urinary **** of that kid, he must have been sneaking to sleep now.

Going to his camp, one catch is definitely a good one!

Thinking of Guiyou here, I couldn't help the nakedness underneath anymore.

He didn't even have a cover for his outer robe, so he took the lower robe around his waist and lifted the curtain of the camp to prevent the guards from following. He came to the front of Zara's tent, without even making a notice. , Directly lifted the curtain and entered.


At any rate, he is also a soldier of Mongolia. Although he is a little dull and his status in the family is not conspicuous, after all, he is also a warrior who has entered the Western Expeditionary Army by virtue of his true ability.

Zara woke up immediately after hearing the noise.

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