The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 319: Brothers are like brothers, women...haha

After Guiyu heard Zara's voice, he still didn't care.

He just touched the still dark bed that belonged to Zara with a nonchalant tone.

"Hey, Zara, where is the slave girl you robbed today? If you haven't enjoyed it yet, just transfer it to me!"

Wan Guiyu felt a piece of delicate and smooth skin in the innermost part of the bed. With a smooth grasp, he caught the other's slender ankle.

Then he said with some excitement: "Ha! Sure enough, I am here, you enjoyed it so soon? Well, originally, after I returned, I exchanged ten female slaves with you!"

"This time I save a fortune. After I go back, I will exchange five female slaves with you! You woman, give me the first enjoyment during this period of time!"

"No!" As soon as Zara heard this, he subconsciously prevented Guiyou from moving.

This woman is the trophy he just snatched back today, and it is believed that she is the daughter of a certain big merchant in the city.

Because he returned to the city with his father's caravan, he was unwilling to be blocked by Mongolian soldiers in the town outside the city.

When the woman was robbed back, her clothes were embroidered with silver silk, and her white skin was like milk. It was enough to show that this girl must come from a well-deserved family.

And this kind of identity, coupled with the exotic beauty of this girl different from Mongolian women, made Zara more satisfied with her.

Then, what happened to the other brothers who had robbed the woman of the Huajianzimo with him?

Either they were slobbered by those conservative and hard-hearted women, encountered unimaginable resistance, or they hadn't waited to enjoy it, or they took advantage of it and killed themselves with all kinds of tools that could be used.

Only the woman he had snatched from the beginning did not resist, but with a bit of indescribable suppleness, she quietly endured his favor.

In the bed, she also used the Mongolian language, which is not fluent, to express her admiration and worship for him.

This made Zara's heart even more important to her.

There was actually a plan to take her with her all the time.

When the battle is over, he intends to use his earned achievements in exchange for a garrison here, and then take this woman home.

The mother-in-law who wants to come to his house will not complain.

Such a woman can't shake the status of Mongolian daughter-in-law.

Zara, who had originally planned to be very good, happened to run into Guiyou who didn't play the cards according to common sense tonight!

Thinking of this, Zara was a moment of regret. He shouldn't show off her own woman's obedientness with this group of brothers. It actually stimulated others to treat this woman's goodness and give him the most beautiful reason. .

But even at this point, Zara still intends to struggle again.

He stretched out his arm all the way, gently pressed Kiyu and grabbed Atimova's arm, and finally prayed: "Young Master, I don't intend to use this woman for exchange."

"I really like it a little bit."

"A lot of the masters are going to visit Battelle's camp? The women there are still not enjoyed."

However, Guiyu, who has been rubbing his fingers on Atimova's ankle, can't tell from his countless experience of reading women. The woman he has caught must be the best?

The Mongols have never paid much attention to the chastity of women.

Guiyu who touched here, on the contrary, grabbed the hand of the woman's ankle and tightened for another three points.

He laughed and looked at Zara and said, "Brother, you know my brother and I like the most experienced mature woman."

"Those green fruits that need training, whoever wants to bite the bullet and taste it, go."

"I, I just fell in love with the one on your bed!"

"Isn't it just a slave girl with a scorpion? Do you really want to be hired home? Stop teasing!"

"She's the only one, it's really not good. After my brother has passed this period of time and returned to our capital, I will return her to you again?"

"At that time, your brother I will be very generous, and the five female slaves will never break their promise, and I will take them all together!"

"No! I'll go back to camp!"

After that, he actually caught the woman with his hands together with the quilt, and rolled in the woman under his hands, and put one on his shoulders, so that those white ankles could no longer hide him. The trail, exposed from the quilt, hung over his chest.


The woman in the quilt, because of her weightlessness, had to endure the sound she dared to make just now, but she exclaimed, and it caused Guiyou to laugh again.

He turned around and patted his **** on his face, ‘pop! ’

"Be honest! I'll show you what a man is in a while!"

At this moment, even though he was behind the bedding, he felt the unique elasticity of a woman's buttocks inside.

Excited instantly, he turned his head and gave Zarabi a triumphant thumb: "No wonder you are unwilling to trade with me!"

"It's really a rare boutique. But don't worry, brother, I play a lot of the best. When I go back, I will definitely return it to you!"

After that, he strode out of the camp and fell into his own camp.

After a short period of effort, there was a crying voice from inside.

Gui Yu, who has fallen into the ultimate evasive state in the account, tastes the great pleasure of the woman who has been robbed, he who has fallen into the tender country, he does not know at all. In the camp belonging to his attendant, there is a pair of red lights. With real eyes, staring hatred in the direction of his departure.

Zara looked at the woman who had taken him away, leaving only endless anger.

His bang hit the wooden pillar in the camp, and he couldn't even feel the blood shed from his hands because of it. He just looked into the distance.

It seems that this is the only way to stare out a hole in the enemy's camp, and to make him burn the opponent out with the flames of anger.

This night, some people were so comfortable that they couldn't wait to sing songs every night.

But some people are suffering every second of sitting on the moon until dawn.

The dark tides that occurred in these camps had no effect on Gu Zheng who was in good health and went to bed early and got up early.

Now, with the help of his servants, he fully equipped his armor and checked the scimitar that he was equipped with. He waved to the guard behind him and issued an order for a total attack.

"let's go!"

"Wow! Wow!"

The mighty power belonging to the heavy cavalry shone in the early morning. They turned on their horses. Under the leadership of Tian Khan, they approached today's main battlefield step by step, piercing the wilderness on the outskirts of the city.

In one night, this place has changed its appearance.

On the clean scorched earth that had been burnt, there stood one after another savage catapult like bamboo shoots after a rain.

This siege equipment designed specifically to deal with Songchao City in the south is like a race against the opponent's city wall.

Today's catapults use huge logs as the main body, each of which is more than two stories high.

And instead of the various thrown stone ammunition equipped, it is also strange and strange, following the changes on the battlefield, and adjusting at any time.

Such a huge siege equipment should have easily become an enemy's target.

However, when this car is actually launched, it is often the opponent, and it is powerless to take it.

Now that the Anita Spike City, which is surrounded on all sides, can only stare at the Mongolian army, these giants are standing within its attack range, and they will shoot farther than the rocket they fired. place.

It's really hard to see, and I'm anxious to death.

But whenever they want to send a team of cavalry or death squad infantry, when they rush to these vehicles to destroy, there will always be a batch of arrows from all sides of the car, and they don’t want money to sway their troops. In front of him, took away a large number of casualties.

This is like a death trap is placed in front of everyone, and I have to accept its temptation, step by step into the arms of death.

Because the garrison of Anita Assassin knows that although they have not seen the power of such weapons, it is impossible for the Mongolian country to set them up here for no reason, just to simply deter the enemy forces in the city. .

They must have the ability to determine the outcome of this battle!

Sure enough, the moment he was afraid had arrived.

Genghis Khan, sitting in his tent, this kind of chariot formation transformed by four horses was another big weapon he created when his heart wave hit.

The formation equivalent to the infantry, but was transformed on horseback.

This kind of car ledger is controlled by one person and supported by two guards. The two people use their bows and spears to attack and close close quarters. They are flexible and maneuverable. Coupled with the powerful four-horse drive, it is really a good thing for head-to-head. .

But today's protagonist is destined not to be a cavalry.

When the ‘gunners’ in the army came out of the ranks, everyone in the army was watching their movements with scorching eyes.

In this supposedly most stressful moment, Wo Kota, who was following outside the car tent, asked anxiously about the captain of the guard he had sent to Guiyou.

"Where is Guiyouren?"

"We sent someone to urge, the young master at the time." When he arrived here, the guards bowed their heads and leaned close to Wo Kota's side, and whispered back to the situation at the time.

The situation at that time was very simple. When they pushed in, the whole camp was filled with the smell of joy.

The young master of their family slept soundly on the bed raised with a fine felt blanket. The soldiers next to him were anxious, but did not dare to touch him.

Gai is because their young master Guiyou hugs a woman without a clue, so that they can't get started at all.

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