The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 320: Vicious weapons fired by anti-aircraft guns

After all, the captain of the guard had a lot of power. He kicked the short case on the side with all his strength, and only then awakened Guiyou from his heavy dream.

"Who doesn't have long eyes? Didn't you see that I was sleeping!"

Then, the young master was dumbfounded, watching a group of people observe his sex, and a woman screamed in surprise.

As for now?

The captain is busy returning to report the situation, who cares when the young master will be able to dress neatly and return to where he should be?

Hearing the Wo Kuo Tai here, he squeezed the horse whip in his hand for three points with anger.

But he didn't dare to attack on the spot, because this is not his dominance, the real king is his father.

What's more, the generals around him are also his father's generals, not his.

The ghost knew that when they knew that Wo Kuotai's eldest son was such a bear stuff, they would have doubts about his abilities as a person.

He was already a little weaker than the other brothers, but he couldn't even have a reputation worse than them.

Otherwise, when the future is surging, I won't even have the power to compete.

Just as Wo Kotai was upset about this, the superintendent in front gave Genghis Khan's command to attack.

"It's time, let's do it!"

"Pitcher ready! Sweat has orders! First round, Stonehenge, let it go!"

The sergeants who were waiting for orders behind the boulder body saw the signal soldiers on the one-person flag tower that were temporarily erected, and waved a semaphore towards them, and immediately moved on.

The signal for this first round is to throw a boulder and make thousands of cars.

The four soldiers, as if they had cooperated thousands of times, moved out the huge stone piled in front of them like a low wall.

Together they moved into the bucket-shaped container of the boulder cart.

Then, under the sign of the launcher, they all retreated to the side of the stone wall, away from the vehicle they needed to fill.

Then, after all the vehicles were fully equipped, the flag bearer who climbed up and looked far away, waved the small flag in his right hand, and issued the launch order.

‘Buzz! ! ! ’

The sound waves of the air vibration caused the eardrums of the closest person to buzz and vibrate.

Without hesitation, the scimitars in the hands of the launchers chopped off the tight strings on the catapult.

The elasticity of the mechanism engulfed the launching inertia, and the big stone pressed on the bucket of the catapult was instantly tilted up, like a parabola in the air, and was launched.

With the inertia of the stone to sink, wrapped in a huge lethality, it shot at the opponent's city wall.

This kind of overwhelming heaven and earth, just like the gods in the list of the gods, can make the huge stone formation of the sky descending from the sky.

It's not like a battlefield for mortals at all.

And when these huge numbers of stones flew toward the city of the thorny tower, the soldiers on the wall had only one feeling, that is, it was over!

My life is over!

Many soldiers also subconsciously raised the shield in their hands. Even if they knew that it was useless at all, they still wanted to struggle again when facing death.

The whistling sound passed by, the huge stones, as if they were joking with them, did not fall on their heads at all.

Except for one or two slippery fish that smashed into the city, crushed the roof of a house, and injured two soldiers who could not dodge, they all smashed on the city wall without exception.

‘Bang bang bang’

There was a flurry of dust, and a little shaking underneath.

It did not cause any damage to the soldiers on the wall at all.


"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Immediately afterwards, it was this group of soldiers who laughed unscrupulously after escaping from the dead.

The soldiers of the Huajianzimo, from the generals at the head to the soldiers at the bottom, without exception, laughed loudly.

And the brave soldier, taking advantage of the dusty moment outside the wall, poked his head to see the fate of those useless boulders.

"It turns out to be a fancy thing! Who do I think is a magic weapon?"

"I want to conquer the city even with such an accurate head and shooting range? Hahaha!"

This giant catapult could reach within the shooting range of the soldiers on the city wall a few steps forward. In their opinion, as long as it dared to advance, these big guys would inevitably be swallowed by the rocket in their hands.

It is a pity that the commanders of the Mongolian army were not affected by external factors at all. After they released the first round of bombing, four people pressed down the lever of the huge catapult again and bound the mechanism again. .

After another round of orders from the signal soldiers, the huge stones were once again placed at the throwing mechanism.

This behavior caused another round of ridicule, but when the second batch of stones hit the wall again, the ridicule of the soldiers on the wall was much smaller.

"Do you feel it?"

"Huh? You mean?"

"Yes, do you feel that the shaking of the city wall is much more intense than the last time?"

"Maybe they used bigger stones, right?"

After saying this, a soldier from Huaganzi Moguo leaned his body halfway out and looked down at the city wall underneath.

This time, he was no longer looking at the boulders falling from below, but the wall of the city they wanted to defend.

I saw this mud-brick city wall. Thousands of years of wind and rain did not see the decayed behemoth. Under the very regular blow of these boulders, it began to fall, and the wall was falling down. Wall slag.

Where the naked eye can't see, there are already small cracks, extending vertically and horizontally along different trajectories.

Under this situation, the soldier who raised his body subconsciously asked the captain next to him: "Captain, the goal of the Mongolian catapult was not our city wall from the beginning, right?"

Looking at the puzzled face of his own soldier, even this experienced captain was a little guilty, and when he answered, he was less sure: "It shouldn't be possible, our walls are quite thick. of."

"The high wall barriers of the country of Huajianzi are the most famous among these countries. Our city walls can be pedestrianized. With such a thickness, are you afraid of a few rocks in Mongolia?"

As soon as the captain's voice fell, the huge rocks in the third round were overwhelmingly launched.

But this time, the city wall was still safe, but more dust was shaken off.

"Look!" The captain exhaled and praised God: "Aren't we still safe and sound?"

As soon as his words fell, he discovered that another type of ammunition had been replaced on the launch tower on the Mongolian soldier's side.

It's not as huge as a boulder, and it's dark and I don't know what it is.

But after the opponent poured tung oil on the black stones, lit it with a torch, and then emitted it smoothly, the soldiers on the wall had a very unclear premonition.

These black stones, which have never been seen before, are obviously a little lighter than ordinary stones, because these black stones that can be ignited have passed over their heads and fell straight into the city of the thorns. .

‘Boom! ’

Unlike the imagined scene of huge boulders piercing through houses, these black stones, with burning flames, were torn apart after encountering a huge obstacle.

Those burning debris, residues, and split blocks quickly dispersed in all directions in the city.

Many of the sparks that had not had time to extinguish, directly ignited the flammable buildings and linoleum roofs in the city.


A small wind blew by, these stones seemed to have turned into red flints, even without the outer flames, they exuded their own high temperature.

Burning in every corner, so that the people in the city, who cares about the loss of the other, began to extinguish the flames because of it.

"Fight the fire!"

"Ah! The roof of my house!"

When the officers and soldiers guarding the city wall were stunned by the sudden situation, suddenly there was a whistling sound from behind again.

Another round of black incendiary bombs ignited a bigger fire in the city!

"Can't mess!"

Seeing the soldiers on the city there were a few who wanted to rush down the city. The captain of the garrison stopped their actions in time.

"Our task is to garrison the city, not to help the people put out the fire!"


Before the dispute started, a new round of ammunition was launched, but this time, what was shot out of the ammunition was a weapon of mass destruction.

These weapons, which were learned from the Song Dynasty people, were specially designed to deal with the people of Jin Country. In this chaotic situation, they played an extremely lethal effect.

It is a kind of ammunition that explodes after hitting the target.

What was wrapped in it were all kinds of iron bristles, metal fragments, and stone residues scattered in all directions.

In the process of splashing, an indiscriminate attack was formed.

A bullet bag that happened to explode in the crowd actually blasted the citizens of that circle to the scene.

Within ten meters of the surrounding area, there was no one who could barely stand.

People who are too close are actually shot and blown with blood and blood on their faces.

If you were unlucky, there was a stray bullet that penetrated your thigh and arm.

Fragments are embedded in the meat, and the deadly ones are often not the direct damage caused by these fragments. The more deadly ones are actually on the surface of these fragments and the bacteria they carry.

These fragments, before being wrapped up and used as ammunition, will be boiled by Mongolian women in the rotting cattle and sheep carcasses and the cauldron before they are taken out and filled in.

It is full of rancid bacteria that is the deadliest weapon in this era.

The people and soldiers who were injured by the fragments thought that they were only slightly injured.

But just tonight, they will have a taste of the persistent high fever and wound infection.

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