The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 352: Please watch the exhibition, brother

The grade representatives behind the professor are naturally outstanding students selected by the school.

This kind of dissatisfaction among young people is even better.

As a representative of the first grade, the **** can be ignored directly.

Because when he saw Gu Zheng's work, he automatically turned into a fan of his brain, the little brother of the fan.

But those students in higher grades are more embarrassed when they see this work.

I am ashamed that I have studied for a few more years, but not as good as a freshman level, and am ashamed that the spirituality that belongs to genius does not appear in mediocre people like them.

Even more embarrassed that they are eager to please the teacher, but the compliment is a student in the education college.

For students from a formal professional school like them, who are nearing graduation, they need the strong support and recommendation of their own tutors.

Therefore, Gu Zheng's work is the biggest obstacle for them to get the college scholarship.

Then, in the final selection of the School of Re-education, think of a way to pull it off the horse.

Of course, if you open your eyes and tell nonsense that this work is not good, and give a low score, they can't do it.

Because this is a comprehensive selection, it cannot be influenced by the behavior of one or two of them.

But let everyone question the authenticity of this work, is it always okay?

After all, based on their years of experience in painting, this is not at all like a painting that a twenty-year-old guy can draw, right?

This, the brushwork is too mature, mature like the older generation, the taste of a generation.

Therefore, they are questioning in their hearts. They think that the students of this re-education college should have found a ghostwriter.

Unless, he can paint on the spot to prove his innocence.

As for the testimony of his professional teacher, cough cough cough, the possibility of cheating by the master and apprentice is not ruled out.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng's head teacher did not hear the voice of these students, otherwise they would have to be **** off by them.

However, after these students boldly put forward their opinions, the teachers standing at the forefront of the team unexpectedly showed a very approving expression.

Why do they care if this work was painted by the student himself?

They just want to take a look at the state of people who can paint this kind of work when they are creating this painting.

If this painting is really made by this student, then it is perfect, and they have accepted a talented painter in their school.

If not, it's no big deal. Gunmen are almost everywhere these years, and students who can invite gunmen of this level are certainly not general.

When a lie was exposed, they thought, this student probably wouldn't care, and introduce the true author of this painting to them, right?

Therefore, the teachers and students with their own ideas, very tacitly reached an agreement on the matter of on-site painting.

It's just that the calligraphy and painting exhibition of the Re-education College has entered the final stage.

Their sudden request is definitely impossible.

But if this work has achieved very good results in this exhibition, and smoothly entered the exhibition hall of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the annual work report.

As the hospital, you can open up an on-site painting area on the side of the exhibition hall for the visiting and guidance of related units from outside, and you can also give students the opportunity to observe and learn.

Therefore, at that time, it is the best time to check the authenticity of the author of this painting.

Therefore, when the crowd dispersed and there were only specially invited judges in the venue, the teachers and students in the School of Re-education began to rate their favorite works.

After calculating the scores of the works in the entire exhibition hall, according to the scores, it is natural to distinguish the attribution of the first, second and third-class scholarships.

Unsurprisingly, Gu Zheng's panoramic view of Minzhe Anti-Japanese War won the highest score of the audience and won the crown of this public exhibition with a score of almost 98 points.

As for other works, they are much inferior in comparison with Gu Zheng's paintings.

The second highest score in the game is only 6 points.

Seeing this result, the teachers and students of the School of Re-education had no objection.

After all, it was basically a fully public exhibition that everyone saw Gu Zheng's work.

It's just that this time let the teachers and students of the whole school know that among the students of their re-education college, there is also a student who can match the professional college.

Therefore, when the school deliberately posted the results of this competition and detailed notices for subsequent competitions, the students in the entire College of Education were boiling.

In the follow-up exhibition of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, there is an outstanding painter, an egg painted on-site!

Then this time, I absolutely have to find a way to get a ticket for the exhibition.

Enter the interior of the venue and cheer for the students in your college!

The surrounding students, one by one, did not shy away from others, and began to discuss how to take shortcuts and get an admission ticket that only outstanding students can get.

Don't tell me, this group of classmates who have already stepped into the society have the idea that there are many others.

"The requirement here is that each class select one or two representatives to watch the report exhibition on the main campus."

"Then the scumbags like me are definitely out of play. It's a shame. I also said that I want to see my idol Gu Zheng, the moment when he shined at the exhibition."

The friend on the side was comforted nonchalantly: "It's not easy. Are there just those few people in our class who can get admission tickets?"

"After I found them, I bought them at a high price, or threatened them with force. I still don't believe it. How many nerds can't both of us deal with?"

"Of those individuals in our class, which one is truly dedicated to art? I'm not planning to use this diploma to gild myself."

"Don't worry, it's easy to entice it to profit."

Hearing the people in front, just like this blatantly discussing the ownership of the admission ticket, Gu Zheng, who had already seen the result behind him, shook his head helplessly.

Before he sighed, Zhang Yifan, who had been following wherever he walked, said, "This is human nature."

"Society is like that."

Gu Zheng looked at the rare and serious Zhang Yifan in amazement, as if he had only met him on the first day today, waiting for him to continue to say the follow-up wise words, but Zhang Yifan, who was opposite him, suddenly filled his serious face again. Smile.

To please: "Of course, those basic laws are for mortals to abide by, such as Gu Zhenggu idol, is not within the constraints of laws and regulations."

"So you see, this time at the exhibition, people broke their heads for a ticket."

"Where is Gu Ou? But he was swaggeringly invited into the venue."

"The difference here is the gap between the truly capable people and ordinary people."

"So?" Gu Zheng was amused by the other's face changed instantly.

"So, on the day of the exhibition, you will surely bring your most loyal fans with your idol?"

"Oh? Who is my most loyal fan?"

"Me, me!" Zhang Yifan hurriedly nodded the tip of his nose, lest Gu Zheng would not agree to his request and act hard.

And Zhang Yifan's funny expression really amused Gu Zheng: "Okay, anyway, I'm a must-have contestant, so bringing one or two people with you will definitely be fine."

Seeing Gu Zheng's promise, Zhang Yifan was ecstatic: "Really! Idol, you really are my idol, it's just too righteous."

"Since idols are so righteous, I can't let you take me for nothing, right?"

"In this way, I will be the host, please watch another art exhibition. Tickets sent by others do not cost money."

"Gu Zheng idol, are you okay today?"

"It's okay." The city management is also on vacation.

"That's great, this exhibition happens to be today, so what, did you receive the bonus? If it's finished, let's go?"

"This," Gu Zheng looked at the watch on his wrist. It was still early. Anyway, he went home to drink Then follow Zhang Yifan to have a look.

You know, since you have chosen the major of art design, watching more exhibitions and absorbing the essence and inspiration of different styles of art works is still of great benefit to a painter's painting.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Gu Zheng nodded in agreement.

Then, under Zhang Yifan’s ecstatic expression, he sat in the seat of the co-pilot of his little pony, and in accordance with the driving rules of the rich second-generation who obeyed the traffic laws, came Arrived at the Capital Exhibition Hall.

Gu Zheng was surprised to see the exhibition being held here.

Although he has not come into contact with any figures at the level of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, he also knows that the size of an exhibition's venue has a lot to do with the reputation of a painter.

For example, the painters of the general provincial or municipal associations, if they want to open a painting exhibition, most of them will choose private or small public art museums for the exhibition.

Most of the invited visitors are from the Painters Association and people from related industries.

Invite at most a few investors in the industry and collectors in the painting and calligraphy circles.

This is still something that a painter with a certain status and reputation can do only under the operation of a commercial company.

For example, a painter who has just come to prominence, or a painter who is not even famous, does not even have the opportunity to exhibit in the basic gallery.

But where is he now?

The Capital Exhibition Hall.

This large-scale exhibition hall covers an area of ​​a thousand feet, and there are as many as seven or eight exhibition halls in the exhibition building alone.

This is the venue for all kinds of international and comprehensive exhibitions.

To hold a painting exhibition here, even the smallest venue, is enough for hundreds of painters to exhibit their paintings.

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