The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 353: Welcome to the world of 2 dimensions

Could it be that this is another commemorative exhibition held by the National Painting and Calligraphy Association?

It is possible that the works of those who have passed away will be taken as a driving force, and then calligraphers and painters of all administrative levels will make a series of commemorative paintings to commemorate everyone.

This is a comprehensive large-scale exhibition held as a gimmick for the exhibition.

This is certainly true. It is estimated that the Cultural Affairs Department has recently been working to improve the popularization of the artistic quality of the whole people.

Thinking of the Gu Zheng here, he nodded very satisfied, and sure enough, he came right, and he didn't doubt his taste because Zhang Yifan was unreliable.

You see, Gu Zheng has never heard of this exhibition. Didn't people easily get the tickets?

In this world, people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Gu Zheng, who consciously corrected his attitude, followed Zhang Yifan to the ticket gate outside the exhibition. After seeing the other party insert the two tickets, he walked in as the machine opened.

As soon as you enter the gate, you face an extremely wide square, which is specially prepared for the wealthy exhibitors in the exhibition halls behind them on weekdays, and attracts the flow of people.

This time there is no exception. The huge square has already been occupied by a huge balloon doll.

For this anthropomorphic cartoon image of nine heads, nine heads and one leg, Gu Zheng is extremely strange.

He just stared blankly at the piles of salesmen in the square, as if they weren't dressed up as earthlings. He turned around and asked Zhang Yifan: "What? There are other large-scale exhibitions in the Capital Exhibition Hall today?"

"No?" Since entering the square, Zhang Yifan, who has been in a state of inexplicable excitement, was also confused by Gu Zheng: "There is only one exhibition on display at the Capital Exhibition Hall today."

"That's the Capital International Animation Exhibition."

"Huh?" Gu Zheng's eyes widened, "Didn't you say to show me the top art exhibition?"

"Isn't it an exhibition of famous writers?"

"What!" Zhang Yifan was happy when he heard these words, and he pointed to the center of the square confidently, "That's art, two-dimensional art!"

Seeing this situation, if Gu Zheng hadn't understood it, his 20 years would have been in vain. Gu Zheng, who got the exact answer, planned to turn around and leave.

Who would have thought that before he moved a step out, the T-shirt on his body was grabbed by someone, and his speed was so fast that he caught his shoulders unpreparedly.

These days, because of the long-term insistence on running, the **** bronze muscles are exposed.

It attracted a group of girls who were not boys and girls in miniskirts nearby, all of their erratic eyes floated over to Gu Zheng's body.

And Zhang Yifan not only put a lot of pressure on Gu Zheng in action, but also didn't intend to let him go mentally.

They have already come to the door, and are about to enter the exhibition hall.

Whether Gu Zheng can be fooled into the front of his group of hairy youngsters, success or failure depends on this.

How can he give up.

Therefore, Zhang Yifan yelled extremely shamelessly: "Big brother! Idol! As long as you promise me to show up at my buddy's comic booth, I will agree to whatever you ask me to do."

"Brother! The head can be broken and bleeding, and men can't lose face, brother! Wow, wow."

This is going to be howling.

And Gu Zheng only felt that it was too embarrassing to yell like this under the gaze of a group of people who danced wildly.

There is also a group around him. At first glance, they are the newly joined group of otaku. They are holding their high-resolution professional cameras, and they are rushing towards this side one after another.

Forget it, in order not to be so famous for himself, he still went to this animation exhibition to walk through the scene after Zhang Yifan.

Although, he doesn't play games or read comics, and he doesn't understand what the world of the second dimension is like, and what things he likes in the groups he rarely contacts.

But this does not prevent him from using another angle to observe the beauty of art painting.

After all, game design and animation design are also more and more important jobs in the design branch.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, shook his thigh and kicked Zhang Yifan who was about to sit on the ground: "Okay, stop pretending, I'll just go and see."

"Oh oh oh!" Zhang Yifan immediately touched his face and turned his crying face into a smiling face. A grunt stood up from the ground and happily led him to the gate of the exhibition hall.

While walking, don't forget to introduce this animation conference to his idol.

"Let me tell you, this animation conference is not the kind of small exhibition for collecting money."

"This is the largest online and offline anime exhibition, and it is also an extension of the Tokyo Anime Expo."

"The main purpose is to introduce China's excellent animation into various entertainment channels."

"In addition, several major game companies in China have joined hands with online platforms, as well as the participation of some magazines that specialize in publishing and translating excellent cartoons at home and abroad."

"It just improved the compelling standard of this exhibition a lot."

"I didn't lie to you about the degree of cherishment of this ticket. It is particularly difficult to deal with."

"If it wasn't for my buddy's home, or for a web game development platform, at this exhibition, the latest game developed by their family would be exhibited online and tried to sell, I wouldn't be able to get this exhibition at all. Tickets."

"Anyway, I'm so awesome, but I also took you in to see it."

"Walk around, idol, let me open a new door for you and look at the energy of the game and animation industry."

After that, Zhang Yifan can't wait to step into Hall 6 of the Capital Exhibition Hall, which is also the largest exhibition hall in the exhibition facing the main square.

From the outside, there is nothing special about this exhibition hall, but as two people stepped in, there was an earth-shaking change in style immediately.

This was supposed to be an empty stadium with no columns, but now it seems to be an ocean of two dimensions.

Countless uniquely designed background panels, countless carefully crafted original ecological simulation exhibition halls, countless peripheral products developed based on products are all reflected in this bustling and lively exhibition hall.

Neon flickering, light and shadow glass, shuttled between, there is no normal person's dress.

Of course, those otakus who dress normally or even shabbyly are the most abnormal group.

Because after they came to this exhibition, it seemed that they did not come for the animation they loved, but for the beautiful coser at this animation exhibition.

Because the high-definition video cameras, cameras, mobile phones, and all modern high-tech lenses they hold in their hands are not aimed at the showcases of their favorite virtual characters, but colorfully dressed girls.

Colorful, yes, forgive Gu Zheng for the lack of words, because he didn't feel any beauty in this strange dress.

Because Gu Zheng only likes pure nature, he has also seen too many pure natures.

After he saw a mixed Persian beauty like Daiqisi, if he could still feel the kind of people who posed on the booth with fake contact lenses that could no longer be fake, pretending to be mixed.

Then his brain must have been severely hit and stupid.

Therefore, after the third wave of men with pimples and fat particles on their faces and sagging belly fat, Gu Zheng decided that he should stop wandering and go straight to the booth of Zhang Yifan’s buddies to show his face, and then Leave quickly.

Spicy eyes.

The man's eyelashes all fell out.

Gu Zheng, who had settled his attention, began to look straight, and Zhang Yifan was also anxious to meet his friends. Even if the two of them were in the crowd, they were walking fast.

After passing through two small exhibition halls, the two talents came to the destination of their trip ~ The game exhibition area developed by Zhang Yifan.

In his home, he developed a full set of game platforms with Xianxiafeng's online game equipment and web + mobile games.

On this basis, changing from Pakistan to Pakistan can become more kinds of web games with extremely high similarity.

So this time their company publicity can be considered a lot of work.

Its main purpose is to cooperate with major network platforms.

Tencent, Netease, Baidu, and some game web servers are their targets.

Therefore, to cooperate with these wealthy Internet giants, the overall strength of a company cannot be weakened.

How to reflect the strength of a company?

Still have to spend money.

Therefore, compared with those pitiful, small companies that are like grass-roots teams, the booth of Zhang Yifan's small family is much more decent.

The location of its booth is obvious, and the area occupied by the exhibition is one of the best among all exhibitors this time.

Therefore, after Zhang Yifan saw the place he was looking for, he straightened his waist a little proudly in front of Gu Zheng.

You know the first group of otaku, but it made him lose some face in front of Gu Zheng.

"Gu Zheng, look, let's get to the place, come here, come and take a look, at the very center of this exhibition area!"

Following Zhang Yifan's fingers, Gu Zheng looked at the empty stage in the middle of the booth, which looked like a small drama stage.

Behind it, there is a huge background stage, and above it is an overall spray-painted poster about the exquisite characters in the game.

Among them, the fairy clothes are fluttering, and the taste is quite a bit of a fairy.

It's just that the image of the female character and the cloth on the character's body are slightly less.

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