"What should I do? Or discuss with the community nearby and lend someone to us temporarily. It's a big deal to pay the other party three times the remuneration of this COSER, right?"

"Don't say triple, if there is someone who can top it, I don't need to make any profit this time."

Hearing this, Qiang's ears moved. He and Zhang Yifan looked at each other. For some reason, they all looked at the vigorous muscles under Gu Zheng's short-sleeved t-shirt.

Then, they said in unison: "Gu Zheng, do you want to go up and try? I think that character is very close to you."

Looking at the expressions of these two uneasy people, Gu Zheng rolled his eyes, intending to refuse.

Who thought that their ridicule was not so small, and they didn't even intend to hide it from others, so the COSER captain heard it.

Then the girl looked up and down. After wearing ordinary Gu Zheng, countless kinds of scorching rays appeared in her eyes, and Gu Zheng was almost panicked.

Then the girl spoke in a completely different tone from those of Zhang Yifan: "Big Brother! Three thousand yuan, don't you do it!!"

"how long?"

"twenty minutes!"


Hello! If you say you'd rather die than surrender?

I knew you were a person who was bent over for five buckets of rice, buddies have long used money to seduce you.

Seeing Gu Zheng, who had basically no hesitation, followed the captain girl to change clothes, and the Qiangzi on the side suddenly realized once again.

"Oh I see!"

"What do you understand again?"

"Brother Gu Zheng is really brilliant. First use you to push the girl into the most desperate abyss. When people are about to fall, suddenly, the hero saves the beauty and it will be natural."

"High, really high!"

Zhang Yifan, who was talking, covered his face, and the beast with the brains of the worm, even in a suit and leather shoes, could not conceal the nature of other people's faces and beasts.

Gu Zheng, his idol, is that kind of person?


After Zhang Yifan finished talking to Ye Qiang, when he saw Gu Zheng walking out of the dressing room after changing his clothes, he seemed to be unsure of his guess just now.

Gu Zheng, who changed his clothes, immediately became a mobile male hormone!

It's literally.

As a man, after seeing Gu Zheng's current dress, he felt itchy in his nostrils and shy in his heart.

It can be seen how great the temptation and visual impact this suit brings to people.

I saw that Gu Zheng's bronze skin was all exposed in front of the backcourt staff.

His upper body muscles are not in the rigid state of over-fitting, but like a top sports car, with smooth lines.

The overall ratio of the abdominal muscles and chest muscles is **** and makes people breathe a lot faster.

Coupled with the eight angular pieces, the looming mermaid line, and the wild leather pants hanging on the cross section, it looks so obtrusive at this time.

Zhang Yifan and Ye Qiang, since Gu Zheng came out of the locker room, they have heard the grunting voice of the little girl countless times.

This level of shame directly surpassed the scope of the red alert.

Now the two people watching the excitement on the sidelines no longer had the initial ease. They suddenly became conscious and warned for Gu Zheng, lest these women who turned into hungry ghosts in **** could not be controlled by one. Go up and pull the shaky pants on Gu Zheng.

The majesty at a glance?

fall! Don't TM dreaming, with our two guards here, you guys are dreaming.

Seeing that since he came out, the expressions of the two people suddenly changed, and Gu Zheng was also quite puzzled.

"What's the matter? Isn't it weird to wear? Let me see."

After speaking, he turned around, turned his back to the two buddies, and looked at the makeup mirror in the lounge.

Then it left a dazzling back to everyone in the field.

Shoulder width, chest thick, waist thin, long legs.

Nothing, a petite **** the side directly covered her head and fell into the arms of her female partner. If it weren’t for the look in Gu Zheng’s tight buttocks, it’s true. People think that this is a good girl who doesn't understand anything.

After seeing this situation, Zhang Yifan felt that his kind of veteran must be used.

He naturally placed himself in the position of Gu Zheng as a guardian. He was very conscientious in the process of putting on the idol's makeup and filed the peach blossoms for him.

The makeup of the witch race is very simple, the only difficulty is the witch pattern that symbolizes the highest strength.

Under the operation of the game player, the whole body will be covered with witch patterns. In the process of the game, the image of the characters seems to be both mysterious and emotional, which can attract a group of middle two young people.

Of course, for the COS of a character, it is impossible to get a full witch pattern.

Therefore, the makeup artist originally planned to apply two strokes on Gu Zheng's face and on the back of his chest with the technique of painting, meaning nothing more.

But after seeing Gu Zheng, he should have changed his original idea...because of the itch!

When I saw a good model, I naturally wanted to show it.

The mysterious symbols drawn on the face at the beginning were just a few.

But as the brush strokes of the makeup artist went down more and more, the hands of the makeup couldn't stop.

Adam's apple, so sexy, so sexy, what to do! Draw a flower from the other shore.

The pectoral muscles are so elastic, they feel full to the touch, and they are painted with hideous moiré patterns.

The back, how could it be so smooth, the spine, the waist, and the black and red lines were all over.

Half of it has, half of it doesn't.

When the makeup was finished, the people on the side had already stared at the scene in a daze.

The commercial display at the exhibition has already started for more than half an hour.

Those who watched Gu Zheng put on makeup in the background one after another came to the stage, and after the show was over, they returned in a rush.

I'm afraid I won't see the final makeup.

When the last stroke of the makeup artist fell, Gu Zheng, he could only appear as the finale.

This dress is not the most gorgeous, not the most glamorous part-timer, but a man, and it was solemnly introduced under the introduction of the emcee on the court.

Because the emcee at the front desk was a girl who dared to brag about everything to enliven the atmosphere, so when she introduced the Witch clan game career, she naturally used the most shameless compliment she could imagine.

"The character that will be played below is the sexiest, most passionate, and wildest character in this fairy way."

"He has the most ancient and primitive blood. He has a wildness that animals can't match. He is synonymous with the man in this game. He is handsome and invincible, the most powerful, witch!!"

Well, it's shameless.

After listening to this introduction, those onlookers who watched the otaku have found the biggest joke of the century.

They may not have the abilities next to them, but the skill of spitting and venomous tongue is top-notch.

If you want to talk about the stab or slap in the heart, no one is their opponent.

So after listening to the introduction of this cute little emcee girl, this group of people laughed one by one.

"Haha, this little girl is still quite hard, and has blown out this group of weak men COSER out of the sky."

"That's right, these men, just pretend to be cute and fool the little girl or something."

"Masculine, let us be the real masters."

"Yes, yes."

This buddy's words have been recognized by a large number of men. They made complaints about the many incidents of men and women in the toilets at today's exhibition, as well as cruel and inhumane onlookers.

Therefore, when such a character who needs a masculine appearance appeared in the entire animation show, they basically had no hope.

Each has made up countless dry ribs, or the role of a small belly in his mind.

But the cameras in their hands are not idle. They are fine when they see that others are not good.

Then, when Gu Zheng's voice at the emcee fell, he undertook a wave of flashing malicious lights from the otaku under the booth.

"Kacha Kacha"

"Get out and take a photo!"

I don’t know what to shoot against a big man~www.readwn.com~.

But when they put down the camera in their hands, and when a dazzling light went out, they looked intently on the stage, and then they were collectively petrified as if they had been cursed by Medusa.

What about the COS of the wretched man?

What about the exhibition of a good girl?

Where did you find such a hunk man who appeared in the center of the anime exhibition.

Is this sincerely having trouble with them?

This TM is not an exhibition of fitness clubs and health clubs.

This is the world of the second dimension! !

When the group of people in the audience saw the COSER who was definitely not the same person on the stage and walked up, they were a little cramped, one by one, and they didn't even know where to put their hands. NS.

Ashamed of oneself, ashamed of oneself.

Don't think that there will be no comparisons between men.

It's better than women's age, better appearance, better resistance to stress than boyfriends, and even the length and thickness of the lower part.

The comparison between men is more moisturizing, more cruel and speechless.

They can compare all kinds of gorgeous colors from multiple angles and all directions.

Among them, figure is a big category of comparison.

Now Gu Zheng is the king of the figure among the men in the audience.

Successfully raised the hatred of all people on the exhibition site.

In addition, because of the exhibition at Gu Zheng's booth, it also attracted a large number of COSER from other booths or volunteers who were purely interested in playing tickets.

Let him make his debut this time, spreading to the periphery instantly at the speed of light.

"Oh! God! So handsome! How can you be so MAN!"

"I feel that my hair is beginning to fall in love!"

"Macho! I want to have a monkey with you!"

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