How did two pure humans give birth to monkeys?

That's because Gu Zheng is now the leader of the Wu Clan.

Don't tell me, the current Gu Zheng, with extravagant and hideous tattoos, is covered with his **** muscles.

In addition, he is familiar with the weapon props of the Wu clan on his shoulders-mace.

He directly combined him into a big killer that exuded a man's breath all over his body.

At the bottom of the viewing platform, which was dominated by otaku at the beginning, women of various categories began to circle around the periphery.

And the more the fence, the more.

And there is the potential for sparks to start a prairie fire.

Some staff from various units behind the booth also came out to watch the excitement.

"Wow! Handsome guy look here! Look here!"

"Brother! No appointment!"

Naturally, there are many discordant voices among these women.

"This man is a real man, I want to change sex!"

Loved by fans of women's clothing like this.

Of course, it is more about the attention of the games or animation companies in the field.

This type of COSER is too difficult to see.

In the dark COS circle, Gu Zheng is simply a rare clear stream.

Many advertising companies have silently remembered the booth that Gu Zheng serves. After the exhibition is over, they plan to inquire with the company's exhibition director to find out which club they have chosen for commercial performance.

In order to seek the next expansion in cooperation.

Gu Zheng didn't have any feeling for the audience with different minds in the underground station. He just used his expressionless face to try to pretend to be a game character.

After he was on stage and stood for ten minutes, he finally returned to the backcourt at the request of the emcee from the side.

Then, he heard the disappointed wailing at the front desk, and many people still yelled unwillingly outside: "I haven't seen enough, isn't it?"

Do you think this is a concert? no quality!

But as the emcee, no matter how despised she is, he must control the atmosphere in the court.

Ever since, she showed the sweetest smile in her life, and comforted the people off the court: "Everyone said, is the image of our Honor Group's game beautiful?"

"Beautiful!" The answer was neat.

"Then everyone do you want to get close to these game characters?"


"Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic, so Meng Tiantian wants to secretly share a benefit with you?"

"After the performance is over for a while, all guests who have purchased our Honor Group, Xianxia mobile game, can get the privilege of taking photos with the designated game characters!"

"The six major categories and twelve branch roles that you performed on stage just now will all have a chance to appear in your group photo."

"So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and pick up your mobile phones, go to our booth sales office, download the latest mobile game, get the verification code, and receive the gift package!"

"Besides, I am cute and sweet, and I am also a loyal player of this game, and my game live broadcast platform will be open tomorrow?"

"I'm waiting for you in the game!"

"come on!"

Until Meng Tiantian, finished these words.

The onlookers who were originally very dissatisfied in the audience dispersed all at once, ran directly to the Qiuxiandong on the far side of the booth.

It was a small room decorated like a fairy cave. With the combination of lights and special decorative materials, it really felt like a fairy cave.

In this exhibition, which of the promotion counters selling peripheral products did not use a broken table or glass cabinet as a display, and then began to sell it?

Glory alone has made such a small detail and has a lot of money, and it has won the love of countless potential game players at once.

These game mads, they are not ordinary people, even if they sell blood to buy skins, they can do everything, let alone spend a small amount of money in a fairly pleasing game.

Therefore, in a short while, there was a long line in front of the sales desk of the newly launched Xianxia game.

The winding is endless, and it can even be compared with the Jianniang sales group in this exhibition.

Seeing this kind of hot sales scene, Ye Qiang was also unambiguous. He directly dragged out all the cosers, stood behind the sales display board, and lined them up.

Waiting for this group of players to finish their consumption, come and receive their bonus benefits.

No, the first lucky guy ran over out of breath.

Hey, why is this person so familiar?

The very commercial smiling face that Ye Qiang had just put on was immediately distorted.

Because he saw his good buddies, Zhang Yifan was holding the big gift bags they were selling, and he kept running straight to Gu Zheng under his feet.

"Idol! Look at the camera, let's take a group photo, come and shout with me, eggplant!"

Who TM is calling you!

Ye Qiang held back his anger and dragged away Zhang Yifan, who was still planning to stay here.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the second player can come up and take a photo with the image they like.

After Zhang Yifan and Ye Qiang performed a late set of Wangba punches off the court, they turned their heads and they found that Gu Zheng from the group of COSER had been rounded up.

The surroundings are densely packed, and the speed of queuing up to take pictures can't keep up with the speed of external sales.

Because seven out of ten players who bought this game came for Gu Zheng.

There are also some courageous female players, the first thing to come up is to hug their arms.

By the way, I don't forget to use my various models of A, B, and C chests to rub it up.

Don't give up in actual combat.

At this moment, Gu Zheng felt that his price was a bit lost.

Because in order to persuade Gu Zheng to participate in this extra activity, Ye Qiang's company directly paid him an extra 3,000 yuan on the basis of the original remuneration.

Who made Gu Zheng the buddy he just met?

The second generation ancestor who faked his public for his own sake is a privileged class like him.

But as far as this little money is concerned, it is simply too little in terms of the encirclement and interception he has suffered at this time.

Look at the side, there are two dressed up girls who are not recognized by their mothers. They are tearing each other's hair. They are fighting because of the trivial matter of who took the photo together first.

"Bitch! Let go!"

"Don't let go! You demon, you are obviously a man, so I am embarrassed to come over to kneel and lick!"

"Ahhh! You bastard!"

and many more? Are these two women?

Forgive Gu Zheng for his ignorance. The two unidentified creatures who were less than 1.7 meters tall on the opposite side were so confused that he couldn't tell each other's gender.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, his hair stands upright.

In this arena, how many such terrifying creatures still exist, and how many pure men among the soft and cute girls who were taking pictures around him just now.

Gu Zheng couldn't imagine, the picture was so beautiful, he wanted to faint if it was so beautiful.

Gu Zheng, who was struggling to ride a tiger, finally came to the edge of the outbreak. As an all-powerful king, I don't need this mere 3,000 yuan!

Therefore, there is no need to bear it anymore!

'boom! ’

Gu Zheng in the crowd broke free of the **** given to him by money, and immediately slammed the mace in his hand to the ground.

Then, toward the players who danced with the demons in front of him, he shouted: "Quiet!"

"How decent it is to be noisy!"

"What about the most basic organizational discipline? The disorder and unnecessary congestion caused by personal reasons, do you know that this kind of behavior violates the laws and regulations of the Urban Road Management Law?"

"All stare at everything! Line up for me!"

"You guys, take three steps back, you, and you! The bra straps are all pulled out, put them back for me! Line up!"

"Just you, come first!"

"Otherwise, no one will want to take pictures today!"

Gu Zheng's words with the supreme majesty of the city management, as soon as he said it, the court immediately calmed down.

This group of young people seemed to have seen a powerful and powerful force that was coming over.

One by one unconsciously shrank into quail, and the very well-behaved followed the instructions to take care of Zheng and did it.

The girl who was named who couldn't distinguish between men and women also didn't care about the nympho, she walked to Gu Zheng's side tremblingly, shrunk and like an angry little The photo was taken.

Within this area, a well-ordered, courteous and harmonious atmosphere was formed in an instant.

Ye Qiang, who originally yelled at the outside about something bad, was stunned.

This guy named Gu Zheng is too powerful, right?

Where is the atmosphere of a COSER group photo at the scene now?

This is clearly the posture of the state leaders to meet the people who eat melons.

By the time Gu Zheng requested a photo of the last person in the crowd to be completed, the exhibition was almost at the closing stage.

Even if Gu Zheng didn't say anything, when he removed his makeup and came out of the locker room, Ye Qiang put a big envelope in front of him again.

Inside is an additional bonus of 1,000 yuan, which can be regarded as the company's reward for his outstanding performance.

At the end of a day, the income of 7000 yuan is almost catching up with the appearance fee of the top players in the COS circle.

Only Gu Zheng could take peace of mind, and by the way also refused the invitation of Zhang Yifan and Ye Qiang who had cheated him to eat together.

Lao Tzu is almost exhausted all day, so who has spare time to eat.

Go home and just make do, wash and go to sleep!

After returning home, Gu Zheng, who was non-stop, lay down on his single bed and let himself cool for a while after turning on the air conditioner.

Since the last time he exhibited his majesty in a street in the night market, the atmosphere in the patrol area under his and Fu Sheng's jurisdiction is simply dreadful.

All crooked ways have been eliminated. According to their long-term cooperation with the film police, the number of crimes committed at night has fallen by five percentage points in recent times.

Especially with regard to petty thefts in the streets of the night market, and disturbances by drunk people.

It's almost impossible to see them together.

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