The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 357: Preparation for the opening of the 9th world

For this, the local police station policemen and their leaders have called to thank you.

It made Gu Zheng himself embarrassed.

Because the colleague of the unit gave a brand new nickname: Zhang Fei in the urban management, the representative of going forward bravely.

This also freed him from the night shift work quickly.

Now he and Fu Sheng simply walked into a cutscene, and they were able to complete all the tasks of a night's inspection.

Because of his good performance, as soon as the night patrol mission of his team expired, it was smoothly handed over to another patrol team that took over in the later period.

This kind of work that is reversed day and night, everybody has to take turns for a few months in a year to be considered fair.

Another reason is that as the schedule of the Capital International Marathon is getting closer and closer, Director Tie, anxious, finally reached an agreement with the leaders of the Urban Management Bureau.

In the week before the competition, suspend all dangerous urban management work, fully cooperate with the city council's training arrangements, keep the body in the best competitive state, and strive to achieve a better result in the competition.

Director Tie’s pre-match analysis list has long been released.

In addition to the annual International Marathon Organizing Committee, which spends a lot of money to invite some well-known runners to participate, Gu Zheng's biggest competitors are those selected by the National Sports Commission.

You know, those foreign runners who came to the capital for the high prize money of the International Marathon, their performances are among the best in the world.

Lao Tie also does not expect Gu Zheng to win the championship in this competition, like a community marathon.

He only hopes that among the domestic marathon runners, Gu Zheng can run well.

Don't ask too much, the top three results are enough for him to operate.

As for winning the prize in this competition?

That's a joke, those world famous places are a group of animals that immediately went to participate in the Tokyo International Marathon after running the Capital Marathon.

In the selection of domestic athletes, no one dares to play like this.

But since it was decided to be the best Gu Zheng, there was no such passive sabotage as Director Tie.

If he is in good condition, he can't rule out the possibility of visiting Tokyo.

Of course, the prerequisite for you to make such a request is that you have achieved impressive results.

Don't worry, isn't it still a week? After letting him do another task, prepare well.

At that time, I will be really busy. I may have been on the go for more than half a year, and I won't have the energy to wander around like this at that time.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, sat down at his small dining table and began to taste the delicacies he had made to improve his life.

Today I am a big man with thousands of daily incomes, so I have to eat something good, right?

So he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and ordered a large plate of chicken takeout from the white hat restaurant next to his house.

Thinking back then, when the signature dish in this restaurant, the large plate chicken was only 38 yuan, he was greedy.

I may not be willing to have a meal after a month.

Nowadays, even if you have some spare money, if you are too busy and don't have time to remember to eat, or you feel that eating alone is too uneconomical.

After all, this is because the chicken has already risen to 68 yuan per person, and I am still reluctant to eat it.

But today, eat a warm large plate of chicken in an air-conditioned room, not to mention it.

The chicken is smooth and spicy, and the potatoes are soft and waxy. The most delicious is the noodles that are separated in a packaging box.

The pastry chef in the restaurant is a top-notch expert like Gu Zheng who has mastered the skill of making noodles himself.

The lasagna he pulled was different from the one that was soaked in the soup for a while in the small restaurant next to it.

He personally tanned the pulled slivers, even if Gu Zheng had soaked the noodles in the chicken broth from the beginning, when he finished eating, the noodles were still flexible and elastic. The strength at the beginning.

And the noodles at that time, because they absorbed enough noodles, it was actually more than a hundred times more delicious than the noodles that would be rotten with a little soup.

This is the fundamental reason why Gu Zheng likes their big plate chicken most.

It is also the highest embodiment of the essence of food.


Gu Zheng, who was full of food and drink, poured the leftover chicken bones into the empty lunch box with only accessories, and threw it out of his own small yard, and threw it not far from the entrance of the alley. Yes, inside the sorting bin.

Turning around, taking advantage of the moonlight just hanging up, he began to practice the new practice items he added after returning from the old world.

Master Qiu Chuji taught him the "Health Sutra" in the eighth world.

It is said that practicing this skill for a long time has the effect of prolonging one's life.

After laughing and forgetting the book, an analysis of this kind of self-cultivation skills has come to a conclusion.

It is not martial arts, but it has great benefits for the calmness of the human mind, the harmony of yin and yang, and the exercise of the body itself.

This kind of benefit really has the effect of improving the body's microcirculation and prolonging longevity.

If Gu Zheng can continue to practice the basic skills taught by Chief Qiu Chu, then a small arrow will appear behind the data of Gu Zheng's maximum lifespan at this time.

From the original value of 40 years old, there is another + (1) symbol.

In other words, if you stick to it, Gu Zheng's maximum life expectancy has become 41 years old, which is another point bigger.

This is simply the best news in the world for Gu Zheng, who is in the young age.

This means that he devotes himself to learning useful knowledge in another world, which is also of great benefit to him in reality.

Therefore, after finishing a set of health-preserving skills, Gu Zheng planned to start his mission journey in the next world.

After such a long time, the next world should be the world carefully selected by Xiao Wangshu, right?

Gu Zheng is very confident about this. If not, it doesn't matter. There are still many meanings of the term settling after autumn.

Xiao Wangshu, who didn't know Gu Zheng's thoughts, finally ushered in Gu Zheng's arrival.

On the desk, it opened a new chapter belonging to the Ninth World with a very pious heart of serving the master.

Golden light flickered from the pages of the book, time stagnated, and a small white ball flew out from the top of Gu Zheng's head. Under the guidance of the golden ball floating out of the page, the two were on the ninth. The page of the page, disappeared into this stagnant world.

In the next second, the space changes, then open your eyes, and the stars move.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes, turned his head vigilantly, looked around, and by the way, gently touched the position under his feet with his toes to make a quick judgment.

Where is he, whether he is safe, whether there is no one around him, or it is full of excitement.

But all this he did was in vain.

Because in the next second, he felt that the bottom of his feet was swaying, as if his feet were not stable. When he was about to look down, he only felt that a huge force was working under his feet, giving him this basic skill of the bottom plate. People who are very solid, can't control the force of the tilt, make a splash, and then lean towards one side.

When Gu Zheng thought he was about to fall, ‘Wow! With a sound, all the air around him disappeared...because his body fell directly into the water.

With the increase in the surrounding water pressure, he subconsciously used the skills of the previous sailor period, holding his voice and restraining his breath, using both hands and feet, and soon controlled his mind in the waters where he fell.

Um, Danshui River, after making a basic judgment, Gu Zheng slowly opened his eyes on the bottom of the water.

The current is not turbulent, but the waters are not shallow, and the riverside that is out of sight for the time being shows that this is not a small river.

Anyway, for the present plan, I should first observe on the surface of the water. Seeing that there are no evil people around me jumping into the water, it means that I just fell into the water. It shouldn't be the result of a vendetta.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he glared with his feet and stroked his hands, and rushed to the surface of the water by the recoil force of the water.

And it was the first time he looked around when he just showed his head, he was shocked by the spectacular sight on the river.


The Shu River is solid and mighty, and there are floods and whales in it.

Han River is also full of clouds, and if you want to go to safety, you dare to be light.

The king of Wenhua turned to the South, and she was like a female traveler.

Huan Shazi in Zhouzhong, Huan Pei Qiang Ming.


It was so wide as the sea, and the magnificent scene of boats coming and going on the water was so shocking that it made people's moods agitated.

Just as Gu Zheng was stepping on the water and looking at such a scene on the surface of the water, his surroundings remembered the buzzing sound like a fly.

"Hahaha, hurry up and see, the kid in the river is actually looking demented by Rui Qing, and he can't wake him up even if he falls into the water."

"Hahaha, this kind of fisherman, where is there any insight to speak of?"

"Seeing the appearance of an ordinary woman can make them dazzled."

"Don't say it's the most famous prostitute in our Xiangyang city."

"It's also this kid who doesn't know what to do, Ruiqing's flower boat, but Tang Futai specially built it for her with a lot of money. The double-deck boat, the water waves after the boat is driven, is not the same as the surrounding boats. Acceptable."

"This idiot is persistent. After seeing Rui Qing's boat, not only did he not retreat, but he was alone and got on with the oars."

"Isn't it, I was knocked over by other boats on the endless river in an instant, right?"

"It's so ridiculous, I can't help myself."

The one who laughed at Gu Zheng was exactly around him where he fell into the water. There were scattered figures standing on top of countless small boats, dressed like brother-in-law.

They pointed in Gu Zheng's direction, without any scruples.

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