And as they said, Gu Zheng looked towards the place where he had been knocked over. There was a small boat leaning on the water and about to sink to the bottom.

As for the culprit who hit his boat?

Gu Zheng looked further afield, guessing based on the speed of the current and the direction of the ship.

There is only one boat on the river, which is the real culprit.

It was a ship about the size of a patrol ship of the Ming Dynasty navy.

It seems that this should be what the group of young masters just said, the flower boat of ‘Rui Qing’.

Haha, very good, regardless of the identity of the client in this world, he Gu Zheng remembered this hatred of falling into the water.

As for how many brothers around him?

What to endure the humiliation, in order to achieve great cause.

I scream! If you have grudges, don't avenge non-gentlemen!

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he ‘gulu’, and controlled his body to sink, making himself completely submerged under the water.

And watching Gu Zheng's actions like this, the boys on the boat around him laughed louder: "Hahaha, isn't this guy ashamed of committing suicide by throwing himself into the river, right?"

"Anyone in the market, do you also know propriety, justice and shame?"

"Hahahaha? Ah?? Yeah?"

"Who is it? Boatman, how does this ship sway like this! Ah! The water ghost caught my foot!"


A young man fell into the water unexpectedly, and his speed was so fast that the old man who was controlled by the oars on the boat could not be rescued in time.

And this scene stopped the laughter around him abruptly.

This group of princes who fanned their fans in their hands, one by one looked at their so-called companions dumbfounded, and fell into the water.

But it was only a moment's stun, and louder laughter came from all directions.

It was even worse than just laughing at Gu Zheng's laughter.

"Very good, very good, one less competitor! I'm sorry Young Master Huang, it seems that you have bad luck today!"

And those who fell into the water, with the help of the old man of the boat, finally climbed out of Huang Gongzi, bitterly looking towards the bottom of the water where he fell.

He saw it when he fell into the water just now.

It was the kid who fell into the water with bare feet first.

The kid who was as agile as a baiji in the water of this river, just glanced at him contemptuously in the water, and then began to swim towards other nearby ships.

Since these ruthless **** laughed at him so wantonly, and the others are unrighteous, don't blame him for being unkind.

Young Master Huang, who never reminded him, climbed onto the small boat tremblingly, and after two sneezes suddenly, he said with a trace of gloat: "The boat family retreats, yes, it will be surrounded by the small circle. , Make a gap."

As for why let a seam come out?

Of course, it is for the kid just now to escape.

Sure enough, ‘Puff Tonk’... ‘Puff Tonk’

On the tightly packed boats, people overturned one after another.

These sailors, who were already living on small boats, used their wide feet to control the shaking from side to side, but they didn't have any more strength to take care of the princes.

"Hahahaha!" Young Master Huang burst into a loud laughter, drifting leisurely on the Hanshui River.

"Happily, when the float is overwhelming!"

Just one word cool!

After finishing this revenge operation, Gu Zheng took a clear look at the huge gap made by Young Master Huang. A fierce man pierced down, pushing the crooked boat, swaying through it, and starting smoothly. Swim towards the shore.

The water flow here is much smoother. After a short time, Gu Zheng dragged the boat out of the shallows of the river bank. On the edge of the civil wharf, he found an empty pile to tie the boat and took the boat in his hand. , Randomly, he planned to find a relatively safe place and began to receive the memory of the original owner of the body.

He had a good plan. Who thought he had just secured the boat, and the people around the pier began to laugh at him again.

"Hahaha, Gu boy, how many times have you hit a wall?"

"You said you, how many times have you told you? It's hard to wait for the little lady in the brothel, but it's not something people like us can think of."

"What people pay attention to is the tone, you can't even do a poem, so you are embarrassed to go up and see the beauty?"

"Where did such a big face come from?"

"By the way, did you earn money from your household today? Don't delay things, be beaten up by your old lady and sister again."

I go, the amount of information is too much, what does this mean?

Gu Zheng stared in surprise, and ridiculed his old man, who kept slobbing at him. The wretched face was full of gloating expressions.

This client should be renamed Gu Gouhu, right?

What kind of virtuous people can laugh unscrupulously?

No, you have to quickly accept this memory.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he didn't care about the purpose of revenge, but took a deep look at the whole picture of the old boy, and then began to walk along the embankment built on the bank of the river.

After a short time, I found a small garden with dense weeping willows, where I found a shade of trees that could block the sun, and began to close my eyes to receive the memory of the original owner.

This time, it was a blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng, who accepted the memory, was rare but not embarrassed.

This is definitely the world of leisure and entertainment that Xiaowangshu got him?

This client, the so-called resentment, compared with those before him, is simply ridiculous and pitiful.

Because of this client, he has neither a sad life experience nor a bizarre past.

His resentment and unwillingness, as well as the obsession after death, were all made by him.

Because this big salted fish is a gambler.

The kind that really means it.

His addiction to gambling has reached the level of uncontrollable and pathological categories.

His addiction to gambling not only made himself a normal family condition, but also successfully transformed into a state of extreme poverty. In the later years, the more gambling became more unstoppable.

He first sold his little sister, and then successfully pawned the mother of his half-old milf.

It has become a model of unfaithfulness and injustice among neighbors.

It belongs to the kind that everyone can punish, the wicked.

No, maybe even the wicked didn’t bother to be with him. After the client had no money, he would steal it. After being arrested, when he was thrown into a prison, no one would care about him. To the point.

In this way, in the process of grasping, grasping, releasing, the hapless original owner, the stolen money involved in his body is also accumulating more and more.

From the beginning of the five essays and ten essays, gradually accumulated, to the end, when the officials caught him again, the master book in the hall felt that his face was a bit annoying.

After accumulating all the stolen money he has been involved in, he discovered that his financial stolen has reached the level of more than three silks.

This is easier.

The law clearly stipulates that if there are more than three silk horses, they are called big thieves. They are immediately taken into prison and sent to jail. After they are reported to the relevant authorities of the court, they will be cut off without notice within the stipulated ten days.

Knowing that at this time, the unconscious client truly woke up.

And before the decapitation, the one who carried the basket and gave him the last sip of wine was his old lady who seemed miserable and punished by him.

It wasn't until that time that he understood that the reason why his violent mother was obediently punished by him to pay off the debt was that the fundamental reason was that he still had a little hope for his prodigal son to return.

But at this time the client knew that everything was too late.

His desire for gambling is simply deep into his bones.

If someone could stop him the first time he went to buy, or give him a vicious meal, there would still be time.

But it's too late now, and his legs can't help it anyway, UU reading www. will run towards the casino.

Therefore, when the machete fell, the client looked at the executioner's red belt and prayed: I hope my family will be safe and sound without my burden.

I hope that in his life, there is someone who can help him get back to being formal.

Don't ask for great wealth and nobility, to get ahead, but ask for peace and security, and family happiness.

The premise is that this person is not himself, because he knows that he is a rotten apple from his heart.

A gambler is reborn, and the temptation of gambling can be tolerated by people without great perseverance.

What's more, this world, this dynasty, can't wait for gambling in the entertainment of the people?

He didn't have the confidence to resist the temptation, so he was dead. It would be great if there could be someone who could replace him and help him realize this little wish.

So, under such a humble request, the bullying and fearful laugh and forget the book, appeared.

It carefully checked, and after the client's life, it directly accepted the person's transaction and led Gu Zheng into the world.

Gu Zheng, who understood the cause and effect, didn't have any waves in his heart.

This was the first time I encountered a client who was unwilling to die because of his own subjectivity.

Fortunately, this client was sober in the last moment.

But looking at this rhythm, I have the consciousness to stay here for a long time.

This made Gu Zheng very unhappy. When he was unhappy, he drooped his face and started to walk towards the home in the client's memory.

No wonder this client has been unable to escape the temptation of gambling.

The place where they live is almost equivalent to holding a pile of braised pork and placing it next to a meatless and unhappy lord, watching every day and not letting them eat it.

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